COnsummato igitur mundo: per fabricam diuine solercie sex dierum.
Creati e[ni]m dispositi [et] ornati tande[m] p[er]fecti sunt celi [et] terra.
Compleuit de[us] gl[or]iosus opus suu[m]: [et] requienit die septimo ab operib[us] manuum suaru[m]: postq[uam] cu[n[ctum mundu[m]: [et] omnia que in eo sunt creasse: no[n] quasi operando lassus: sed nouam creaturam facere cessauit: cuius materia vel similitudo non precesserit.
Opus enim propagationis operari non definit.
Et dominus eidem diei benedixit: [et] sanctificauit illu[m]: vocauitq[ue] ipsum Sabatu[m] quod nomen hebraica lingua requiem significat.
Eo q[uia] in ipso cessauerat ab om[n]i opere q[uo]d patrarat.
Un[de] [et] Judei eo die a laboribus proprijs vacare dignoscu[n]tur.
ALs nw die werlt als gepew götlicher weißheit der sechs tag vole[n]det: vn[d] himel vn[d] erde[n] beschaffen geordnet gezieret vn[d] zulest volbracht worde[n] sind. do hat der glori wirdige got sein werck erfüllet vn[d] am sybende[n] tag von den wercken seiner hendt geruet. nach de[m] er die gantze[n] werlt vnd alle ding die dar in sind beschaffen het do hat er auffgehört. nit als zewürcken muede. sunder zemachen ein newe creatur d[er] materi oder gleichnus nit vergange[n] wer dan[n] er hort nit auff zewürcken das werck der geperungen. vnd der herr hat den[n] selbe[n] tag gebenedeyt vnd geheiligt vnd ine geheysse[n] sabathu[m]. das nach hebreyscher zu[n]ge[n] ein rüe bedeuttet darümb das er an de[m] selbe[n] tag ruet von allem dem werck das er gemacht het. do vo[n] auch die iuden an dem tag vo[n] aigner arbeit zefeiren erkant werde[n].
The creation of the world having been accomplished by divine wisdom in six days, and heaven and earth having been finished, ordered and adorned, the glorious God fulfilled his task; and on the seventh day he rested from his labors. Having created the entire world and all the things therein, he stopped, not because he was wearied by his labors, but to make a new and immortal creature or likeness out of matter; for he never ceased in his work of creation. And the Lord blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, and called it the Sabbath, which according to the Hebrew tongue means rest, for on the seventh day he rested from all the work which he had done. The Jews may be known by the fact that on this day they also rest from their labors.
Quem [et] ante legem certe gentes celebrem obseruarunt.
Iamq[ue] ad calcem ventum est operum diuinorum.
Illum ergo timeamus: amemus: [et] veneremur.
In quo sunt omnia siue visibilia siue inuisibilia.
Et a domino celi: domino bono[rum] omniu[m].
Cui data om[n]is potestas in celo [et] in terra.
Et presentia bona: quatenus bona sint.
Et veram eterne vite felicitatem queramus.
De[n] selbe[n] tag habe[n] auch ettlich haidnische völker vor dem gesetz feirlich gehalte[n]. vnd also sein wir zu[m] end der göttlichen werck komme[n]. darümb so sollen wir de[n] in dem alle sichtliche vnd unsichtliche ding sind förchten. liebhaben vnd eren vnd von dem herren des himels. dem herren aller güter dem gewalt gegebe[n] ist in himel vnd erden. die gegenwürtigen güter. sover die gut sind. vnd auch die waren seligkait des ewigen lebe[n]s suchen.
Before the time of the Law this same day was also observed as a holiday by certain pagan peoples. And thus we have arrived at the end of the divine works. Therefore we should fear, love and honor him in whom all visible and invisible things are comprehended; and of the Lord of Heaven, who is the Lord of all good, and vested with power over heaven and earth, we should seek like endowments as well as the true blessings of eternal life.