- how to add pdf's into the workflow and refer to them (scientifically .bibtxt)
- how to create a .bib library with metadata for books/articles that I want to refer to
- how to create a tag library with all the tags from books/articles
- how to create another tag library for my personal tags (with yaml?)
- have a script to take DOI from pdf/research paper and get metadata from Crossref/google scholar to standard output (doi2bib)
- have a script that searches for DOI in a pdf and spits that out (pdf2doi)
- the ctag option in vim allows you to search for tags if you create a file as a tag library (is it also possible to to the same for my time-stamps?) because you can switch files within vim when you searched from them (more convenient)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXgqnYVAzKk https://github.com/connermcd/bin https://zettelkasten.de/posts/add-identity/