This exercise shows how to introduce some static filters and how their selection can be made part of the personalization and managed by the SelectionController
. Furthermore the grid list should be enabled to react on tile clicks by using the Engine
state API.
First add missing dependencies in Mountains.controller.ts
import Element from "sap/ui/core/Element"
import Filter from "sap/ui/model/Filter"
import ListBinding from "sap/ui/model/ListBinding"
import ListItemBase from "sap/m/ListItemBase"
Update the binding by adding the filters that can be created from the filter model.
private onP13nStateChange(event: Event): void {
const parameters = event.getParameters() as {
control: Control,
state: MountainsControllerState
const state: MountainsControllerState = parameters.state
const gridList = this.byId("gridFilter") as GridList
if (parameters.control === gridList) {
gridList.getItems().forEach((gridListItem: GridListItem) => {
gridListItem.setSelected(state.Items.some((selectionState: SelectionState) => {
return gridListItem.getId() === selectionState.key
const filters: Filter[] = []
let filterText: string
state.Items.forEach((selectionState: SelectionState) => {
const item: GridListItem | undefined = Element.getElementById(selectionState.key) as GridListItem | undefined
if (item) {
const filterContext = item.getBindingContext("filters")
const expression: any[] = filterContext.getProperty("expression")
const description: string = filterContext.getProperty("description")
filters.push(new Filter(expression[0], expression[1], expression[2]))
filterText = filterText ? filterText + ", " + description : description
const table: P13nTable = this.byId("table") as P13nTable
const tableBinding = table.getBinding("items") as ListBinding
And change the selector of the controller registration, to respect the actual filter state:
this.engine.register(gridList, {
helper: filterHelper,
controller: {
Items: new SelectionController({
control: gridList,
targetAggregation: "items",
getKeyForItem: (gridListItem: GridListItem) => {
const listBinding = this.byId("table").getBinding("items") as ListBinding
return listBinding.getFilters("Control").some((filter: Filter) => {
const expression: string[] = gridListItem.getBindingContext("filters").getProperty("expression")
return filter.getPath() === expression[0]
&& filter.getValue1() === expression[2]
At this point you might have noticed, that the clicks on the tiles of the grid list do not work as expected. That is because their status change is not yet recognized by the Engine
. As explained earlier, a direct modification of the aggregation might lead to inconsistencies. Add an event handler for the grid list selection:
public onGridFilterSelect(event: Event): void {
const gridList = this.byId("gridFilter") as GridList
const parameters = event.getParameters() as {
listItem : ListItemBase,
listItems : ListItemBase[],
selected : boolean,
selectAll: boolean
const item = parameters.listItem as GridListItem
this.engine.retrieveState(gridList).then((state: MountainsControllerState) => {
const itemId = item.getId()
const oStateItem = state.Items.find((selectionState: SelectionState) => {
return selectionState.key == itemId
if (item.getSelected()) {
state.Items.push({key: itemId})
} else {
oStateItem.visible = false
this.engine.applyState(gridList, state)
In Mountains.view.xml
you can attach the event handler, so that it is called on the selectionChange
event of the GridList
<f:GridListItem type="Active">
<HBox class="sapUiSmallMarginTopBottom">
<VBox class="sapUiSmallMarginEnd">
<Title text="{filters>label}"/>
<Label text="{filters>description}"/>
Now you can try filtering of the table. The result set should only show, what you defined via the grid filter:
You have learned how to apply a filter with the Grid List that is integrated with the Engine
. You should be able to see, how the table is being filtered in the running application.