Releases: SigNoz/signoz
What's Changed
- chore: 📌 pin version OtelCollector 0.45.1-0.3 (#1266) @prashant-shahi
🐛 Bug Fixes
- fix: incorrect 5xx rate calculation (#1229) @srikanthccv
Full Changelog: v0.8.1...v0.8.2
“Patience you must have my young Padawan.”
Upgrading dashboards from older versions
If you have existing dashboards from v0.8.0 and prior, you would need to migrate them using migrate-dashboard
script in v0.8.1. - Docs
💥 What's New
- One of the major changes we made this release was to make setting retention period APIs async. Being able to set up retention period granularly is an important need for our users and using async calls to set them makes the process more robust.
- We also made many small changes in UI like adding pagination for tables, and handling long
service names
andoperation names
in trace filter page. This should make using SigNoz frictionless for our users.
- HTTP listener for internal services (#1238) @mindhash
- feat: dashboard layout is updated (#1221) @palashgdev
- fix: trace table is fixed (#1208) @palashgdev
- fix: react version is made fixed (#1190) @palashgdev
- Mandatory FE/BE builds for all PRs (#1187) @prashant-shahi
- fix: ts typings and remove cypress types (#1184) @pranshuchittora
- feat: playwright is configured (#1152) @palashgdev
- fix: set retention query is fixed (#1177) @palashgdev
- fix: tsc is fixed (#1171) @palashgdev
- fix: error handling is updated for the trigger alerts (#1130) @palashgdev
- Add remove TTL api, and do not allow zero or negative TTL (#962) @srikanthccv
- feat: tooltip is added and max width is configured in the left panel to show text ellipsis (#1163) @palashgdev
- fix: route is updated (#1167) @palashgdev
- fix: logout the user if api is not successfull (#1119) @palashgdev
- feat: dashboard error and loading state is removed from dashboard object (#1146) @palashgdev
- chore: type is updated for thunk (#1107) @palashgdev
- fix: tsc is fix in cypress (#1133) @palashgdev
- feat(query-service): ✨ integrate pprof (#926) @prashant-shahi
- fix: list alerts rules is handled (#1126) @palashgdev
- fix: error handling is updated in trace (#1123) @palashgdev
- docs: 📝 Update helm chart contributing docs (#877) @prashant-shahi
🚀 Features
- feat: signoz gh-bot integration (#1151) @pranshuchittora
- feat: added status code of api calls (#1176) @ankitnayan
- Add section outlining ideal workflow for significant features/changes (#1111) @srikanthccv
🐛 Bug Fixes
- fix: 🐛 convert TTL APIs to async #902 (#1173) @makeavish
- fix(husky): 🚨 integrate is-ci and webpack-cli version bump (#1181) @prashant-shahi
🧰 Maintenance
- chore(alertmanager): 🔧 use query-service internal port (#1241) @prashant-shahi
- chore: TTL and S3 config related changes (#1201) @prashant-shahi
- chore: 🔧 improve nginx cache configuration (#1136) @prashant-shahi
"Rebellions are built on hope"
💥 What's New?
- Auth and Login - Docs
- Filtering Application List based on resource attributes - Docs
- Filtering Dashboards - Docs
- Ability to Import and Export Dashboard JSON
- Support for Webhook and PagerDuty as alert channel - Docs
- Separate section for Exceptions - Docs
Upgrading from older versions
v0.8.0 is a breaking release which requires data migration, if you are upgrading from an older version then you have to run the data migration scripts to be able to see past data. - Docs
🚀 Features
- feat(UI): Auth (#1018) @palash-signoz
- feat(auth): Add auth and access-controls support (#874) @ahsanbarkati
- feat: dashboard search and filter (#1005) @pranshuchittora
- feat: UI for Test alert channels (#994) @mindhash
- Pagerduty - Create, Edit and Test Features (#1016) @mindhash
- Feat: import export dashboard (#980) @palash-signoz
- feat: Errors and exceptions page (#979) @palash-signoz
- feat: resource attributes based filter for metrics (#1022) @pranshuchittora
- feat: API - Implement receiver/channel test functionality (#993) @mindhash
- perf: Query-service Performance Improvements (traces) (#838) @makeavish
- feat: ✨ support gRPC status, method in trace table (#987) @makeavish
- feat: sorting by duration is added in trace-filter page (#1032) @palash-signoz
- feat: new dashboard widget's option selection (#982) @pranshuchittora
- enhancement(FE): span time unit normalisation (#1021) @pranshuchittora
🐛 Bug Fixes
- bug: Rows per page setting is now working (#1026) @palash-signoz
- fix: trace detail layout issue (#1043) @pranshuchittora
- fix: header style is fixed in the light mode (#1033) @palash-signoz
- fix: chart y-axis values not showing for values < 1 (#1071) @pranshuchittora
- fix: fixed graph axis and tooltip (#1075) @pranshuchittora
🧰 Maintenance
- chore(eslint): @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars is made to error (#973) @palash-signoz
- chore: 📌 pin alertmanager and otelcollector version and changes (#1048) @prashant-shahi
- chore: cache headers is added (#1103) @palash-signoz
What's Changed
🚀 Features
- feat: version page is added (#924) @palash-signoz
- feat: editor config is added (#818) @palash-signoz
- feat: Tag value suggestion (#928) @palash-signoz
- feat(query-service): Add cold storage support in getTTL API (#922) @ahsanbarkati
- feat(FE): TTL/s3 integration (#949) @pranshuchittora
- feat: dynamic step size for the data for graphs (#929) @pranshuchittora
- feat: FE memory fixes and UX enhancements (#935) @pranshuchittora
🐛 Bug Fixes
- fix: Fix jest (#945) @palash-signoz
- bug: Trace filter page fixes (#846) @palash-signoz
- feat: service map is handled when there is no service (#934) @palash-signoz
- bug: logged in check is added in the useEffect (#921) @palash-signoz
- fix: run go vet to fix some issues with json tag (#936) @NamanJain8
- fix: error color for spans having error on trace detail page (#953) @pranshuchittora
- Fix(FE) : Ask for confirmation before deleting any dashboard from dashboard list (#534) @NishidhJain
What's Changed
🚀 Features
- feat: Amol/webhook (#868) @mindhash
- feat(FE): unit label on graph tooltip (#903) @pranshuchittora
- husky: pre-commit hook is added (#904) @palash-signoz
🐛 Bug Fixes
- (fix): Duplicate alerts in triggered alerts (#932) @mindhash
- fix: dashboard table element overflow (#930) @pranshuchittora
- fix: save unit on dashboard without hitting apply (#912) @pranshuchittora
- bug 🐛 : on click tag filter is now fixed (#916) @palash-signoz
🧰 Maintenance
What's Changed
🚀 Features
- feat: unit selection for value graph on dashboard (#898) @pranshuchittora
- feat: onClick feature is updated (#895) @palash-signoz
🧰 Maintenance
- chore: onChange event is added (#897) @palash-signoz
- chore(install-script): 🔧 amazon-linux improvements and fixes (#900) @prashant-shahi
What's Changed
- Release/v0.7.2 (#891) @prashant-shahi
- Remove gitpod support temporarily (#834) @makeavish
- Fix: Update Documentation to configure front-end and run back-end. (#815) @axaysagathiya
🚀 Features
- feat: y-axis units for pre-defined and dashboard graphs (#860) @pranshuchittora
- feat(FE): new trace detail page code cleanup and enhancements (#835) @pranshuchittora
- feat(FE): adaptive x axis time labels (#844) @pranshuchittora
- feat(FE): react-i18next is added (#789) @palash-signoz
- feat: onClick in new tab is added (#842) @palash-signoz
- feat(query-service): Add cold storage support (#837) @ahsanbarkati
🐛 Bug Fixes
- fix: trace filter groupby selection is breaking the FE (#883) @pranshuchittora
- bug(FE): timeline interval is updated (#828) @palash-signoz
- bug: useHistory is removed and dashboard loading component is removed (#802) @palash-signoz
- feat: data time, UI and graph label consistency across FE (#878) @pranshuchittora
- fix: save layout bug is resolved (#840) @palash-signoz
- feat: timestamp is updated for selected start time (#852) @palash-signoz
- feat(UI): monaco editor is updated (#851) @palash-signoz
- bug: edit channel is fixed (#855) @palash-signoz
- bug: global time selection dropdown is removed in the all channels page (#858) @palash-signoz
- fix(FE): trace detail events error handling (#845) @pranshuchittora
- BUG(UI): eslint fixes are updated (#856) @palash-signoz
- ci: 💚 fix e2e-k3s workflow as needed with the chart changes (#831) @prashant-shahi
🧰 Maintenance
- chore: Eslint fix config (#882) @palash-signoz
- chore: deployment config changes (#869) @prashant-shahi
- chore(telemetry): ✨ include deployment type in telemetry (#875) @prashant-shahi
- chore: styled tab is updated to Tab from antd (#861) @palash-signoz
- chore(tests): Add end-to-end testing system for query service (#867) @ahsanbarkati
- chore(makefile): 🔧 add down-x86 and down-arm targets (#887) @prashant-shahi
- chore: 🔧 set dimensions_cache_size in signozspanmetrics processor (#885) @prashant-shahi
- chore: 🔧 Add targets to clear docker standalone and swarm data (#886) @prashant-shahi
- chore: version bumped for forked prometheus with clickhouse storage (#870) @ankitnayan
- chore(install-script): ✨ remove mandatory sudo and digest improvement (#836) @prashant-shahi
v0.7.1 - "Do or do not. There is no try."
New and Improved Trace Detail Page 🎉
Excited to announce our updated trace detail page. It has been some time in the making and is results of lots of feedback from the community.
Some salient features -
- Collapsible hierarchical view of spans which lets you dive deeper to the granularity you want
- Support for Events and Exceptions tabs
- Service wise coloring of spans to identify dependencies
Feel free to share if you have any feedback in our slack community
What's Changed
- feat(eslint): eslint-plugin-react-hooks is added (#816) @palash-signoz
🚀 Features
- feat(eslint): sonar js plugin for eslint is added (#817) @palash-signoz
🐛 Bug Fixes
- fix: expand and unexpand on active span path (#819) @pranshuchittora
- fix: install deps node-gyp error (#823) @pranshuchittora
- bug(dashboard): useCallback is removed (#824) @palash-signoz
🚀 Features
feat(backend): support custom events in span (#796) @makeavish
feat: Feat/trace detail (#764) @palash-signoz @pranshuchittora
feat: add hasError tag in searchTraces response (#756) @makeavish
🐛 Bug Fixes
fix: Trace filter fix (#798) @palash-signoz
fix: avoid panic by handling getOutboundIP() error (#750) @makeavish
bug(FE): sorting of date is fixed (#718) @palash-signoz
🧰 Maintenance
chore: update otel-collector to 0.43.0 (#803) @makeavish @ankitnayan
chore: ♿️ add hotrod template and install/delete scripts (#801) @prashant-shahi
What's Changed
- feat: new trace detail page styling changes (#767) @pranshuchittora
- test(Trace): Trace page test are added (#733) @palash-signoz
- Removing Feedback FAB (#753) @udasitharani
- Add section for CPU architecture (#758) @makeavish
- Fix: update documentation for query-service. (#762) @axaysagathiya
- feat: new trace detail page styling changes (#766) @pranshuchittora
- feat: Trace details (#765) @palash-signoz
- feat(TraceDetail): new trace detail page focus, hover, span select and much more... (#763) @pranshuchittora
- feat: trace detail page is updated (#761) @palash-signoz
- WIP(FE): trace detail styling changes (#760) @pranshuchittora
- Trace details (#759) @palash-signoz
- WIP(FE): Trace details Chart is added (#742) @palash-signoz
- WIP(FE): Trace detail page - Flame Graph + Timeline + Layout (#743) @pranshuchittora
- fix(FE) Removed refresh time filter from trace-detail page (#581) @siddhantparekh
🚀 Features
- feat: tag value suggestion API (#689) @makeavish
- feat: add hasError tag in searchTraces response (#756) @makeavish
🐛 Bug Fixes
- bug: clear all now moves with selected filter rather than user selected filter (#731) @palash-signoz
- bug: useDebounce function is fixed (#705) @palash-signoz
- fix: avoid panic by handling getOutboundIP() error (#750) @makeavish
- bug: onClick cursor is added and display date is converted to minutes and 12hr format (#755) @palash-signoz
🧰 Maintenance
- chore: 🔧 update default jaeger endpoint in hotrod manifest (#723) @prashant-shahi