The dialog consists of:
- a list that contains set-items
- a text that displays an "empty"-message
- a button that starts the game with cards front-face up
- a button that starts the game with cards back-face up
- a button with the symbol 'add'
- an overflow menu containing 'More', 'Settings' and 'Select All'
- The user opens the screen for the first time
- The user opens the screen when there are no sets and have seen the tutorial 'SetOverview'
- The user opens the screen when there is one set
- The user opens the screen when there is more than one set
When the user opens the screen for the first time, they're greeted with a tutorial that explains that there are no sets yet and that they have to create a new set, highlighting the 'Add'-Button used to add sets. The user may click anywhere on the screen to close the tutorial. If they click on the 'Add'-button, the AddOrEditSetDialog is opened. More on that in the AddOrEditSetDialog-section.
When the user opens the screen when there are no sets and have seen the tutorial 'SetOverview', they will see an empty list of sets. In addition, a text is displayed that says "There are currently no sets available. Click the Add-Button to add a set". When the user clicks on the 'Add'-Button, the AddOrEditSetDialog is opened.
When the user opens the screen when there is one set, they will see the list with one item. The empty-text is no longer visible.
When the user opens the screen when there is more than one set and hasn't seen the tutorial
- The User has opened this dialog by clicking the 'Add'-Button in the SetOverview
- The User has opened this dialog by clicking the 'Edit'-Button in the Set
The dialog opens, they keyboard is visible and the cursor is placed in the first edit-text.