Releases: SORMAS-Foundation/SORMAS-Docker
Merge pull request #133 from hzi-braunschweig/development 2.13.0-rc2
Merge pull request #130 from hzi-braunschweig/development Development
This release fixes a bug during the database initialization that causes a crash loop of the postgres container.
The crashloop will only occur when installing a new instance with docker. Updating an instance won't have any issues.
This update introduces a performance problem in the case directory when the case follow-up feature is used (visits for cases).
To solve this you have to execute the following statements on the database:
ALTER TABLE visit ADD CONSTRAINT fk_visit_caze_id FOREIGN KEY (caze_id) REFERENCES cases (id);
create index idx_visit_caze_id on visit using hash (caze_id);
create index idx_eventparticipant_resultingcase_id on eventparticipant using hash (resultingcase_id);
This update adds an even title field and removes the event description column from the event directory. You can use the following SQL script to migrate the first 75 characters of every event description to the title of the same event (as long as the title field hasn't already been filled in) in order to not lose this information in the directory. The description field is still accessible as always in the event details view and in the detailed export:
UPDATE events SET changedate = now() WHERE eventtitle IS NULL OR eventtitle = '' AND archived = false AND deleted = false;
UPDATE events SET eventtitle = (SELECT CASE WHEN char_length(eventdesc) <= 75 THEN eventdesc ELSE (LEFT(eventdesc, 75) || ' ...') END) WHERE (eventtitle IS NULL OR eventtitle = '') AND deleted = false;
More release notes at:
Changed to SORMAS Version 1.50.0
Changed timout for autoheal for sormas to 7s
Added autoconf to tune the postgres
This update introduces a performance problem in the case directory when the case follow-up feature is used (visits for cases).
To solve this you have to execute the following statements on the database:
ALTER TABLE visit ADD CONSTRAINT fk_visit_caze_id FOREIGN KEY (caze_id) REFERENCES cases (id);
create index idx_visit_caze_id on visit using hash (caze_id);
create index idx_eventparticipant_resultingcase_id on eventparticipant using hash (resultingcase_id);
This update adds an even title field and removes the event description column from the event directory. You can use the following SQL script to migrate the first 75 characters of every event description to the title of the same event (as long as the title field hasn't already been filled in) in order to not lose this information in the directory. The description field is still accessible as always in the event details view and in the detailed export:
UPDATE events SET changedate = now() WHERE eventtitle IS NULL OR eventtitle = '' AND archived = false AND deleted = false;
UPDATE events SET eventtitle = (SELECT CASE WHEN char_length(eventdesc) <= 75 THEN eventdesc ELSE (LEFT(eventdesc, 75) || ' ...') END) WHERE (eventtitle IS NULL OR eventtitle = '') AND deleted = false;
More release notes at:
Merge pull request #116 from hzi-braunschweig/development Release 1.50.0-rc1
Merge pull request #110 from hzi-braunschweig/development RC 1.49.1