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Modifier Recipe JSON

KnightMiner edited this page Oct 4, 2021 · 11 revisions

Location: .jar/data/tconstruct/recipes/tools/modifiers/upgrade/

Shared Keys

Simple and incremental modifiers share these keys: result: ModifierEntry. The resulting modifier.
tools: Ingredient. The tool that the modifier requires. Usually a tag.
requirements: ModifierMatch. Optional. Modifiers required on the tool to apply the recipe.
slots: SlotCount. Contains information about the slots required for a modifier. If undefined or empty, the modifier will be "slotless", meaning no modifier slots are required. max_level: Integer. Defaults to 0. The maximum levels of the modifier that can be applied through this recipe. 0 means no limit.

Simple Modifier Recipe


type: Must be "tconstruct:modifier".
inputs: List of SizedIngredients. The items to make a modifier out of.


  "type": "tconstruct:modifier",
  "inputs": [
      "item": "tconstruct:ender_expander"
  "tools": {
    "tag": "tconstruct:modifiable/aoe"
  "requirements": {
    "name": "tconstruct:expanded",
    "level": 1,
    "error": "recipe.tconstruct.modifier.ender_expander_requirements"
  "result": {
    "name": "tconstruct:expanded",
    "level": 1
  "max_level": 2,
  "slots": { "abilities": 1 }

Incremental Modifier Recipe

The resulting modifier must extend IncrementalModifier for proper behavior.


type: Must be "tconstruct:incremental_modifier".
input: Ingredient. The item added to make the modifier.
amountPerInput: Integer. Defaults to 1. Must be positive. The amount the modifier is boosted by for one input.
neededPerLevel: Integer. Must be bigger or equal to amountPerInput. The amount of boosts needed for a full modifier level.
leftover: ItemStack. If the amount needed to top off the modifier is smaller than the amount given per input, the remainder is given back as a stack of this item.


  "type": "tconstruct:incremental_modifier",
  "input": {
    "tag": "forge:storage_blocks/quartz"
  "amount_per_item": 4,
  "needed_per_level": 36,
  "leftover": "minecraft:quartz",
  "tools": {
    "tag": "tconstruct:modifiable/melee"
  "result": {
    "name": "tconstruct:sharpness",
    "level": 1
  "max_level": 5,
  "slots": { "upgrades": 1 }
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