CampaignRequest object describes the campaign to be submitted via '/campaignBuilder/brand/{brandId}/usecase/{usecase}' operation. It is also used in operations for retrieving status of campaign request and for updating a pending request.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
affiliateMarketing | Boolean | Does message content controlled by affiliate marketing other than the brand? | [optional] |
ageGated | Boolean | Age gated message content in campaign. | [optional] |
autoRenewal | Boolean | Campaign subscription auto-renewal option. If set to true, then campaign will automatically renewal at end of billing cycle. | [optional] |
brandId | String | Alphanumeric identifier of the brand associated with this campaign. | |
description | String | Summary description of this campaign. | |
directLending | Boolean | Direct lending or loan arrangement | [optional] |
embeddedLink | Boolean | Does message generated by the campaign include URL link in SMS? | [optional] |
embeddedPhone | Boolean | Does message generated by the campaign include phone number in SMS? | [optional] |
helpKeywords | String | Subscriber help keywords. Multiple keywords are comma separated without space. | [optional] |
helpMessage | String | Help message of the campaign. | [optional] |
messageFlow | String | Message flow description. | [optional] |
mnoIds | Set<Integer> | Submit campaign to given list of MNOs by MNO's network ID. Default is all MNOs if no value provided. | [optional] |
numberPool | Boolean | Does campaign utilize pool of phone numbers? | [optional] |
optinKeywords | String | Subscriber opt-in keywords. Multiple keywords are comma separated without space. | [optional] |
optinMessage | String | Subscriber opt-in message. | [optional] |
optoutKeywords | String | Subscriber opt-out keywords. Multiple keywords are comma separated without space. | [optional] |
optoutMessage | String | Subscriber opt-out message. | [optional] |
referenceId | String | Caller supplied campaign reference ID. If supplied, the value must be unique across all submitted campaigns. Can be used to prevent duplicate campaign registrations. | [optional] |
resellerId | String | Alphanumeric identifier of the reseller that you want to associate with this campaign. | [optional] |
sample1 | String | Message sample. Some campaign tiers require 1 or more message samples. | [optional] |
sample2 | String | Message sample. Some campaign tiers require 2 or more message samples. | [optional] |
sample3 | String | Message sample. Some campaign tiers require 3 or more message samples. | [optional] |
sample4 | String | Message sample. Some campaign tiers require 4 or more message samples. | [optional] |
sample5 | String | Message sample. Some campaign tiers require 5 or more message samples. | [optional] |
subUsecases | Set<String> | Campaign sub-usecases. Must be of defined valid sub-usecase types. Use `/registry/enum/usecase` operation to retrieve list of valid sub-usecases | [optional] |
subscriberHelp | Boolean | Does campaign responds to help keyword(s)? | [optional] |
subscriberOptin | Boolean | Does campaign require subscriber to opt-in before SMS is sent to subscriber? | [optional] |
subscriberOptout | Boolean | Does campaign support subscriber opt-out keyword(s)? | [optional] |
tag | Set<String> | Tags to be set on the Campaign. | [optional] |
termsAndConditions | Boolean | Is terms and conditions accepted? | [optional] |
usecase | String | Campaign usecase. Must be of defined valid types. Use `/registry/enum/usecase` operation to retrieve usecases available for given brand. | |
webhookURL | String | Webhook to which campaign status updates are sent. | [optional] |
webhookFailoverURL | String | Failover webhook to which campaign status updates are sent. | [optional] |