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139 lines (100 loc) · 4.49 KB

File metadata and controls

139 lines (100 loc) · 4.49 KB


Pick one ECUC module

Picking one ECUC module through instance a new EcucData with the ECUC module name. Picking one ECUC module is start of future ECUC element picking.


/* Pick Can module */
var can = new EcucData(instanceManager, bswmdManager, "Can");

Pick other element

After picking a module, the further element element can be picked by [] operation.


  1. Further element name.
  2. Filter function to filter result.

[] operation can be chained to continous picking level after level.

Member, the result of [] is a list.


/* Pick controller from CanConfigSet of Can module.
Controller name shall not end with "_001" and "_002" */
var controllers = can["CanConfigSet"]["CanController", x => !(x.AsrPathShort.EndsWith("_001") || x.AsrPathShort.EndsWith("_002"))];

Pick element value

The value is stored in element and can be got by property "Value". Since [] operation return a list of EcucData, the value of first EcucData can be got through property "FirstValue". List of EcucData also has "Value" property return a list of value for each element.


/* Pick CanIf module */
var canIf = new EcucData(instanceManager, bswmdManager, "CanIf");
/* Pick CanIfRxPduCfgs which CanIfRxPduUserRxIndicationUL element is not "CAN_NM" */
var canIdTypeContainers = canIf["CanIfInitCfg"]["CanIfRxPduCfg", x => x["CanIfRxPduUserRxIndicationUL"].FirstValue != "CAN_NM"]["CanIfRxPduCanIdType"];
/* Pick all Id Types */
var canIdTypes = canIdTypeContainers.Value;

Since value is stored as string, property "ValueAsInt" is used to pick integer result;


/* Pick all filters in CanFilterMask */
var filters = controllers["CanFilterMask"];
/* Pick CanFilterCodeValue as integer */
var codeValues = filters["CanFilterCodeValue"].ValueAsInt;
/* Pick CanFilterMaskValue as integer */
var maskValues = filters["CanFilterMaskValue"].ValueAsInt;

Add container

AddContainer and AddContainerWithRequiredField of EcucData are used to add sub container with specified name.

AddContainer will add a empty subcontainer with no sub container and value. AddContainerWithRequiredFiel will add a subcontainer with required sub container and value.


  1. Container name
  2. Container instance name


/* Pick CanHardwareObject from CanController from CanConfigSet */
var controller = data["CanConfigSet"]["CanController", x => !(x.Value.EndsWith("_001") || x.Value.EndsWith("_002"))].First;
var hardwareObject = data["CanConfigSet"]["CanHardwareObject", x => x.Value.EndsWith("Rx")].First;
/* Add container CanFilterMask to CanController */
var filter = controller.AddContainerWithRequiredField("CanFilterMask", $"CanFilterMaskRx_0x{id:X3}");

Set validation status of element

Method UpdateValidStatus of EcucData is used to set EcucData validatation result. The validation result will implict transfer to upper element.


  1. Status of validation to set. True for valid and false for invalid.
  2. Hit message of validation.


/* Set Can module to invalid whit hint "Filter missing" */
can.UpdateValidStatus(false, "Filter missing");
/* Set Can module back to valid */

Set validation solution of element

Method UpdateValidSolve of EcucData is used to set EcucData validatation soultion.


  1. Hit message of solution.
  2. Function of solution.
  3. Parameter transfer to function.


/* Add soultion to Can module */
can.UpdateValidSolve($"Add missing filter 0x{frame.ID:X3}", FixCanFilter, frame.ID);

/* Fix Can filter solution */
private void FixCanFilter(EcucData data, object? idSuggest)
    if (idSuggest is uint id)
        /* Pick CanHardwareObject from CanController from CanConfigSet */
        var controller = data["CanConfigSet"]["CanController", x => !(x.Value.EndsWith("_001") || x.Value.EndsWith("_002"))].First;
        var hardwareObject = data["CanConfigSet"]["CanHardwareObject", x => x.Value.EndsWith("Rx")].First;
        /* Add container CanFilterMask to CanController */
        var filter = controller.AddContainerWithRequiredField("CanFilterMask", $"CanFilterMaskRx_0x{id:X3}");
        /* Update CanFilterMask value */
        filter["CanFilterMaskValue"].FirstValueAsInt = 0x7FF;
        filter["CanFilterCodeValue"].FirstValueAsInt = id;
        filter["IsLocked"].FirstValue = "false";
        /* Add reference CanFilterMaskRef to CanFilterMask */
        hardwareObject.AddRef("CanFilterMaskRef", filter.AsrPath);