In an effort to simplify my dotfile game, I've moved to a stow based approach. Clone this repo into ~/.dotfiles and run stow .
to create some symlinks in the home directory to these file. You'll need to install stow (brew install stow
) and remove any files in the home directory that you want to be replaced with symlinks manually.
So long as [this is open], you'll need to create a symlink if you want to keep nushell config in your home directory instead of Application Support. I didn't link the folder because I don't want to share history.txt.
ln -s ~/.dotfiles/.config/nushell/* `/Users/ryan/Library/Application Support/nushell/`
Because silicone and intell macs save homebrew in different places, the .fzf.zsh
and .fzf.bash
files generated by /opt/homebrew/opt/fzf/install
can't be shared. Once you install fzf, you'll need to run that script on each computer.