Releases: ShaneBeee/SkBee
Small Fixes [1.10.1]
SkBee 1.10.x will be the last version to support legacy console versions (ie: 1.8.x - 1.12.x)
Due to the many issues I have had to fix revolving around legacy servers, I find this too hard to continue offering legacy support.
Come 1.11 ... SkBee will strictly support MC 1.13+
That said, if you are using a legacy server version, please ensure to report any bugs you find ASAP so they can be fixed before I move onto SkBee 1.11
- Fixed an issue with SkBee failing to load on legacy versions.
- Fixed an issue where an unset tag would return a new NBT compound. Due to this fix, you will now need to use
compound tag “tag-here”…
to get a new compound. - Fixed an issue with text components with multiple colours not returning as one object.
- Changed structure effects to delay proceeding code since structures may take a while to load/save, and are done on another thread.
The "Big Ten" Update [1.10.0]
SkBee 1.10.x will be the last version to support legacy console versions (ie: 1.8.x - 1.12.x)
Due to the many issues I have had to fix revolving around legacy servers, I find this too hard to continue offering legacy support.
Come 1.11 ... SkBee will strictly support MC 1.13+
That said, if you are using a legacy server version, please ensure to report any bugs you find ASAP so they can be fixed before I move onto SkBee 1.11
This update brings a bunch of new things, and a few fixes. That in mind, I have tested as much as I can, but please report any bugs you may find.
- Fixed an issue with sending components on legacy servers
- Fixed an issue with NBT and some items not returning an item
- Fixed an issue with book pages on legacy versions
- Fixed an issue with blocks of bounds throwing a null error
- Fixed an issue with text components not formatting HEX colours
- Added support for all args in tab complete event
- Added support for setting NBT tags to booleans (will be converted internally to a byte)
- Added an effect for opening/closing containers (chests/barrels/shulker boxes)
- Added ‘Minecraft tags’ (for more info, see WIKI)
- Added ‘material choices’ which can be used in recipes (for more info, see WIKI)
- Added support for ‘material choices’ in recipes, thus allowing to set an ingredient to a choice of items. (Ex: an ingredient can allow for all planks)
- Added support for NBT on all blocks (this is a semi-hacky method, use with caution) (for more info, see WIKI)
- Added support for NBT tag types, thus allowing to specify what type you would like the tag to be set as (ex: let’s you distinguish if a tag should be set as an int, byte, short, etc)
- Changed a bunch of stuff with how NBT is set. This is all internal, but will help reduce the amount of code you will need to write. You will be able to directly set custom tags of blocks/entities, without having to get the compound, manipulate it, then set it back.
Small Bug Fixes [1.9.1]
- Fixed a conflict with particles registering due to SkQuery doing the same thing
- Fixed an issue with the ‘world exists’ condition having the wrong pattern
- Fixed an issue with hex colors breaking in scoreboards
- Due to a fix with SkBee boards, they actually support unlimited length line length now (in 1.13+). (I still wouldn’t go too long, not sure what will happen. Use at your own risk)
send component
effect now supports send to console
The Particle Update [1.9.0]
This update is a bit small, but it brings a big new particle system that will hopefully be easier to handle than Skript's particle system.
- New particle system (Skript’s particle system is awful. This here is meant as a test version of something I may directly add into Skript in the future) (requires Minecraft 1.13+, due to changes in particles in 1.13 I have no desire to support legacy versions)
- Fixed an issue with the sender in the send component effect throwing an error
- Did some performance changes to block data tags. Now tags will only attempt to change for blocks that have tags (this greatly speeds things up when changing large quantities of blocks)
- WorldCreator in config is now TRUE by default
- Better handling of “/“ in the tab complete event. The slash is no longer required, and also allows for manipulating commands in console
Small Fix [1.8.5]
- Fixed a bug preventing legacy servers loading
Small Fixes [1.8.4]
- Fixed an issue when returning UUIDs/IntArrays
- Fixed some issues with legacy NBT for blocks/entities
- Fixed some issue with different number lists/arrays
- Fixed an issue where some lists were not clearing
- Added beacon effect event
- Added more event values for anvil break event
- Better handling of invalid NBT (will actually show what is wrong with it)
- Better handling of null NBT values
- NBT UUID now returns a random uuid when entity/player is missing
- Added support for a sender in send component effect
Small Fixes
- Fixed an issue with structures being limited to 32x32x32
- Fixed an issue with creating a new full bound and the location variables being manipulated
- Added some missing things in the lang file
- Added support for more patterns in scoreboard lines/title
More 1.16.4 Stuff [1.8.2]
- Changed the API for NBT-API to official NBT-API (its literally the same thing just not my fork)
- Updated the StructureBlockLib for full support of 1.16.4 (StructureBlockLib did a major change to their API, so I'm hoping everything still works as intended.. I did light testing and it seems ok)
Small Update [1.8.1]
- Added temporary support for 1.16.4 NBT. (Due to the NBT-API not yet updated, I had to manually update a fork myself. This has not been fully tested. Small testing shows NBT appears to be working, but please test fully before using on a production server ... at this time, please do not report NBT related bugs.. I will be updating the official NBT-API when it is available)
- Im well aware that structures are not working on 1.16.4 yet. They will work as soon as the structure API for 1.16.4 is available.
The World Creation Update [1.8.0]
- Fixed an NPE with NBT being applied to non-existent items
- Added a world creator system (this is semi-experimental, it is disabled by default in the SkBee config.yml. If you wish to use this feature you will need to enable it. Please use with caution) (See WIKI for more details on this system)
- Added player sheer entity event (requires Paper)
- Added entity pig zap event (requires Paper)
- Added projectile collide event (requires Paper)
- Added entity knockback event (requires Paper)
- Added an expression for victim/attacker in the knockback event
- Added xp orb merge event (requires Paper)
- Added player pickup xp event (requires Paper)
- Added player elytra boost event (requires Paper)
- Added a text component click event for changing book pages
- Added an expression for getting/setting book pages (See WIKI for more info)
- Changed the syntax for the knowledge book expression due to clashing with other syntaxes