This tool is devoted to parse output from genebank and was made as a homework to your assignment, Jenya. You can find all records which contains one of search words in your query.
To run our tool you will need
- Python Interpretator 3.X version
- argparse library
$ python options
Options have 2 forms - short 1-letter and long. Long is prefixed with --
and short with -
Possible options (in form short long - description)
- h help - display help information about tool
- i input - phrase after it should be path to your input file from genbank, which you`ll parse
- o output - phrase after it should be path to output file with its name
- s specs - words which will be searched in input
- v version - display information about version of tool
After writing options you should press button
and wait until searching will be done. Output file will be written in specified location. By default it is current directory and file with name parsedGB.csv
BI License
I`d like to thanks everybody