We structured the overall exercise the following way:
- Fast Track for anyone eager to finish early and enjoy exploring the system on your own
- Optional Exercises if you want to learn more about the solution especially how to create tables, ER Models, and Business Layer Models
In this area you get an overview about the business scenario & the data model used throughout the exercises.
We also give you guidance how to get your guided experience trial system in case you do not have access to a SAP Data Warehouse Cloud system already.
In this section you get an overview about your first log on and how you navigate in the system in case you have never used SAP Data Warehouse Cloud before.
The first mandatory exercise in #02: Get to know your own Space where you learn more about Spaces and create the Time Dimension required for your modeling in later parts of the exercise.
This is the core part of the modeling exercise. You can manually create the tables and the entity relationship model, or use the Fast Track by importing the tables provided with the CSN file called Sales_ER_Model.json.
Then you populate the tables with data by uploading data files using the CSV files from the ZIP file. Based on this tables you then create a dimension view as well as an analytical dataset.
The exercises in the Business Layer are optional.
However, if you are interested you will learn how to create a dimension, an analytical dataset, and a consumption model.
In this part you will create simple stories in SAP Analytics Cloud to learn how to visualize your data based on a live connection to SAP Data Warehouse Cloud. The first story shows a year over year comparison and the second the revenue by geography. Both require the previous exercises to be completed up to exercise 08.
The final story about the best salesperson can only be completed if you finished the exercise 09 to 11.
Now that you have a good understanding of the exercises, lets get started with the hands-on part.
Continue with Exercise 01: First Log On