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File metadata and controls

323 lines (286 loc) · 6.45 KB


Base URL:

API Endpoints

1. Request All Patient Data

GET - /<adminkey>

Description: Master Data
Parameter: Admin Key - accessible and regenerated by maintainer 
Response: All Patient data in JSON

Example -

  "patient": [
      "_id": "12j31k2j3lxxxxfe7d234d261",
      "Name": "txxxxxa",
      "Address": "xxxxxx",
      "Age": 21
      "_id": "6d3ff17xxxxfe72d421",
      "Name": "qxxxxxa",
      "Address": "xxxxxx",
      "Age": 24
      "_id": "54g656ff3xxxxfe7d234d2e661",
      "Name": "pAxxxxxa",
      "Address": "xxxxxx",
      "Age": 35

2. Request Patient Data with 'id'

GET - /patient/<id>

Description: To get Patient data with 'id'
Parameter: ID - accessible by patient after login
Response: Patient data with particular ID

Example -

     "_id": "2cdgdxxxxxxxxxxxx83da84",
     "Name": "Elon Musk",
     "Address": "Texas",
     "Age": 24,
     "Ambulation": false

3. Request Geo Locate API-Key

GET - /geo_locate/:user

Description: To get Geo-API key, used for third party API service
Parameter: user - track number of uses and auto-update API accordingly
Response: geo_api - secret key in JSON

Example -

  "geo_api": "93h4hd3xxxxxxwe9w382295a"

4. Request JIT token with 'user' & 'pass'

GET - /login?user=<user>&pass=<pass>

Description: To get JIT token with 'user' & 'pass'
Parameter: user & pass - original client key
Response: JIT Token

Example -


5. Request Patient information using JIT Token

GET - /data?user=<user>&token=<JIT_token>

Description: To get patient data with 'user' & 'token'
Parameter: user & token (generated by respose during login)
Response: Patient Information with provided username - authenticated by token

Example -

     "_id": "2cdgdxxxxxxxxxxxx83da84",
     "Name": "Elon Musk",
     "Address": "Texas",
     "Age": 24,
     "Ambulation": false

6. Create new Patient Account

POST - /patient/signup

Description: To create new patient - Using schema model, add new entry on mongoDB
Request: JSON Body with Patient Information
Response: Patient Created

Request Body -

  "newpatient": {
      "Name": "Axxxxxa",
      "Email": "[email protected]",
      "DOB": "1/12/1999"
      "Address": "xxxxxx",
      "Age": 21,
      "Ambulation": false,
      "BMI": 24.7,
      "Chills": false,
      "Contacts": "8xxxxxx828",
      "DBP": 74,
      "DecreasedMood": false,
      "FiO2": 78,
      "GeneralizedFatigue": false,
      "HeartRate": 65,
      "HistoryFever": "Yes",
      "RR": 20,
      "RecentHospitalStay": "05/04/2019",
      "SBP": 78,
      "SpO2": 95,
      "Temp": 37,
      "WeightGain": 5,
      "WeightLoss": 0,
      "BGroup": "O+",
      "Sex": "Male",
      "pass": "xxxx",
      "user": "elon"

Response -

  "message": "Patient Created"

7. Update Patient data with 'ID'

PUT - /patient/update/<id>

Description: To Update a Patient Information
Parameter: ID - accessible by patient after login
Request: JSON Body with new data
Response: New Patient Information

Request Body -

        "SBP":	78

Response -

      "_id": "2cdgdxxxxxxxxxxxx83da84",
      "Name": "Elon Musk",
      "Address": "Texas",
      "Age": 24,
      "SBP":	78

8. Delete Patient Account with 'ID'

DELETE - /patient/delete/<id>

Description: To Update a Patient Information
Parameter: ID - accessible by patient after login

Response -

  "message": "Patient Deleted 🔪"

9. Generate New Device Token

GET - /devtkn/create?user=<user>&pass=<pass>

Description: To Create New Device token
Parameter: user and pass for authentication

Response -

  "device_token": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", 
  "time": "D/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS AM/PM",

10. Request MQTT server Info (On Portal)

GET - /devtkn/portal?user=<user>&token=<session_token>

Description: To Request MQTT server Information
Parameter: user & session_token - session token is used as API key for the user (generated upon JIT Token)

Response -

  "mqttserver": "xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx", 
  "mqttUser": "xxxxxxxxxxx", 
  "mqttPass": "xxxxxxxxxxx"

11. Request MQTT server Info (On Device)

GET - /devtkn/device?user=<user>&token=<dev_token>

Description: To Request MQTT server Information
Parameter: user & dev_token - device token is used as API key for the user

Response -

  "mqttserver": "xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx", 
  "mqttUser": "xxxxxxxxxxx", 
  "mqttPass": "xxxxxxxxxxx"

12. Generate New Device Node

POST - /node/create?user=<user>&token=<dev_token>

Description:  To create NEW node device, node-xxxxxxx to be stored and used for data-exchange
Parameter: user & dev_token - device token is used as API key for the user
Request: JSON Body with new data
Response: Node Created message  

Request Body -

          "node": "node-xxxxxx",
          "type": "xxxxxx",
          "attribute": "xxxx, xxxx", 
          "lastUp": "xx/xx/xx"

Response -

  "message": "Node Created 🎆"

13. Get Device Node Information

GET - /node/device?user=<user>&token=<dev_token>&node=<device_id>

Description: To view node data
Parameter: user, dev_token & node device
Response: Node Information

Response -

  "node": "node-xxxxxxx",
  "attribute": "xxxx, xxxx"

14. Delete Device Node

DELETR - /node/delete?user=<user>&token=<dev_token>&node=<device_id>

Description: To delete Node Data
Parameter: user, dev_token & node device
Response: Node Deleted 

Response -

  "message": "Node Deleted 🔪"