For detailed info, refer the blog here
Query Language
is an essential tool to communicate with a database to perform operations such as retrieving data, inserting data, updating data and deleting data. Query languages are designed to be concise and efficient
, allowing users to specify complex operations with minimal effort. There are several types of query languages, including structured query language (SQL), which is the most common query language used in relational databases, and non-relational query languages such as MongoDB's query language.
Simillarly SAP Cloud Application Programming Model provides a query language called CDS Query Language
(in short CQL
). In this blog post, I will try to explain my understandings and learnings about CQL. Let's get started!!
Primarily there are two ways or styles to construct and execute queries.
1. SQL-Like fluent API
provided by cds.ql
2. Querying API
provided by cds.service
Let's look at an example
Fluent API | Querying API |
result = await SELECT.from(Roots).where({ID:'38a13fed-f2d1-45bd-91ec-642053889c92'}); |
result = await{ID:'38a13fed-f2d1-45bd-91ec-642053889c92'}); result = await{ID:'38a13fed-f2d1-45bd-91ec-642053889c92'}); |
input = {name: 'root 6',descr: 'descr 6',dfield: '2023-02-11',tfield: '14:18:29',dtfield: '2022-02-11T04:08:29Z',tsfield: '2022-02-11T04:08:29.129Z',nfield: 290,afield: 23891100.123456}; result = await INSERT.into(Roots).entries(input); |
input = {name: 'root 6',descr: 'descr 6',dfield: '2023-02-11',tfield: '14:18:29',dtfield: '2022-02-11T04:08:29Z',tsfield: '2022-02-11T04:08:29.129Z',nfield: 290,afield: 23891100.123456}; result = await cds.create(Roots).entries(input); result = await srv.create(Roots).entries(input); |
Points to Note
- and - these methods are actually convenient shortcuts to the respective fluent API methods.
In above example Roots is the entity and often referred as query target.It is recommended to use entity definitions reflected from a service’s model to construct queries instead of fully qualified enitty names with namespace. By utilizing this reflection technique, code can be simplified significantly as it eliminates the need to repeatedly include namespaces throughout the codebase.
using fully qualified entity names using reflected entity definition result = await SELECT.from('cap.cql.db.Roots')
const {Roots} = cds.entities;
result = await SELECT.from(Roots);
In all above mentioned api styles, arguments like columns of entity can be passed in multiple ways as shown below:
// tagged template string result = await SELECT.from `cap.cql.db.Roots` .columns `name, descr as description` // cql column expressions const { Roots } = cds.entities; result = await SELECT.from (Roots) .columns ('name', 'descr as description') // cqn expression objects result = await SELECT.from `cap.cql.db.Roots` .columns ({ref:['name']}, {ref:['descr'], as:'description'}) // array of columns result = await SELECT.from `cap.cql.db.Roots` .columns (['name', 'descr as description']) // projection function result = await SELECT.from `cap.cql.db.Roots` .columns (r => {,'description') });
Projection functions are the recommended way as it supports nested projections aka expands, uses standard JavaScript constructs, offers type inference and code completion etc.
Retrieve full table data
result = await SELECT.from(Roots);
Retrieve single entry by one or more key
// one key result = await SELECT.from(Roots).byKey('38a13fed-f2d1-45bd-91ec-642053889c92'); result = await SELECT.from(Roots, '38a13fed-f2d1-45bd-91ec-642053889c92'); // more than one key result = await SELECT.from(Roots2).byKey({first: 101, second:201}); result = await SELECT.from(Roots2, {first: 101, second:201});
Retrieve data by one or more non-key field
// string field result = await SELECT.from(Roots).where({name:'root 1'}); result = await SELECT.from(Roots).where(`name like '%1%'`); result = await SELECT.from(Roots).where({category:{in:['rc1', 'rc2']}}) // date field result = await SELECT.from(Roots).where({dfield:'2022-02-11'}); result = await SELECT.from(Roots).where(`dfield < '2022-06-11'`); // time field result = await SELECT.from(Roots).where({tfield:'04:08:29'}); result = await SELECT.from(Roots).where({tfield:{'>':'14:08:29'}}); // datetime or timestamp field result = await SELECT.from(Roots).where(`dtfield < '2022-06-01T14:08:29Z'`); result = await SELECT.from(Roots).where(`tsfield > '2022-10-01T04:08:29.000Z'`); // numeric or amount field result = await SELECT.from(Roots).where(`nfield between 1 and 500`); result = await SELECT.from(Roots).where({nfield:{ between: 501, and: 1000}}); result = await SELECT.from(Roots).where(`afield < 299345.451`); // more than one non-key field result = await SELECT.from(Roots).where({and: {dfield:'2022-10-01', nfield:123}}); result = await SELECT.from(Roots).where(`dfield > '2022-10-01' and nfield > 500`); result = await SELECT.from(Roots).where({and:{ dfield:{'>': '2022-10-01'}, nfield:{'>':600} }});
Retrieve data by multiple conditions
result = await SELECT.from(Roots).where(`nfield > 900 or nfield < 200`); result = await SELECT.from(Roots).where({or:{ nfield:{'>': 900}, nfield:{'<':200} }});
Retrieve only few columns
result = await SELECT.from(Roots).columns(['name','descr']) result = await SELECT.from(Roots).columns(r=>{, r.descr}) result = await SELECT.from(Roots).where({name:{ like: '%root%'}})
Retrieve associated and composition entity data
// getting few column of associated and composition entity result = await SELECT.from(Roots).columns(r=>{, r.descr, r.asitem(asi=>{asi.asi_sfield}) }) result = await SELECT.from(Roots).columns(r=>{, r.descr, r.csitem(csi=>{csi.csi_sfield}) }) // getting all columns of associated and composition entity result = await SELECT.from(Roots).columns(r=>{, r.descr, r.asitem(asi=>{asi`.*`}) }) result = await SELECT.from(Roots).columns(r=>{, r.descr, r.csitem(csi=>{csi`.*`}) }) // getting all columns of root and associated entity result = await SELECT.from(Roots).columns(r=>{r`.*`,r.asitem(asi=>{asi`.*`}) }) resutl = await SELECT.from(Roots).columns(r=>{r`.*`,r.amitems(ami=>{ami`.*`}) }) result = await SELECT.from(Roots).columns(r=>{r`.*`,r.csitem(csi=>{csi`.*`}) }) resutl = await SELECT.from(Roots).columns(r=>{r`.*`,r.cmitems(cmi=>{cmi`.*`}) }) // mix and match result = await SELECT.from(Roots).columns(r=>{, r.descr, r.asitem(asi=>{asi.asi_nfield}), r.amitems(ami=>{ami`.*`}) }) result = await SELECT.from(Roots).columns(r=>{, r.descr, r.csitem(csi=>{csi`.*`}), r.cmitems(cmi=>{cmi.csm_nfield}) }) //Use filter result = await SELECT.from `${Roots}[category='rc1']` result = await SELECT.from `${Roots}[category='rc1' and name like '%root%']` result = await SELECT.from(Roots).columns(r=>{ r`.*`,r.amitems`[asm_nfield > 1010]`(ami=>{ami`.*`}) })
: Not every CQL or SQL statement can be expressed with projection functions. This is where tagged template strings kick in.
: Template string and special character * is used to get all columns as shown above:r.`*`
: Inflix filters are used to filter data. In last example, both template string and inflix filter are used to apply filter on child items:r.amitems`[asm_nfield > 1010]`(ami=>{ami`.*`})
Retrieve one or distinct entry
//get one entry result = await{category:'rc1'}) resutl = await>{r`.*`,r.amitems(ami=>{ami`.*`}) }) //get distinct entry result = await SELECT.distinct.from(Roots).columns('category').where({nfield:{'>':500}})
Using functions and expressions
result = await SELECT.from(Roots).columns(`count(*) as totalrows`) result = await`count(*) as totalcount`, `sum(CASE WHEN nfield < 500 THEN 1 END) as lowcount`, `sum(CASE WHEN nfield >= 500 THEN 1 END) as highcount`) result = await`avg(nfield) as average`) result = await`min(nfield) as minimum`) result = await`max(nfield) as maximum`) result = await SELECT.from(Roots).columns(`concat(name, ' ',descr) as name`, `length(name) as charcount`) result = await SELECT.from(Roots).columns(`toupper(name) as name`, `tolower(descr) as descr`) result = await SELECT.from(Roots).columns(`year(dfield) as year`, `month(dfield) as month`, `day(dfield) as day`) result = await SELECT.from(Roots).columns(`hour(tfield) as hour`, `minute(tfield) as minute`, `second(tfield) as second`) result = await SELECT.from(Roots).columns(`ceiling(afield) as afield`)
Group By and Order By
result = await SELECT.from(Roots).columns(`category`, `count(name) as itemscount`).groupBy('category'); result = await SELECT.from(Roots).columns('category','name','descr').orderBy('category desc', 'name asc'); result = await SELECT.from(Roots).columns(`name`).orderBy('name desc'); result = await SELECT.from(Roots).columns(`name`, `count(amitems.asm_sfield) as itemscount`).groupBy('name') //HANA result = await SELECT.from(Roots).columns(`name`, `asitem.asi_sfield`).orderBy('asitem.asi_sfield desc') //HANA result = await SELECT.from(Roots).columns(`name`,`asitem.asi_sfield`).orderBy('asitem.asi_sfield asc', 'name desc') //HANA
Limit by rows and offset
// Only 2 entries are fetched result = await SELECT.from(Roots).limit(2).where(`name like '%root%'`) // Only 2 rows are fetched after 3 rows (offset) result = await SELECT.from(Roots).limit(2,3).where(`name like '%root%'`)
- Examples with Different Entities, Associations, Compositions
// create one entry onerowdata = {name:'root 6', descr:'descr 6', dfield: '2022-04-12',tfield: '04:08:29',dtfield: '2022-02-11T04:08:29Z',tsfield: '2022-02-11T04:08:29.129Z',nfield: 200,afield: '23891100.123456',category: 'rc3'}; result = await INSERT.into(Roots).entries(onerowdata); // create one entry with associated entry onerowdata = {name:'root 7', descr:'descr 7', dfield: '2023-04-12',tfield: '14:08:29',dtfield: '2023-02-11T04:08:29Z',tsfield: '2022-02-11T04:08:29.129Z',nfield: 200,afield: '23891100.123456',category: 'rc3', asitem_ID:'585dee53-69e5-47d9-b90d-945253d4af0d'}; result = await INSERT.into(Roots).entries(onerowdata); onerowdata = {name:'root 7', descr:'descr 7', dfield: '2023-04-12',tfield: '14:08:29',dtfield: '2023-02-11T04:08:29Z',tsfield: '2022-02-11T04:08:29.129Z',nfield: 200,afield: '23891100.123456',category: 'rc3', amitems:[{ID:'110f6a9f-b647-4e63-bdb2-03ec724d0d2b'},{ID: '71bd1b1d-ca9c-403e-b435-99e58e8373c0'}]}; result = await INSERT.into(Roots).entries(onerowdata); // create one entry with composition entry onerowdata = {name:'root 8', descr:'descr 8', dfield: '2023-04-12',tfield: '14:08:29',dtfield: '2023-02-11T04:08:29Z',tsfield: '2022-02-11T04:08:29.129Z',nfield: 200,afield: '23891100.123456',category: 'rc3', csitem:{csi_sfield:'csi field 7', csi_nfield:'700'}}; result = await INSERT.into(Roots).entries(onerowdata); onerowdata = {name:'root 9', descr:'descr 9', dfield: '2023-01-12',tfield: '10:58:29',dtfield: '2023-12-11T04:08:29Z',tsfield: '2022-09-11T04:08:29.129Z',nfield: 400,afield: '13892100.723456',category: 'rc2', cmitems:[{csm_sfield:'csm field 01', csm_nfield:'100'}, {csm_sfield:'csm field 02', csm_nfield:'200'}]}; result = await INSERT.into(Roots).entries(onerowdata); // create multiple entry let multiplerowdata = [{name:'root 20', descr:'descr 20', dfield: '2023-01-10',tfield: '18:08:29',dtfield: '2023-02-11T04:08:29Z',tsfield: '2023-02-11T04:08:29.129Z',nfield: 400,afield: '23891100.123456',category: 'rc3'}, {name:'root 21', descr:'descr 21', dfield: '2023-04-12',tfield: '16:08:29',dtfield: '2023-02-11T04:08:29Z',tsfield: '2023-01-11T04:08:29.129Z',nfield: 300,afield: '23891100.123456',category: 'rc3'}]; result = await INSERT.into(Roots).entries(multiplerowdata);
- Different Variations
// using columns and values result = await INSERT.into(Roots).columns('name','descr','dfield','tfield','dtfield','tsfield','nfield','afield','category').values('root 10','descr 10','2022-04-12','04:08:29','2022-02-11T04:08:29Z','2022-02-11T04:08:29.129Z',200,23890.456,'rc3'); // using columns and rows result = await INSERT.into(Roots).columns('name','descr','dfield','tfield','dtfield','tsfield','nfield','afield','category').rows(['root 11','descr 11','2023-04-12','04:08:29','2022-02-11T04:08:29Z','2022-02-11T04:08:29.129Z',200,23890.456,'rc3'], ['root 12','descr 12','2023-04-12','04:08:29','2022-02-11T04:08:29Z','2022-02-11T04:08:29.129Z',200,23890.456,'rc2'], ['root 13','descr 13','2023-01-12','04:08:29','2022-02-11T04:08:29Z','2022-02-11T04:08:29.129Z',300,23890.456,'rc1']);
- Different Variations
// create entry result = await UPSERT.into(Roots).entries({name:'root 6', descr:'descr 6', dfield: '2022-04-12',tfield: '04:08:29',dtfield: '2022-02-11T04:08:29Z',tsfield: '2022-02-11T04:08:29.129Z',nfield: 200,afield: '23891100.123456',category: 'rc3'}) // create entry with association result = await UPSERT.into(Roots).entries({name:'root 7', descr:'descr 7', dfield: '2023-04-12',tfield: '14:08:29',dtfield: '2023-02-11T04:08:29Z',tsfield: '2022-02-11T04:08:29.129Z',nfield: 200,afield: '23891100.123456',category: 'rc3', asitem_ID:'585dee53-69e5-47d9-b90d-945253d4af0d'}) // modify entry result = await UPSERT.into(Roots).entries({name:'root 11',ID:'7891fd0d-5924-471a-89c4-519f7df071b8'}); result = await UPSERT.into(Roots).entries({name:'root 66', descr:'descr 6', dfield: '2022-04-12',tfield: '04:08:29',dtfield: '2022-02-11T04:08:29Z',tsfield: '2022-02-11T04:08:29.129Z',nfield: 200,afield: '23891100.123456',category: 'rc2', ID:'7891fd0d-5924-471a-89c4-519f7df071b87'}) // modify root entry with creation of composed entry: Not working result = await UPSERT.into(Roots).entries({ID: '7891fd0d-5924-471a-89c4-519f7df071b8', descr: 'descr 1111', amitems: [{asm_sfield: 'asm string 1111',asm_nfield: 1001,root_ID: '7891fd0d-5924-471a-89c4-519f7df071b8'}]})
- When update query executes successfully, it returns no of rows updated by the query.
- If all keys are passed as part of query then only one entry of the entity is updated.
- Method .set and .with are aliases to the same method.
- Using Set or With
// by single key result = await UPDATE.entity(Roots, 'f11aacb1-ab35-40da-918b-589cdd387ad1').set({name:'root 333'}); result = await UPDATE.entity(Roots, 'f11aacb1-ab35-40da-918b-589cdd387ad1').set({name:'root 332',dfield: '2021-12-20'}); result = await UPDATE.entity(Roots, 'f11aacb1-ab35-40da-918b-589cdd387ad1').set({nfield: {'-=': 89}}); result = await UPDATE.entity(Roots, 'f11aacb1-ab35-40da-918b-589cdd387ad1').set(`nfield = nfield * 2`) // by multiple key result = await UPDATE.entity(Roots2,{first:101,second:201}).set({name:'r2 name1 extra'}); // by cqn expression result = await UPDATE.entity(Roots2,{first:102,second:202}).with({descr: {xpr: [{ref:['descr']}, '||', {val:'Additional Description'}]}}) // by functions with template string result = await UPDATE.entity(Roots, 'f11aacb1-ab35-40da-918b-589cdd387ad1').set(`descr = concat('descr',' add')`); result = await UPDATE.entity(Roots2, {first:102,second:202}).set(`descr = concat('descr',' add'), name = 'root 33'`); // by where clause result = await UPDATE.entity(Roots).set({nfield: {'-=': 89}}).where({nfield:{'>':500}}); result = result = await UPDATE.entity(Roots2).set({name: 'r2 name2 new'}).where(`descr like '%Add%' and first = 102`);
- Different Variations
// using one or more key result = await DELETE.from(Roots,'445b1357-90b2-4a2c-a60d-7f7e40d46f12'); result = await DELETE.from(Roots2,{first:101, second:201}); // using where condition result = await DELETE.from(Roots).where({category:'rc1'}); result = await DELETE.from(Roots2).where({first:101}) result = await DELETE.from(AssocMItems).where({asm_nfield:{'>=':1014}});
- Only Works in HANA (Not in Sqlite). [Yet to try using better sqlite]
result = await SELECT.from(Roots).columns('name',`asitem.asi_sfield`) result = await SELECT.from(Roots).columns(r=>{, r.descr, r.asitem.asi_sfield }) result = await SELECT.from(Roots).columns(r=>{, r.descr, r.amitems.asm_sfield }) result = await SELECT.from(Roots).where(`asitem.asi_nfield > 100`) cat = ['rc1', 'rc3']; result = await SELECT.from(Roots).where `category in ${cat} and amitems.asm_nfield > 1000`
- Test Locally with Sqlite
npm install cds deploy --to sqlite cds repl await cds.test() const {Roots, AssocSItems, AssocMItems, CompSItems, CompMItems, Roots2} = cds.entities //Then above queries can be executed
- Test with Hana Container Running on BTP
npm install cds add hana --for hybrid cf login cds deploy --to hana:cap-cql-examples-db --profile hybrid --store-credentials cds repl --profile hybrid await cds.test() const {Roots, AssocSItems, AssocMItems, CompSItems, CompMItems, Roots2} = cds.entities //Then above queries can be executed
- Test locally with Better Sqlite
npm install npm add @cap-js/sqlite -D jq '.cds = {requires:{db:"sql"}}' package.json > temp.json && mv temp.json package.json cds repl await cds.test() const {Roots, AssocSItems, AssocMItems, CompSItems, CompMItems, Roots2} = cds.entities //Then above queries can be executed