diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index d7249a6ba..ef9d9f07c 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 # Changelog
 ## Unreleased
+* update prior `__new__` methods #1098 [MartinBubel]
 * fix invalid escape sequence #1011 [janmayer]
 ## v1.13.2 (2024-07-21)
diff --git a/GPy/core/parameterization/priors.py b/GPy/core/parameterization/priors.py
index 3550a8b56..acf182aaf 100644
--- a/GPy/core/parameterization/priors.py
+++ b/GPy/core/parameterization/priors.py
@@ -580,7 +580,11 @@ class DGPLVM(Prior):
     domain = _REAL
     def __new__(cls, sigma2, lbl, x_shape):
-        return super(Prior, cls).__new__(cls, sigma2, lbl, x_shape)
+        newfunc = super(Prior, cls).__new__
+        if newfunc is object.__new__:
+            return newfunc(cls)
+        else:
+            return newfunc(cls, sigma2, lbl, x_shape)
     def __init__(self, sigma2, lbl, x_shape):
         self.sigma2 = sigma2
@@ -1275,7 +1279,12 @@ def __new__(cls, A, nu):  # Singleton:
             for instance in cls._instances:
                 if instance().A == A and instance().nu == nu:
                     return instance()
-        o = super(Prior, cls).__new__(cls, A, nu)
+        newfunc = super(Prior, cls).__new__
+        if newfunc is object.__new__:
+            o = newfunc(cls)
+        else:
+            o = newfunc(cls, A, nu)
         return cls._instances[-1]()
diff --git a/GPy/testing/test_prior.py b/GPy/testing/test_prior.py
index eb12a8d1c..bc44c7fac 100644
--- a/GPy/testing/test_prior.py
+++ b/GPy/testing/test_prior.py
@@ -3,6 +3,21 @@
 import pytest
 import numpy as np
 import GPy
+from GPy.core.parameterization.priors import (
+    Gaussian,
+    Uniform,
+    LogGaussian,
+    MultivariateGaussian,
+    Gamma,
+    InverseGamma,
+    DGPLVM,
+    DGPLVM_Lamda,
+    DGPLVM_T,
+    HalfT,
+    Exponential,
+    StudentT,
 class TestPrior:
@@ -178,3 +193,90 @@ def test_fixed_domain_check1(self):
         # should raise an assertionerror.
         with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
+def initialize_gaussian_prior() -> None:
+    return Gaussian(0, 1)
+def initialize_uniform_prior() -> None:
+    return Uniform(0, 1)
+def initialize_log_gaussian_prior() -> None:
+    return LogGaussian(0, 1)
+def initialize_multivariate_gaussian_prior() -> None:
+    return MultivariateGaussian(np.zeros(2), np.eye(2))
+def initialize_gamma_prior() -> None:
+    return Gamma(1, 1)
+def initialize_inverse_gamma_prior() -> None:
+    return InverseGamma(1, 1)
+def initialize_dgplvm_prior() -> None:
+    # return DGPLVM(...)
+    raise NotImplementedError("No idea how to initialize this prior")
+def initialize_dgplvm_kfda_prior() -> None:
+    # return DGPLVM_KFDA(...)
+    raise NotImplementedError("No idea how to initialize this prior")
+def initialize_dgplvm_lamda_prior() -> None:
+    # return DGPLVM_Lamda(...)
+    raise NotImplementedError("No idea how to initialize this prior")
+def initialize_dgplvm_t_prior() -> None:
+    # return DGPLVM_T(1, 1, (1, 1))
+    raise NotImplementedError("No idea how to initialize this prior")
+def initialize_half_t_prior() -> None:
+    return HalfT(1, 1)
+def initialize_exponential_prior() -> None:
+    return Exponential(1)
+def initialize_student_t_prior() -> None:
+    return StudentT(1, 1, 1)
+    "Gaussian": initialize_gaussian_prior,
+    "Uniform": initialize_uniform_prior,
+    "LogGaussian": initialize_log_gaussian_prior,
+    "MultivariateGaussian": initialize_multivariate_gaussian_prior,
+    "Gamma": initialize_gamma_prior,
+    "InverseGamma": initialize_inverse_gamma_prior,
+    # "DGPLVM": initialize_dgplvm_prior,
+    # "DGPLVM_KFDA": initialize_dgplvm_kfda_prior,
+    # "DGPLVM_Lamda": initialize_dgplvm_lamda_prior,
+    # "DGPLVM_T": initialize_dgplvm_t_prior,
+    "HalfT": initialize_half_t_prior,
+    "Exponential": initialize_exponential_prior,
+    "StudentT": initialize_student_t_prior,
+def check_prior(prior_getter: str) -> None:
+    prior_getter()
+def test_priors() -> None:
+    for prior_name, prior_getter in PRIORS.items():
+        try:
+            check_prior(prior_getter)
+        except Exception as e:
+            raise RuntimeError(
+                f"Failed to initialize {prior_name} prior"
+            ) from e  # noqa E501