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Redash Data Visualization

CHEFS uses Redash to visualize forms metadata and display it in dashboards.


Redash uses CrunchyDB for its highly available database.

helm -n a12c97-tools upgrade --install crunchy-tools-redash ../crunchydb/charts/tools -f crunchydb-tools-values.yaml
helm -n a12c97-tools upgrade --install crunchy-postgres-redash ../crunchydb/charts/crunchy-postgres -f crunchydb-postgres-values-no-limits.yaml -f crunchydb-postgres-values.yaml

Install Pre-requisites

The Redash Helm Chart doesn't work well in OpenShift due to the accounts it is trying to use for PostgreSQL and Redis. Install our own versions of them:

oc process -f secrets.yaml | oc -n a12c97-tools apply -f -
oc process -f postgresql.deploy.yaml | oc -n a12c97-tools apply -f -
oc process -f redis.deploy.yaml | oc -n a12c97-tools apply -f -
oc process -f redash.route.yaml | oc -n a12c97-tools apply -f -

Set up the PostgreSQL backup as a CronJob using the backup-container:

oc process -f backup-cronjob.yaml \
    -p DATABASE_DEPLOYMENT_NAME=chefs-redash-postgresql \
    -p DATABASE_NAME=redash \
    -p DATABASE_SERVICE_NAME=chefs-redash-postgresql \
    -p JOB_NAME=backup-chefs-redash-postgres \
    -p JOB_PERSISTENT_STORAGE_NAME=backup-chefs-redash-postgresql \
    -p SCHEDULE="0 8 * * *" \
    -p TAG_NAME=2.9.0 \
    | oc -n a12c97-tools apply -f -

Verify the backup using another cron job. The file backup-cronjob-verify.yaml has been lightly modified from backup-cronjob.yaml in the backup-container repo.

oc process -f backup-cronjob-verify.yaml \
    -p BACKUP_JOB_CONFIG=backup-chefs-redash-postgres-config \
    -p DATABASE_DEPLOYMENT_NAME=chefs-redash-postgresql \
    -p JOB_NAME=backup-chefs-redash-postgres-verify \
    -p JOB_PERSISTENT_STORAGE_NAME=backup-chefs-redash-postgresql \
    -p SCHEDULE="0 9 * * *" \
    -p TAG_NAME=2.9.0 \
    | oc -n a12c97-tools apply -f -

Install Redash

The Redash Helm Chart is an easy way to install Redash.

Add the chart repository to Helm:

helm repo add redash

Set up the configuration file:

cat > my-values.yaml <<- EOM
  cookieSecret: $(openssl rand -base64 32)
  externalRedisSecret: chefs-redash-redis
  secretKey: $(openssl rand -base64 32)
  enabled: false
externalPostgreSQL: postgresql://<POSTGRES_USER>:<POSTGRES_PASSWORD>@chefs-redash-postgresql:5432/redash
  enabled: false
externalRedis: redis://chefs-redash-redis:6379/redash

For the externalPostgreSQL database connection setting replace the <POSTGRES_USER> and <POSTGRES_PASSWORD> placeholders using values from the redash-postgresql secret.

Note: The error [CRITICAL] WORKER TIMEOUT happens in the chefs-redash pod because it can't spin up fast enough. It will get restarted by the probes and never starts. Before you run the following command, load up the Deployments in the OpenShift console and be prepared to reduce chefs-redash to 0 pods.

Install Redash:

helm -n a12c97-tools upgrade --install -f my-values.yaml chefs redash/redash

Edit the chefs-redash Deployment and change the initialDelaySeconds for both the liveness and readiness probes to 60 seconds. Then spin it up to a single pod. It's a good idea to tune the CPU and memory requests and limits to values that correspond to what the pods tend to run at (they will vary).

If you ever need to uninstall Redash:

helm -n a12c97-tools delete chefs

Data Sources

Network policies are created to allow Redash to access the readonly database replicas:

oc process -f patroni.networkpolicy.yaml | oc -n a12c97-dev apply -f -
oc process -f patroni.networkpolicy.yaml | oc -n a12c97-test apply -f -
oc process -f patroni.networkpolicy.yaml | oc -n a12c97-prod apply -f -

Redash Configuration

Redash should be up and running. Log in and create the Users, Data Sources, Queries, Visualizations, and Dashboards that you need.

SAML Authentication with Red Hat SSO (Keycloak)

To integrate Redash with SSO, go into Settings and in the General tab's SAML section:

  1. For SAML Enabled choose Enabled (Dynamic)
  2. Set SAML Metadata URL to
  3. Set SAML Entity ID to unused (or any value) as there is a bug in v10 of Redash and the SAML Entity ID value is overwritten by the Redash callback URL. This will be handled when setting up the client in SSO.
  4. Set SAML NameID Format to urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress

Redash Client in SSO

In SSO create a new Client and:

  1. Set Client ID to to deal with the v10 bug
  2. Set Client Protocol to saml
  3. Set Client SAML Endpoint also to
  4. Click Save

After creating the client, do the following configuration:

  1. Set Sign Assertions to On
  2. Set Canonicalization Method to EXCLUSIVE_WITH_COMMENTS
  3. Set Client Signature Required to Off
  4. Set Name ID Format to email
  5. Set Valid Redirect URIs to*
  6. Click Save

In the Mappers click Add Builtin and add X500 givenName and X500 surname.

Edit x500 givenName and

  1. Set Friendly Name to FirstName
  2. Set SAML Attribute Name to FirstName

Edit x500 surname and

  1. Set Friendly Name to LastName
  2. Set SAML Attribute Name to LastName

Custom Image

The Redash v10.0.0b50363 image used by the Helm chart contains security vulnerabilities, particularly in the pysaml2 package. Create a buildconfig with a Dockerfile:

USER root
RUN pip install --upgrade pysaml2==6.5.0

Use the new image for the five Redash deployments by replacing redash/redash:10.0.0.b50363 with image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/a12c97-tools/redash:10.1.0-patched.