Full integration tests between the vault and the Lyra market can be performed using @lyrafinance/protocol
without the need for mock contracts.
Note: some details are ommitted for the sake of brevity. Refer to test/integration-tests/delta-strategy-covered-call.ts for full test.
- Lyra market deploy & overrides
- Vault deploy
- Override Lyra params to force a failed trade request
- Override the spot price to force a failed reduce position request
First, follow installation instructions in @lyrafinance/protocol.
Import all required modules and setup scaffold:
import { lyraConstants, lyraEvm, lyraDefaultParams, TestSystem } from '@lyrafinance/protocol';
import { expect } from 'chai';
import { DeltaShortStrategy, LyraVault, MockERC20 } from '../../../typechain-types';
import { SignerWithAddress } from '@nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers/signers';
describe('Covered Call Delta Strategy integration test', async () => {
// mocked tokens
let lyraTestSystem: TestSystemContractsType;
let vault: LyraVault;
let strategy: DeltaShortStrategy;
// roles
let deployer: SignerWithAddress;
let manager: SignerWithAddress;
before('assign roles', async () => {
const addresses = await ethers.getSigners();
deployer = addresses[0];
manager = addresses[1];
randomUser = addresses[8];
randomUser2 = addresses[9];
Create override parameters to create a custom Lyra market:
const spotPrice = toBN('3000');
const boardParameter = {
expiresIn: lyraConstants.DAY_SEC * 7,
baseIV: '0.9',
strikePrices: ['2500', '3000', '3200', '3400', '3550'],
skews: ['1.1', '1', '1.1', '1.3', '1.3'],
const initialPoolDeposit = toBN('1500000'); // 1.5m
const pricingParams = {
standardSize: toBN('50'),
spotPriceFeeCoefficient: toBN('0.001'),
vegaFeeCoefficient: toBN('60'),
Now, deploy the full lyra market with overrides and a custom board:
before('deploy lyra market', async () => {
/// deploys all necessary Lyra market contracts and stores in lyraTestSystem
lyraTestSystem = await TestSystem.deploy(deployer, true, false, { pricingParams });
// seeds liquidity pool with funds, creates a board and sets an initial base price
await TestSystem.seed(deployer, lyraTestSystem, {
initialBoard: boardParameter,
initialBasePrice: spotPrice,
initialPoolDeposit: initialPoolDeposit,
// set boardId
const boardId = (await lyraTestSystem.optionMarket.getLiveBoards())[0];
// this function must be periodically called to ensure board is not stale and can accept trades
await lyraTestSystem.optionGreekCache.updateBoardCachedGreeks(boardId);
// fast forward so vol GWAV can work
await lyraEvm.fastForward(600);
Deploy LyraVault.sol
- refer to docs/VaultAccounting.md for more
before('deploy vault', async () => {
const LyraVault = await ethers.getContractFactory('LyraVault');
vault = (await LyraVault.connect(manager).deploy(
manager.address, // feeRecipient,
lyraConstants.DAY_SEC * 7,
'LyraVault Share',
'Lyra VS',
{ 18, ethers.utils.parseEther('5000'), asset: seth.address },
)) as LyraVault;
Set the strategy and initialize LyraAdapter.sol
before('deploy strategy', async () => {
strategy = (await (
await ethers.getContractFactory('DeltaShortStrategy', {
libraries: { BlackScholes: lyraTestSystem.blackScholes.address },
)) as DeltaShortStrategy;
before('initialize strategy and adapter', async () => {
await strategy.connect(manager).initAdapter(
lyraTestSystem.testCurve.address, // curve swap
before('link strategy to vault', async () => {
await vault.connect(manager).setStrategy(strategy.address);
await strategy.connect(manager).setStrategyDetail( { ... }); // fill-in your strategy params
it('should revert when min premium < premium calculated with min vol', async () => {
// significantly increasing lyra spot fees to 50% of spot to make premiums below threshold
let pricingParams: PricingParametersStruct = {
spotPriceFeeCoefficient: toBN('0.5'), // set spot fee to 50%
await lyraTestSystem.optionMarketPricer.setPricingParams(pricingParams);
// 3550 is good strike with reasonable delta, but won't go through because premium will be too low.
await expect(vault.connect(randomUser).trade(strikes[4])).to.be.revertedWith('TotalCostOutsideOfSpecifiedBounds');
// resetting back to normal
pricingParams = {
spotPriceFeeCoefficient: toBN('0.001'),
await lyraTestSystem.optionMarketPricer.setPricingParams(pricingParams);
it('should revert when trying to reduce a safe position', async () => {
// we remain safe even if eth goes to 3400 (13% jump)
await TestSystem.marketActions.mockPrice(lyraTestSystem, toBN('3400'), 'sETH');
fullCloseAmount = await strategy.getAllowedCloseAmount(position, strikePrice, expiry);
await expect(vault.connect(randomUser).reducePosition(positionId, toBN('0.1'))).to.be.revertedWith(
'amount exceeds allowed close amount',