diff --git a/atmos_cubed_sphere b/atmos_cubed_sphere
index 371a29afb..80ce8ce20 160000
--- a/atmos_cubed_sphere
+++ b/atmos_cubed_sphere
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 371a29afbf813357dd93647cac0cbcd44db2ab20
+Subproject commit 80ce8ce200f90985097860c4eb47da1574b87c58
diff --git a/ccpp/physics b/ccpp/physics
index efb68b5b9..b5765fcbf 160000
--- a/ccpp/physics
+++ b/ccpp/physics
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit efb68b5b948937f256a1a90c2de446b0d9b09e0f
+Subproject commit b5765fcbf4d6fbb839feb6dc9748470c0f7735df
diff --git a/ccpp/suites/suite_FV3_GFS_v16_csawmg.xml b/ccpp/suites/suite_FV3_GFS_v16_csawmg.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f1522d7fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ccpp/suites/suite_FV3_GFS_v16_csawmg.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+ GFS_time_vary_pre
+ GFS_rrtmg_setup
+ GFS_rad_time_vary
+ GFS_phys_time_vary
+ GFS_suite_interstitial_rad_reset
+ GFS_rrtmg_pre
+ rrtmg_sw_pre
+ rrtmg_sw
+ rrtmg_sw_post
+ rrtmg_lw_pre
+ rrtmg_lw
+ rrtmg_lw_post
+ GFS_rrtmg_post
+ GFS_suite_interstitial_phys_reset
+ GFS_suite_stateout_reset
+ get_prs_fv3
+ GFS_suite_interstitial_1
+ GFS_surface_generic_pre
+ GFS_surface_composites_pre
+ dcyc2t3
+ GFS_surface_composites_inter
+ GFS_suite_interstitial_2
+ sfc_diff
+ GFS_surface_loop_control_part1
+ sfc_nst_pre
+ sfc_nst
+ sfc_nst_post
+ lsm_noah
+ sfc_sice
+ GFS_surface_loop_control_part2
+ GFS_surface_composites_post
+ sfc_diag
+ sfc_diag_post
+ GFS_surface_generic_post
+ GFS_PBL_generic_pre
+ satmedmfvdif
+ GFS_PBL_generic_post
+ GFS_GWD_generic_pre
+ cires_ugwp
+ cires_ugwp_post
+ GFS_GWD_generic_post
+ rayleigh_damp
+ GFS_suite_stateout_update
+ ozphys_2015
+ h2ophys
+ GFS_DCNV_generic_pre
+ get_phi_fv3
+ GFS_suite_interstitial_3
+ cs_conv_pre
+ cs_conv
+ cs_conv_post
+ GFS_DCNV_generic_post
+ GFS_SCNV_generic_pre
+ samfshalcnv
+ GFS_SCNV_generic_post
+ GFS_suite_interstitial_4
+ cnvc90
+ GFS_MP_generic_pre
+ m_micro_pre
+ m_micro
+ m_micro_post
+ cs_conv_aw_adj
+ GFS_MP_generic_post
+ maximum_hourly_diagnostics
+ GFS_stochastics
diff --git a/gfsphysics/GFS_layer/GFS_diagnostics.F90 b/gfsphysics/GFS_layer/GFS_diagnostics.F90
index 95f7f51e7..7bde5a03a 100644
--- a/gfsphysics/GFS_layer/GFS_diagnostics.F90
+++ b/gfsphysics/GFS_layer/GFS_diagnostics.F90
@@ -700,8 +700,85 @@ subroutine GFS_externaldiag_populate (ExtDiag, Model, Statein, Stateout, Sfcprop
ExtDiag(idx)%data(nb)%var2 => IntDiag(nb)%fluxr(:,16)
ExtDiag(idx)%data(nb)%var21 => IntDiag(nb)%fluxr(:,7)
-! if(mpp_pe()==mpp_root_pe())print *,'in gfdl_diag_register,af TEMP_avelct,idx=',idx
+!--- aerosol diagnostics ---
+ idx = idx + 1
+ ExtDiag(idx)%axes = 2
+ ExtDiag(idx)%name = 'AOD_550'
+ ExtDiag(idx)%desc = 'total aerosol optical depth at 550 nm'
+ ExtDiag(idx)%unit = 'numerical'
+ ExtDiag(idx)%mod_name = 'gfs_phys'
+ ExtDiag(idx)%intpl_method = 'bilinear'
+ allocate (ExtDiag(idx)%data(nblks))
+ do nb = 1,nblks
+ ExtDiag(idx)%data(nb)%var2 => IntDiag(nb)%fluxr(:,34)
+ enddo
+!--- aerosol diagnostics ---
+ idx = idx + 1
+ ExtDiag(idx)%axes = 2
+ ExtDiag(idx)%name = 'DU_AOD_550'
+ ExtDiag(idx)%desc = 'dust aerosol optical depth at 550 nm'
+ ExtDiag(idx)%unit = 'numerical'
+ ExtDiag(idx)%mod_name = 'gfs_phys'
+ ExtDiag(idx)%intpl_method = 'bilinear'
+ allocate (ExtDiag(idx)%data(nblks))
+ do nb = 1,nblks
+ ExtDiag(idx)%data(nb)%var2 => IntDiag(nb)%fluxr(:,35)
+ enddo
+!--- aerosol diagnostics ---
+ idx = idx + 1
+ ExtDiag(idx)%axes = 2
+ ExtDiag(idx)%name = 'BC_AOD_550'
+ ExtDiag(idx)%desc = 'soot aerosol optical depth at 550 nm'
+ ExtDiag(idx)%unit = 'numerical'
+ ExtDiag(idx)%mod_name = 'gfs_phys'
+ ExtDiag(idx)%intpl_method = 'bilinear'
+ allocate (ExtDiag(idx)%data(nblks))
+ do nb = 1,nblks
+ ExtDiag(idx)%data(nb)%var2 => IntDiag(nb)%fluxr(:,36)
+ enddo
+!--- aerosol diagnostics ---
+ idx = idx + 1
+ ExtDiag(idx)%axes = 2
+ ExtDiag(idx)%name = 'OC_AOD_550'
+ ExtDiag(idx)%desc = 'waso aerosol optical depth at 550 nm'
+ ExtDiag(idx)%unit = 'numerical'
+ ExtDiag(idx)%mod_name = 'gfs_phys'
+ ExtDiag(idx)%intpl_method = 'bilinear'
+ allocate (ExtDiag(idx)%data(nblks))
+ do nb = 1,nblks
+ ExtDiag(idx)%data(nb)%var2 => IntDiag(nb)%fluxr(:,37)
+ enddo
+!--- aerosol diagnostics ---
+ idx = idx + 1
+ ExtDiag(idx)%axes = 2
+ ExtDiag(idx)%name = 'SU_AOD_550'
+ ExtDiag(idx)%desc = 'suso aerosol optical depth at 550 nm'
+ ExtDiag(idx)%unit = 'numerical'
+ ExtDiag(idx)%mod_name = 'gfs_phys'
+ ExtDiag(idx)%intpl_method = 'bilinear'
+ allocate (ExtDiag(idx)%data(nblks))
+ do nb = 1,nblks
+ ExtDiag(idx)%data(nb)%var2 => IntDiag(nb)%fluxr(:,38)
+ enddo
+!--- aerosol diagnostics ---
+ idx = idx + 1
+ ExtDiag(idx)%axes = 2
+ ExtDiag(idx)%name = 'SS_AOD_550'
+ ExtDiag(idx)%desc = 'salt aerosol optical depth at 550 nm'
+ ExtDiag(idx)%unit = 'numerical'
+ ExtDiag(idx)%mod_name = 'gfs_phys'
+ ExtDiag(idx)%intpl_method = 'bilinear'
+ allocate (ExtDiag(idx)%data(nblks))
+ do nb = 1,nblks
+ ExtDiag(idx)%data(nb)%var2 => IntDiag(nb)%fluxr(:,39)
+ enddo
!--- accumulated diagnostics ---
do num = 1,NFXR
diff --git a/gfsphysics/GFS_layer/GFS_driver.F90 b/gfsphysics/GFS_layer/GFS_driver.F90
index b72225735..c75f7dec9 100644
--- a/gfsphysics/GFS_layer/GFS_driver.F90
+++ b/gfsphysics/GFS_layer/GFS_driver.F90
@@ -210,10 +210,10 @@ subroutine GFS_initialize (Model, Statein, Stateout, Sfcprop, &
#ifndef CCPP
call read_o3data (Model%ntoz, Model%me, Model%master)
call read_h2odata (Model%h2o_phys, Model%me, Model%master)
- if (Model%aero_in) then
+ if (Model%iaerclm) then
call read_aerdata (Model%me,Model%master,Model%iflip,Model%idate)
- if (Model%iccn) then
+ if (Model%iccn == 1) then
call read_cidata ( Model%me, Model%master)
@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ subroutine GFS_initialize (Model, Statein, Stateout, Sfcprop, &
!--- read in and initialize IN and CCN
- if (Model%iccn) then
+ if (Model%iccn == 1) then
do nb = 1, nblks
call setindxci (Init_parm%blksz(nb), Grid(nb)%xlat_d, Grid(nb)%jindx1_ci, &
Grid(nb)%jindx2_ci, Grid(nb)%ddy_ci, Grid(nb)%xlon_d, &
@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ subroutine GFS_initialize (Model, Statein, Stateout, Sfcprop, &
!--- read in and initialize aerosols
- if (Model%aero_in) then
+ if (Model%iaerclm) then
do nb = 1, nblks
call setindxaer (Init_parm%blksz(nb),Grid(nb)%xlat_d,Grid(nb)%jindx1_aer, &
Grid(nb)%jindx2_aer, Grid(nb)%ddy_aer, Grid(nb)%xlon_d, &
@@ -1009,7 +1009,7 @@ subroutine GFS_phys_time_vary (Model, Grid, Tbd, Statein)
!--- ICCN interpolation
- if (Model%ICCN ) then
+ if (Model%ICCN == 1) then
do nb = 1, nblks
call ciinterpol (Model%me, blksz(nb), Model%idate, Model%fhour, &
Grid(nb)%jindx1_ci, Grid(nb)%jindx2_ci, &
@@ -1021,7 +1021,7 @@ subroutine GFS_phys_time_vary (Model, Grid, Tbd, Statein)
!--- aerosol interpolation
- if (Model%aero_in ) then
+ if (Model%iaerclm ) then
do nb = 1, nblks
call aerinterpol (Model%me, Model%master, blksz(nb), &
Model%idate, Model%fhour, &
diff --git a/gfsphysics/GFS_layer/GFS_physics_driver.F90 b/gfsphysics/GFS_layer/GFS_physics_driver.F90
index 98edf87d1..1929f030b 100644
--- a/gfsphysics/GFS_layer/GFS_physics_driver.F90
+++ b/gfsphysics/GFS_layer/GFS_physics_driver.F90
@@ -4949,32 +4949,30 @@ subroutine GFS_physics_driver &
! write(1000+me,*)' maxwatncb=',maxval(Stateout%gq0(1:im,k,ntlnc)),' k=',k,' kdt',kdt
! enddo
-!## CCPP ##* m_micro.F90/m_micro_run
- call m_micro_driver (im, ix, levs, Model%flipv, dtp, Statein%prsl, &
- Statein%prsi, Statein%phil, Statein%phii, &
- Statein%vvl, clw(1,1,2), QLCN, clw(1,1,1), QICN, &
- Radtend%htrlw, Radtend%htrsw, w_upi, cf_upi, &
- CLCN, Stateout%gu0, Stateout%gv0, Diag%dusfc, &
- Diag%dvsfc, dusfc1, dvsfc1, dusfc1, dvsfc1, &
- CNV_FICE, CNV_NDROP, CNV_NICE, Stateout%gq0(1,1,1), &
- Stateout%gq0(1,1,ntcw), &
- Stateout%gq0(1,1,ntiw), Stateout%gt0, rain1, &
- Diag%sr, Stateout%gq0(1,1,ntlnc), &
- Stateout%gq0(1,1,ntinc), Model%fprcp, qrn, &
- qsnw, qgl, ncpr, ncps, ncgl, &
- Tbd%phy_f3d(1,1,1), kbot, &
- Tbd%phy_f3d(1,1,2), Tbd%phy_f3d(1,1,3), &
- Tbd%phy_f3d(1,1,4), Tbd%phy_f3d(1,1,5), &
- Tbd%phy_f3d(1,1,kk), Tbd%aer_nm, &
- Model%aero_in, Tbd%in_nm, Tbd%ccn_nm, Model%iccn, &
- skip_macro, lprnt, &
-! skip_macro, cn_prc, cn_snr, lprnt, &
-! ipr, kdt, Grid%xlat, Grid%xlon)
- Model%mg_alf, Model%mg_qcmin, Model%pdfflag, &
- ipr, kdt, Grid%xlat, Grid%xlon, rhc)
-!*## CCPP ##
+ call m_micro_driver (im, ix, levs, Model%flipv, dtp, Statein%prsl, &
+ Statein%prsi, Statein%phil, Statein%phii, &
+ Statein%vvl, clw(1,1,2), QLCN, clw(1,1,1), QICN, &
+ Radtend%htrlw, Radtend%htrsw, w_upi, cf_upi, &
+ CLCN, Stateout%gu0, Stateout%gv0, Diag%dusfc, &
+ Diag%dvsfc, dusfc1, dvsfc1, dusfc1, dvsfc1, &
+ CNV_FICE, CNV_NDROP, CNV_NICE, Stateout%gq0(1,1,1), &
+ Stateout%gq0(1,1,ntcw), &
+ Stateout%gq0(1,1,ntiw), Stateout%gt0, rain1, &
+ Diag%sr, Stateout%gq0(1,1,ntlnc), &
+ Stateout%gq0(1,1,ntinc), Model%fprcp, qrn, &
+ qsnw, qgl, ncpr, ncps, ncgl, &
+ Tbd%phy_f3d(1,1,1), kbot, &
+ Tbd%phy_f3d(1,1,2), Tbd%phy_f3d(1,1,3), &
+ Tbd%phy_f3d(1,1,4), Tbd%phy_f3d(1,1,5), &
+ Tbd%phy_f3d(1,1,kk), Tbd%aer_nm, &
+ Tbd%in_nm, Tbd%ccn_nm, Model%iccn, &
+ skip_macro, lprnt, &
+! skip_macro, cn_prc, cn_snr, lprnt, &
+! ipr, kdt, Grid%xlat, Grid%xlon)
+ Model%mg_alf, Model%mg_qcmin, Model%pdfflag, &
+ ipr, kdt, Grid%xlat, Grid%xlon, rhc)
! do k=1,levs
! write(1000+me,*)' maxwatnca=',maxval(Stateout%gq0(1:im,k,ntlnc)),' k=',k,' kdt=',kdt
! enddo
diff --git a/gfsphysics/GFS_layer/GFS_radiation_driver.F90 b/gfsphysics/GFS_layer/GFS_radiation_driver.F90
index d14eeaac3..dad425a73 100644
--- a/gfsphysics/GFS_layer/GFS_radiation_driver.F90
+++ b/gfsphysics/GFS_layer/GFS_radiation_driver.F90
@@ -1566,7 +1566,8 @@ subroutine GFS_radiation_driver &
!check print *,' in grrad : calling setaer '
!## CCPP ##* GFS_rrtmg_pre.F90/GFS_rrtmg_pre_run
call setaer (plvl, plyr, prslk1, tvly, rhly, Sfcprop%slmsk, & ! --- inputs
- tracer1, Grid%xlon, Grid%xlat, IM, LMK, LMP, &
+ tracer1, Tbd%aer_nm, &
+ Grid%xlon, Grid%xlat, IM, LMK, LMP, &
Model%lsswr,Model%lslwr, &
faersw,faerlw,aerodp) ! --- outputs
@@ -2058,12 +2059,18 @@ subroutine GFS_radiation_driver &
if (Model%lssav) then
if (Model%lsswr) then
do i=1,im
- Diag%fluxr(i,34) = Diag%fluxr(i,34) + Model%fhswr*aerodp(i,1) ! total aod at 550nm
- Diag%fluxr(i,35) = Diag%fluxr(i,35) + Model%fhswr*aerodp(i,2) ! DU aod at 550nm
- Diag%fluxr(i,36) = Diag%fluxr(i,36) + Model%fhswr*aerodp(i,3) ! BC aod at 550nm
- Diag%fluxr(i,37) = Diag%fluxr(i,37) + Model%fhswr*aerodp(i,4) ! OC aod at 550nm
- Diag%fluxr(i,38) = Diag%fluxr(i,38) + Model%fhswr*aerodp(i,5) ! SU aod at 550nm
- Diag%fluxr(i,39) = Diag%fluxr(i,39) + Model%fhswr*aerodp(i,6) ! SS aod at 550nm
+! Diag%fluxr(i,34) = Diag%fluxr(i,34) + Model%fhswr*aerodp(i,1) ! total aod at 550nm
+! Diag%fluxr(i,35) = Diag%fluxr(i,35) + Model%fhswr*aerodp(i,2) ! DU aod at 550nm
+! Diag%fluxr(i,36) = Diag%fluxr(i,36) + Model%fhswr*aerodp(i,3) ! BC aod at 550nm
+! Diag%fluxr(i,37) = Diag%fluxr(i,37) + Model%fhswr*aerodp(i,4) ! OC aod at 550nm
+! Diag%fluxr(i,38) = Diag%fluxr(i,38) + Model%fhswr*aerodp(i,5) ! SU aod at 550nm
+! Diag%fluxr(i,39) = Diag%fluxr(i,39) + Model%fhswr*aerodp(i,6) ! SS aod at 550nm
+ Diag%fluxr(i,34) = aerodp(i,1) ! total aod at 550nm
+ Diag%fluxr(i,35) = aerodp(i,2) ! DU aod at 550nm
+ Diag%fluxr(i,36) = aerodp(i,3) ! BC aod at 550nm
+ Diag%fluxr(i,37) = aerodp(i,4) ! OC aod at 550nm
+ Diag%fluxr(i,38) = aerodp(i,5) ! SU aod at 550nm
+ Diag%fluxr(i,39) = aerodp(i,6) ! SS aod at 550nm
diff --git a/gfsphysics/GFS_layer/GFS_typedefs.F90 b/gfsphysics/GFS_layer/GFS_typedefs.F90
index 00bae3897..d9f420897 100644
--- a/gfsphysics/GFS_layer/GFS_typedefs.F90
+++ b/gfsphysics/GFS_layer/GFS_typedefs.F90
@@ -612,7 +612,7 @@ module GFS_typedefs
integer :: levrp1 !< number of vertical levels for radiation calculations plus one
integer :: nfxr !< second dimension for fluxr diagnostic variable (radiation)
- logical :: aero_in !< flag for initializing aerosol data
+ logical :: iaerclm !< flag for initializing aerosol data
#ifdef CCPP
integer :: ntrcaer !< number of aerosol tracers for Morrison-Gettelman microphysics
@@ -1066,7 +1066,7 @@ module GFS_typedefs
real(kind=kind_phys) :: julian !< julian day using midnight of January 1 of forecast year as initial epoch
integer :: yearlen !< length of the current forecast year in days
- logical :: iccn !< using IN CCN forcing for MG2/3
+ integer :: iccn !< using IN CCN forcing for MG2/3
#ifdef CCPP
real(kind=kind_phys) :: sec !< seconds since model initialization
real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: si(:) !< vertical sigma coordinate for model initialization
@@ -2735,8 +2735,8 @@ subroutine control_initialize (Model, nlunit, fn_nml, me, master, &
real(kind=kind_phys) :: fhlwr = 3600. !< frequency for longwave radiation (secs)
integer :: levr = -99 !< number of vertical levels for radiation calculations
integer :: nfxr = 39+6 !< second dimension of input/output array fluxr
- logical :: aero_in = .false. !< flag for initializing aero data
- logical :: iccn = .false. !< logical to use IN CCN forcing for MG2/3
+ logical :: iaerclm = .false. !< flag for initializing aero data
+ integer :: iccn = 0 !< logical to use IN CCN forcing for MG2/3
integer :: iflip = 1 !< iflip - is not the same as flipv
integer :: isol = 0 !< use prescribed solar constant
integer :: ico2 = 0 !< prescribed global mean value (old opernl)
@@ -3104,7 +3104,7 @@ subroutine control_initialize (Model, nlunit, fn_nml, me, master, &
!--- coupling parameters
cplflx, cplwav, cplwav2atm, cplchm, lsidea, &
!--- radiation parameters
- fhswr, fhlwr, levr, nfxr, aero_in, iflip, isol, ico2, ialb, &
+ fhswr, fhlwr, levr, nfxr, iaerclm, iflip, isol, ico2, ialb, &
isot, iems, iaer, icliq_sw, iovr_sw, iovr_lw, ictm, isubc_sw,&
isubc_lw, crick_proof, ccnorm, lwhtr, swhtr, &
! IN CCN forcing
@@ -3320,17 +3320,7 @@ subroutine control_initialize (Model, nlunit, fn_nml, me, master, &
Model%levrp1 = Model%levr + 1
Model%nfxr = nfxr
- Model%aero_in = aero_in
- if (Model%aero_in) then
- ntrcaer = ntrcaerm
- else
- ntrcaer = 1
- endif
-#ifdef CCPP
- Model%ntrcaer = ntrcaer
Model%iccn = iccn
- if (Model%aero_in) Model%iccn = .false.
! further down: set Model%iccn to .false.
! for all microphysics schemes except
! MG2/3 (these are the only ones using ICCN)
@@ -3340,6 +3330,15 @@ subroutine control_initialize (Model, nlunit, fn_nml, me, master, &
Model%ialb = ialb
Model%iems = iems
Model%iaer = iaer
+ if (iaer/1000 == 1 .or. Model%iccn == 2) then
+ Model%iaerclm = .true.
+ ntrcaer = ntrcaerm
+ else
+ ntrcaer = 1
+ endif
+#ifdef CCPP
+ Model%ntrcaer = ntrcaer
Model%icliq_sw = icliq_sw
Model%iovr_sw = iovr_sw
Model%iovr_lw = iovr_lw
@@ -3365,7 +3364,7 @@ subroutine control_initialize (Model, nlunit, fn_nml, me, master, &
Model%ncld = ncld
Model%imp_physics = imp_physics
! turn off ICCN interpolation when MG2/3 are not used
- if (.not. Model%imp_physics==Model%imp_physics_mg) Model%iccn = .false.
+ if (.not. Model%imp_physics==Model%imp_physics_mg) Model%iccn = 0
!--- Zhao-Carr MP parameters
Model%psautco = psautco
Model%prautco = prautco
@@ -4229,7 +4228,7 @@ subroutine control_initialize (Model, nlunit, fn_nml, me, master, &
if (Model%me == Model%master) &
print *,' Using Morrison-Gettelman double moment microphysics', &
- ' aero_in=', Model%aero_in, ' iccn=', Model%iccn, &
+ ' iaerclm=', Model%iaerclm, ' iccn=', Model%iccn, &
' mg_dcs=', Model%mg_dcs, ' mg_qcvar=', Model%mg_qcvar, &
' mg_ts_auto_ice=', Model%mg_ts_auto_ice, ' pdfflag=', Model%pdfflag, &
' mg_do_graupel=', Model%mg_do_graupel, ' mg_do_hail=', Model%mg_do_hail, &
@@ -4434,7 +4433,6 @@ subroutine control_print(Model)
print *, ' nslwr : ', Model%nslwr
print *, ' levr : ', Model%levr
print *, ' nfxr : ', Model%nfxr
- print *, ' aero_in : ', Model%aero_in
#ifdef CCPP
print *, ' ntrcaer : ', Model%ntrcaer
@@ -4784,7 +4782,7 @@ subroutine grid_create (Grid, IM, Model)
!--- iccn active
- if ( Model%iccn ) then
+ if ( Model%iccn == 1) then
allocate (Grid%ddy_ci (IM))
allocate (Grid%jindx1_ci (IM))
allocate (Grid%jindx2_ci (IM))
@@ -4794,7 +4792,7 @@ subroutine grid_create (Grid, IM, Model)
!--- iaerclm active
- if ( Model%aero_in ) then
+ if ( Model%iaerclm ) then
allocate (Grid%ddy_aer (IM))
allocate (Grid%jindx1_aer(IM))
allocate (Grid%jindx2_aer(IM))
diff --git a/gfsphysics/GFS_layer/GFS_typedefs.meta b/gfsphysics/GFS_layer/GFS_typedefs.meta
index bc2344250..c87a74bf2 100644
--- a/gfsphysics/GFS_layer/GFS_typedefs.meta
+++ b/gfsphysics/GFS_layer/GFS_typedefs.meta
@@ -2113,9 +2113,9 @@
units = count
dimensions = ()
type = integer
- standard_name = flag_for_aerosol_input_MG
- long_name = flag for using aerosols in Morrison-Gettelman MP
+ standard_name = flag_for_aerosol_input_MG_radiation
+ long_name = flag for using aerosols in Morrison-Gettelman MP_radiation
units = flag
dimensions = ()
type = logical
@@ -3858,9 +3858,9 @@
standard_name = flag_for_in_ccn_forcing_for_morrison_gettelman_microphysics
long_name = flag for IN and CCN forcing for morrison gettelman microphysics
- units = flag
+ units = none
dimensions = ()
- type = logical
+ type = integer
standard_name = seconds_elapsed_since_model_initialization
long_name = seconds elapsed since model initialization
diff --git a/gfsphysics/physics/aerclm_def.f b/gfsphysics/physics/aerclm_def.f
index 6729237d8..84852a1de 100644
--- a/gfsphysics/physics/aerclm_def.f
+++ b/gfsphysics/physics/aerclm_def.f
@@ -2,22 +2,22 @@ module aerclm_def
use machine , only : kind_phys
implicit none
-! only read monthly merra2 data for m-1, m, m+1
- integer, parameter :: levsaer=45, latsaer=91, lonsaer=144
- integer, parameter :: lmerra=72, ntrcaerm=15, timeaer=12
+ integer, parameter :: levsaer=50, ntrcaerm=15, timeaer=12
+ integer :: latsaer, lonsaer, ntrcaer
- integer :: ntrcaer
character*10 :: specname(ntrcaerm)
- real (kind=kind_phys):: aer_lat(latsaer), aer_lon(lonsaer)
- & ,aer_time(13)
- real (kind=4), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:,:,:) :: aerin
+ real (kind=kind_phys):: aer_time(13)
+ real (kind=kind_phys), allocatable, dimension(:) :: aer_lat
+ real (kind=kind_phys), allocatable, dimension(:) :: aer_lon
real (kind=kind_phys), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:,:) :: aer_pres
+ real (kind=kind_phys), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:,:,:) :: aerin
data aer_time/15.5, 45., 74.5, 105., 135.5, 166., 196.5,
& 227.5, 258., 288.5, 319., 349.5, 380.5/
data specname /'DU001','DU002','DU003','DU004','DU005',
& 'SS001','SS002','SS003','SS004','SS005','SO4',
end module aerclm_def
diff --git a/gfsphysics/physics/aerinterp.f90 b/gfsphysics/physics/aerinterp.f90
index 8d5603b83..6a0eadb99 100644
--- a/gfsphysics/physics/aerinterp.f90
+++ b/gfsphysics/physics/aerinterp.f90
@@ -1,165 +1,187 @@
SUBROUTINE read_aerdata (me, master, iflip, idate )
- use machine, only: kind_phys
+ use machine, only: kind_phys, kind_io4, kind_io8
use aerclm_def
use netcdf
!--- in/out
integer, intent(in) :: me, master, iflip, idate(4)
!--- locals
- integer :: ncid, varid
- integer :: i, j, k, n, ii, ijk, imon, klev
- character :: fname*50, mn*2, fldname*10
+ integer :: ncid, varid, ndims, dim1, dim2, dim3, hmx
+ integer :: i, j, k, n, ii, imon, klev
+ character :: fname*50, mn*2, vname*10
logical :: file_exist
- real(kind=4), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: ps_clm
- real(kind=4), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:,:) :: delp_clm
- real(kind=4), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:,:) :: aer_clm
- real(kind=4), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:,:) :: airden_clm
- real(kind=4), allocatable, dimension(:) :: pres_tmp
- allocate (delp_clm(lonsaer,latsaer,lmerra,1))
- allocate (aer_clm(lonsaer,latsaer,lmerra,1))
- allocate (airden_clm(lonsaer,latsaer,lmerra,1))
- allocate (ps_clm(lonsaer,latsaer,1))
- allocate (pres_tmp(lmerra))
-! allocate aerclm_def arrays: aerin and aer_pres
- allocate (aerin(lonsaer,latsaer,levsaer,ntrcaer,timeaer))
- allocate (aer_pres(lonsaer,latsaer,levsaer,timeaer))
+ integer, allocatable :: invardims(:)
+ real(kind=kind_io4),allocatable,dimension(:,:,:) :: buff
+ real(kind=kind_io4),allocatable,dimension(:,:,:,:):: buffx
+ real(kind=kind_io4),allocatable,dimension(:,:) :: pres_tmp
+ real(kind=kind_io8),allocatable,dimension(:) :: aer_lati
+ real(kind=kind_io8),allocatable,dimension(:) :: aer_loni
+!! ===================================================================
if (me == master) then
if ( iflip == 0 ) then ! data from toa to sfc
- print *, "EJ, GFS is top-down"
+ print *, "GFS is top-down"
- print *, "EJ, GFS is bottom-up"
+ print *, "GFS is bottom-up"
+!! ===================================================================
+!! fetch dim spec and lat/lon from m01 data set
+!! ===================================================================
+ fname=trim("aeroclim.m"//'01'//".nc")
+ inquire (file = fname, exist = file_exist)
+ if (.not. file_exist ) then
+ print *, 'fname not found, abort'
+ stop 8888
+ endif
+ call nf_open(fname , NF90_NOWRITE, ncid)
+ vname = trim(specname(1))
+ call nf_inq_varid(ncid, vname, varid)
+ call nf_inq_varndims(ncid, varid, ndims)
+ if(.not. allocated(invardims)) allocate(invardims(3))
+ call nf_inq_vardimid(ncid,varid,invardims)
+ call nf_inq_dimlen(ncid, invardims(1), dim1)
+ call nf_inq_dimlen(ncid, invardims(2), dim2)
+ call nf_inq_dimlen(ncid, invardims(3), dim3)
+! specify latsaer, lonsaer, hmx
+ lonsaer = dim1
+ latsaer = dim2
+ hmx = int(dim1/2) ! to swap long from W-E to E-W
+ if(me==master) then
+ print *, 'MERRA2 dim: ',dim1, dim2, dim3
+ endif
+! allocate arrays
+ if (.not. allocated(aer_loni)) then
+ allocate (aer_loni(lonsaer))
+ allocate (aer_lati(latsaer))
+ endif
+ if (.not. allocated(aer_lat)) then
+ allocate(aer_lat(latsaer))
+ allocate(aer_lon(lonsaer))
+ allocate(aerin(lonsaer,latsaer,levsaer,ntrcaerm,timeaer))
+ allocate(aer_pres(lonsaer,latsaer,levsaer,timeaer))
+ endif
+! construct lat/lon array
+ call nf_inq_varid(ncid, 'lat', varid)
+ call nf_get_var(ncid, varid, aer_lati)
+ call nf_inq_varid(ncid, 'lon', varid)
+ call nf_get_var(ncid, varid, aer_loni)
+ do i = 1, hmx ! flip from (-180,180) to (0,360)
+ if(aer_loni(i)<0.) aer_loni(i)=aer_loni(i)+360.
+ aer_lon(i+hmx) = aer_loni(i)
+ aer_lon(i) = aer_loni(i+hmx)
+ enddo
+ do i = 1, latsaer
+ aer_lat(i) = aer_lati(i)
+ enddo
+ call nf_close(ncid)
+! allocate local working arrays
+ if (.not. allocated(buff)) then
+ allocate (buff(lonsaer, latsaer, dim3))
+ allocate (pres_tmp(lonsaer,dim3))
+ endif
+ if (.not. allocated(buffx)) then
+ allocate (buffx(lonsaer, latsaer, dim3,1))
+ endif
+!! ===================================================================
+!! loop thru m01 - m12 for aer/pres array
+!! ===================================================================
do imon = 1, timeaer
- !ijk = imon + idate(2)+int(idate(3)/16)-2
- !if ( ijk .le. 0 ) ijk = 12
- !if ( ijk .eq. 13 ) ijk = 1
- !if ( ijk .eq. 14 ) ijk = 2
write(mn,'(i2.2)') imon
- fname=trim("merra2C.aerclim.2003-2014.m"//mn//".nc")
- if (me == master) print *, "EJ,aerosol climo:", fname, &
+ fname=trim("aeroclim.m"//mn//".nc")
+ if (me == master) print *, "aerosol climo:", fname, &
"for imon:",imon,idate
inquire (file = fname, exist = file_exist)
if ( file_exist ) then
if (me == master) print *, &
- "EJ, aerosol climo found; proceed the run"
+ "aerosol climo found; proceed the run"
- print *,"EJ, Error! aerosol climo not found; abort the run"
+ print *,"Error! aerosol climo not found; abort the run"
stop 555
- call nf_open(fname, nf_NOWRITE, ncid)
-! merra2 data is top down
-! for GFS, iflip 0: toa to sfc; 1: sfc to toa
-! read aerosol mixing ratio arrays (kg/kg)
-! construct 4-d aerosol mass concentration (kg/m3)
- call nf_inq_varid(ncid, 'AIRDENS', varid)
- call nf_get_var(ncid, varid, airden_clm)
-! if(me==master) print *, "EJ, read airdens", airden_clm(1,1,:,1)
+ call nf_open(fname , nf90_NOWRITE, ncid)
- do ii = 1, ntrcaer
- fldname=specname(ii)
- call nf_inq_varid(ncid, fldname, varid)
- call nf_get_var(ncid, varid, aer_clm)
-! if(me==master) print *, "EJ, read ", fldname, aer_clm(1,1,:,1)
- do i = 1, lonsaer
- do j = 1, latsaer
- do k = 1, levsaer
-! input is from toa to sfc
- if ( iflip == 0 ) then ! data from toa to sfc
- klev = k
- else ! data from sfc to top
- klev = ( lmerra - k ) + 1
- endif
- aerin(i,j,k,ii,imon) = aer_clm(i,j,klev,1)*airden_clm(i,j,klev,1)
- enddo !k-loop (lev)
- enddo !j-loop (lat)
- enddo !i-loop (lon)
- enddo !ii-loop (ntrac)
-! aer_clm is top-down (following MERRA2)
-! aerin is bottom-up (following GFS)
-! if ( imon == 1 .and. me == master ) then
-! print *, 'EJ, du1(1,1) :', aerin(1,1,:,1,imon)
-! endif
-! construct 3-d pressure array (Pa)
- call nf_inq_varid(ncid, "PS", varid)
- call nf_get_var(ncid, varid, ps_clm)
+! ====> construct 3-d pressure array (Pa)
call nf_inq_varid(ncid, "DELP", varid)
- call nf_get_var(ncid, varid, delp_clm)
-! if ( imon == 1 .and. me == master ) then
-! print *, 'EJ, ps_clm:', ps_clm(1,1,1)
-! print *, 'EJ, delp_clm:', delp_clm(1,1,:,1)
-! endif
+ call nf_get_var(ncid, varid, buff)
- do i = 1, lonsaer
do j = 1, latsaer
+ do i = 1, lonsaer
+! constract pres_tmp (top-down), note input is top-down
+ pres_tmp(i,1) = 0.
+ do k=2, dim3
+ pres_tmp(i,k) = pres_tmp(i,k-1)+buff(i,j,k)
+ enddo !k-loop
+ enddo !i-loop (lon)
-! constract pres_tmp (top-down)
- pres_tmp(1) = 0.
- do k=2, lmerra
- pres_tmp(k) = pres_tmp(k-1) + delp_clm(i,j,k,1)
- enddo
-! if (imon==1 .and. me==master .and. i==1 .and. j==1 ) then
-! print *, 'EJ, pres_tmp:', pres_tmp(:)
-! endif
-! extract pres_tmp to fill aer_pres
+! extract pres_tmp to fill aer_pres (in Pa)
do k = 1, levsaer
if ( iflip == 0 ) then ! data from toa to sfc
klev = k
else ! data from sfc to top
- klev = ( lmerra - k ) + 1
+ klev = ( dim3 - k ) + 1
- aer_pres(i,j,k,imon)= pres_tmp(klev)
+ do i = 1, hmx
+ aer_pres(i+hmx,j,k,imon)= 1.d0*pres_tmp(i,klev)
+ aer_pres(i,j,k,imon) = 1.d0*pres_tmp(i+hmx,klev)
+ enddo !i-loop (lon)
enddo !k-loop (lev)
-! if (imon==1 .and. me==master .and. i==1 .and. j==1 ) then
-! print *, 'EJ, aer_pres:', aer_pres(i,j,:,imon)
-! endif
enddo !j-loop (lat)
- enddo !i-loop (lon)
-! if (imon==1 .and. me==master ) then
-! print *, 'EJx, aer_pres_i1:',(aer_pres(1,1:180,levsaer,imon) )
-! endif
+! ====> construct 4-d aerosol array (kg/kg)
+! merra2 data is top down
+! for GFS, iflip 0: toa to sfc; 1: sfc to toa
+ DO ii = 1, ntrcaerm
+ vname=trim(specname(ii))
+ call nf_inq_varid(ncid, vname, varid)
+ call nf_get_var(ncid, varid, buffx)
-! construct lat/lon array
- if (imon == 1 ) then
- call nf_inq_varid(ncid, "lat", varid)
- call nf_get_var(ncid, varid, aer_lat)
- call nf_inq_varid(ncid, "lon", varid)
- call nf_get_var(ncid, varid, aer_lon)
- do i = 1, lonsaer
- if(aer_lon(i) < 0.) aer_lon(i) = aer_lon(i) + 360.
- enddo
-! if (imon==1 .and. me == master) then
-! print *, "EJ, lat:", aer_lat(:)
-! print *, "EJ, lon:", aer_lon(:)
-! endif
- endif
+ do j = 1, latsaer
+ do k = 1, levsaer
+! input is from toa to sfc
+ if ( iflip == 0 ) then ! data from toa to sfc
+ klev = k
+ else ! data from sfc to top
+ klev = ( dim3 - k ) + 1
+ endif
+ do i = 1, hmx
+ aerin(i+hmx,j,k,ii,imon) = 1.d0*buffx(i,j,klev,1)
+ if(aerin(i+hmx,j,k,ii,imon)<0.or.aerin(i+hmx,j,k,ii,imon)>1.) then
+ aerin(i+hmx,j,k,ii,imon) = 0.
+ end if
+ aerin(i,j,k,ii,imon) = 1.d0*buffx(i+hmx,j,klev,1)
+ if(aerin(i,j,k,ii,imon)<0.or.aerin(i,j,k,ii,imon)>1.) then
+ aerin(i,j,k,ii,imon) = 0.
+ end if
+ enddo !i-loop (lon)
+ enddo !k-loop (lev)
+ enddo !j-loop (lat)
+ ENDDO ! ii-loop (ntracaerm)
! close the file
call nf_close(ncid)
enddo !imon-loop
- deallocate (ps_clm, delp_clm, pres_tmp, aer_clm, airden_clm )
- if (me == master) then
- write(*,*) 'Reading in GOCART aerosols data'
- endif
+ deallocate (aer_loni, aer_lati)
+ deallocate (buff, pres_tmp)
+ deallocate (buffx)
END SUBROUTINE read_aerdata
@@ -197,11 +219,6 @@ SUBROUTINE setindxaer(npts,dlat,jindx1,jindx2,ddy,dlon, &
ddy(j) = 1.0
-! if (me == master .and. j<= 3) then
-! print *,'EJj,',j,' dlat=',dlat(j),' jindx12=',jindx1(j),&
-! jindx2(j),' aer_lat=',aer_lat(jindx1(j)), &
-! aer_lat(jindx2(j)),' ddy=',ddy(j)
-! endif
DO J=1,npts
@@ -220,11 +237,6 @@ SUBROUTINE setindxaer(npts,dlat,jindx1,jindx2,ddy,dlon, &
ddx(j) = 1.0
-! if (me == master .and. j<= 3) then
-! print *,'EJi,',j,' dlon=',dlon(j),' iindx12=',iindx1(j),&
-! iindx2(j),' aer_lon=',aer_lon(iindx1(j)), &
-! aer_lon(iindx2(j)),' ddx=',ddx(j)
-! endif
@@ -248,7 +260,8 @@ SUBROUTINE aerinterpol(me,master,npts,IDATE,FHOUR,jindx1,jindx2, &
integer IDAT(8),JDAT(8)
real(kind=kind_phys) DDY(npts), ddx(npts),ttt
- real(kind=kind_phys) aerout(npts,lev,ntrcaer),aerpm(npts,levsaer,ntrcaer)
+ real(kind=kind_phys) aerout(npts,lev,ntrcaer)
+ real(kind=kind_phys) aerpm(npts,levsaer,ntrcaer)
real(kind=kind_phys) prsl(npts,lev), aerpres(npts,levsaer)
real(kind=kind_phys) RINC(5), rjday
integer jdow, jdoy, jday
@@ -269,7 +282,6 @@ SUBROUTINE aerinterpol(me,master,npts,IDATE,FHOUR,jindx1,jindx2, &
-! if(me==master) print *,'EJ, IDAT ',IDAT(1:3), IDAT(5)
jdow = 0
jdoy = 0
@@ -290,15 +302,8 @@ SUBROUTINE aerinterpol(me,master,npts,IDATE,FHOUR,jindx1,jindx2, &
tx1 = (aer_time(n2) - rjday) / (aer_time(n2) - aer_time(n1))
tx2 = 1.0 - tx1
if (n2 > 12) n2 = n2 -12
-! if(me==master)print *,'EJ,rjday=',rjday, ';aer_time,tx1,tx=' &
-! , aer_time(n1),aer_time(n2),tx1,tx2,n1,n2
-! if(me==master) then
-! DO L=1,levsaer
-! print *,'EJ,aerin(n1,n2)=',L,aerin(1,1,L,1,n1),aerin(1,1,L,1,n2)
-! endif
DO L=1,levsaer
DO J=1,npts
J1 = JINDX1(J)
@@ -321,49 +326,38 @@ SUBROUTINE aerinterpol(me,master,npts,IDATE,FHOUR,jindx1,jindx2, &
+tx2*(TEMI*TEMJ*aer_pres(I1,J1,L,n2)+DDX(j)*DDY(J)*aer_pres(I2,J2,L,n2) &
-! IF(me==master .and. j==1) THEN
-! print *, 'EJ,aer/ps:',L,aerpm(j,L,1),aerpres(j,L)
-! if(L==1) then
-! print *, 'EJ, wgt:',TEMI*TEMJ,DDX(j)*DDY(J),TEMI*DDY(j),DDX(j)*TEMJ
-! print *, 'EJ, aerx:',aerin(I1,J1,L,ii,n1), &
-! aerin(I2,J2,L,ii,n1), aerin(I1,J2,L,ii,n1), aerin(I2,J1,L,ii,n1)
-! print *, 'EJ, aery:',aerin(I1,J1,L,ii,n2), &
-! aerin(I2,J2,L,ii,n2), aerin(I1,J2,L,ii,n2), aerin(I2,J1,L,ii,n2)
-! endif
-! note: input is set to be same as GFS
+! don't flip, input is the same direction as GFS (bottom-up)
DO J=1,npts
DO L=1,lev
- if(prsl(j,l).ge.aerpres(j,levsaer)) then
+ if(prsl(j,L).ge.aerpres(j,1)) then
DO ii=1, ntrcaer
- aerout(j,l,ii)=aerpm(j,levsaer,ii)
+ aerout(j,L,ii)=aerpm(j,1,ii) !! sfc level
- else if(prsl(j,l).le.aerpres(j,1)) then
+ else if(prsl(j,L).le.aerpres(j,levsaer)) then
DO ii=1, ntrcaer
- aerout(j,l,ii)=aerpm(j,1,ii)
+ aerout(j,L,ii)=aerpm(j,levsaer,ii) !! toa top
- DO k=levsaer-1,1,-1
- IF(prsl(j,l)>aerpres(j,k)) then
+ DO k=1, levsaer-1 !! from sfc to toa
+ IF(prsl(j,L)aerpres(j,k+1)) then
- end if
- end do
+ temi = prsl(j,L)-aerpres(j,i2)
+ temj = aerpres(j,i1) - prsl(j,L)
+ tx1 = temi/(aerpres(j,i1) - aerpres(j,i2))
+ tx2 = temj/(aerpres(j,i1) - aerpres(j,i2))
DO ii = 1, ntrcaer
- aerout(j,l,ii)=aerpm(j,i1,ii)+(aerpm(j,i2,ii)-aerpm(j,i1,ii))&
- /(aerpres(j,i2)-aerpres(j,i1))*(prsl(j,l)-aerpres(j,i1))
-! IF(me==master .and. j==1 .and. ii==1) then
-! print *, 'EJ, aerout:',aerout(j,l,ii), aerpm(j,i1,ii), &
-! aerpm(j,i2,ii), aerpres(j,i2), aerpres(j,i1), prsl(j,l)
+ aerout(j,L,ii)= aerpm(j,i1,ii)*tx1 + aerpm(j,i2,ii)*tx2
- endif
+ endif
+ ENDDO !L-loop
+ ENDDO !J-loop
diff --git a/gfsphysics/physics/cs_conv.F90 b/gfsphysics/physics/cs_conv.F90
index e824d93ce..8f3b41082 100644
--- a/gfsphysics/physics/cs_conv.F90
+++ b/gfsphysics/physics/cs_conv.F90
@@ -1225,9 +1225,11 @@ SUBROUTINE CS_CUMLUS (im , IJSDIM, KMAX , NTR , & !DD dimensions
gcht(i,ctp) = tem * gcht(i,ctp)
gcqt(i,ctp) = tem * gcqt(i,ctp)
gcit(i,ctp) = tem * gcit(i,ctp)
- do n = ntrq,ntr
- gctrt(i,n,ctp) = tem * gctrt(i,n,ctp)
- enddo
+ if (.not. flx_form) then
+ do n = ntrq,ntr
+ gctrt(i,n,ctp) = tem * gctrt(i,n,ctp)
+ enddo
+ end if
gcut(i,ctp) = tem * gcut(i,ctp)
gcvt(i,ctp) = tem * gcvt(i,ctp)
do k=1,kmax
diff --git a/gfsphysics/physics/iccninterp.f90 b/gfsphysics/physics/iccninterp.f90
index 66dd344db..d1254692c 100644
--- a/gfsphysics/physics/iccninterp.f90
+++ b/gfsphysics/physics/iccninterp.f90
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ SUBROUTINE read_cidata (me, master)
end do
end do
call nf_close(ncid)
- call nf_open("INPUT/cam5_4_143_NPCCN_monclimo2.nc", nf_NOWRITE, ncid)
+ call nf_open("cam5_4_143_NPCCN_monclimo2.nc", nf_NOWRITE, ncid)
call nf_inq_varid(ncid, "NPCCN", varid)
call nf_get_var(ncid, varid, ccnin)
call nf_close(ncid)
diff --git a/gfsphysics/physics/m_micro_driver.F90 b/gfsphysics/physics/m_micro_driver.F90
index 26a04d96a..8801a05c2 100644
--- a/gfsphysics/physics/m_micro_driver.F90
+++ b/gfsphysics/physics/m_micro_driver.F90
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ subroutine m_micro_driver(im, ix, lm, flipv, dt_i &
&, CLLS_io, KCBL &
&, CLDREFFG, aerfld_i &
- &, aero_in, naai_i, npccn_i, iccn &
+ &, naai_i, npccn_i, iccn &
&, skip_macro &
&, lprnt, alf_fac, qc_min, pdfflag &
&, ipr, kdt, xlat, xlon, rhc_i)
@@ -60,7 +60,8 @@ subroutine m_micro_driver(im, ix, lm, flipv, dt_i &
integer, parameter :: ncolmicro = 1
integer,intent(in) :: im, ix,lm, ipr, kdt, fprcp, pdfflag
- logical,intent(in) :: flipv, aero_in, skip_macro, lprnt, iccn
+ logical,intent(in) :: flipv, skip_macro, lprnt
+ integer,intent(in) :: iccn
real (kind=kind_phys), intent(in):: dt_i, alf_fac, qc_min(2)
real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(ix,lm),intent(in) :: &
@@ -300,7 +301,7 @@ subroutine m_micro_driver(im, ix, lm, flipv, dt_i &
temp(i,k) = t_io(i,ll)
radheat(i,k) = lwheat_i(i,ll) + swheat_i(i,ll)
rhc(i,k) = rhc_i(i,ll)
- if (iccn) then
+ if (iccn == 1) then
CDNC_NUC(i,k) = npccn_i(i,ll)
INC_NUC(i,k) = naai_i (i,ll)
@@ -361,7 +362,7 @@ subroutine m_micro_driver(im, ix, lm, flipv, dt_i &
temp(i,k) = t_io(i,k)
radheat(i,k) = lwheat_i(i,k) + swheat_i(i,k)
rhc(i,k) = rhc_i(i,k)
- if (iccn) then
+ if (iccn == 1) then
CDNC_NUC(i,k) = npccn_i(i,k)
INC_NUC(i,k) = naai_i (i,k)
@@ -531,7 +532,7 @@ subroutine m_micro_driver(im, ix, lm, flipv, dt_i &
NCPL(i,l) = MAX( NCPL(i,l), 0.)
NCPI(i,l) = MAX( NCPI(i,l), 0.)
RAD_CF(i,l) = max(0.0, min(CLLS(i,l)+CLCN(i,l), 1.0))
- if (.not. iccn) then
+ if (iccn.ne.1) then
CDNC_NUC(i,l) = 0.0
INC_NUC(i,l) = 0.0
@@ -586,7 +587,7 @@ subroutine m_micro_driver(im, ix, lm, flipv, dt_i &
- if ( aero_in ) then
+ if (iccn == 2) then
AERMASSMIX(:,:,1:ntrcaer) = aerfld_i(:,:,1:ntrcaer)
AERMASSMIX(:,:,1:5) = 1.e-6
@@ -769,12 +770,7 @@ subroutine m_micro_driver(im, ix, lm, flipv, dt_i &
tauxr8 = ter8(K)
-! if(aero_in) then
AeroAux = AeroProps(I, K)
-! else
-! call init_Aer(AeroAux)
-! call init_Aer(AeroAux_b)
-! endif
pfrz_inc_r8(k) = 0.0
rh1_r8 = 0.0 !related to cnv_dql_dt, needed to changed soon
@@ -837,19 +833,21 @@ subroutine m_micro_driver(im, ix, lm, flipv, dt_i &
! if(temp(i,k) > T_ICE_ALL) SC_ICE(i,k) = 1.0
! if(temp(i,k) > TICE) SC_ICE(i,k) = rhc(i,k)
- if(temp(i,k) < T_ICE_ALL) then
-! SC_ICE(i,k) = max(SC_ICE(I,k), 1.2)
- SC_ICE(i,k) = max(SC_ICE(I,k), 1.5)
- elseif(temp(i,k) > TICE) then
- SC_ICE(i,k) = rhc(i,k)
- else
-! SC_ICE(i,k) = 1.0
-! tx1 = max(SC_ICE(I,k), 1.2)
- tx1 = max(SC_ICE(I,k), 1.5)
- SC_ICE(i,k) = ((tice-temp(i,k))*tx1 + (temp(i,k)-t_ice_all)*rhc(i,k)) &
- * t_ice_denom
+ if(iccn == 0) then
+ if(temp(i,k) < T_ICE_ALL) then
+! SC_ICE(i,k) = max(SC_ICE(I,k), 1.2)
+ SC_ICE(i,k) = max(SC_ICE(I,k), 1.5)
+ elseif(temp(i,k) > TICE) then
+ SC_ICE(i,k) = rhc(i,k)
+ else
+! SC_ICE(i,k) = 1.0
+! tx1 = max(SC_ICE(I,k), 1.2)
+ tx1 = max(SC_ICE(I,k), 1.5)
+ SC_ICE(i,k) = ((tice-temp(i,k))*tx1 + &
+ (temp(i,k)-t_ice_all)*rhc(i,k))* t_ice_denom
+ endif
- if (.not. iccn) then
+ if (iccn.ne.1) then
CDNC_NUC(I,k) = npccninr8(k)
INC_NUC (I,k) = naair8(k)
@@ -984,7 +982,7 @@ subroutine m_micro_driver(im, ix, lm, flipv, dt_i &
! temp(i,k) = th1(i,k) * PK(i,k)
RAD_CF(i,k) = min(CLLS(i,k)+CLCN(i,k), 1.0)
- if (.not. iccn) then
+ if (iccn.ne.1) then
if (PFRZ(i,k) > 0.0) then
INC_NUC(i,k) = INC_NUC(i,k) * PFRZ(i,k)
NHET_NUC(i,k) = NHET_NUC(i,k) * PFRZ(i,k)
@@ -1133,11 +1131,7 @@ subroutine m_micro_driver(im, ix, lm, flipv, dt_i &
-! if(aero_in) then
- AeroAux = AeroProps(I, K)
-! else
-! call init_Aer(AeroAux)
-! end if
+ AeroAux = AeroProps(I, K)
call getINsubset(1, AeroAux, AeroAux_b)
naux = AeroAux_b%nmods
if (nbincontactdust < naux) then
@@ -1351,7 +1345,7 @@ subroutine m_micro_driver(im, ix, lm, flipv, dt_i &
& drout2, dsout2, &
& freqs, freqr, &
& nfice, qcrat, &
- & prer_evap, xlat(i), xlon(i), lprint, iccn, aero_in, &
+ & prer_evap, xlat(i), xlon(i), lprint, iccn, &
& lev_sed_strt)
LS_PRC2(I) = max(1000.*(prectr8(1)-precir8(1)), 0.0)
@@ -1487,7 +1481,7 @@ subroutine m_micro_driver(im, ix, lm, flipv, dt_i &
& qgout2, ngout2, dgout2, freqg, &
& freqs, freqr, &
& nfice, qcrat, &
- & prer_evap, xlat(i), xlon(i), lprint, iccn, aero_in, &
+ & prer_evap, xlat(i), xlon(i), lprint, iccn, &
& lev_sed_strt)
LS_PRC2(I) = max(1000.*(prectr8(1)-precir8(1)), 0.0)
diff --git a/gfsphysics/physics/micro_mg2_0.F90 b/gfsphysics/physics/micro_mg2_0.F90
index 281802878..ec44523e6 100644
--- a/gfsphysics/physics/micro_mg2_0.F90
+++ b/gfsphysics/physics/micro_mg2_0.F90
@@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ subroutine micro_mg_tend ( &
drout2, dsout2, &
freqs, freqr, &
nfice, qcrat, &
- prer_evap, xlat, xlon, lprnt, iccn, aero_in, nlball)
+ prer_evap, xlat, xlon, lprnt, iccn, nlball)
! Constituent properties.
use micro_mg_utils, only: mg_liq_props, &
@@ -464,7 +464,8 @@ subroutine micro_mg_tend ( &
real(r8), intent(in) :: liqcldf(mgncol,nlev) ! liquid cloud fraction (no units)
real(r8), intent(in) :: icecldf(mgncol,nlev) ! ice cloud fraction (no units)
real(r8), intent(in) :: qsatfac(mgncol,nlev) ! subgrid cloud water saturation scaling factor (no units)
- logical, intent(in) :: lprnt, iccn, aero_in
+ logical, intent(in) :: lprnt
+ integer, intent(in) :: iccn
! used for scavenging
@@ -1113,7 +1114,7 @@ subroutine micro_mg_tend ( &
- if(iccn) then
+ if(iccn == 1) then
do k=1,nlev
do i=1,mgncol
npccn(i,k) = npccnin(i,k)
@@ -1152,7 +1153,7 @@ subroutine micro_mg_tend ( &
ncal = zero
end where
- if (iccn) then
+ if (iccn == 1) then
do k=1,nlev
do i=1,mgncol
if (t(i,k) < icenuct) then
@@ -1167,7 +1168,7 @@ subroutine micro_mg_tend ( &
- elseif (aero_in) then
+ elseif (iccn == 2) then
do k=1,nlev
do i=1,mgncol
if (t(i,k) < icenuct) then
diff --git a/gfsphysics/physics/micro_mg3_0.F90 b/gfsphysics/physics/micro_mg3_0.F90
index f27aa1896..a9df06c6c 100644
--- a/gfsphysics/physics/micro_mg3_0.F90
+++ b/gfsphysics/physics/micro_mg3_0.F90
@@ -505,7 +505,7 @@ subroutine micro_mg_tend ( &
freqs, freqr, &
nfice, qcrat, &
- prer_evap, xlat, xlon, lprnt, iccn, aero_in, nlball)
+ prer_evap, xlat, xlon, lprnt, iccn, nlball)
! Constituent properties.
use micro_mg_utils, only: mg_liq_props, &
@@ -593,8 +593,8 @@ subroutine micro_mg_tend ( &
real(r8), intent(in) :: liqcldf(mgncol,nlev) ! liquid cloud fraction (no units)
real(r8), intent(in) :: icecldf(mgncol,nlev) ! ice cloud fraction (no units)
real(r8), intent(in) :: qsatfac(mgncol,nlev) ! subgrid cloud water saturation scaling factor (no units)
- logical, intent(in) :: lprnt, iccn, aero_in
+ logical, intent(in) :: lprnt
+ integer, intent(in) :: iccn
! used for scavenging
! Inputs for aerosol activation
@@ -1441,7 +1441,7 @@ subroutine micro_mg_tend ( &
- if (iccn) then
+ if (iccn == 1) then
do k=1,nlev
do i=1,mgncol
npccn(i,k) = npccnin(i,k)
@@ -1495,7 +1495,7 @@ subroutine micro_mg_tend ( &
- if (iccn) then
+ if (iccn == 1) then
do k=1,nlev
do i=1,mgncol
if (t(i,k) < icenuct) then
@@ -1510,11 +1510,13 @@ subroutine micro_mg_tend ( &
- elseif (aero_in) then
+ elseif (iccn == 2) then
do k=1,nlev
do i=1,mgncol
if (t(i,k) < icenuct) then
ncai(i,k) = naai(i,k)*rho(i,k)
+ ncai(i,k) = min(ncai(i,k), 710.0e3_r8)
+ naai(i,k) = ncai(i,k)*rhoinv(i,k)
naai(i,k) = zero
ncai(i,k) = zero
@@ -2844,7 +2846,6 @@ subroutine micro_mg_tend ( &
qctend(i,k) = qctend(i,k) + &
(-pra(i,k)-prc(i,k)-mnuccc(i,k)-mnucct(i,k)-msacwi(i,k) - &
if (do_cldice) then
! qitend(i,k) = qitend(i,k) + &
! (mnuccc(i,k)+mnucct(i,k)+mnudep(i,k)+msacwi(i,k))*lcldm(i,k)+(-prci(i,k)- &
diff --git a/gfsphysics/physics/radiation_aerosols.f b/gfsphysics/physics/radiation_aerosols.f
index 37364b8be..45a909ca8 100644
--- a/gfsphysics/physics/radiation_aerosols.f
+++ b/gfsphysics/physics/radiation_aerosols.f
@@ -25,11 +25,10 @@
! !
! 'setaer' -- mapping aeros profile, compute aeros opticals !
! inputs: !
-! (prsi,prsl,prslk,tvly,rhlay,slmsk,tracer,xlon,xlat, !
+! (prsi,prsl,prslk,tvly,rhlay,slmsk,tracer,aerfld,xlon,xlat, !
! IMAX,NLAY,NLP1, lsswr,lslwr, !
! outputs: !
-! (aerosw,aerolw,tau_gocart) !
-!! (aerosw,aerolw,aerodp) !
+! (aerosw,aerolw,aerodp) !
! !
! !
! external modules referenced: !
@@ -100,6 +99,9 @@
! jun 2018 --- h-m lin and y-t hou updated spectral band !
! mapping method for aerosol optical properties. controled by !
! internal variable lmap_new through namelist variable iaer. !
+! may 2019 --- sarah lu, restore the gocart option, allowing !
+! aerosol ext, ssa, asy determined from MERRA2 monthly climo !
+! with new spectral band mapping method !
! !
! references for opac climatological aerosols: !
! hou et al. 2002 (ncep office note 441) !
@@ -107,6 +109,11 @@
! !
! references for gocart interactive aerosols: !
! chin et al., 2000 - jgr, v105, 24671-24687 !
+! colarco et al., 2010 - jgr, v115, D14207 !
+! !
+! references for merra2 aerosol reanalysis: !
+! randles et al., 2017 - jclim, v30, 6823-6850 !
+! buchard et al., 2017 - jclim, v30, 6851-6871 !
! !
! references for stratosperic volcanical aerosols: !
! sato et al. 1993 - jgr, v98, d12, 22987-22994 !
@@ -139,6 +146,12 @@
!! \cite hess_et_al_1998
!! - GOCART interactive aerosols:
!! Chin et al., 2000 \cite chin_et_al_2000
+!! Colarco et al., 2010 - jgr, v115, D14207\cite colarco_et_al_2010
+!! - MERRA2 aerosol reanalysis:
+!! Randles et al., 2017 - jclim, v30, 6823-6850\cite randles_et_al_2017
+!! Buchard et al., 2017 - jclim, v30, 6851-6871\cite buchard_et_al_2017
!! - Stratospheric volcanical aerosols:
!! Sato et al. 1993 \cite sato_et_al_1993
@@ -156,7 +169,8 @@ module module_radiation_aerosols !
use module_radlw_parameters, only : NBDLW, wvnlw1, wvnlw2
use funcphys, only : fpkap
- use gfs_phy_tracer_config, only : gfs_phy_tracer, trcindx
+ use aerclm_def, only : ntrcaerm
implicit none
@@ -393,24 +407,20 @@ module module_radiation_aerosols !
! --------------------------------------------------------------------- !
! section-4 : module variables for gocart aerosol optical properties !
! --------------------------------------------------------------------- !
!> \name module variables for gocart aerosol optical properties
! --- parameters and constants:
-! - KCM, KCM1, KCM2 are determined from subroutine 'set_aerspc'
!> num of bands for aer data (gocart)
- integer, parameter :: KAERBND=61
+ integer, parameter :: KAERBNDD=61
+ integer, parameter :: KAERBNDI=56
!> num of rh levels for rh-dep components
integer, parameter :: KRHLEV =36
-!* integer, parameter :: KCM1 = 8 ! num of rh independent aer !species
-!* integer, parameter :: KCM2 = 5 ! num of rh dependent aer species
-!* integer, parameter :: KCM = KCM1 + KCM2
-!> num of rh indep aerosols (set in subr set_aerspc)
- integer, save :: KCM1 = 0
-!> num of rh dep aerosols (set in subr set_aerspc)
- integer, save :: KCM2 = 0
-!> =KCM1+KCM2 (set in subr set_aerspc)
- integer, save :: KCM
+!> num of gocart rh indep aerosols
+ integer, parameter :: KCM1 = 5
+!> num of gocart rh dep aerosols
+ integer, parameter :: KCM2 = 10
+!> num of gocart aerosols
+ integer, parameter :: KCM = KCM1 + KCM2
real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(KRHLEV) :: rhlev_grt &
data rhlev_grt (:)/ .00, .05, .10, .15, .20, .25, .30, .35, &
@@ -418,252 +428,42 @@ module module_radiation_aerosols !
& .83, .84, .85, .86, .87, .88, .89, .90, .91, .92, .93, &
& .94, .95, .96, .97, .98, .99 /
-! --- the following arrays are allocate and setup in subr 'gocrt_aerinit'
-! ------ gocart aerosol specification ------
-! => transported aerosol species:
-! DU (5-bins)
-! SS (4 bins for climo mode and 5 bins for fcst mode)
-! SU (dms, so2, so4, msa)
-! OC (phobic, philic) and BC (phobic, philic)
-! => species and lumped species for aerosol optical properties
-! DU (5-bins, with 4 sub-groups in the submicron bin )
-! SS (ssam for submicron, sscm for coarse mode)
-! SU (so4)
-! OC (phobic, philic) and BC (phobic, philic)
-! => specification used for aerosol optical properties luts
-! DU (8 bins)
-! SS (ssam, sscm)
-! SU (suso)
-! OC (waso) and BC (soot)
-! - spectral band structure:
-! iendwv_grt(KAERBND) - ending wavenumber (cm**-1) for each band
-! - relative humidity independent aerosol optical properties:
-! ===> species : dust (8 bins)
-! rhidext0_grt(KAERBND,KCM1) - extinction coefficient
-! rhidssa0_grt(KAERBND,KCM1) - single scattering albedo
-! rhidasy0_grt(KAERBND,KCM1) - asymmetry parameter
-! - relative humidity dependent aerosol optical properties:
-! ===> species : soot, suso, waso, ssam, sscm
-! rhdpext0_grt(KAERBND,KRHLEV,KCM2) - extinction coefficient
-! rhdpssa0_grt(KAERBND,KRHLEV,KCM2) - single scattering albedo
-! rhdpasy0_grt(KAERBND,KRHLEV,KCM2) - asymmetry parameter
-!> spectral band structure: ending wavenumber (\f$cm^-1\f$) for each band
- integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: iendwv_grt
-! relative humidity independent aerosol optical properties:
-!! species : dust (8 bins)
!> \name relative humidity independent aerosol optical properties:
-!! species : dust (8 bins)
-!> extinction coefficient
- real (kind=kind_phys),allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: rhidext0_grt
-!> single scattering albedo
- real (kind=kind_phys),allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: rhidssa0_grt
-!> asymmetry parameter
- real (kind=kind_phys), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: rhidasy0_grt
+!! species: du001, du002, du003, du004, du005
+! extrhi_grt(KCM1,NSWLWBD) - extinction coefficient for sw+lw band
+! scarhi_grt(KCM1,NSWLWBD) - scattering coefficient for sw+lw band
+! ssarhi_grt(KCM1,NSWLWBD) - single scattering albedo for sw+lw band
+! asyrhi_grt(KCM1,NSWLWBD) - asymmetry parameter for sw+lw band
+ real (kind=kind_phys),allocatable,save,dimension(:,:) :: &
+ & extrhi_grt, scarhi_grt, ssarhi_grt, asyrhi_grt
-! relative humidity dependent aerosol optical properties:
-! species : soot, suso, waso, ssam, sscm
!> \name relative humidity dependent aerosol optical properties:
-!! species : soot, suso, waso, ssam, sscm
+!! species : ss001, ss002, ss003, ss004, ss005, so4,
+!! bcphobic, bcphilic, ocphobic, ocphilic
+! extrhd_grt(KRHLEV,KCM2,NSWLWBD) - extinction coefficient for sw+lw band
+! scarhd_grt(KRHLEV,KCM2,NSWLWBD) - scattering coefficient for sw+lw band
+! ssarhd_grt(KRHLEV,KCM2,NSWLWBD) - single scattering albedo for sw+lw band
+! asyrhd_grt(KRHLEV,KCM2,NSWLWBD) - asymmetry parameter for sw+lw band
!> extinction coefficient
- real (kind=kind_phys),allocatable,dimension(:,:,:) :: rhdpext0_grt
-!> single scattering albedo
- real (kind=kind_phys),allocatable,dimension(:,:,:) :: rhdpssa0_grt
-!> asymmetry parameter
- real (kind=kind_phys),allocatable,dimension(:,:,:) :: rhdpasy0_grt
-! - relative humidity independent aerosol optical properties:
-! extrhi_grt(KCM1,NSWLWBD) - extinction coefficient for sw+lw spectral band
-! ssarhi_grt(KCM1,NSWLWBD) - single scattering albedo for sw+lw spectral band
-! asyrhi_grt(KCM1,NSWLWBD) - asymmetry parameter for sw+lw spectral band
-! - relative humidity dependent aerosol optical properties:
-! extrhd_grt(KRHLEV,KCM2,NSWLWBD) - extinction coefficient for sw+lw band
-! ssarhd_grt(KRHLEV,KCM2,NSWLWBD) - single scattering albedo for sw+lw band
-! asyrhd_grt(KRHLEV,KCM2,NSWLWBD) - asymmetry parameter for sw+lw band
-!>\name relative humidity independent aerosol optical properties
-!> extinction coefficient for SW+LW spectral band
- real (kind=kind_phys),allocatable,save,dimension(:,:) :: &
- & extrhi_grt
-!> single scattering albedo for SW+LW spectral band
- real (kind=kind_phys),allocatable,save,dimension(:,:) :: &
- & ssarhi_grt
-!> asymmetry parameter for SW+LW spectral band
- real (kind=kind_phys),allocatable,save,dimension(:,:) :: &
- & asyrhi_grt
-!> \name relative humidity dependent aerosol optical properties
-!> extinction coefficient for SW+LW spectral band
real (kind=kind_phys),allocatable,save,dimension(:,:,:) :: &
- & extrhd_grt
-!> single scattering albedo for SW+LW band
- real (kind=kind_phys),allocatable,save,dimension(:,:,:) :: &
- & ssarhd_grt
-!> asymmetry parameter for SW+LW band
- real (kind=kind_phys),allocatable,save,dimension(:,:,:) :: &
- & asyrhd_grt
+ & extrhd_grt, scarhd_grt, ssarhd_grt, asyrhd_grt
-!> \name module variables for gocart aerosol clim data set
+!> gocart species
+ integer, parameter :: num_gc = 5
+ character*2 :: gridcomp(num_gc)
+ integer, dimension (num_gc):: num_radius, radius_lower
+ integer, dimension (num_gc):: trc_to_aod
-! --------------------------------------------------------------------- !
-! section-5 : module variables for gocart aerosol climo data set !
-! --------------------------------------------------------------------- !
-! This version only supports geos3-gocart data set (Jan 2010)
-! Modified to support geos4-gocart data set (May 2010)
-! geos3-gocart vs geos4-gocart
-! (1) Use the same module variables
-! IMXG,JMXG,KMXG,NMXG,psclmg,dmclmg,geos_rlon,geos_rlat
-! (2) Similarity between geos3 and geos 4:
-! identical lat/lon grids and aerosol specification;
-! direction of vertical index is bottom-up (sfc to toa)
-! (3) Difference between geos3 and geos4
-! vertical coordinate (sigma for geos3/hybrid_sigma_pressure for geos4)
-! aerosol units (mass concentration for geos3/mixing ratio for geos4)
-!> num of lon-points in geos dataset
- integer, parameter :: IMXG = 144
-!> num of lat-points in geos dataset
- integer, parameter :: JMXG = 91
-!> num of vertical layers in geos dataset
- integer, parameter :: KMXG = 30
-!* integer, parameter :: NMXG = 12
-!> to be determined by set_aerspc
- integer, save :: NMXG
- real (kind=kind_phys), parameter :: dltx = 360.0 / float(IMXG)
- real (kind=kind_phys), parameter :: dlty = 180.0 / float(JMXG-1)
-! --- the following arrays are allocated and setup in 'rd_gocart_clim'
-! - geos-gocart climo data (input dataset)
-! psclmg - pressure in cb IMXG*JMXG*KMXG
-! dmclmg - aerosol dry mass in g/m3 IMXG*JMXG*KMXG*NMXG
-! or aerosol mixing ratio in mol/mol or Kg/Kg
-!> pressure in cb
- real (kind=kind_phys),allocatable, save:: psclmg(:,:,:)
-!> aerosol dry mass in g/m3 or aerosol mixing ration in mol/mol or Kg/Kg
- real (kind=kind_phys),allocatable, save:: dmclmg(:,:,:,:)
-! - geos-gocart lat/lon arrays
-!> geos-gocart longitude arrays
- real (kind=kind_phys), allocatable, save, dimension(:):: geos_rlon
-!> geos-gocart latitude arrays
- real (kind=kind_phys), allocatable, save, dimension(:):: geos_rlat
-!> control flag for gocart climo data set: xxxx as default; ver3 for geos3;
-!! ver4 for geos4; 0000 for unknown data
- character*4, save :: gocart_climo = 'xxxx'
-!> molecular wght of gocart aerosol species
- real (kind=kind_io4), allocatable :: molwgt(:)
-! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-! !
-! section-6 : module variables for gocart aerosol scheme options
-! !
-! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-! !
-!> logical parameter for gocart initialization control
- logical, save :: lgrtint = .true.
-!> logical parameter for gocart debug print control
-! logical, save :: lckprnt = .true.
- logical, save :: lckprnt = .false.
-! --- the following index/flag/weight are set up in 'set_aerspc'
-!> merging coefficients for fcst/clim; determined from fdaer
- real (kind=kind_phys), save :: ctaer = f_zero ! user specified wgt
-!> option to get fcst gocart aerosol field
- logical, save :: get_fcst = .true.
-!> option to get clim gocart aerosol field
- logical, save :: get_clim = .true.
-! ------ gocart aerosol specification ------
-! => transported aerosol species:
-! DU (5-bins)
-! SS (4 bins for climo mode and 5 bins for fcst mode)
-! SU (dms, so2, so4, msa)
-! OC (phobic, philic) and BC (phobic, philic)
-! => species and lumped species for aerosol optical properties
-! DU (5-bins, with 4 sub-groups in the submicron bin )
-! SS (ssam for submicron, sscm for coarse mode)
-! SU (so4)
-! OC (phobic, philic) and BC (phobic, philic)
-! => specification used for aerosol optical properties luts
-! DU (8 bins)
-! SS (ssam, sscm)
-! SU (suso)
-! OC (waso) and BC (soot)
+ data gridcomp /'DU', 'SS', 'SU', 'BC', 'OC'/
+ data num_radius /5, 5, 1, 2, 2 /
+ data radius_lower /1, 6, 11, 12, 14 /
+ data trc_to_aod /1, 5, 4, 2, 3/ ! dust, soot, waso, suso, ssam
-!> index for rh dependent aerosol optical properties (2nd
-!! dimension for extrhd_grt, ssarhd_grt, and asyrhd_grt)
- integer, save :: isoot, iwaso, isuso, issam, isscm
-! - index for rh independent aerosol optical properties (1st
-! dimension for extrhi_grt, ssarhi_grt, and asyrhi_grt) is
-! not needed ===> hardwired to 8-bin dust
-! - index for gocart aerosol species to be included in the
-! calculations of aerosol optical properties (ext, ssa, asy)
-!> index for gocart aerosol species to be included in the
-!! calculations of aerosol optical properties (ext, ssa, asy)
- type gocart_index_type
-! dust
- integer :: dust1, dust2, dust3, dust4, dust5
-! sea salt
- integer :: ssam, sscm
-! sulfate
- integer :: suso
-! oc
- integer :: waso_phobic, waso_philic
-! bc
- integer :: soot_phobic, soot_philic
- endtype
- type (gocart_index_type), save :: dm_indx
-!> index for gocart aerosols from prognostic tracer fields
- type tracer_index_type
-! dust
- integer :: du001, du002, du003, du004, du005
-! sea salt
- integer :: ss001, ss002, ss003, ss004, ss005
-! sulfate
- integer :: so4
-! oc
- integer :: ocphobic, ocphilic
-! bc
- integer :: bcphobic, bcphilic
- endtype
- type (tracer_index_type), save :: dmfcs_indx
-! - grid components to be included in the aeropt calculations
-!> number of aerosol grid components
- integer, save :: num_gridcomp = 0
-!> aerosol grid components
- character, allocatable , save :: gridcomp(:)*2
-!> default full-package setting
- integer, parameter :: max_num_gridcomp = 5
-!> data max_gridcomp /'DU', 'BC', 'OC', 'SU', 'SS'/
- character*2 :: max_gridcomp(max_num_gridcomp)
- data max_gridcomp /'DU', 'BC', 'OC', 'SU', 'SS'/
-! GOCART code modification end here (Sarah Lu)
-! ------------------------!
! =======================================================================
+! --------------------------------------------------------------------- !
+! section-5 : module variables for aod diagnostic !
+! --------------------------------------------------------------------- !
!! --- the following are for diagnostic purpose to output aerosol optical depth
! aod from 10 components are grouped into 5 major different species:
! 1:dust (inso,minm,miam,micm,mitr); 2:black carbon (soot)
@@ -688,7 +488,6 @@ module module_radiation_aerosols !
public aer_init, aer_update, setaer
! =================
! =================
@@ -739,7 +538,7 @@ subroutine aer_init &
! !
! usage: call aer_init !
! !
-! subprograms called: clim_aerinit, gcrt_aerinit, !
+! subprograms called: clim_aerinit, gocart_aerinit, !
! wrt_aerlog, set_volcaer, set_spectrum, !
! !
! ================================================================== !
@@ -834,14 +633,13 @@ subroutine aer_init &
! --- outputs:
& )
-! elseif ( iaermdl == 1 ) then ! gocart-climatology scheme
-! elseif ( iaermdl==1 .or. iaermdl==2 ) then ! gocart-clim/prog scheme
-! call gcrt_climinit
-! elseif ( iaermdl == 2 ) then ! gocart-prognostic scheme
+ elseif ( iaermdl==1 .or. iaermdl==2 ) then ! gocart clim/prog scheme
-! call gcrt_aerinit
+ call gocart_aerinit &
+! --- inputs:
+ & ( solfwv, eirfwv, me &
+! --- outputs:
+ & )
if ( me == 0 ) then
@@ -1962,7 +1760,11 @@ subroutine aer_update &
!> -# Call trop_update() to update monthly tropospheric aerosol data.
if ( lalwflg .or. laswflg ) then
+ if ( iaermdl == 0 .or. iaermdl==5 ) then ! opac-climatology scheme
call trop_update
+ endif
!> -# Call volc_update() to update yearly stratospheric volcanic aerosol data.
@@ -2294,7 +2096,7 @@ end subroutine aer_update
!> @{
subroutine setaer &
- & ( prsi,prsl,prslk,tvly,rhlay,slmsk,tracer,xlon,xlat, & ! --- inputs
+ & ( prsi,prsl,prslk,tvly,rhlay,slmsk,tracer,aerfld,xlon,xlat, & ! --- inputs
& IMAX,NLAY,NLP1, lsswr,lslwr, &
& aerosw,aerolw & ! --- outputs
&, aerodp &
@@ -2312,6 +2114,7 @@ subroutine setaer &
! rhlay - layer mean relative humidity IMAX*NLAY !
! slmsk - sea/land mask (sea:0,land:1,sea-ice:2) IMAX !
! tracer - aerosol tracer concentration IMAX*NLAY*NTRAC !
+! aerfld - prescribed aerosol mixing rat IMAX*NLAY*NTRCAER!
! xlon - longitude of given points in radiance IMAX !
! ok for both 0->2pi or -pi->+pi ranges !
! xlat - latitude of given points in radiance IMAX !
@@ -2362,6 +2165,7 @@ subroutine setaer &
real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(in) :: xlon, xlat, &
& slmsk
real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:,:),intent(in):: tracer
+ real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:,:),intent(in):: aerfld
logical, intent(in) :: lsswr, lslwr
@@ -2419,7 +2223,6 @@ subroutine setaer &
if ( .not. (lsswr .or. lslwr) ) then
@@ -2495,8 +2298,6 @@ subroutine setaer &
!! subroutine computes sw + lw aerosol optical properties for gocart
!! aerosol species (merged from fcst and clim fields).
-! if ( iaerflg == 1 ) then ! use opac aerosol climatology
if ( iaermdl==0 .or. iaermdl==5 ) then ! use opac aerosol climatology
call aer_property &
@@ -2509,6 +2310,20 @@ subroutine setaer &
& aerosw,aerolw,aerodp &
& )
+ elseif ( iaermdl==1 .or. iaermdl==2) then ! use gocart aerosols
+ call aer_property_gocart &
+! --- inputs:
+ & ( prsi,prsl,prslk,tvly,rhlay,dz,hz,tracer,aerfld, &
+ & alon,alat,slmsk,laersw,laerlw, &
+! --- outputs:
+ & aerosw,aerolw,aerodp &
+ & )
+ endif ! end if_iaerflg_block
! --- check print
! do m = 1, NBDSW
@@ -2544,21 +2359,6 @@ subroutine setaer &
! print *,' ASYAER:',aerolw(:,k,m,3)
! enddo
! enddo
-! elseif ( iaerflg == 2 ) then ! use gocart aerosol scheme
- elseif ( iaermdl == 1 ) then ! use gocart aerosol scheme
- call setgocartaer &
-! --- inputs:
- & ( alon,alat,prslk,rhlay,dz,hz,NSWLWBD, &
- & prsl,tvly,tracer, &
- & IMAX,NLAY,NLP1, ivflip, lsswr,lslwr, &
-! --- outputs:
- & aerosw,aerolw &
- & )
- endif ! end if_iaerflg_block
endif ! end if_laswflg_or_lalwflg_block
@@ -3267,11 +3067,9 @@ subroutine aer_property &
! --- for diagnostic output (optional)
-! if ( lspcaod ) then
- do m = 1, NSPC
- aerodp(i,m+1) = spcodp(m)
- enddo
-! endif
+ do m = 1, NSPC
+ aerodp(i,m+1) = spcodp(m)
+ enddo
endif ! end if_larsw_block
@@ -3613,1499 +3411,824 @@ end subroutine aer_property
!> @}
-! =======================================================================
-! GOCART code modification starts here (Sarah lu) ---------------------!
-!! gocart_init : set_aerspc, rd_gocart_clim, rd_gocart_luts, optavg_grt
-!! setgocartaer: aeropt_grt, map_aermr
-!> The initialization program for gocart aerosols
-!! - determine weight and index for aerosol composition/luts
-!! - read in monthly global distribution of gocart aerosols
-!! - read and map the tabulated aerosol optical spectral data onto
-!! corresponding SW/LW radiation spectral bands.
+!> This subroutine is the gocart aerosol initialization
+!! program to set up necessary parameters and working arrays.
+!>\param solfwv (NWVTOT), solar flux for each individual wavenumber
+!! \f$(w/m^2)\f$
+!!\param eirfwv (NWVTIR), IR flux(273k) for each individual wavenumber
+!! \f$(w/m^2)\f$
+!!\param me print message control flag
-!>\param NWVTOT total num of wave numbers used in sw spectrum
-!!\param solfwv (NWVTOT), solar flux for each individual
-!! wavenumber (w/m2)
-!!\param soltot total solar flux for the spectrual range (w/m2)
-!!\param NWVTIR total num of wave numbers used in the ir region
-!!\param eirfwv (NWVTIR), ir flux(273k) for each individual
-!! wavenumber (w/m2)
-!!\param NBDSW num of bands calculated for sw aeros opt prop
-!!\param NLWBND num of bands calculated for lw aeros opt prop
-!!\param NSWLWBD total num of bands calc for sw+lw aeros opt prop
-!!\param imon month of the year
-!!\param me print message control flag
-!!\param raddt
-!!\param fdaer
!>\section gel_go_ini General Algorithm
!! @{
- subroutine gocart_init &
- & ( NWVTOT,solfwv,soltot,NWVTIR,eirfwv, & ! --- inputs:
- & NBDSW,NLWBND,NSWLWBD,imon,me,raddt,fdaer & ! --- outputs: ( none )
+ subroutine gocart_aerinit &
+ & ( solfwv, eirfwv, me &
& )
! ================================================================== !
! !
-! subprogram : gocart_init !
-! !
-! this is the initialization program for gocart aerosols !
-! !
-! - determine weight and index for aerosol composition/luts !
-! - read in monthly global distribution of gocart aerosols !
-! - read and map the tabulated aerosol optical spectral data !
-! onto corresponding sw/lw radiation spectral bands. !
+! subprogram : gocart_aerinit !
! !
-! ==================== defination of variables =================== !
+! gocart_aerinit is the gocart aerosol initialization program !
+! to set up necessary parameters and working arrays. !
! !
! inputs: !
-! NWVTOT - total num of wave numbers used in sw spectrum !
! solfwv(NWVTOT) - solar flux for each individual wavenumber (w/m2)!
-! soltot - total solar flux for the spectrual range (w/m2)!
-! NWVTIR - total num of wave numbers used in the ir region !
! eirfwv(NWVTIR) - ir flux(273k) for each individual wavenum (w/m2)!
-! NBDSW - num of bands calculated for sw aeros opt prop !
-! NLWBND - num of bands calculated for lw aeros opt prop !
-! NSWLWBD - total num of bands calc for sw+lw aeros opt prop!
-! imon - month of the year !
! me - print message control flag !
! !
-! outputs: (to the module variables) !
+! outputs: (to module variables) !
! !
! module variables: !
-! NBDSW - total number of sw spectral bands !
-! wvnum1,wvnum2 (NSWSTR:NSWEND) !
-! - start/end wavenumbers for each of sw bands !
-! NBDLW - total number of lw spectral bands !
-! wvnlw1,wvnlw2 (NBDLW) !
-! - start/end wavenumbers for each of lw bands !
-! NSWLWBD - total number of sw+lw bands used in this version !
-! extrhi_grt - extinction coef for rh-indep aeros KCM1*NSWLWBD !
-! ssarhi_grt - single-scat-alb for rh-indep aeros KCM1*NSWLWBD !
-! asyrhi_grt - asymmetry factor for rh-indep aeros KCM1*NSWLWBD !
-! extrhd_grt - extinction coef for rh-dep aeros KRHLEV*KCM2*NSWLWBD!
-! ssarhd_grt - single-scat-alb for rh-dep aeros KRHLEV*KCM2*NSWLWBD!
-! asyrhd_grt - asymmetry factor for rh-dep aerosKRHLEV*KCM2*NSWLWBD!
-! ctaer - merging coefficients for fcst/clim fields !
-! get_fcst - option to get fcst aerosol fields !
-! get_clim - option to get clim aerosol fields !
-! dm_indx - index for aer spec to be included in aeropt calculations !
-! dmfcs_indx - index for prognostic aerosol fields !
-! psclmg - geos3/4-gocart pressure IMXG*JMXG*KMXG !
-! dmclmg - geos3-gocart aerosol dry mass IMXG*JMXG*KMXG*NMXG!
-! or geos4-gocart aerosol mixing ratio !
+! NWVSOL - num of wvnum regions where solar flux is constant !
+! NWVTOT - total num of wave numbers used in sw spectrum !
+! NWVTIR - total num of wave numbers used in the ir region !
+! NSWBND - total number of sw spectral bands !
+! NLWBND - total number of lw spectral bands !
+! NAERBND - number of bands for climatology aerosol data !
+! KCM1 - number of rh independent aeros species !
+! KCM2 - number of rh dependent aeros species !
! !
! usage: call gocart_init !
! !
-! subprograms called: set_aerspc, rd_gocart_clim, !
-! rd_gocart_luts, optavg_grt !
+! subprograms called: rd_gocart_luts, optavg_gocart !
! !
! ================================================================== !
implicit none
! --- inputs:
- integer, intent(in) :: NWVTOT,NWVTIR,NBDSW,NLWBND,NSWLWBD,imon,me
+ real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:) :: solfwv ! one wvn sol flux
+ real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:) :: eirfwv ! one wvn ir flux
- real (kind=kind_phys), intent(in) :: raddt, fdaer
- real (kind=kind_phys), intent(in) :: solfwv(:),soltot, eirfwv(:)
+ integer, intent(in) :: me
! --- output: ( none )
! --- locals:
+ real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(kaerbndi,kcm1) :: &
+ & rhidext0_grt, rhidsca0_grt, rhidssa0_grt, rhidasy0_grt
+ real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(kaerbndd,krhlev,kcm2):: &
+ & rhdpext0_grt, rhdpsca0_grt, rhdpssa0_grt, rhdpasy0_grt
- real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(NBDSW,KAERBND) :: solwaer
- real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(NBDSW) :: solbnd
- real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(NLWBND,KAERBND) :: eirwaer
- real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(NLWBND) :: eirbnd
- real (kind=kind_phys) :: sumsol, sumir, fac, tmp, wvs, wve
- integer, dimension(NBDSW) :: nv1, nv2
- integer, dimension(NLWBND) :: nr1, nr2
- integer :: i, mb, ib, ii, iw, iw1, iw2, ik, ibs, ibe
-!===> ... begin here
-! (1) determine aerosol specification index and merging coefficients
- if ( .not. lgrtint ) then
-! --- ... already done aerspc initialization, continue
+ real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(nswbnd,kaerbndd) :: solwaer
+ real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(nswbnd) :: solbnd
+ real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(nlwbnd,kaerbndd) :: eirwaer
+ real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(nlwbnd) :: eirbnd
- continue
+ real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(nswbnd,kaerbndi) :: solwaer_du
+ real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(nswbnd) :: solbnd_du
+ real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(nlwbnd,kaerbndi) :: eirwaer_du
+ real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(nlwbnd) :: eirbnd_du
- else
-! --- ... set aerosol specification index and merging coefficients
+ integer, dimension(nswbnd) :: nv1, nv2, nv1_du, nv2_du
+ integer, dimension(nlwbnd) :: nr1, nr2, nr1_du, nr2_du
- call set_aerspc(raddt,fdaer)
-! --- inputs: (in scope variables)
-! --- outputs: (in scope variables)
+ integer, dimension(kaerbndd) :: iendwv
+ integer, dimension(kaerbndi) :: iendwv_du
+ real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(kaerbndd) :: wavelength
+ real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(kaerbndi) :: wavelength_du
+ real (kind=kind_phys) :: sumsol, sumir, sumsol_du, sumir_du
- endif ! end if_lgrtinit_block
+ integer :: i, j, k, mb, ib, ii, iix, iw, iw1, iw2
-! (2) read gocart climatological data
-! --- ... read gocart climatological data, if needed
- if ( get_clim ) then
+!===> ... begin here
+! --- ... invoke gocart aerosol initialization
- call rd_gocart_clim
-! --- inputs: (in scope variables)
-! --- outputs: (in scope variables)
+ if (KCM /= ntrcaerm ) then
+ print *, 'ERROR in # of gocart aer species',KCM
+ stop 3000
-! (3) read and map the tabulated aerosol optical spectral data
-! onto corresponding radiation spectral bands
- if ( .not. lgrtint ) then
+! --- ... aloocate and input aerosol optical data
-! --- ... already done optical property interpolation, exit
+ if ( .not. allocated( extrhi_grt ) ) then
+ allocate ( extrhi_grt ( kcm1,nswlwbd) )
+ allocate ( scarhi_grt ( kcm1,nswlwbd) )
+ allocate ( ssarhi_grt ( kcm1,nswlwbd) )
+ allocate ( asyrhi_grt ( kcm1,nswlwbd) )
+ allocate ( extrhd_grt (krhlev,kcm2,nswlwbd) )
+ allocate ( scarhd_grt (krhlev,kcm2,nswlwbd) )
+ allocate ( ssarhd_grt (krhlev,kcm2,nswlwbd) )
+ allocate ( asyrhd_grt (krhlev,kcm2,nswlwbd) )
+ endif
- return
+! --- ... read tabulated GOCART aerosols optical data
- else
+ call rd_gocart_luts
+! --- inputs: (in scope variables, module variables)
+! --- outputs: (in scope variables)
-! --- ... reset lgrtint
+! --- ... convert wavelength to wavenumber
+! wavelength and wavelength_du are read-in by rd_gocart_luts
- lgrtint = .false.
+ do i = 1, kaerbndd
+ iendwv(i) = int(10000. / wavelength(i))
+ enddo
-! --- ... read tabulated aerosol optical input data
- call rd_gocart_luts
-! --- inputs: (in scope variables)
-! --- outputs: (in scope variables)
+ do i = 1, kaerbndi
+ iendwv_du(i) = int(10000. / wavelength_du(i))
+ enddo
! --- ... compute solar flux weights and interval indices for mapping
! spectral bands between sw radiation and aerosol data
+ if ( laswflg ) then
solbnd (:) = f_zero
- solwaer(:,:) = f_zero
+ solbnd_du (:)= f_zero
+ do i=1,nswbnd
+ do j=1,kaerbndd
+ solwaer(i,j) = f_zero
+ enddo
+ do j=1,kaerbndi
+ solwaer_du(i,j) = f_zero
+ enddo
+ enddo
- nv_aod = 1
+ do ib = 1, nswbnd
+ mb = ib + nswstr - 1
+ ii = 1
+ iix = 1
+ iw1 = nint(wvnsw1(mb))
+ iw2 = nint(wvnsw2(mb))
- ibs = 1
- ibe = 1
- wvs = wvn_sw1(1)
- wve = wvn_sw1(1)
- do ib = 2, NBDSW
- mb = ib + NSWSTR - 1
- if ( wvn_sw2(mb) >= wvn550 .and. wvn550 >= wvn_sw1(mb) ) then
+ if ( wvnsw2(mb)>=wvn550 .and. wvn550>=wvnsw1(mb) ) then
nv_aod = ib ! sw band number covering 550nm wavelenth
- if ( wvn_sw1(mb) < wvs ) then
- wvs = wvn_sw1(mb)
- ibs = ib
- endif
- if ( wvn_sw1(mb) > wve ) then
- wve = wvn_sw1(mb)
- ibe = ib
- endif
- enddo
- do ib = 1, NBDSW
- mb = ib + NSWSTR - 1
- ii = 1
- iw1 = nint(wvn_sw1(mb))
- iw2 = nint(wvn_sw2(mb))
- Lab_swdowhile : do while ( iw1 > iendwv_grt(ii) )
- if ( ii == KAERBND ) exit Lab_swdowhile
+! -- for rd-dependent
+ do while ( iw1 > iendwv(ii) )
+ if ( ii == kaerbndd ) exit
ii = ii + 1
- enddo Lab_swdowhile
- if ( lmap_new ) then
- if (ib == ibs) then
- sumsol = f_zero
- else
- sumsol = -0.5 * solfwv(iw1)
- endif
- if (ib == ibe) then
- fac = f_zero
- else
- fac = -0.5
- endif
- solbnd(ib) = sumsol
- else
- sumsol = f_zero
- endif
+ enddo
+ sumsol = f_zero
nv1(ib) = ii
+! -- for rd-independent
+ do while ( iw1 > iendwv_du(iix) )
+ if ( iix == kaerbndi ) exit
+ iix = iix + 1
+ enddo
+ sumsol_du = f_zero
+ nv1_du(ib) = iix
do iw = iw1, iw2
+! -- for rd-dependent
solbnd(ib) = solbnd(ib) + solfwv(iw)
sumsol = sumsol + solfwv(iw)
- if ( iw == iendwv_grt(ii) ) then
+ if ( iw == iendwv(ii) ) then
solwaer(ib,ii) = sumsol
- if ( ii < KAERBND ) then
+ if ( ii < kaerbndd ) then
sumsol = f_zero
ii = ii + 1
+! -- for rd-independent
+ solbnd_du(ib) = solbnd_du(ib) + solfwv(iw)
+ sumsol_du = sumsol_du + solfwv(iw)
+ if ( iw == iendwv_du(iix) ) then
+ solwaer_du(ib,iix) = sumsol_du
+ if ( iix < kaerbndi ) then
+ sumsol_du = f_zero
+ iix = iix + 1
+ endif
+ endif
- if ( iw2 /= iendwv_grt(ii) ) then
+ if ( iw2 /= iendwv(ii) ) then
solwaer(ib,ii) = sumsol
- if ( lmap_new ) then
- tmp = fac * solfwv(iw2)
- solwaer(ib,ii) = solwaer(ib,ii) + tmp
- solbnd(ib) = solbnd(ib) + tmp
+ if ( iw2 /= iendwv_du(iix) ) then
+ solwaer_du(ib,iix) = sumsol_du
nv2(ib) = ii
- if((me==0) .and. lckprnt) print *,'RAD-nv1,nv2:', &
- & ib,iw1,iw2,nv1(ib),iendwv_grt(nv1(ib)), &
- & nv2(ib),iendwv_grt(nv2(ib)), &
- & 10000./iw1, 10000./iw2
+ nv2_du(ib) = iix
enddo ! end do_ib_block for sw
+ endif ! end if_laswflg_block
-! --- check the spectral range for the nv_550 band
- if((me==0) .and. lckprnt) then
- mb = nv_aod + NSWSTR - 1
- iw1 = nint(wvn_sw1(mb))
- iw2 = nint(wvn_sw2(mb))
- print *,'RAD-nv_aod:', &
- & nv_aod, iw1, iw2, 10000./iw1, 10000./iw2
- endif
-! --- ... compute ir flux weights and interval indices for mapping
+! --- ... compute lw flux weights and interval indices for mapping
! spectral bands between lw radiation and aerosol data
- eirbnd (:) = f_zero
- eirwaer(:,:) = f_zero
- ibs = 1
- ibe = 1
- if (NLWBND > 1 ) then
- wvs = wvn_lw1(1)
- wve = wvn_lw1(1)
- do ib = 2, NLWBND
- if ( wvn_lw1(ib) < wvs ) then
- wvs = wvn_lw1(ib)
- ibs = ib
- endif
- if ( wvn_lw1(ib) > wve ) then
- wve = wvn_lw1(ib)
- ibe = ib
- endif
+ if ( lalwflg ) then
+ eirbnd (:) = f_zero
+ eirbnd_du (:) = f_zero
+ do i=1,nlwbnd
+ do j=1,kaerbndd
+ eirwaer(i,j) = f_zero
- endif
+ do j=1,kaerbndi
+ eirwaer_du(i,j) = f_zero
+ enddo
+ enddo
- do ib = 1, NLWBND
+ do ib = 1, nlwbnd
ii = 1
- if ( NLWBND == 1 ) then
+ iix = 1
+ if ( nlwbnd == 1 ) then
iw1 = 400 ! corresponding 25 mu
iw2 = 2500 ! corresponding 4 mu
- iw1 = nint(wvn_lw1(ib))
- iw2 = nint(wvn_lw2(ib))
+ mb = ib + nlwstr - 1
+ iw1 = nint(wvnlw1(mb))
+ iw2 = nint(wvnlw2(mb))
- Lab_lwdowhile : do while ( iw1 > iendwv_grt(ii) )
- if ( ii == KAERBND ) exit Lab_lwdowhile
+! -- for rd-dependent
+ do while ( iw1 > iendwv(ii) )
+ if ( ii == kaerbndd ) exit
ii = ii + 1
- enddo Lab_lwdowhile
- if ( lmap_new ) then
- if (ib == ibs) then
- sumir = f_zero
- else
- sumir = -0.5 * eirfwv(iw1)
- endif
- if (ib == ibe) then
- fac = f_zero
- else
- fac = -0.5
- endif
- eirbnd(ib) = sumir
- else
- sumir = f_zero
- endif
+ enddo
+ sumir = f_zero
nr1(ib) = ii
+! -- for rd-independent
+ do while ( iw1 > iendwv_du(iix) )
+ if ( iix == kaerbndi ) exit
+ iix = iix + 1
+ enddo
+ sumir_du = f_zero
+ nr1_du(ib) = iix
do iw = iw1, iw2
+! -- for rd-dependent
eirbnd(ib) = eirbnd(ib) + eirfwv(iw)
sumir = sumir + eirfwv(iw)
- if ( iw == iendwv_grt(ii) ) then
+ if ( iw == iendwv(ii) ) then
eirwaer(ib,ii) = sumir
- if ( ii < KAERBND ) then
+ if ( ii < kaerbndd ) then
sumir = f_zero
ii = ii + 1
+! -- for rd-independent
+ eirbnd_du(ib) = eirbnd_du(ib) + eirfwv(iw)
+ sumir_du = sumir_du + eirfwv(iw)
+ if ( iw == iendwv_du(iix) ) then
+ eirwaer_du(ib,iix) = sumir_du
+ if ( iix < kaerbndi ) then
+ sumir_du = f_zero
+ iix = iix + 1
+ endif
+ endif
- if ( iw2 /= iendwv_grt(ii) ) then
+ if ( iw2 /= iendwv(ii) ) then
eirwaer(ib,ii) = sumir
- nr2(ib) = ii
- if ( lmap_new ) then
- tmp = fac * eirfwv(iw2)
- eirwaer(ib,ii) = eirwaer(ib,ii) + tmp
- eirbnd(ib) = eirbnd(ib) + tmp
+ if ( iw2 /= iendwv_du(iix) ) then
+ eirwaer_du(ib,iix) = sumir_du
- if(me==0 .and. lckprnt) print *,'RAD-nr1,nr2:', &
- & ib,iw1,iw2,nr1(ib),iendwv_grt(nr1(ib)), &
- & nr2(ib),iendwv_grt(nr2(ib)), &
- & 10000./iw1, 10000./iw2
+ nr2(ib) = ii
+ nr2_du(ib) = iix
enddo ! end do_ib_block for lw
+ endif ! end if_lalwflg_block
! --- compute spectral band mean properties for each species
- call optavg_grt
-! --- inputs: (in scope variables)
-! --- outputs: (in scope variables)
- if(me==0 .and. lckprnt) then
- print *, 'RAD -After optavg_grt, sw band info'
- do ib = 1, NBDSW
- mb = ib + NSWSTR - 1
- print *,'RAD -wvnsw1,wvnsw2: ',ib,wvn_sw1(mb),wvn_sw2(mb)
- print *,'RAD -lamda1,lamda2: ',ib,10000./wvn_sw1(mb), &
- & 10000./wvn_sw2(mb)
- print *,'RAD -extrhi_grt:', extrhi_grt(:,ib)
-! do i = 1, KRHLEV
- do i = 1, KRHLEV, 10
- print *, 'RAD -extrhd_grt:',i,rhlev_grt(i), &
- & extrhd_grt(i,:,ib)
- enddo
- enddo
- print *, 'RAD -After optavg_grt, lw band info'
- do ib = 1, NLWBND
- ii = NBDSW + ib
- print *,'RAD -wvnlw1,wvnlw2: ',ib,wvn_lw1(ib),wvn_lw2(ib)
- print *,'RAD -lamda1,lamda2: ',ib,10000./wvn_lw1(ib), &
- & 10000./wvn_lw2(ib)
- print *,'RAD -extrhi_grt:', extrhi_grt(:,ii)
-! do i = 1, KRHLEV
- do i = 1, KRHLEV, 10
- print *, 'RAD -extrhd_grt:',i,rhlev_grt(i), &
- & extrhd_grt(i,:,ii)
- enddo
- enddo
- endif
+ call optavg_gocart
+! --- inputs: (in-scope variables, module variables)
+! --- outputs: (module variables)
-! --- ... dealoocate input data arrays no longer needed
- deallocate ( iendwv_grt )
- if ( allocated(rhidext0_grt) ) then
- deallocate ( rhidext0_grt )
- deallocate ( rhidssa0_grt )
- deallocate ( rhidasy0_grt )
- endif
- if ( allocated(rhdpext0_grt) ) then
- deallocate ( rhdpext0_grt )
- deallocate ( rhdpssa0_grt )
- deallocate ( rhdpasy0_grt )
- endif
- endif ! end if_lgrtinit_block
+! --- check print
+! if (me == 0) then
+! do ib = 1, NSWBND
+! mb = ib + NSWSTR - 1
+! print *, ' wvnsw1,wvnsw2 :',wvnsw1(mb),wvnsw2(mb)
+! print *, ' After optavg_gocart, for sw band:',ib
+! print *, ' extrhi:', extrhi_grt(:,ib)
+! print *, ' scarhi:', scarhi_grt(:,ib)
+! print *, ' ssarhi:', ssarhi_grt(:,ib)
+! print *, ' asyrhi:', asyrhi_grt(:,ib)
+! do i = 1, KRHLEV
+! print *, ' extrhd for rhlev:',i
+! print *, extrhd_grt(i,:,ib)
+! print *, ' scarhd for rhlev:',i
+! print *, scarhd_grt(i,:,ib)
+! print *, ' ssarhd for rhlev:',i
+! print *, ssarhd_grt(i,:,ib)
+! print *, ' asyrhd for rhlev:',i
+! print *, asyrhd_grt(i,:,ib)
+! enddo
+! enddo
+! print *, ' wvnlw1 :',wvnlw1
+! print *, ' wvnlw2 :',wvnlw2
+! do ib = 1, NLWBND
+! ii = NSWBND + ib
+! print *,' After optavg_gocart, for lw band:',ib
+! print *,' extrhi_grt:', extrhi_grt(:,ii)
+! print *,' scarhi_grt:', scarhi_grt(:,ii)
+! print *,' ssarhi_grt:', ssarhi_grt(:,ii)
+! print *,' asyrhi_grt:', asyrhi_grt(:,ii)
+! do i = 1, KRHLEV
+! print *,' extrhd for rhlev:',i
+! print *, extrhd_grt(i,:,ib)
+! print *,' scarhd for rhlev:',i
+! print *, scarhd_grt(i,:,ib)
+! print *,' ssarhd for rhlev:',i
+! print *, ssarhd_grt(i,:,ib)
+! print *,' asyrhd for rhlev:',i
+! print *, asyrhd_grt(i,:,ib)
+! enddo
+! enddo
+! endif
! =================
! =================
-!> This subroutine determines merging coefficients ctaer; setup aerosol
-!! specification.
- subroutine set_aerspc(raddt,fdaer)
+ subroutine rd_gocart_luts
-! --- inputs: (in scope variables)
+! --- inputs: (in scope variables, module variables)
! --- outputs: (in scope variables)
! ==================================================================== !
! !
-! subprogram: set_aerspc !
-! !
-! determine merging coefficients ctaer; !
-! set up aerosol specification: num_gridcomp, gridcomp, dm_indx, !
-! dmfcs_indx, isoot, iwaso, isuso, issam, isscm !
-! !
-! Aerosol optical properties (ext, ssa, asy) are determined from !
-! NMGX (<=12) aerosol species !
-! ==> DU: dust1 (4 sub-micron bins), dust2, dust3, dust4, dust5 !
-! BC: soot_phobic, soot_philic !
-! OC: waso_phobic, waso_philic !
-! SU: suso (=so4) !
-! SS: ssam (accumulation mode), sscm (coarse mode) !
+! subprogram: rd_gocart_luts !
+! read GMAO pre-tabultaed aerosol optical data for dust, seasalt, !
+! sulfate, black carbon, and organic carbon aerosols !
! !
-! The current version only supports prognostic aerosols (from GOCART !
-! in-line calculations) and climo aerosols (from GEOS-GOCART runs) !
+! major local variables: !
+! for handling spectral band structures !
+! iendwv - ending wvnum (cm**-1) for each band kaerbndd !
+! iendwv_du - ending wvnum (cm**-1) for each band kaerbndi !
+! for handling optical properties of rh independent species (kcm1) !
+! 1=du001, 2=du002, 3=du003, 4=du004, 5=du005 !
+! rhidext0_grt - extinction coefficient kaerbndi*kcm1 !
+! rhidsca0_grt - scattering coefficient kaerbndi*kcm1 !
+! rhidssa0_grt - single scattering albedo kaerbndi*kcm1 !
+! rhidasy0_grt - asymmetry parameter kaerbndi*kcm1 !
+! for handling optical properties of rh ndependent species (kcm2) !
+! 1=ss001, 2=ss002, 3=ss003, 4=ss004, 5=ss005, 6=so4, !
+! 7=bcphobic, 8=bcphilic, 9=ocphobic, 10=ocphilic !
+! rhdpext0_grt - extinction coefficient kaerbndd*krhlev*kcm2!
+! rhdpsca0_grt - scattering coefficient kaerbndd*krhlev*kcm2!
+! rhdpssa0_grt - single scattering albedo kaerbndd*krhlev*kcm2!
+! rhdpasy0_grt - asymmetry parameter kaerbndd*krhlev*kcm2!
+! !
+! usage: call rd_gocart_luts !
! !
! ================================================================== !
implicit none
-! --- inputs:
- real (kind=kind_phys), intent(in) :: raddt, fdaer
-! --- output:
-! --- local:
-! real (kind=kind_phys) :: raddt
- integer :: i, indxr
- character*2 :: tp, gridcomp_tmp(max_num_gridcomp)
-!! ===> determine ctaer (user specified weight for fcst fields)
-! raddt = min(fhswr,fhlwr) / 24.
- if( fdaer >= 99999. ) ctaer = f_one
- if((fdaer>0.).and.(fdaer<99999.)) ctaer=exp(-raddt/fdaer)
- if(me==0 .and. lckprnt) then
- print *, 'RAD -raddt, fdaer,ctaer: ', raddt, fdaer, ctaer
- if (ctaer == f_one ) then
- print *, 'LU -aerosol fields determined from fcst'
- elseif (ctaer == f_zero) then
- print *, 'LU -aerosol fields determined from clim'
- else
- print *, 'LU -aerosol fields determined from fcst/clim'
- endif
- endif
+! --- inputs: (none)
+! --- output: (none)
-!! ===> determine get_fcst and get_clim
-!! if fcst is chosen (ctaer == f_one ), set get_clim to F
-!! if clim is chosen (ctaer == f_zero), set get_fcst to F
- if ( ctaer == f_one ) get_clim = .false.
- if ( ctaer == f_zero ) get_fcst = .false.
-!! ===> determine aerosol species to be included in the calculations
-!! of aerosol optical properties (ext, ssa, asy)
-!* If climo option is chosen, the aerosol composition is hardwired
-!* to full package. If not, the composition is determined from
-!* tracer_config on-the-fly (full package or subset)
- lab_if_fcst : if ( get_fcst ) then
-!! use tracer_config to determine num_gridcomp and gridcomp
- if ( gfs_phy_tracer%doing_GOCART ) then
- if ( gfs_phy_tracer%doing_DU ) then
- num_gridcomp = num_gridcomp + 1
- gridcomp_tmp(num_gridcomp) = 'DU'
- endif
- if ( gfs_phy_tracer%doing_SU ) then
- num_gridcomp = num_gridcomp + 1
- gridcomp_tmp(num_gridcomp) = 'SU'
- endif
- if ( gfs_phy_tracer%doing_SS ) then
- num_gridcomp = num_gridcomp + 1
- gridcomp_tmp(num_gridcomp) = 'SS'
- endif
- if ( gfs_phy_tracer%doing_OC ) then
- num_gridcomp = num_gridcomp + 1
- gridcomp_tmp(num_gridcomp) = 'OC'
- endif
- if ( gfs_phy_tracer%doing_BC ) then
- num_gridcomp = num_gridcomp + 1
- gridcomp_tmp(num_gridcomp) = 'BC'
- endif
+! --- locals:
+ integer :: iradius, ik, ibeg
+ integer, parameter :: numspc = 5 ! # of aerosol species
+! - input tabulated aerosol optical spectral data from GSFC
+ real, dimension(kaerbndd) :: lambda ! wavelength (m) for non-dust
+ real, dimension(kaerbndi) :: lambda_du ! wavelength (m) for dust
+ real, dimension(krhlev) :: rh ! relative humidity (fraction)
+ real, dimension(kaerbndd,krhlev,numspc) :: bext! extinction efficiency (m2/kg)
+ real, dimension(kaerbndd,krhlev,numspc) :: bsca! scattering efficiency (m2/kg)
+ real, dimension(kaerbndd,krhlev,numspc) :: g ! asymmetry factor (dimensionless)
+ real, dimension(kaerbndi,krhlev,numspc) :: bext_du! extinction efficiency (m2/kg)
+ real, dimension(kaerbndi,krhlev,numspc) :: bsca_du! scattering efficiency (m2/kg)
+ real, dimension(kaerbndi,krhlev,numspc) :: g_du ! asymmetry factor (dimensionless)
- if ( num_gridcomp > 0 ) then
- allocate ( gridcomp(num_gridcomp) )
- gridcomp(1:num_gridcomp) = gridcomp_tmp(1:num_gridcomp)
- else
- print *,'ERROR: prognostic aerosols not found,abort',me
- stop 1000
- endif
- else ! gfs_phy_tracer%doing_GOCART=F
- print *,'ERROR: prognostic aerosols option off, abort',me
- stop 1001
- endif ! end_if_gfs_phy_tracer%doing_GOCART_if_
- else lab_if_fcst
-!! set to full package (max_num_gridcomp and max_gridcomp)
- num_gridcomp = max_num_gridcomp
- allocate ( gridcomp(num_gridcomp) )
- gridcomp(1:num_gridcomp) = max_gridcomp(1:num_gridcomp)
- endif lab_if_fcst
-!! Aerosol specification is determined as such:
-!! A. For radiation-aerosol feedback, the specification is based on the aeropt
-!! routine from Mian Chin and Hongbin Yu (hydrophobic and hydrophilic for
-!! OC/BC; submicron and supermicron for SS, 8-bins (with 4 subgroups for the
-!! the submicron bin) for DU, and SO4 for SU)
-!! B. For transport, the specification is determined from GOCART in-line module
-!! C. For LUTS, (waso, soot, ssam, sscm, suso, dust) is used, based on the
-!! the OPAC climo aerosol scheme (implemented by Yu-Tai Hou)
-!!=== determine dm_indx and NMXG
- indxr = 0
- dm_indx%waso_phobic = -999 ! OC
- dm_indx%soot_phobic = -999 ! BC
- dm_indx%ssam = -999 ! SS
- dm_indx%suso = -999 ! SU
- dm_indx%dust1 = -999 ! DU
- do i = 1, num_gridcomp
- tp = gridcomp(i)
- select case ( tp )
- case ( 'OC') ! consider hydrophobic and hydrophilic
- dm_indx%waso_phobic = indxr + 1
- dm_indx%waso_philic = indxr + 2
- indxr = indxr + 2
- case ( 'BC') ! consider hydrophobic and hydrophilic
- dm_indx%soot_phobic = indxr + 1
- dm_indx%soot_philic = indxr + 2
- indxr = indxr + 2
- case ( 'SS') ! consider submicron and supermicron
- dm_indx%ssam = indxr + 1
- dm_indx%sscm = indxr + 2
- indxr = indxr + 2
- case ( 'SU') ! consider SO4 only
- dm_indx%suso = indxr + 1
- indxr = indxr + 1
- case ( 'DU') ! consider all 5 bins
- dm_indx%dust1 = indxr + 1
- dm_indx%dust2 = indxr + 2
- dm_indx%dust3 = indxr + 3
- dm_indx%dust4 = indxr + 4
- dm_indx%dust5 = indxr + 5
- indxr = indxr + 5
- case default
- print *,'ERROR: aerosol species not supported, abort',me
- stop 1002
- end select
- enddo
- NMXG = indxr ! num of gocart aer spec for opt cal
-!!=== determine dmfcs_indx
-!! SS: 5-bins are considered for transport while only two groups
-!! (accumulation/coarse modes) are considered for radiation
-!! DU: 5-bins are considered for transport while 8 bins (with the
-!! submicorn bin exptended to 4 bins) are considered for radiation
-!! SU: DMS, SO2, and MSA are not considered for radiation
- if ( get_fcst ) then
- if ( gfs_phy_tracer%doing_OC ) then
- dmfcs_indx%ocphobic = trcindx ('ocphobic', gfs_phy_tracer)
- dmfcs_indx%ocphilic = trcindx ('ocphilic', gfs_phy_tracer)
- endif
- if ( gfs_phy_tracer%doing_BC ) then
- dmfcs_indx%bcphobic = trcindx ('bcphobic', gfs_phy_tracer)
- dmfcs_indx%bcphilic = trcindx ('bcphilic', gfs_phy_tracer)
- endif
- if ( gfs_phy_tracer%doing_SS ) then
- dmfcs_indx%ss001 = trcindx ('ss001', gfs_phy_tracer)
- dmfcs_indx%ss002 = trcindx ('ss002', gfs_phy_tracer)
- dmfcs_indx%ss003 = trcindx ('ss003', gfs_phy_tracer)
- dmfcs_indx%ss004 = trcindx ('ss004', gfs_phy_tracer)
- dmfcs_indx%ss005 = trcindx ('ss005', gfs_phy_tracer)
- endif
- if ( gfs_phy_tracer%doing_SU ) then
- dmfcs_indx%so4 = trcindx ('so4', gfs_phy_tracer)
- endif
- if ( gfs_phy_tracer%doing_DU ) then
- dmfcs_indx%du001 = trcindx ('du001', gfs_phy_tracer)
- dmfcs_indx%du002 = trcindx ('du002', gfs_phy_tracer)
- dmfcs_indx%du003 = trcindx ('du003', gfs_phy_tracer)
- dmfcs_indx%du004 = trcindx ('du004', gfs_phy_tracer)
- dmfcs_indx%du005 = trcindx ('du005', gfs_phy_tracer)
- endif
- endif
+ logical :: file_exist
+ character*50 :: fin, dummy
+! --- read LUTs for dust aerosols
+ fin='optics_'//gridcomp(1)//'.dat'
+ inquire (file=trim(fin), exist=file_exist)
+ if ( file_exist ) then
+ close(niaercm)
+ open (unit=niaercm, file=fin, status='OLD')
+ rewind(niaercm)
+ else
+ print *,' Requested luts file ',trim(fin),' not found'
+ print *,' ** Stopped in rd_gocart_luts ** '
+ stop 1220
+ endif ! end if_file_exist_block
+ iradius = 5
+! read lambda and compute mpwavelength (m)
+ read(niaercm,'(a40)') dummy
+ read(niaercm,*) (lambda_du(i), i=1, kaerbndi)
+! read rh, relative humidity (fraction)
+ read(niaercm,'(a40)') dummy
+ read(niaercm,*) (rh(i), i=1, krhlev)
+! read bext (m2 (kg dry mass)-1)
+ do k = 1, iradius
+ read(niaercm,'(a40)') dummy
+ do j=1, krhlev
+ read(niaercm,*) (bext_du(i,j,k), i=1,kaerbndi)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+! read bsca (m2 (kg dry mass)-1)
+ do k = 1, iradius
+ read(niaercm,'(a40)') dummy
+ do j=1, krhlev
+ read(niaercm,*) (bsca_du(i,j,k), i=1, kaerbndi)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+! read g (dimensionless)
+ do k = 1, iradius
+ read(niaercm,'(a40)') dummy
+ do j=1, krhlev
+ read(niaercm,*) (g_du(i,j,k), i=1, kaerbndi)
+ enddo
+ enddo
-!!=== determin KCM, KCM1, KCM2
-!! DU: submicron bin (dust1) contains 4 sub-groups (e.g., hardwire
-!! 8 bins for aerosol optical properties luts)
-!! OC/BC: while hydrophobic aerosols are rh-independent, the luts
-!! for hydrophilic aerosols are used (e.g., use the coeff
-!! corresponding to rh=0)
- indxr = 1
- isoot = -999
- iwaso = -999
- isuso = -999
- issam = -999
- isscm = -999
- do i = 1, num_gridcomp
- tp = gridcomp(i)
- if ( tp /= 'DU' ) then !<--- non-dust aerosols
- select case ( tp )
- case ( 'OC ')
- iwaso = indxr
- case ( 'BC ')
- isoot = indxr
- case ( 'SU ')
- isuso = indxr
- case ( 'SS ')
- issam = indxr
- isscm = indxr + 1
- end select
- if ( tp /= 'SS' ) then
- indxr = indxr + 1
+! fill rhidext0 local arrays for dust aerosols (flip i-index)
+ do i = 1, kaerbndi ! convert from m to micron
+ j = kaerbndi -i + 1 ! flip i-index
+ wavelength_du(j) = 1.e6 * lambda_du(i)
+ enddo
+ do k = 1, iradius
+ do i = 1, kaerbndi
+ ii = kaerbndi -i + 1
+ rhidext0_grt(ii,k) = bext_du(i,1,k)
+ rhidsca0_grt(ii,k) = bsca_du(i,1,k)
+ if ( bext_du(i,1,k) /= f_zero) then
+ rhidssa0_grt(ii,k) = bsca_du(i,1,k)/bext_du(i,1,k)
- indxr = indxr + 2
+ rhidssa0_grt(ii,k) = f_one
- else !<--- dust aerosols
- KCM1 = 8 ! num of rh independent aer species
- endif
- enddo
- KCM2 = indxr - 1 ! num of rh dependent aer species
- KCM = KCM1 + KCM2 ! total num of aer species
-!! check print starts here
- if( me == 0 .and. lckprnt) then
- print *, 'RAD -num_gridcomp:', num_gridcomp
- print *, 'RAD -gridcomp :', gridcomp(:)
- print *, 'RAD -NMXG:', NMXG
- print *, 'RAD -dm_indx ===> '
- print *, 'RAD -aerspc: dust1=', dm_indx%dust1
- print *, 'RAD -aerspc: dust2=', dm_indx%dust2
- print *, 'RAD -aerspc: dust3=', dm_indx%dust3
- print *, 'RAD -aerspc: dust4=', dm_indx%dust4
- print *, 'RAD -aerspc: dust5=', dm_indx%dust5
- print *, 'RAD -aerspc: ssam=', dm_indx%ssam
- print *, 'RAD -aerspc: sscm=', dm_indx%sscm
- print *, 'RAD -aerspc: suso=', dm_indx%suso
- print *, 'RAD -aerspc: waso_phobic=',dm_indx%waso_phobic
- print *, 'RAD -aerspc: waso_philic=',dm_indx%waso_philic
- print *, 'RAD -aerspc: soot_phobic=',dm_indx%soot_phobic
- print *, 'RAD -aerspc: soot_philic=',dm_indx%soot_philic
- print *, 'RAD -KCM1 =', KCM1
- print *, 'RAD -KCM2 =', KCM2
- print *, 'RAD -KCM =', KCM
- if ( KCM2 > 0 ) then
- print *, 'RAD -aerspc: issam=', issam
- print *, 'RAD -aerspc: isscm=', isscm
- print *, 'RAD -aerspc: isuso=', isuso
- print *, 'RAD -aerspc: iwaso=', iwaso
- print *, 'RAD -aerspc: isoot=', isoot
- endif
- if ( get_fcst ) then
- print *, 'RAD -dmfcs_indx ===> '
- print *, 'RAD -trc_du001=',dmfcs_indx%du001
- print *, 'RAD -trc_du002=',dmfcs_indx%du002
- print *, 'RAD -trc_du003=',dmfcs_indx%du003
- print *, 'RAD -trc_du004=',dmfcs_indx%du004
- print *, 'RAD -trc_du005=',dmfcs_indx%du005
- print *, 'RAD -trc_so4 =',dmfcs_indx%so4
- print *, 'RAD -trc_ocphobic=',dmfcs_indx%ocphobic
- print *, 'RAD -trc_ocphilic=',dmfcs_indx%ocphilic
- print *, 'RAD -trc_bcphobic=',dmfcs_indx%bcphobic
- print *, 'RAD -trc_bcphilic=',dmfcs_indx%bcphilic
- print *, 'RAD -trc_ss001=',dmfcs_indx%ss001
- print *, 'RAD -trc_ss002=',dmfcs_indx%ss002
- print *, 'RAD -trc_ss003=',dmfcs_indx%ss003
- print *, 'RAD -trc_ss004=',dmfcs_indx%ss004
- print *, 'RAD -trc_ss005=',dmfcs_indx%ss005
- endif
- endif
-!! check print ends here
- return
-! !
- end subroutine set_aerspc
-!> This subroutine reads input gocart aerosol optical data from Mie
-!! code calculations.
- subroutine rd_gocart_luts
-! --- inputs: (in scope variables)
-! --- outputs: (in scope variables)
-! ==================================================================== !
-! subprogram: rd_gocart_luts !
-! read input gocart aerosol optical data from Mie code calculations !
-! !
-! Remarks (Quanhua (Mark) Liu, JCSDA, June 2008) !
-! The LUT is for NCEP selected 61 wave numbers and 6 aerosols !
-! (dust, soot, suso, waso, ssam, and sscm) and 36 aerosol effective !
-! size in microns. !
-! !
-! The LUT is computed using Mie code with a logorithm size !
-! distribution for each of 36 effective sizes. The standard deviation !
-! sigma of the size, and min/max size follows Chin et al. 2000 !
-! For each effective size, it corresponds a relative humidity value. !
-! !
-! The LUT contains the density, sigma, relative humidity, mean mode !
-! radius, effective size, mass extinction coefficient, single !
-! scattering albedo, asymmetry factor, and phase function !
-! !
-! ================================================================== !
- implicit none
-! --- inputs:
-! --- output:
-! --- locals:
- INTEGER, PARAMETER :: NP = 100, NP2 = 2*NP, nWave=100, &
- & nAero=6, n_p=36
- INTEGER :: NW, NS, nH, n_bin
- real (kind=kind_io8), Dimension( NP2 ) :: Angle, Cos_Angle, &
- & Cos_Weight
- real (kind=kind_io8), Dimension(n_p,nAero) :: RH, rm, reff
- real (kind=kind_io8), Dimension(nWave,n_p,nAero) :: &
- & ext0, sca0, asy0
- real (kind=kind_io8), Dimension(NP2,n_p,nWave,nAero) :: ph0
- real (kind=kind_io8) :: wavelength(nWave), density(nAero), &
- & sigma(nAero), wave,n_fac,PI,t1,s1,g1
- CHARACTER(len=80) :: AerosolName(nAero)
- INTEGER :: i, j, k, l, ij
- character :: aerosol_file*30
- logical :: file_exist
- integer :: indx_dust(8) ! map 36 dust bins to gocart size bins
- data aerosol_file /"NCEP_AEROSOL.bin"/
- data AerosolName/ ' Dust ', ' Soot ', ' SUSO ', ' WASO ', &
- & ' SSAM ', ' SSCM '/
-!! 8 dust bins
-!! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
-!! .1-.18, .18-.3, .3-.6, 0.6-1.0, 1.0-1.8, 1.8-3, 3-6, 6-10 <-- def
-!! 0.1399 0.2399 0.4499 0.8000 1.3994 2.3964 4.4964 7.9887 <-- reff
- data indx_dust/4, 8, 12, 18, 21, 24, 30, 36/
-! PI = acos(-1.d0)
-! -- allocate aerosol optical data
- if ( .not. allocated( iendwv_grt ) ) then
- allocate ( iendwv_grt (KAERBND) )
- endif
- if (.not. allocated(rhidext0_grt) .and. KCM1 > 0 ) then
- allocate ( rhidext0_grt(KAERBND,KCM1))
- allocate ( rhidssa0_grt(KAERBND,KCM1))
- allocate ( rhidasy0_grt(KAERBND,KCM1))
- endif
- if (.not. allocated(rhdpext0_grt) .and. KCM2 > 0 ) then
- allocate ( rhdpext0_grt(KAERBND,KRHLEV,KCM2))
- allocate ( rhdpssa0_grt(KAERBND,KRHLEV,KCM2))
- allocate ( rhdpasy0_grt(KAERBND,KRHLEV,KCM2))
- endif
-! -- read luts
- inquire (file = aerosol_file, exist = file_exist)
- if ( file_exist ) then
- if(me==0 .and. lckprnt) print *,'RAD -open :',aerosol_file
- close (NIAERCM)
- open (unit=NIAERCM,file=aerosol_file,status='OLD', &
- & action='read',form='UNFORMATTED')
- else
- print *,' Requested aerosol data file "',aerosol_file, &
- & '" not found!', me
- print *,' *** Stopped in subroutine RD_GOCART_LUTS !!'
- stop 1003
- endif ! end if_file_exist_block
- READ(NIAERCM) (Cos_Angle(i),i=1,NP)
- READ(NIAERCM) (Cos_Weight(i),i=1,NP)
- READ(NIAERCM) (wavelength(i),i=1,NW)
-! --- check nAero and NW
- if (NW /= KAERBND) then
- print *, "Incorrect spectral band, abort ", NW
- stop 1004
- endif
-! --- convert wavelength to wavenumber
- do i = 1, KAERBND
- iendwv_grt(i) = 10000. / wavelength(i)
- if(me==0 .and. lckprnt) print *,'RAD -wn,lamda:', &
- & i,iendwv_grt(i),wavelength(i)
- enddo
+ rhidasy0_grt(ii,k) = g_du(i,1,k)
+ enddo
+ enddo
- DO j = 1, nAero
- if(me==0 .and. lckprnt) print *,'RAD -read LUTs:', &
- & j,AerosolName(j)
- READ(NIAERCM) n_bin, density(j), sigma(j)
- READ(NIAERCM) (RH(i,j),i=1, n_bin)
- READ(NIAERCM) (rm(i,j),i=1, n_bin)
- READ(NIAERCM) (reff(i,j),i=1, n_bin)
-! --- check n_bin
- if (n_bin /= KRHLEV ) then
- print *, "Incorrect rh levels, abort ", n_bin
- stop 1005
- endif
+! --- read LUTs for non-dust aerosols
+ do ib = 2, num_gc ! loop thru SS, SU, BC, OC
+ fin='optics_'//gridcomp(ib)//'.dat'
+ inquire (file=trim(fin), exist=file_exist)
+ if ( file_exist ) then
+ close(niaercm)
+ open (unit=niaercm, file=fin, status='OLD')
+ rewind(niaercm)
+ else
+ print *,' Requested luts file ',trim(fin),' not found'
+ print *,' ** Stopped in rd_gocart_luts ** '
+ stop 1222
+ endif ! end if_file_exist_block
+ ibeg = radius_lower(ib) - kcm1
+ iradius = num_radius(ib)
+! read lambda and compute mpwavelength (m)
+ read(niaercm,'(a40)') dummy
+ read(niaercm,*) (lambda(i), i=1, kaerbndd)
+! read rh, relative humidity (fraction)
+ read(niaercm,'(a40)') dummy
+ read(niaercm,*) (rh(i), i=1, krhlev)
+! read bext
+ do k = 1, iradius
+ read(niaercm,'(a40)') dummy
+ do j=1, krhlev
+ read(niaercm,*) (bext(i,j,k), i=1,kaerbndd)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+! read bsca
+ do k = 1, iradius
+ read(niaercm,'(a40)') dummy
+ do j=1, krhlev
+ read(niaercm,*) (bsca(i,j,k), i=1, kaerbndd)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+! read g
+ do k = 1, iradius
+ read(niaercm,'(a40)') dummy
+ do j=1, krhlev
+ read(niaercm,*) (g(i,j,k), i=1, kaerbndd)
+ enddo
+ enddo
-! --- read luts
- DO k = 1, NW
- READ(NIAERCM) wave,(ext0(k,L,j),L=1,n_bin)
- READ(NIAERCM) (sca0(k,L,j),L=1,n_bin)
- READ(NIAERCM) (asy0(k,L,j),L=1,n_bin)
- READ(NIAERCM) (ph0(1:NP2,L,k,j),L=1,n_bin)
-! --- map luts input to module variables
- if (AerosolName(j) == ' Dust ' ) then
- if ( KCM1 > 0) then !<-- only if rh independent aerosols are needed
- do i = 1, KCM1
- rhidext0_grt(1:KAERBND,i)=ext0(1:KAERBND,indx_dust(i),j)
- rhidssa0_grt(1:KAERBND,i)=sca0(1:KAERBND,indx_dust(i),j)
- rhidasy0_grt(1:KAERBND,i)=asy0(1:KAERBND,indx_dust(i),j)
+! fill rhdpext0 local arrays for non-dust aerosols (flip i-index)
+ do i = 1, kaerbndd ! convert from m to micron
+ j = kaerbndd -i + 1 ! flip i-index
+ wavelength(j) = 1.e6 * lambda(i)
+ enddo
+ do k = 1, iradius
+ ik = ibeg + k - 1
+ do i = 1, kaerbndd
+ ii = kaerbndd -i + 1
+ do j = 1, krhlev
+ rhdpext0_grt(ii,j,ik) = bext(i,j,k)
+ rhdpsca0_grt(ii,j,ik) = bsca(i,j,k)
+ if ( bext(i,j,k) /= f_zero) then
+ rhdpssa0_grt(ii,j,ik) = bsca(i,j,k)/bext(i,j,k)
+ else
+ rhdpssa0_grt(ii,j,ik) = f_one
+ endif
+ rhdpasy0_grt(ii,j,ik) = g(i,j,k)
- endif
- else
- if ( KCM2 > 0) then !<-- only if rh dependent aerosols are needed
- if (AerosolName(j) == ' Soot ') ij = isoot
- if (AerosolName(j) == ' SUSO ') ij = isuso
- if (AerosolName(j) == ' WASO ') ij = iwaso
- if (AerosolName(j) == ' SSAM ') ij = issam
- if (AerosolName(j) == ' SSCM ') ij = isscm
- if ( ij .ne. -999 ) then
- rhdpext0_grt(1:KAERBND,1:KRHLEV,ij) = &
- & ext0(1:KAERBND,1:KRHLEV,j)
- rhdpssa0_grt(1:KAERBND,1:KRHLEV,ij) = &
- & sca0(1:KAERBND,1:KRHLEV,j)
- rhdpasy0_grt(1:KAERBND,1:KRHLEV,ij) = &
- & asy0(1:KAERBND,1:KRHLEV,j)
- endif ! if_ij
- endif ! if_KCM2
- endif
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo !! ib-loop
end subroutine rd_gocart_luts
-! !
-!> This subroutine computes mean aerosols optical properties over each
-!! SW/LW radiation spectral band for each of the species components.
-!! This program follows GFDL's approach for thick cloud optical property
-!! in SW radiation scheme (2000).
- subroutine optavg_grt
-! --- inputs: (in scope variables)
-! --- outputs: (in scope variables)
+ subroutine optavg_gocart
+! --- inputs: (in-scope variables, module variables)
+! --- outputs: (module variables)
! ==================================================================== !
! !
-! subprogram: optavg_grt !
+! subprogram: optavg_gocart !
! !
-! compute mean aerosols optical properties over each sw/lw radiation !
+! compute mean aerosol optical properties over each sw radiation !
! spectral band for each of the species components. This program !
-! follows gfdl's approach for thick cloud opertical property in !
-! sw radiation scheme (2000). !
+! follows optavg routine (in turn follows gfdl's approach for thick !
+! cloud opertical property in sw radiation scheme (2000). !
! !
! ==================== defination of variables =================== !
! !
-! input arguments: !
-! nv1,nv2 (NBDSW) - start/end spectral band indices of aerosol data !
+! major input variables: !
+! nv1,nv2 (nswbnd) - start/end spectral band indices of aerosol data !
! for each sw radiation spectral band !
-! nr1,nr2 (NLWBND) - start/end spectral band indices of aerosol data !
+! nr1,nr2 (nlwbnd) - start/end spectral band indices of aerosol data !
! for each ir radiation spectral band !
-! solwaer (NBDSW,KAERBND) !
+! nv1_du,nv2_du(nswbnd) - start/end spectral band indices of aer data!
+! for each sw radiation spectral band !
+! nr1_du,nr2_du(nlwbnd) - start/end spectral band indices of aer data!
+! for each ir radiation spectral band !
+! solwaer (nswbnd,kaerbndd) !
! - solar flux weight over each sw radiation band !
! vs each aerosol data spectral band !
-! eirwaer (NLWBND,KAERBND) !
+! eirwaer (nlwbnd,kaerbndd) !
! - ir flux weight over each lw radiation band !
! vs each aerosol data spectral band !
-! solbnd (NBDSW) - solar flux weight over each sw radiation band !
-! eirbnd (NLWBND) - ir flux weight over each lw radiation band !
-! NBDSW - total number of sw spectral bands !
-! NLWBND - total number of lw spectral bands !
-! NSWLWBD - total number of sw+lw spectral bands !
+! solwaer_du (nswbnd,kaerbndi) !
+! - solar flux weight over each sw radiation band !
+! vs each aerosol data spectral band !
+! eirwaer_du (nlwbnd,kaerbndi) !
+! - ir flux weight over each lw radiation band !
+! vs each aerosol data spectral band !
+! solbnd (nswbnd) - solar flux weight over each sw radiation band !
+! eirbnd (nlwbnd) - ir flux weight over each lw radiation band !
+! solbnd_du(nswbnd) - solar flux weight over each sw radiation band !
+! eirbnd_du(nlwbnd) - ir flux weight over each lw radiation band !
+! nswbnd - total number of sw spectral bands !
+! nlwbnd - total number of lw spectral bands !
! !
-! output arguments: (to module variables) !
+! external module variables: (in physparam) !
+! laswflg - control flag for sw spectral region !
+! lalwflg - control flag for lw spectral region !
+! !
+! output variables: (to module variables) !
! !
! ================================================================== !
- implicit none
! --- inputs:
! --- output:
! --- locals:
- real (kind=kind_phys) :: sumk, sumok, sumokg, sumreft, &
+ real (kind=kind_phys) :: sumk, sums, sumok, sumokg, sumreft, &
& sp, refb, reft, rsolbd, rirbd
integer :: ib, nb, ni, nh, nc
!===> ... begin here
-! --- ... allocate aerosol optical data
- if (.not. allocated(extrhd_grt) .and. KCM2 > 0 ) then
- allocate ( extrhd_grt(KRHLEV,KCM2,NSWLWBD) )
- allocate ( ssarhd_grt(KRHLEV,KCM2,NSWLWBD) )
- allocate ( asyrhd_grt(KRHLEV,KCM2,NSWLWBD) )
- endif
- if (.not. allocated(extrhi_grt) .and. KCM1 > 0 ) then
- allocate ( extrhi_grt(KCM1,NSWLWBD) )
- allocate ( ssarhi_grt(KCM1,NSWLWBD) )
- allocate ( asyrhi_grt(KCM1,NSWLWBD) )
- endif
! --- ... loop for each sw radiation spectral band
- do nb = 1, NBDSW
- rsolbd = f_one / solbnd(nb)
-! --- for rh independent aerosol species
- lab_rhi: if (KCM1 > 0 ) then
- do nc = 1, KCM1
- sumk = f_zero
- sumok = f_zero
- sumokg = f_zero
- sumreft = f_zero
- do ni = nv1(nb), nv2(nb)
- sp = sqrt( (f_one - rhidssa0_grt(ni,nc)) &
- & / (f_one - rhidssa0_grt(ni,nc)*rhidasy0_grt(ni,nc)) )
- reft = (f_one - sp) / (f_one + sp)
- sumreft = sumreft + reft*solwaer(nb,ni)
- sumk = sumk + rhidext0_grt(ni,nc)*solwaer(nb,ni)
- sumok = sumok + rhidssa0_grt(ni,nc)*solwaer(nb,ni) &
- & * rhidext0_grt(ni,nc)
- sumokg = sumokg + rhidssa0_grt(ni,nc)*solwaer(nb,ni) &
- & * rhidext0_grt(ni,nc)*rhidasy0_grt(ni,nc)
- enddo
- refb = sumreft * rsolbd
- extrhi_grt(nc,nb) = sumk * rsolbd
- asyrhi_grt(nc,nb) = sumokg / (sumok + 1.0e-10)
- ssarhi_grt(nc,nb) = 4.0*refb &
- & / ( (f_one+refb)**2 - asyrhi_grt(nc,nb)*(f_one-refb)**2 )
- enddo ! end do_nc_block for rh-ind aeros
- endif lab_rhi
-! --- for rh dependent aerosols species
- lab_rhd: if (KCM2 > 0 ) then
- do nc = 1, KCM2
- do nh = 1, KRHLEV
+ if ( laswflg ) then
+ do nb = 1, nswbnd
+ rsolbd = f_one / solbnd_du(nb)
+ do nc = 1, kcm1 ! --- for rh independent aerosol species
sumk = f_zero
+ sums = f_zero
sumok = f_zero
sumokg = f_zero
sumreft = f_zero
- do ni = nv1(nb), nv2(nb)
- sp = sqrt( (f_one - rhdpssa0_grt(ni,nh,nc)) &
- & /(f_one-rhdpssa0_grt(ni,nh,nc)*rhdpasy0_grt(ni,nh,nc)))
+ do ni = nv1_du(nb), nv2_du(nb)
+ sp = sqrt( (f_one - rhidssa0_grt(ni,nc)) &
+ & / (f_one - rhidssa0_grt(ni,nc)*rhidasy0_grt(ni,nc)) )
reft = (f_one - sp) / (f_one + sp)
- sumreft = sumreft + reft*solwaer(nb,ni)
- sumk = sumk + rhdpext0_grt(ni,nh,nc)*solwaer(nb,ni)
- sumok = sumok + rhdpssa0_grt(ni,nh,nc)*solwaer(nb,ni) &
- & * rhdpext0_grt(ni,nh,nc)
- sumokg = sumokg + rhdpssa0_grt(ni,nh,nc)*solwaer(nb,ni) &
- & * rhdpext0_grt(ni,nh,nc)*rhdpasy0_grt(ni,nh,nc)
+ sumreft = sumreft + reft*solwaer_du(nb,ni)
+ sumk = sumk + rhidext0_grt(ni,nc)*solwaer_du(nb,ni)
+ sums = sums + rhidsca0_grt(ni,nc)*solwaer_du(nb,ni)
+ sumok = sumok + rhidssa0_grt(ni,nc)*solwaer_du(nb,ni) &
+ & * rhidext0_grt(ni,nc)
+ sumokg = sumokg + rhidssa0_grt(ni,nc)*solwaer_du(nb,ni) &
+ & * rhidext0_grt(ni,nc)*rhidasy0_grt(ni,nc)
refb = sumreft * rsolbd
- extrhd_grt(nh,nc,nb) = sumk * rsolbd
- asyrhd_grt(nh,nc,nb) = sumokg / (sumok + 1.0e-10)
- ssarhd_grt(nh,nc,nb) = 4.0*refb &
- & /((f_one+refb)**2 - asyrhd_grt(nh,nc,nb)*(f_one-refb)**2)
- enddo ! end do_nh_block
- enddo ! end do_nc_block for rh-dep aeros
- endif lab_rhd
+ extrhi_grt(nc,nb) = sumk * rsolbd
+ scarhi_grt(nc,nb) = sums * rsolbd
+ asyrhi_grt(nc,nb) = sumokg / (sumok + 1.0e-10)
+ ssarhi_grt(nc,nb) = 4.0*refb &
+ & / ( (f_one+refb)**2 - asyrhi_grt(nc,nb)*(f_one-refb)**2 )
+ enddo ! end do_nc_block for rh-ind aeros
- enddo ! end do_nb_block for sw
+ rsolbd = f_one / solbnd(nb)
+ do nc = 1, kcm2 ! --- for rh dependent aerosol species
+ do nh = 1, krhlev
+ sumk = f_zero
+ sums = f_zero
+ sumok = f_zero
+ sumokg = f_zero
+ sumreft = f_zero
-! --- ... loop for each lw radiation spectral band
+ do ni = nv1(nb), nv2(nb)
+ sp = sqrt( (f_one - rhdpssa0_grt(ni,nh,nc)) &
+ & /(f_one-rhdpssa0_grt(ni,nh,nc)*rhdpasy0_grt(ni,nh,nc)))
+ reft = (f_one - sp) / (f_one + sp)
+ sumreft = sumreft + reft*solwaer(nb,ni)
- do nb = 1, NLWBND
+ sumk = sumk + rhdpext0_grt(ni,nh,nc)*solwaer(nb,ni)
+ sums = sums + rhdpsca0_grt(ni,nh,nc)*solwaer(nb,ni)
+ sumok = sumok + rhdpssa0_grt(ni,nh,nc)*solwaer(nb,ni) &
+ & * rhdpext0_grt(ni,nh,nc)
+ sumokg = sumokg + rhdpssa0_grt(ni,nh,nc)*solwaer(nb,ni)&
+ & * rhdpext0_grt(ni,nh,nc)*rhdpasy0_grt(ni,nh,nc)
+ enddo
- ib = NBDSW + nb
- rirbd = f_one / eirbnd(nb)
+ refb = sumreft * rsolbd
-! --- for rh independent aerosol species
+ extrhd_grt(nh,nc,nb) = sumk * rsolbd
+ scarhd_grt(nh,nc,nb) = sums * rsolbd
+ asyrhd_grt(nh,nc,nb) = sumokg / (sumok + 1.0e-10)
+ ssarhd_grt(nh,nc,nb) = 4.0*refb &
+ & /((f_one+refb)**2 - asyrhd_grt(nh,nc,nb)*(f_one-refb)**2)
- lab_rhi_lw: if (KCM1 > 0 ) then
- do nc = 1, KCM1
- sumk = f_zero
- sumok = f_zero
- sumokg = f_zero
- sumreft = f_zero
+ enddo ! end do_nh_block
+ enddo ! end do_nc_block for rh-dep aeros
- do ni = nr1(nb), nr2(nb)
- sp = sqrt( (f_one - rhidssa0_grt(ni,nc)) &
- & / (f_one - rhidssa0_grt(ni,nc)*rhidasy0_grt(ni,nc)) )
- reft = (f_one - sp) / (f_one + sp)
- sumreft = sumreft + reft*eirwaer(nb,ni)
- sumk = sumk + rhidext0_grt(ni,nc)*eirwaer(nb,ni)
- sumok = sumok + rhidssa0_grt(ni,nc)*eirwaer(nb,ni) &
- & * rhidext0_grt(ni,nc)
- sumokg = sumokg + rhidssa0_grt(ni,nc)*eirwaer(nb,ni) &
- & * rhidext0_grt(ni,nc)*rhidasy0_grt(ni,nc)
- enddo
+ enddo ! end do_nb_block for sw
+ endif ! end if_laswflg_block
+! --- ... loop for each lw radiation spectral band
- refb = sumreft * rirbd
+ if ( lalwflg ) then
- extrhi_grt(nc,ib) = sumk * rirbd
- asyrhi_grt(nc,ib) = sumokg / (sumok + 1.0e-10)
- ssarhi_grt(nc,ib) = 4.0*refb &
- & / ( (f_one+refb)**2 - asyrhi_grt(nc,ib)*(f_one-refb)**2 )
- enddo ! end do_nc_block for rh-ind aeros
- endif lab_rhi_lw
+ do nb = 1, nlwbnd
-! --- for rh dependent aerosols species
+ ib = nswbnd + nb
- lab_rhd_lw: if (KCM2 > 0 ) then
- do nc = 1, KCM2
- do nh = 1, KRHLEV
+ rirbd = f_one / eirbnd_du(nb)
+ do nc = 1, kcm1 ! --- for rh independent aerosol species
sumk = f_zero
+ sums = f_zero
sumok = f_zero
sumokg = f_zero
sumreft = f_zero
- do ni = nr1(nb), nr2(nb)
- sp = sqrt( (f_one - rhdpssa0_grt(ni,nh,nc)) &
- & /(f_one - rhdpssa0_grt(ni,nh,nc)*rhdpasy0_grt(ni,nh,nc)) )
+ do ni = nr1_du(nb), nr2_du(nb)
+ sp = sqrt( (f_one - rhidssa0_grt(ni,nc)) &
+ & / (f_one - rhidssa0_grt(ni,nc)*rhidasy0_grt(ni,nc)) )
reft = (f_one - sp) / (f_one + sp)
- sumreft = sumreft + reft*eirwaer(nb,ni)
- sumk = sumk + rhdpext0_grt(ni,nh,nc)*eirwaer(nb,ni)
- sumok = sumok + rhdpssa0_grt(ni,nh,nc)*eirwaer(nb,ni) &
- & * rhdpext0_grt(ni,nh,nc)
- sumokg = sumokg+ rhdpssa0_grt(ni,nh,nc)*eirwaer(nb,ni) &
- & * rhdpext0_grt(ni,nh,nc)*rhdpasy0_grt(ni,nh,nc)
+ sumreft = sumreft + reft*eirwaer_du(nb,ni)
+ sumk = sumk + rhidext0_grt(ni,nc)*eirwaer_du(nb,ni)
+ sums = sums + rhidsca0_grt(ni,nc)*eirwaer_du(nb,ni)
+ sumok = sumok + rhidssa0_grt(ni,nc)*eirwaer_du(nb,ni) &
+ & * rhidext0_grt(ni,nc)
+ sumokg = sumokg + rhidssa0_grt(ni,nc)*eirwaer_du(nb,ni) &
+ & * rhidext0_grt(ni,nc)*rhidasy0_grt(ni,nc)
refb = sumreft * rirbd
- extrhd_grt(nh,nc,ib) = sumk * rirbd
- asyrhd_grt(nh,nc,ib) = sumokg / (sumok + 1.0e-10)
- ssarhd_grt(nh,nc,ib) = 4.0*refb &
- & /((f_one+refb)**2 - asyrhd_grt(nh,nc,ib)*(f_one-refb)**2 )
- enddo ! end do_nh_block
- enddo ! end do_nc_block for rh-dep aeros
- endif lab_rhd_lw
- enddo ! end do_nb_block for lw
- return
- end subroutine optavg_grt
-!> This subroutine:
-!! - 1. read in aerosol dry mass and surface pressure from GEOS3-GOCART
-!! C3.1 2000 monthly dataset or aerosol mixing ratio and surface
-!! pressure from GEOS4-GOCART 2000-2007 averaged monthly data set.
-!! - 2. compute goes lat/lon array (for horizontal mapping)
- subroutine rd_gocart_clim
-! --- inputs: (in scope variables)
-! --- outputs: (in scope variables)
-! ================================================================== !
-! !
-! subprogram: rd_gocart_clim !
-! !
-! 1. read in aerosol dry mass and surface pressure from GEOS3-GOCART !
-! C3.1 2000 monthly data set !
-! or aerosol mixing ratio and surface pressure from GEOS4-GOCART !
-! 2000-2007 averaged monthly data set !
-! 2. compute goes lat/lon array (for horizontal mapping) !
-! !
-! ==================== defination of variables =================== !
-! !
-! inputs arguments: !
-! imon - month of the year !
-! me - print message control flag !
-! !
-! outputs arguments: (to the module variables) !
-! psclmg - pressure (sfc to toa) cb IMXG*JMXG*KMXG !
-! dmclmg - aerosol dry mass/mixing ratio IMXG*JMXG*KMXG*NMXG !
-! geos_rlon - goes longitude deg IMXG !
-! geos_rlat - goes latitude deg JMXG !
-! !
-! usage: call rd_gocart_clim !
-! !
-! program history: !
-! 05/18/2010 --- Lu Add the option to read GEOS4-GOCART climo !
-! ================================================================== !
- implicit none
-! --- inputs:
-! --- output:
+ extrhi_grt(nc,ib) = sumk * rirbd
+ scarhi_grt(nc,ib) = sums * rirbd
+ asyrhi_grt(nc,ib) = sumokg / (sumok + 1.0e-10)
+ ssarhi_grt(nc,ib) = 4.0*refb &
+ & / ( (f_one+refb)**2 - asyrhi_grt(nc,ib)*(f_one-refb)**2 )
-! --- locals:
- integer, parameter :: MAXSPC = 5
- real (kind=kind_io4), parameter :: PINT = 0.01
- real (kind=kind_io4), parameter :: EPSQ = 0.0
- integer :: i, j, k, numspci, ii
- integer :: icmp, nrecl, nt1, nt2, nn(MAXSPC)
- character :: ymd*6, yr*4, mn*2, tp*2, &
- & fname*30, fin*30, aerosol_file*40
- logical :: file_exist
- real (kind=kind_io4), dimension(KMXG) :: sig
- real (kind=kind_io4), dimension(IMXG,JMXG) :: ps
- real (kind=kind_io4), dimension(IMXG,JMXG,KMXG) :: temp
- real (kind=kind_io4), dimension(IMXG,JMXG,KMXG,MAXSPC):: buff
- real (kind=kind_phys) :: pstmp
-! Add the following variables for GEOS4-GOCART
- real (kind=kind_io4), dimension(KMXG):: hyam, hybm
- real (kind=kind_io4) :: p0
- data yr /'2000'/ !!<=== use 2000 as the climo proxy
-!* sigma_coordinate for GEOS3-GOCART
-!* P(i,j,k) = PINT + SIG(k) * (PS(i,j) - PINT)
- data SIG / &
- & 9.98547E-01,9.94147E-01,9.86350E-01,9.74300E-01,9.56950E-01, &
- & 9.33150E-01,9.01750E-01,8.61500E-01,8.11000E-01,7.50600E-01, &
- & 6.82900E-01,6.10850E-01,5.37050E-01,4.63900E-01,3.93650E-01, &
- & 3.28275E-01,2.69500E-01,2.18295E-01,1.74820E-01,1.38840E-01, &
- & 1.09790E-01,8.66900E-02,6.84150E-02,5.39800E-02,4.25750E-02, &
- & 3.35700E-02,2.39900E-02,1.36775E-02,5.01750E-03,5.30000E-04 /
-!* hybrid_sigma_pressure_coordinate for GEOS4-GOCART
-!* p(i,j,k) = a(k)*p0 + b(k)*ps(i,j)
- data hyam/ &
- & 0, 0.0062694, 0.02377049, 0.05011813, 0.08278809, 0.1186361, &
- & 0.1540329, 0.1836373, 0.2043698, 0.2167788, 0.221193, &
- & 0.217729, 0.2062951, 0.1865887, 0.1615213, 0.1372958, &
- & 0.1167039, 0.09920014, 0.08432171, 0.06656809, 0.04765031, &
- & 0.03382346, 0.0237648, 0.01435208, 0.00659734, 0.002826232, &
- & 0.001118959, 0.0004086494, 0.0001368611, 3.750308e-05/
- data hybm / &
- & 0.992555, 0.9642, 0.90556, 0.816375, 0.703815, 0.576585, &
- & 0.44445, 0.324385, 0.226815, 0.149165, 0.089375, &
- & 0.045865, 0.017485, 0.00348, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &
- & 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 /
- data p0 /1013.25 /
-!===> ... begin here
-! --- allocate and initialize gocart climatological data
- if ( .not. allocated (dmclmg) ) then
- allocate ( dmclmg(IMXG,JMXG,KMXG,NMXG) )
- allocate ( psclmg(IMXG,JMXG,KMXG) )
- allocate ( molwgt(NMXG) )
- endif
- dmclmg(:,:,:,:) = f_zero
- psclmg(:,:,:) = f_zero
- molwgt(:) = f_zero
+ enddo ! end do_nc_block for rh-ind aeros
-! --- allocate and initialize geos lat and lon arrays
- if ( .not. allocated ( geos_rlon )) then
- allocate (geos_rlon(IMXG))
- allocate (geos_rlat(JMXG))
- endif
+ rirbd = f_one / eirbnd(nb)
+ do nc = 1, kcm2 ! --- for rh dependent aerosol species
+ do nh = 1, krhlev
+ sumk = f_zero
+ sums = f_zero
+ sumok = f_zero
+ sumokg = f_zero
+ sumreft = f_zero
- geos_rlon(:) = f_zero
- geos_rlat(:) = f_zero
-! --- compute geos lat and lon arrays
- do i = 1, IMXG
- geos_rlon(i) = -180. + (i-1)* dltx
- end do
- do j = 2, JMXG-1
- geos_rlat(j) = -90. + (j-1)* dlty
- end do
- geos_rlat(1) = -89.5
- geos_rlat(JMXG) = 89.5
-! --- determine whether GEOS3 or GEOS4 data set is provided
- if ( gocart_climo == 'xxxx' ) then
- gocart_climo='0000'
-! check geos3-gocart climo
- aerosol_file = '200001.PS.avg'
- inquire (file = aerosol_file, exist = file_exist)
- if ( file_exist ) gocart_climo='ver3'
-! check geos4-gocart climo
- aerosol_file = 'gocart_climo_2000x2007_ps_01.bin'
- inquire (file = aerosol_file, exist = file_exist)
- if ( file_exist ) gocart_climo='ver4'
- endif
-! --- read ps (sfc pressure) and compute 3d pressure field (psclmg)
- write(mn,'(i2.2)') imon
- ymd = yr//mn
- aerosol_file = 'null'
- if ( gocart_climo == 'ver3' ) then
- aerosol_file = ymd//'.PS.avg'
- elseif ( gocart_climo == 'ver4' ) then
- aerosol_file = 'gocart_climo_2000x2007_ps_'//mn//'.bin'
- endif
- inquire (file = aerosol_file, exist = file_exist)
- lab_if_ps : if ( file_exist ) then
- close(NIAERCM)
- if ( gocart_climo == 'ver3' ) then
- nrecl = 4 * (IMXG * JMXG)
- open(NIAERCM, file=trim(aerosol_file), &
- & action='read',access='direct',recl=nrecl)
- read(NIAERCM, rec=1) ps
- do j = 1, JMXG
- do i = 1, IMXG
- do k = 1, KMXG
- pstmp = pint + sig(k) * (ps(i,j) - pint)
- psclmg(i,j,k) = 0.1 * pstmp ! convert mb to cb
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
+ do ni = nr1(nb), nr2(nb)
+ sp = sqrt( (f_one - rhdpssa0_grt(ni,nh,nc)) &
+ & /(f_one-rhdpssa0_grt(ni,nh,nc)*rhdpasy0_grt(ni,nh,nc)))
+ reft = (f_one - sp) / (f_one + sp)
+ sumreft = sumreft + reft*eirwaer(nb,ni)
- elseif ( gocart_climo == 'ver4' ) then
- open(NIAERCM, file=trim(aerosol_file), &
- & action='read',status='old', form='unformatted')
- read(NIAERCM) ps(:,:)
- do j = 1, JMXG
- do i = 1, IMXG
- do k = 1, KMXG
- pstmp = hyam(k)*p0 + hybm(k)*ps(i,j)
- psclmg(i,j,k) = 0.1 * pstmp ! convert mb to cb
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
+ sumk = sumk + rhdpext0_grt(ni,nh,nc)*eirwaer(nb,ni)
+ sums = sums + rhdpsca0_grt(ni,nh,nc)*eirwaer(nb,ni)
+ sumok = sumok + rhdpssa0_grt(ni,nh,nc)*eirwaer(nb,ni) &
+ & * rhdpext0_grt(ni,nh,nc)
+ sumokg = sumokg+ rhdpssa0_grt(ni,nh,nc)*eirwaer(nb,ni) &
+ & * rhdpext0_grt(ni,nh,nc)*rhdpasy0_grt(ni,nh,nc)
+ enddo
- endif ! ---- end if_gocart_climo
+ refb = sumreft * rirbd
- else lab_if_ps
+ extrhd_grt(nh,nc,ib) = sumk * rirbd
+ scarhd_grt(nh,nc,ib) = sums * rirbd
+ asyrhd_grt(nh,nc,ib) = sumokg / (sumok + 1.0e-10)
+ ssarhd_grt(nh,nc,ib) = 4.0*refb &
+ & /((f_one+refb)**2 - asyrhd_grt(nh,nc,ib)*(f_one-refb)**2)
+ enddo ! end do_nh_block
+ enddo ! end do_nc_block for rh-dep aeros
- print *,' *** Requested aerosol data file "', &
- & trim(aerosol_file), '" not found!'
- print *,' *** Stopped in RD_GOCART_CLIM ! ', me
- stop 1006
- endif lab_if_ps
-! --- read aerosol dry mass (g/m3) or mixing ratios (mol/mol,kg/kg)
- lab_do_icmp : do icmp = 1, num_gridcomp
- tp = gridcomp(icmp)
-! determine aerosol_file
- aerosol_file = 'null'
- if ( gocart_climo == 'ver3' ) then
- if(tp == 'DU') fname='.DU.STD.tv20.g.avg'
- if(tp == 'SS') fname='.SS.STD.tv17.g.avg'
- if(tp == 'SU') fname='.SU.STD.tv15.g.avg'
- if(tp == 'OC') fname='.CC.STD.tv15.g.avg'
- if(tp == 'BC') fname='.CC.STD.tv15.g.avg'
- aerosol_file=ymd//trim(fname)
- elseif ( gocart_climo == 'ver4' ) then
- fin = 'gocart_climo_2000x2007_'
- if(tp == 'DU') fname=trim(fin)//'du_'
- if(tp == 'SS') fname=trim(fin)//'ss_'
- if(tp == 'SU') fname=trim(fin)//'su_'
- if(tp == 'OC') fname=trim(fin)//'cc_'
- if(tp == 'BC') fname=trim(fin)//'cc_'
- aerosol_file=trim(fname)//mn//'.bin'
- endif
- numspci = 4
- if(tp == 'DU') numspci = 5
- inquire (file=trim(aerosol_file), exist = file_exist)
- lab_if_aer: if ( file_exist ) then
+ enddo ! end do_nb_block for lw
+ endif ! end if_lalwflg_block
- close(NIAERCM)
- if ( gocart_climo == 'ver3' ) then
- nrecl = 4 * numspci * (IMXG * JMXG * KMXG + 3)
- open (NIAERCM, file=trim(aerosol_file), &
- & action='read',access='direct', recl=nrecl)
- read(NIAERCM,rec=1)(nt1,nt2,nn(i),buff(:,:,:,i),i=1,numspci)
- elseif ( gocart_climo == 'ver4' ) then
- open (NIAERCM, file=trim(aerosol_file), &
- & action='read',status='old', form='unformatted')
- do i = 1, numspci
- do k = 1, KMXG
- read(NIAERCM) temp(:,:,k)
- buff(:,:,k,i) = temp(:,:,k)
- enddo
- enddo
- endif
-!!===> fill dmclmg with working array buff
- select case ( tp )
-! fill in DU from DU: du1, du2, du3, du4, du5
- case ('DU' )
- if ( dm_indx%dust1 /= -999) then
- do ii = 1, 5
- dmclmg(:,:,:,dm_indx%dust1+ii-1) = buff(:,:,:,ii)
- enddo
- else
- print *, 'ERROR: invalid DU index, abort! ',me
- stop 1007
- endif
-! fill in BC from CC: bc_phobic, oc_phobic, bc_philic, oc_philic
- case ('BC' )
- if ( dm_indx%soot_phobic /= -999) then
- dmclmg(:,:,:,dm_indx%soot_phobic)=buff(:,:,:,1)
- dmclmg(:,:,:,dm_indx%soot_philic)=buff(:,:,:,3)
- molwgt(dm_indx%soot_phobic) = 12.
- molwgt(dm_indx%soot_philic) = 12.
- else
- print *, 'ERROR: invalid BC index, abort! ',me
- stop 1008
- endif
-! fill in SU from SU: dms, so2, so4, msa
- case ('SU' )
- if ( dm_indx%suso /= -999) then
- dmclmg(:,:,:,dm_indx%suso) = buff(:,:,:,3)
- molwgt(dm_indx%suso) = 96.
- else
- print *, 'ERROR: invalid SU index, abort! ',me
- stop 1009
- endif
-! fill in OC from CC: bc_phobic, oc_phobic, bc_philic, oc_philic
- case ('OC' )
- if ( dm_indx%waso_phobic /= -999) then
- dmclmg(:,:,:,dm_indx%waso_phobic) = 1.4*buff(:,:,:,2)
- dmclmg(:,:,:,dm_indx%waso_philic) = 1.4*buff(:,:,:,4)
- molwgt(dm_indx%waso_phobic) = 12.
- molwgt(dm_indx%waso_philic) = 12.
- else
- print *, 'ERROR: invalid OC index, abort! ',me
- stop 1010
- endif
-! fill in SS from SS: ss1, ss2, ss3, ss4
- case ('SS' )
- if ( dm_indx%ssam /= -999) then
- dmclmg(:,:,:,dm_indx%ssam) = buff(:,:,:,1)
- dmclmg(:,:,:,dm_indx%sscm) = buff(:,:,:,2) + &
- & buff(:,:,:,3)+buff(:,:,:,4)
- else
- print *, 'ERROR: invalid SS index, abort! ',me
- stop 1011
- endif
- case default
- print *, 'ERROR: invalid aerosol species, abort ',tp
- stop 1012
- end select
- else lab_if_aer
- print *,' *** Requested aerosol data file "',aerosol_file, &
- & '" not found!'
- print *,' *** Stopped in RD_GOCART_CLIM ! ', me
- stop 1013
- endif lab_if_aer
- enddo lab_do_icmp
+ return
- end subroutine rd_gocart_clim
+ end subroutine optavg_gocart
- end subroutine gocart_init
+ end subroutine gocart_aerinit
!! @}
-!> This subroutine computes SW + LW aerosol optical properties for
-!! gocart aerosol species (merged from fcst and clim fields).
-!>\param alon IMAX, longitude of given points in degree
-!!\param alat IMAX, latitude of given points in degree
-!!\param prslk (IMAX,NLAY), pressure in cb
-!!\param rhlay (IMAX,NLAY), layer mean relative humidity
-!!\param dz (IMAX,NLAY), layer thickness in m
-!!\param hz (IMAX,NLP1), level high in m
-!!\param NSWLWBD total number of sw+ir bands for aeros opt prop
-!!\param prsl (IMAX,NLAY), layer mean pressure in mb
-!!\param tvly (IMAX,NLAY), layer mean virtual temperature in K
-!!\param trcly (IMAX,NLAY,NTRAC), layer mean specific tracer in g/g
-!!\param IMAX horizontal dimension of arrays
-!!\param NLAY,NLP1 vertical dimensions of arrays
-!!\param ivflip control flag for direction of vertical index
-!!\n =0: index from toa to surface
-!!\n =1: index from surface to toa
-!!\param lsswr,lslwr logical flag for sw/lw radiation calls
-!!\param aerosw (IMAX,NLAY,NBDSW,NF_AESW), aeros opt properties for SW
-!!\n (:,:,:,1): optical depth
-!!\n (:,:,:,2): single scattering albedo
-!!\n (:,:,:,3): asymmetry parameter
-!!\param aerolw (IMAX,NLAY,NBDLW,NF_AELW), aeros opt properties for LW
-!!\n (:,:,:,1): optical depth
-!!\n (:,:,:,2): single scattering albedo
-!!\n (:,:,:,3): asymmetry parameter
-!>\section gen_setgo General Algorithm
+!> This subroutine compute aerosol optical properties for SW
+!! and LW radiations.
+!!\param prsi (IMAX,NLP1), pressure at interface in mb
+!!\param prsl (IMAX,NLAY), layer mean pressure(not used)
+!!\param prslk (IMAX,NLAY), exner function=\f$(p/p0)^{rocp}\f$ (not used)
+!!\param tvly (IMAX,NLAY), layer virtual temperature (not used)
+!!\param rhlay (IMAX,NLAY), layer mean relative humidity
+!!\param dz (IMAX,NLAY), layer thickness in m
+!!\param hz (IMAX,NLP1), level high in m
+!!\param tracer (IMAX,NLAY,NTRAC), aer tracer concentrations
+!!\param aerfld (IMAX,NLAY,NTRCAER), aer tracer concentrations
+!!\param alon, alat (IMAX), longitude and latitude of given points in degree
+!!\param slmsk (IMAX), sea/land mask (sea:0,land:1,sea-ice:2)
+!!\param laersw,laerlw logical flag for sw/lw aerosol calculations
+!!\param IMAX horizontal dimension of arrays
+!!\param NLAY,NLP1 vertical dimensions of arrays
+!!\param NSPC num of species for optional aod output fields
+!!\param aerosw (IMAX,NLAY,NBDSW,NF_AESW), aeros opt properties for sw
+!!\n (:,:,:,1): optical depth
+!!\n (:,:,:,2): single scattering albedo
+!!\n (:,:,:,3): asymmetry parameter
+!!\param aerolw (IMAX,NLAY,NBDLW,NF_AELW), aeros opt properties for lw
+!!\n (:,:,:,1): optical depth
+!!\n (:,:,:,2): single scattering albedo
+!!\n (:,:,:,3): asymmetry parameter
+!!\param aerodp (IMAX,NSPC+1), vertically integrated aer-opt-depth
+!!\section gel_go_aer_pro General Algorithm
+!! @{
- subroutine setgocartaer &
- & ( alon,alat,prslk,rhlay,dz,hz,NSWLWBD, & ! --- inputs:
- & prsl,tvly,trcly, &
- & IMAX,NLAY,NLP1, ivflip, lsswr,lslwr, &
- & aerosw,aerolw & ! --- outputs:
- & )
+ subroutine aer_property_gocart &
+! --- inputs:
+ & ( prsi,prsl,prslk,tvly,rhlay,dz,hz,tracer,aerfld, &
+ & alon,alat,slmsk, laersw,laerlw, &
+ & imax,nlay,nlp1, &
+! --- outputs:
+ & aerosw,aerolw,aerodp &
+ & )
! ================================================================== !
! !
-! setgocartaer computes sw + lw aerosol optical properties for gocart !
-! aerosol species (merged from fcst and clim fields) !
+! aer_property_gocart maps prescribed gocart aerosol data set onto !
+! model grids, and compute aerosol optical properties for sw and !
+! lw radiations. !
! !
! inputs: !
+! prsi - pressure at interface mb IMAX*NLP1 !
+! prsl - layer mean pressure (not used) IMAX*NLAY !
+! prslk - exner function=(p/p0)**rocp (not used) IMAX*NLAY !
+! tvly - layer virtual temperature (not used) IMAX*NLAY !
+! rhlay - layer mean relative humidity IMAX*NLAY !
+! dz - layer thickness m IMAX*NLAY !
+! hz - level high m IMAX*NLP1 !
+! tracer - aer tracer concentrations (not used) IMAX*NLAY*NTRAC!
+! aerfld - prescribed aer tracer mixing ratios IMAX*NLAY*NTRCAER!
! alon, alat IMAX !
! - longitude and latitude of given points in degree !
-! prslk - pressure cb IMAX*NLAY !
-! rhlay - layer mean relative humidity IMAX*NLAY !
-! dz - layer thickness m IMAX*NLAY !
-! hz - level high m IMAX*NLP1 !
-! NSWLWBD - total number of sw+ir bands for aeros opt prop 1 !
-! prsl - layer mean pressure mb IMAX*NLAY !
-! tvly - layer mean virtual temperature k IMAX*NLAY !
-! trcly - layer mean specific tracer g/g IMAX*NLAY*NTRAC!
+! slmsk - sea/land mask (sea:0,land:1,sea-ice:2) IMAX !
+! laersw,laerlw 1 !
+! - logical flag for sw/lw aerosol calculations !
! IMAX - horizontal dimension of arrays 1 !
! NLAY,NLP1-vertical dimensions of arrays 1 !
-! ivflip - control flag for direction of vertical index 1 !
-! =0: index from toa to surface !
-! =1: index from surface to toa !
-! lsswr,lslwr !
-! - logical flag for sw/lw radiation calls 1 !
! !
! outputs: !
! aerosw - aeros opt properties for sw IMAX*NLAY*NBDSW*NF_AESW!
@@ -5116,569 +4239,287 @@ subroutine setgocartaer &
! (:,:,:,1): optical depth !
! (:,:,:,2): single scattering albedo !
! (:,:,:,3): asymmetry parameter !
-! tau_gocart - 550nm aeros opt depth IMAX*NLAY*MAX_NUM_GRIDCOMP!
+! aerodp - vertically integrated aer-opt-depth IMAX*NSPC+1 !
! !
! module parameters and constants: !
-! NBDSW - total number of sw bands for aeros opt prop 1 !
-! NLWBND - total number of ir bands for aeros opt prop 1 !
+! NSWBND - total number of actual sw spectral bands computed !
+! NLWBND - total number of actual lw spectral bands computed !
+! NSWLWBD - total number of sw+lw bands computed !
! !
-! module variable: (set by subroutine gocart_init) !
-! dmclmg - aerosols dry mass/mixing ratios IMXG*JMXG*KMXG*NMXG !
-! psclmg - pressure cb IMXG*JMXG*KMXG !
+! external module variables: (in physparam) !
+! ivflip - control flag for direction of vertical index !
+! =0: index from toa to surface !
+! =1: index from surface to toa !
! !
-! usage: call setgocartaer !
+! module variable: (set by subroutine aer_init) !
! !
-! subprograms called: map_aermr, aeropt_grt !
+! usage: call aer_property_gocart !
! !
! ================================================================== !
- implicit none
! --- inputs:
- integer, intent(in) :: IMAX,NLAY,NLP1,ivflip,NSWLWBD
- logical, intent(in) :: lsswr, lslwr
+ integer, intent(in) :: IMAX, NLAY, NLP1
+ logical, intent(in) :: laersw, laerlw
- real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: prslk, &
- & prsl, rhlay, tvly, dz, hz
- real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(in) :: alon, alat
- real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:,:), intent(in) :: trcly
+ real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: prsi, prsl, &
+ & prslk, tvly, rhlay, dz, hz
+ real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(in) :: alon, alat, &
+ & slmsk
+ real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:,:),intent(in):: tracer
+ real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:,:),intent(in):: aerfld
! --- outputs:
real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(out) :: &
& aerosw, aerolw
+ real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:) , intent(out) :: aerodp
! --- locals:
- real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(NLAY) :: rh1, dz1
- real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(NLAY,NSWLWBD)::tauae,ssaae,asyae
- real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(NLAY,max_num_gridcomp) :: &
- & tauae_gocart
- real (kind=kind_phys) :: tmp1, tmp2
+ real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(nlay,nswlwbd):: tauae,ssaae,asyae
+ real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(nspc) :: spcodp
- integer :: i, i1, i2, j1, j2, k, m, m1, kp
-! prognostic aerosols on gfs grids
- real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:,:),allocatable:: aermr,dmfcs
-! aerosol (dry mass) on gfs grids/levels
- real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: &
- & dmanl,dmclm, dmclmx
- real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(KMXG) :: pstmp, pkstr
- real (kind=kind_phys) :: ptop, psfc, tem, plv, tv, rho
-! --- conversion constants
- real (kind=kind_phys), parameter :: hdltx = 0.5 * dltx
- real (kind=kind_phys), parameter :: hdlty = 0.5 * dlty
-!===> ... begin here
- if ( .not. allocated(dmanl) ) then
- allocate ( dmclmx(KMXG,NMXG) )
- allocate ( dmanl(NLAY,NMXG) )
- allocate ( dmclm(NLAY,NMXG) )
+ real (kind=kind_phys),dimension(nlay,kcm) :: aerms
+ real (kind=kind_phys),dimension(nlay) :: dz1, rh1
+ real (kind=kind_phys) :: plv, tv, rho
+ integer :: i, m, m1, k
- allocate ( aermr(IMAX,NLAY,NMXG) )
- allocate ( dmfcs(IMAX,NLAY,NMXG) )
- endif
-!> -# Call map_aermr() to map input tracer array (trcly) to local
-!! tracer array (aermr).
- dmfcs(:,:,:) = f_zero
- lab_if_fcst : if ( get_fcst ) then
- call map_aermr
-! --- inputs: (in scope variables)
-! --- outputs: (in scope variables)
- endif lab_if_fcst
+!===> ... begin here
-!> -# Map geos-gocart climo (dmclmg) to gfs grids (dmclm).
- lab_do_IMAX : do i = 1, IMAX
+ lab_do_IMAXg : do i = 1, IMAX
- dmclm(:,:) = f_zero
- lab_if_clim : if ( get_clim ) then
-! --- map grid in longitude direction
- i2 = 1
- j2 = 1
- tmp1 = alon(i)
- if (tmp1 > 180.) tmp1 = tmp1 - 360.0
- lab_do_IMXG : do i1 = 1, IMXG
- tmp2 = geos_rlon(i1)
- if (tmp2 > 180.) tmp2 = tmp2 - 360.0
- if (abs(tmp1-tmp2) <= hdltx) then
- i2 = i1
- exit lab_do_IMXG
- endif
- enddo lab_do_IMXG
-! --- map grid in latitude direction
- lab_do_JMXG : do j1 = 1, JMXG
- if (abs(alat(i)-geos_rlat(j1)) <= hdlty) then
- j2 = j1
- exit lab_do_JMXG
- endif
- enddo lab_do_JMXG
-! --- update local arrays pstmp and dmclmx
- pstmp(:)= psclmg(i2,j2,:)*1000.0 ! cb to Pa
- dmclmx(:,:) = dmclmg(i2,j2,:,:)
-! --- map geos-gocart climo (dmclmx) to gfs level (dmclm)
- pkstr(:)=fpkap(pstmp(:))
- psfc = pkstr(1) ! pressure at sfc
- ptop = pkstr(KMXG) ! pressure at toa
-! --- map grid in verical direction (follow how ozone is mapped
-! in radiation_gases routine)
+! --- initialize tauae, ssaae, asyae
+ do m = 1, NSWLWBD
do k = 1, NLAY
- kp = k ! from sfc to toa
- if(ivflip==0) kp = NLAY - k + 1 ! from toa to sfc
- tmp1 = prslk(i,kp)
- do m1 = 1, KMXG - 1 ! from sfc to toa
- if(tmp1 > pkstr(m1+1) .and. tmp1 <= pkstr(m1)) then
- tmp2 = f_one / (pkstr(m1)-pkstr(m1+1))
- tem = (pkstr(m1) - tmp1) * tmp2
- dmclm(kp,:) = tem * dmclmx(m1+1,:)+ &
- & (f_one-tem) * dmclmx(m1,:)
- endif
- enddo
-!* if(tmp1 > psfc) dmclm(kp,:) = dmclmx(1,:)
-!* if(tmp1 < ptop) dmclm(kp,:) = dmclmx(KMXG,:)
+ tauae(k,m) = f_zero
+ ssaae(k,m) = f_one
+ asyae(k,m) = f_zero
- endif lab_if_clim
-! --- compute fcst/clim merged aerosol loading (dmanl) and the
-! radiation optical properties (aerosw, aerolw)
- do k = 1, NLAY
+ enddo
-! --- map global to local arrays (rh1 and dz1)
- rh1(k) = rhlay(i,k)
- dz1(k) = dz (i,k)
+! --- set floor value for aerms (kg/m3)
+ do k = 1, NLAY
+ do m = 1, kcm
+ aerms(k,m) = 1.e-15
+ enddo
+ enddo
-! --- convert from mixing ratio to dry mass (g/m3)
- plv = 100. * prsl(i,k) ! convert pressure from mb to Pa
- tv = tvly(i,k) ! virtual temp in K
- rho = plv / (con_rd * tv) ! air density in kg/m3
- if ( get_fcst ) then
- do m = 1, NMXG ! mixing ratio (g/g)
- dmfcs(i,k,m) = max(1000.*(rho*aermr(i,k,m)),f_zero)
- enddo ! m_do_loop
- endif
- if ( get_clim .and. (gocart_climo == 'ver4') ) then
- do m = 1, NMXG
- dmclm(k,m)=1000.*dmclm(k,m)*rho !mixing ratio (g/g)
- if ( molwgt(m) /= 0. ) then !mixing ratio (mol/mol)
- dmclm(k,m)=dmclm(k,m) * (molwgt(m)/con_amd)
- endif
- enddo ! m_do_loop
- endif
+ do m = 1, nspc
+ spcodp(m) = f_zero
+ enddo
+ do k = 1, NLAY
+ rh1(k) = rhlay(i,k) !
+ dz1(k) = 1000.*dz (i,k) ! thickness converted from km to m
+ plv = 100.*prsl(i,k) ! convert pressure from mb to Pa
+ tv = tvly(i,k) ! virtual temp in K
+ rho = plv / ( con_rd * tv) ! air density in kg/m3
-! --- determine dmanl from dmclm and dmfcs
- do m = 1, NMXG
- dmanl(k,m)= ctaer*dmfcs(i,k,m) + &
- & ( f_one-ctaer)*dmclm(k,m)
+ do m = 1, KCM
+ aerms(k,m) = aerfld(i,k,m)*rho ! dry mass (kg/m3)
- enddo
+! --- calculate sw/lw aerosol optical properties for the
+! corresponding frequency bands
-!> -# Call aeropt_grt() to alculate sw/lw aerosol optical properties
-!! for the corresponding frequency bands.
+ call aeropt
+! --- inputs: (in-scope variables)
+! --- outputs: (in-scope variables)
- call aeropt_grt
-! --- inputs: (in scope variables)
-! --- outputs: (in scope variables)
+ enddo ! end_do_k_loop
- if ( lsswr ) then
+! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- if ( laswflg ) then
+! --- update aerosw and aerolw arrays
+ if ( laersw ) then
- do m = 1, NBDSW
- do k = 1, NLAY
- aerosw(i,k,m,1) = tauae(k,m)
- aerosw(i,k,m,2) = ssaae(k,m)
- aerosw(i,k,m,3) = asyae(k,m)
- enddo
+ do m = 1, NBDSW
+ do k = 1, NLAY
+ aerosw(i,k,m,1) = tauae(k,m)
+ aerosw(i,k,m,2) = ssaae(k,m)
+ aerosw(i,k,m,3) = asyae(k,m)
+ enddo
- else
- aerosw(:,:,:,:) = f_zero
- endif
+! --- update diagnostic aod arrays
+ do k = 1, NLAY
+ aerodp(i,1) = aerodp(i,1) + tauae(k,nv_aod)
+ enddo
- endif ! end if_lsswr_block
+ do m = 1, NSPC
+ aerodp(i,m+1) = spcodp(m)
+ enddo
- if ( lslwr ) then
+ endif ! end if_larsw_block
- if ( lalwflg ) then
+ if ( laerlw ) then
- if ( NLWBND == 1 ) then
- m1 = NBDSW + 1
- do m = 1, NBDLW
- do k = 1, NLAY
- aerolw(i,k,m,1) = tauae(k,m1)
- aerolw(i,k,m,2) = ssaae(k,m1)
- aerolw(i,k,m,3) = asyae(k,m1)
- enddo
- enddo
- else
- do m = 1, NBDLW
- m1 = NBDSW + m
- do k = 1, NLAY
- aerolw(i,k,m,1) = tauae(k,m1)
- aerolw(i,k,m,2) = ssaae(k,m1)
- aerolw(i,k,m,3) = asyae(k,m1)
- enddo
+ if ( NLWBND == 1 ) then
+ m1 = NSWBND + 1
+ do m = 1, NBDLW
+ do k = 1, NLAY
+ aerolw(i,k,m,1) = tauae(k,m1)
+ aerolw(i,k,m,2) = ssaae(k,m1)
+ aerolw(i,k,m,3) = asyae(k,m1)
- endif
+ enddo
- aerolw(:,:,:,:) = f_zero
+ do m = 1, NBDLW
+ m1 = NSWBND + m
+ do k = 1, NLAY
+ aerolw(i,k,m,1) = tauae(k,m1)
+ aerolw(i,k,m,2) = ssaae(k,m1)
+ aerolw(i,k,m,3) = asyae(k,m1)
+ enddo
+ enddo
- endif ! end if_lslwr_block
- enddo lab_do_IMAX
+ endif ! end if_laerlw_block
+ enddo lab_do_IMAXg
! =================
! =================
-!>\ingroup setaer
-!> This subroutine maps input tracer fields (trcly) to local tracer
-!! array (aermr).
- subroutine map_aermr
-! --- inputs: (in scope variables)
-! --- outputs: (in scope variables)
-! ==================================================================== !
-! !
-! subprogram: map_aermr !
-! !
-! map input tracer fields (trcly) to local tracer array (aermr) !
-! !
-! ==================== defination of variables =================== !
-! !
-! input arguments: !
-! IMAX - horizontal dimension of arrays 1 !
-! NLAY - vertical dimensions of arrays 1 !
-! trcly - layer tracer mass mixing ratio g/g IMAX*NLAY*NTRAC!
-! output arguments: (to module variables) !
-! aermr - layer aerosol mass mixing ratio g/g IMAX*NLAY*NMXG !
-! !
-! note: !
-! NTRAC is the number of tracers excluding water vapor !
-! NMXG is the number of prognostic aerosol species !
-! ================================================================== !
- implicit none
-! --- inputs:
-! --- output:
-! --- local:
- integer :: i, indx, ii
- character :: tp*2
-! initialize
- aermr(:,:,:) = f_zero
- ii = 1 !! <---- trcly does not contain q
-! ==> DU: du1 (submicron bins), du2, du3, du4, du5
- if( gfs_phy_tracer%doing_DU ) then
- aermr(:,:,dm_indx%dust1) = trcly(:,:,dmfcs_indx%du001-ii)
- aermr(:,:,dm_indx%dust2) = trcly(:,:,dmfcs_indx%du002-ii)
- aermr(:,:,dm_indx%dust3) = trcly(:,:,dmfcs_indx%du003-ii)
- aermr(:,:,dm_indx%dust4) = trcly(:,:,dmfcs_indx%du004-ii)
- aermr(:,:,dm_indx%dust5) = trcly(:,:,dmfcs_indx%du005-ii)
- endif
-! ==> OC: oc_phobic, oc_philic
- if( gfs_phy_tracer%doing_OC ) then
- aermr(:,:,dm_indx%waso_phobic) = &
- & trcly(:,:,dmfcs_indx%ocphobic-ii)
- aermr(:,:,dm_indx%waso_philic) = &
- & trcly(:,:,dmfcs_indx%ocphilic-ii)
- endif
-! ==> BC: bc_phobic, bc_philic
- if( gfs_phy_tracer%doing_BC ) then
- aermr(:,:,dm_indx%soot_phobic) = &
- & trcly(:,:,dmfcs_indx%bcphobic-ii)
- aermr(:,:,dm_indx%soot_philic) = &
- & trcly(:,:,dmfcs_indx%bcphilic-ii)
- endif
-! ==> SS: ss1, ss2 (submicron bins), ss3, ss4, ss5
- if( gfs_phy_tracer%doing_SS ) then
- aermr(:,:,dm_indx%ssam) = trcly(:,:,dmfcs_indx%ss001-ii) &
- & + trcly(:,:,dmfcs_indx%ss002-ii)
- aermr(:,:,dm_indx%sscm) = trcly(:,:,dmfcs_indx%ss003-ii) &
- & + trcly(:,:,dmfcs_indx%ss004-ii) &
- & + trcly(:,:,dmfcs_indx%ss005-ii)
- endif
-! ==> SU: so4
- if( gfs_phy_tracer%doing_SU ) then
- aermr(:,:,dm_indx%suso) = trcly(:,:,dmfcs_indx%so4-ii)
- endif
- return
- end subroutine map_aermr
+ subroutine aeropt
-!>\ingroup setaer
-!! This subroutine computes aerosols optical properties in NSWLWBD
-!! SW/LW bands. Aerosol distribution at each grid point is composed
-!! from up to NMXG aerosol species (from NUM_GRIDCOMP components).
- subroutine aeropt_grt
! --- inputs: (in scope variables)
! --- outputs: (in scope variables)
! ================================================================== !
! !
-! subprogram: aeropt_grt !
-! !
-! compute aerosols optical properties in NSWLWBD sw/lw bands. !
-! Aerosol distribution at each grid point is composed from up to !
-! NMXG aerosol species (from NUM_GRIDCOMP components). !
+! compute aerosols optical properties in NSWLWBD bands for gocart !
+! aerosol species !
! !
! input variables: !
-! dmanl - aerosol dry mass g/m3 NLAY*NMXG !
! rh1 - relative humidity % NLAY !
-! dz1 - layer thickness km NLAY !
+! dz1 - layer thickness m NLAY !
+! aerms - aerosol mass concentration kg/m3 NLAY*KCM !
! NLAY - vertical dimensions - 1 !
-! ivflip - control flag for direction of vertical index !
-! =0: index from toa to surface !
-! =1: index from surface to toa !
! !
! output variables: !
-! tauae - aerosol optical depth - NLAY*NSWLWBD !
-! ssaae - aerosol single scattering albedo - NLAY*NSWLWBD !
-! asyae - aerosol asymmetry parameter - NLAY*NSWLWBD !
+! tauae - optical depth - NLAY*NSWLWBD!
+! ssaae - single scattering albedo - NLAY*NSWLWBD!
+! asyae - asymmetry parameter - NLAY*NSWLWBD!
+! aerodp - vertically integrated aer-opt-depth - IMAX*NSPC+1 !
! !
! ================================================================== !
- implicit none
! --- inputs:
! --- outputs:
! --- locals:
- real (kind=kind_phys) :: aerdm
- real (kind=kind_phys) :: ext1, ssa1, asy1, ex00, ss00, as00, &
- & ex01, ss01, as01, exint
- real (kind=kind_phys) :: tau, ssa, asy, &
- & sum_tau, sum_ssa, sum_asy
-! --- subgroups for sub-micron dust
-! --- corresponds to 0.1-0.18, 0.18-0.3, 0.3-0.6, 0.6-1.0 micron
- real (kind=kind_phys) :: fd(4)
- data fd / 0.01053,0.08421,0.25263,0.65263 /
- character :: tp*2
- integer :: icmp, n, kk, ib, ih2, ih1, ii, ij, ijk
real (kind=kind_phys) :: drh0, drh1, rdrh
- real (kind=kind_phys) :: qmin !<--lower bound for opt calc
- data qmin / 1.e-20 /
-!===> ... begin here
-! --- initialize (assume no aerosols)
- tauae = f_zero
- ssaae = f_one
- asyae = f_zero
- tauae_gocart = f_zero
-!===> ... loop over vertical layers
- lab_do_layer : do kk = 1, NLAY
+ real (kind=kind_phys) :: cm, ext01, sca01, asy01, ssa01
+ real (kind=kind_phys) :: ext1, asy1, ssa1, sca1
+ real (kind=kind_phys) :: sum_tau,sum_asy,sum_ssa,tau,asy,ssa
+ integer :: ih1, ih2, nbin, ib, ntrc, ktrc
! --- linear interp coeffs for rh-dep species
ih2 = 1
- do while ( rh1(kk) > rhlev_grt(ih2) )
+ do while ( rh1(k) > rhlev_grt(ih2) )
ih2 = ih2 + 1
- if ( ih2 > KRHLEV ) exit
+ if ( ih2 > krhlev ) exit
ih1 = max( 1, ih2-1 )
- ih2 = min( KRHLEV, ih2 )
+ ih2 = min( krhlev, ih2 )
drh0 = rhlev_grt(ih2) - rhlev_grt(ih1)
- drh1 = rh1(kk) - rhlev_grt(ih1)
+ drh1 = rh1(k) - rhlev_grt(ih1)
if ( ih1 == ih2 ) then
- rdrh = f_zero
+ rdrh = f_zero
- rdrh = drh1 / drh0
+ rdrh = drh1 / drh0
-! --- loop through sw/lw spectral bands
- lab_do_ib : do ib = 1, NSWLWBD
- sum_tau = f_zero
- sum_ssa = f_zero
- sum_asy = f_zero
+! --- compute optical properties for each spectral bands
+ do ib = 1, nswlwbd
+ sum_tau = f_zero
+ sum_ssa = f_zero
+ sum_asy = f_zero
+! --- determine tau, ssa, asy for dust aerosols
+ ext1 = f_zero
+ asy1 = f_zero
+ sca1 = f_zero
+ ssa1 = f_zero
+ do m = 1, kcm1
+ cm = max(aerms(k,m),0.0) * dz1(k)
+ ext1 = ext1 + cm*extrhi_grt(m,ib)
+ sca1 = sca1 + cm*scarhi_grt(m,ib)
+ ssa1 = ssa1 + cm*extrhi_grt(m,ib) * ssarhi_grt(m,ib)
+ asy1 = asy1 + cm*scarhi_grt(m,ib) * asyrhi_grt(m,ib)
+ enddo ! m-loop
+ tau = ext1
+ if (ext1 > f_zero) ssa=min(f_one, ssa1/ext1)
+ if (sca1 > f_zero) asy=min(f_one, asy1/sca1)
+! --- update aod from individual species
+ if ( ib==nv_aod ) then
+ spcodp(1) = spcodp(1) + tau
+ endif
+! --- update sum_tau, sum_ssa, sum_asy
+ sum_tau = sum_tau + tau
+ sum_ssa = sum_ssa + tau * ssa
+ sum_asy = sum_asy + tau * ssa * asy
-! --- loop through aerosol grid components
- lab_do_icmp : do icmp = 1, NUM_GRIDCOMP
+! --- determine tau, ssa, asy for non-dust aerosols
+ do ntrc = 2, nspc
ext1 = f_zero
- ssa1 = f_zero
asy1 = f_zero
- tp = gridcomp(icmp)
- select case ( tp )
-! -- dust aerosols: no humidification effect
- case ( 'DU')
- do n = 1, KCM1
- if (n <= 4) then
- aerdm = dmanl(kk,dm_indx%dust1) * fd(n)
- else
- aerdm = dmanl(kk,dm_indx%dust1+n-4 )
- endif
- if (aerdm < qmin) aerdm = f_zero
- ex00 = extrhi_grt(n,ib)*(1000.*dz1(kk))*aerdm
- ss00 = ssarhi_grt(n,ib)
- as00 = asyrhi_grt(n,ib)
- ext1 = ext1 + ex00
- ssa1 = ssa1 + ex00 * ss00
- asy1 = asy1 + ex00 * ss00 * as00
- enddo
-! -- suso aerosols: with humidification effect
- case ( 'SU')
- ij = isuso
- exint = extrhd_grt(ih1,ij,ib) &
- & + rdrh*(extrhd_grt(ih2,ij,ib) - extrhd_grt(ih1,ij,ib))
- ss00 = ssarhd_grt(ih1,ij,ib) &
- & + rdrh*(ssarhd_grt(ih2,ij,ib) - ssarhd_grt(ih1,ij,ib))
- as00 = asyrhd_grt(ih1,ij,ib) &
- & + rdrh*(asyrhd_grt(ih2,ij,ib) - asyrhd_grt(ih1,ij,ib))
- aerdm = dmanl(kk, dm_indx%suso)
- if (aerdm < qmin) aerdm = f_zero
- ex00 = exint*(1000.*dz1(kk))*aerdm
- ext1 = ex00
- ssa1 = ex00 * ss00
- asy1 = ex00 * ss00 * as00
-! -- seasalt aerosols: with humidification effect
- case ( 'SS')
- do n = 1, 2 !<---- ssam, sscm
- ij = issam + (n-1)
- exint = extrhd_grt(ih1,ij,ib) &
- & + rdrh*(extrhd_grt(ih2,ij,ib) - extrhd_grt(ih1,ij,ib))
- ss00 = ssarhd_grt(ih1,ij,ib) &
- & + rdrh*(ssarhd_grt(ih2,ij,ib) - ssarhd_grt(ih1,ij,ib))
- as00 = asyrhd_grt(ih1,ij,ib) &
- & + rdrh*(asyrhd_grt(ih2,ij,ib) - asyrhd_grt(ih1,ij,ib))
- aerdm = dmanl(kk, dm_indx%ssam+n-1)
- if (aerdm < qmin) aerdm = f_zero
- ex00 = exint*(1000.*dz1(kk))*aerdm
- ext1 = ext1 + ex00
- ssa1 = ssa1 + ex00 * ss00
- asy1 = asy1 + ex00 * ss00 * as00
- enddo
-! -- organic carbon/black carbon:
-! using 'waso' and 'soot' for hydrophilic OC and BC
-! using 'waso' and 'soot' at RH=0 for hydrophobic OC and BC
- case ( 'OC', 'BC')
- if(tp == 'OC') then
- ii = dm_indx%waso_phobic
- ij = iwaso
- else
- ii = dm_indx%soot_phobic
- ij = isoot
- endif
-! --- hydrophobic
- aerdm = dmanl(kk, ii)
- if (aerdm < qmin) aerdm = f_zero
- ex00 = extrhd_grt(1,ij,ib)*(1000.*dz1(kk))*aerdm
- ss00 = ssarhd_grt(1,ij,ib)
- as00 = asyrhd_grt(1,ij,ib)
-! --- hydrophilic
- aerdm = dmanl(kk, ii+1)
- if (aerdm < qmin) aerdm = f_zero
- exint = extrhd_grt(ih1,ij,ib) &
- & + rdrh*(extrhd_grt(ih2,ij,ib) - extrhd_grt(ih1,ij,ib))
- ex01 = exint*(1000.*dz1(kk))*aerdm
- ss01 = ssarhd_grt(ih1,ij,ib) &
- & + rdrh*(ssarhd_grt(ih2,ij,ib) - ssarhd_grt(ih1,ij,ib))
- as01 = asyrhd_grt(ih1,ij,ib) &
- & + rdrh*(asyrhd_grt(ih2,ij,ib) - asyrhd_grt(ih1,ij,ib))
- ext1 = ex00 + ex01
- ssa1 = (ex00 * ss00) + (ex01 * ss01)
- asy1 = (ex00 * ss00 * as00) + (ex01 * ss01 * as01)
- end select
-! --- determine tau, ssa, asy for each grid component
+ sca1 = f_zero
+ ssa1 = f_zero
+ ktrc = trc_to_aod(ntrc)
+ do nbin = 1, num_radius(ntrc)
+ m1 = radius_lower(ntrc) + nbin - 1
+ m = m1 - num_radius(1) ! exclude dust aerosols
+ cm = max(aerms(k,m1),0.0) * dz1(k)
+ ext01 = extrhd_grt(ih1,m,ib) + &
+ & rdrh * (extrhd_grt(ih2,m,ib)-extrhd_grt(ih1,m,ib))
+ sca01 = scarhd_grt(ih1,m,ib) + &
+ & rdrh * (scarhd_grt(ih2,m,ib)-scarhd_grt(ih1,m,ib))
+ ssa01 = ssarhd_grt(ih1,m,ib) + &
+ & rdrh * (ssarhd_grt(ih2,m,ib)-ssarhd_grt(ih1,m,ib))
+ asy01 = asyrhd_grt(ih1,m,ib) + &
+ & rdrh * (asyrhd_grt(ih2,m,ib)-asyrhd_grt(ih1,m,ib))
+ ext1 = ext1 + cm*ext01
+ sca1 = sca1 + cm*sca01
+ ssa1 = ssa1 + cm*ext01 * ssa01
+ asy1 = asy1 + cm*sca01 * asy01
+ enddo ! end_do_nbin_loop
tau = ext1
- if (ext1 > f_zero) ssa=min(f_one,ssa1/ext1)
- if (ssa1 > f_zero) asy=min(f_one,asy1/ssa1)
-! --- save tau at 550 nm for each grid component
- if ( ib == nv_aod ) then
- do ijk = 1, max_num_gridcomp
- if ( tp == max_gridcomp(ijk) ) then
- tauae_gocart(kk,ijk) = tau
- endif
- enddo
+ if (ext1 > f_zero) ssa=min(f_one, ssa1/ext1)
+ if (sca1 > f_zero) asy=min(f_one, asy1/sca1)
+! --- update aod from individual species
+ if ( ib==nv_aod ) then
+ spcodp(ktrc) = spcodp(ktrc) + tau
! --- update sum_tau, sum_ssa, sum_asy
sum_tau = sum_tau + tau
sum_ssa = sum_ssa + tau * ssa
sum_asy = sum_asy + tau * ssa * asy
- enddo lab_do_icmp
+ enddo ! end_do_ntrc_loop
! --- determine total tau, ssa, asy for aerosol mixture
- tauae(kk,ib) = sum_tau
- if (sum_tau > f_zero) ssaae(kk,ib) = sum_ssa / sum_tau
- if (sum_ssa > f_zero) asyae(kk,ib) = sum_asy / sum_ssa
- enddo lab_do_ib
- enddo lab_do_layer
+ tauae(k,ib) = sum_tau
+ if (sum_tau > f_zero) ssaae(k,ib) = sum_ssa / sum_tau
+ if (sum_ssa > f_zero) asyae(k,ib) = sum_asy / sum_ssa
+ enddo ! end_do_ib_loop
- end subroutine aeropt_grt
- end subroutine setgocartaer
+ end subroutine aeropt
+ end subroutine aer_property_gocart
!! @}
-! GOCART code modification end here (Sarah Lu) ------------------------!
! =======================================================================
diff --git a/io/post_gfs.F90 b/io/post_gfs.F90
index e9358ec91..d4ebf3fec 100644
--- a/io/post_gfs.F90
+++ b/io/post_gfs.F90
@@ -1161,6 +1161,7 @@ subroutine set_postvars_gfs(wrt_int_state,mpicomp,setvar_atmfile, &
+! print *,'in gfs_post, get tisfc=',maxval(ti), minval(ti)
! sea ice skin temperature