Please prepare the Technical Video based on the following rules.
- Develop your robot and produce a technical video showing your best robot performance. You can develop your robot based on the following themes (either one):
- Solving the competition tasks in the Rules 2020.
- Open scenario based on the Finals in the Rules 2020.
- Robot applications to address the current COVID-19 pandemic situation (based on Finals in the Rules 2020).
- Video should be mp4 format and 1920×1080 resolution.
The format of the team description paper is free. As a reference for writing the team description paper, the following is the format for the world competition of RoboCup @Home league.
- The team description paper (TDP) is an 8-pages long scientific paper which must have an explained description of your main research, including the scientific contribution, goals, scope, and results.
- Preferably, it should also contain the following:
- the focus of research and the contributions in the respective elds,
- innovative technology (if any),
- re-usability of the system for other research groups
- applicability of the robot in the real world
- photo(s) of the robot(s)
- As addendum in the 9th page (after references) please include:
- Team name
- Contact information
- Website url
- Team members' names
- photo(s) of the robot(s), unless included before.
- description of the hardware used
- Brief, compact list of external devices, if any.
- Brief, compact list of 3rd party reused software packages (e.g. ROS' object recognition should be listed, but not OpenCV).
- Brief description of the hardware used by the robot(s).
Team Description Paper wil be evaluated in the following criteria.
- The content on the team website, scoring higher publications and open source resources;
- the number of abilities shown in the qualification video,
- the complexity of the tasks shown in the qualification video, and
- the scientific value, novelty and contributions in the team description paper. (Additional) evaluation criteria are:
- the performance in previous competitions,
- the relevant scientific contributions and publications, and
- the contributions to the RoboCup@Home league.
Please submit the Technical Video and Team Description Paper by the following link.
Due of Technical Video and Team Description Paper Submission: Dec 16, 2020 Please host the video online and submit only the link.
- Technical Video: Video showing the best robot performance.
- Team Description Paper: Technical description and photo of the robot system and operation.