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File metadata and controls

286 lines (232 loc) · 11.7 KB



Adventures-web is a web project developed using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This project aims to [briefly describe the purpose or goal of your project].

HTML Properties

  • color: Sets the color of text.
  • font-family: Specifies the font(s) to be used for text.
  • font-size: Sets the size of text.
  • font-weight: Specifies the weight (boldness) of text.

Semantic Elements

  • <header>: Represents introductory content at the beginning of a document or section.
  • <footer>: Represents the footer of a document or section.
  • <article>: Represents self-contained content that could exist independently.
  • <section>: Represents a thematic grouping of content.
  • <aside>: Represents content tangentially related to the content around it.
  • <main>: Represents the main content of the document.
  • <figure>: Represents self-contained content, such as images or diagrams, with optional captions.
  • <figcaption>: Represents the caption for a <figure> element.

Interactive Elements

  • <button>: Defines a clickable button.
  • <details>: Represents additional information or controls that the user can view or hide.
  • <summary>: Represents a summary, caption, or legend for a <details> element.
  • <input>: Provides various types of input controls (text fields, checkboxes, radio buttons, etc.).
  • <label>: Associates a label with a form control.
  • <select>: Creates a dropdown list.
  • <datalist>: Defines a list of pre-defined options for an <input> element.
  • <progress>: Represents the progress of a task.
  • <meter>: Represents a scalar measurement within a known range.

Embedded Content

  • <iframe>: Embeds a separate HTML page into the current document.
  • <canvas>: Provides a space for graphics rendering with JavaScript.
  • <svg>: Defines scalable vector graphics.
  • <math>: Represents complex mathematical expressions.

Meta Information

  • <base>: Specifies a base URL for all relative URLs in a document.
  • <link>: Defines relationships between the current document and external resources.
  • <style>: Contains style information for a document.
  • <script>: Embeds or links to client-side scripts.

Global Attributes

  • id: Uniquely identifies an element within a document.
  • class: Specifies one or more class names for an element, allowing CSS styling.
  • style: Defines inline CSS styles for an element.
  • title: Provides advisory information about an element.

Event Attributes

  • onclick, onmouseover, onkeydown, etc.: Assigns JavaScript event handlers to elements to respond to user actions.

Document Structure

  • <html>: The root element.
  • <head>: Contains metadata about the document.
  • <title>: Sets the title of the document.
  • <body>: Contains the visible content of the document.

Text Formatting

  • <h1> to <h6>: Headings of different levels.
  • <p>: Paragraph.
  • <strong>: Bold text.
  • <em>: Italicized text.
  • <u>: Underlined text.
  • <blockquote>: Block quote.

Links and Navigation

  • <a>: Anchor (hyperlink).
  • href: Specifies the URL of the linked page.
  • target: Specifies where to open the linked document.
  • <nav>: Navigation links.


  • <ul>: Unordered list.
  • <ol>: Ordered list.
  • <li>: List item.


  • <img>: Image.
  • src: Specifies the URL of the image.
  • alt: Specifies an alternate text for the image.


  • <table>: Defines a table.
  • <tr>: Defines a row in a table.
  • <td>: Defines a cell in a table.
  • <th>: Defines a header cell in a table.


  • <form>: Defines a form.
  • <input>: Input control.
  • type: Specifies the type of input control (text, checkbox, radio, etc.).
  • <textarea>: Multi-line text input control.
  • <select>: Dropdown list.
  • <option>: Defines an option in a dropdown list.
  • <button>: Defines a clickable button.


  • <audio>: Audio content.
  • <video>: Video content.
  • <source>: Defines multiple media resources for media elements.


  • <meta>: Metadata about the HTML document.
  • charset: Specifies the character encoding for the document.
  • content: Specifies the value of the meta tag.

Style and Scripting

  • <style>: Defines style information for a document.
  • <script>: Defines a client-side script.
  • src: Specifies the URL of an external script file.

CSS Properties

  • font-style: Sets the style (italic, oblique, normal) of text.
  • text-align: Sets the horizontal alignment of text.
  • text-decoration: Specifies decorations added to text (underline, overline, line-through).
  • background-color: Sets the background color of an element.
  • background-image: Specifies an image to be used as the background.
  • border: Sets the border properties of an element.
  • padding: Specifies the padding inside an element's border.
  • margin: Sets the margin outside an element's border.
  • width: Sets the width of an element.
  • height: Sets the height of an element.
  • display: Specifies how an element is displayed.
  • position: Specifies the positioning method of an element.
  • float: Specifies whether an element should float to the left, right, or none.
  • z-index: Sets the stack order of positioned elements.
  • opacity: Sets the opacity level for an element.
  • box-shadow: Adds shadow effects to an element's box.
  • text-shadow: Adds shadow effects to text.
  • transition: Specifies the transition effects on an element.
  • animation: Defines animations on an element.
  • overflow: Specifies what happens if content overflows an element's box.
  • cursor: Specifies the type of cursor to be displayed when pointing over an element.
  • list-style: Sets the style of list items (bullet points, numbering).
  • outline: Sets the outline properties for an element.

JavaScript Features

  • DOM Manipulation: JavaScript allows you to manipulate the Document Object Model (DOM) dynamically, enabling interactions with HTML and CSS.
  • Event Handling: JavaScript provides the ability to respond to user actions such as clicks, mouse movements, and keyboard input through event handling.
  • Asynchronous Programming: JavaScript supports asynchronous programming, allowing you to perform tasks such as fetching data from servers without blocking the main thread.
  • ES6 Features: JavaScript ES6 introduces new features such as arrow functions, template literals, and destructuring assignment, enhancing code readability and maintainability.


[Provide instructions on how to use your project or how to set it up for development]


[Specify guidelines for contributions or how others can contribute to your project]


[Choose and specify the

Meta Information

  • <base>: Specifies a base URL for all relative URLs in a document.
  • <link>: Defines relationships between the current document and external resources.
  • <style>: Contains style information for a document.
  • <script>: Embeds or links to client-side scripts.

Global Attributes

  • id: Uniquely identifies an element within a document.
  • class: Specifies one or more class names for an element, allowing CSS styling.
  • style: Defines inline CSS styles for an element.
  • title: Provides advisory information about an element.

Event Attributes

  • onclick, onmouseover, onkeydown, etc.: Assigns JavaScript event handlers to elements to respond to user actions.

Document Structure

  • <html>: The root element.
  • <head>: Contains metadata about the document.
  • <title>: Sets the title of the document.
  • <body>: Contains the visible content of the document.

Text Formatting

  • <h1> to <h6>: Headings of different levels.
  • <p>: Paragraph.
  • <strong>: Bold text.
  • <em>: Italicized text.
  • <u>: Underlined text.
  • <blockquote>: Block quote.

Links and Navigation

  • <a>: Anchor (hyperlink).
  • href: Specifies the URL of the linked page.
  • target: Specifies where to open the linked document.
  • <nav>: Navigation links.


  • <ul>: Unordered list.
  • <ol>: Ordered list.
  • <li>: List item.


  • <img>: Image.
  • src: Specifies the URL of the image.
  • alt: Specifies an alternate text for the image.


  • <table>: Defines a table.
  • <tr>: Defines a row in a table.
  • <td>: Defines a cell in a table.
  • <th>: Defines a header cell in a table.


  • <form>: Defines a form.
  • <input>: Input control.
  • type: Specifies the type of input control (text, checkbox, radio, etc.).
  • <textarea>: Multi-line text input control.
  • <select>: Dropdown list.
  • <option>: Defines an option in a dropdown list.
  • <button>: Defines a clickable button.


  • <audio>: Audio content.
  • <video>: Video content.
  • <source>: Defines multiple media resources for media elements.


  • <meta>: Metadata about the HTML document.
  • charset: Specifies the character encoding for the document.
  • content: Specifies the value of the meta tag.

Style and Scripting

  • <style>: Defines style information for a document.
  • <script>: Defines a client-side script.
  • src: Specifies the URL of an external script file.

CSS Properties

  • font-style: Sets the style (italic, oblique, normal) of text.
  • text-align: Sets the horizontal alignment of text.
  • text-decoration: Specifies decorations added to text (underline, overline, line-through).
  • background-color: Sets the background color of an element.
  • background-image: Specifies an image to be used as the background.
  • border: Sets the border properties of an element.
  • padding: Specifies the padding inside an element's border.
  • margin: Sets the margin outside an element's border.
  • width: Sets the width of an element.
  • height: Sets the height of an element.
  • display: Specifies how an element is displayed.
  • position: Specifies the positioning method of an element.
  • float: Specifies whether an element should float to the left, right, or none.
  • z-index: Sets the stack order of positioned elements.
  • opacity: Sets the opacity level for an element.
  • box-shadow: Adds shadow effects to an element's box.
  • text-shadow: Adds shadow effects to text.
  • transition: Specifies the transition effects on an element.
  • animation: Defines animations on an element.
  • overflow: Specifies what happens if content overflows an element's box.
  • cursor: Specifies the type of cursor to be displayed when pointing over an element.
  • list-style: Sets the style of list items (bullet points, numbering).
  • outline: Sets the outline properties for an element.


To use the Adventures-web project, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine using Git:

  2. Open the project directory:

    1. Open the index.html file in your preferred web browser.
  3. Explore the project and interact with its features.


Contributions to Adventures-web are welcome and encouraged! To contribute to the project, please follow these guidelines:

  1. Fork the repository on GitHub.

  2. Make your desired changes to the codebase.

  3. Ensure that your changes adhere to the project's coding conventions and style guidelines.

  4. Test your changes thoroughly to ensure they work as expected.

  5. Submit a pull request with a clear description of your changes and the problem they solve.

  6. Your pull request will be reviewed by the project maintainers, and any necessary feedback will be provided.

  7. Once your pull request is approved, it will be merged into the main branch.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. You are free to use, modify, and distribute the code for personal or commercial purposes. See the LICENSE file for more details.