All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file1.
- unisharp/laravel-filemanager to version 2.6.4
- failed_jobs table to include the uuid column
- v1 Item detail to not throw errors
- BottomModal variant of the newsletter signup form
- Zoom viewer for more than 10 related images
- indexing of Admin section
- GMUHK default authority role
- redundant commas from authority details
- title generators to turn them into controller methods
- total counts for /api/v1/items
- default sort for /api/v1/items
- security issue in @babel/traverse indetified by dependabot
- deploy actions to deploy to prod from a release
- admin:are you sure popup
- SetExperiments middleware for setting experiment flags from anywhere
- RedirectLegacyCatalogRequest middleware for handling "legacy" catalog requests in new catalog
- 'hidden' catalog fields to V1 API filterables
- add soft deletes to articles
- remove pagination from collections and articles in admin
- Change font sizes on article, collection
- images:generate-ratios command
- behaviour for /api/v1/items/aggregations so that facet doesn't filter itself
- display published date on collection index
- change the public domain status of artworks with unknown author to free only if made before 1940
- images->deep_zoom_url to /api/v2/items/{id}
- image_ratio field to /api/v2/items/{id}
- Authority#has_image to cast to boolean
- authors_formatted field to /api/v1/items
- Google Maps API key to be included from env variable
- Vue version to v3 migration build
- homepage featured author images query
- spatie/laravel-newsletter to drewm/mailchimp-api
- newsletter subscription form
- additional sortables in /api/v1/items
- spatie/laravel-ignition
- upgrade to Laravel 10
- upgrade to PHPUnit 10
- artwork map styling
- multi-term filtering to /api/v1/items
- boolean filtering in /api/v1/items
- color filtering in /api/v1/items
property to Imports
- imported images count
- proper collection translation of sort collection by name
- infinite scroll to artworks carousel
- ability to parse collection teasers into articles
- Filter controller architecture
- connection to IIP via WebDAV
- date_earliest and date_latest in ItemResource
- import_iip disk
- mapping of item dating in harvester
- prefixing of iipimg_url
- Temporary outage notice
- new catalog "kitchen sink" page (work-in-progress)
- indexing of Authority roles
- refactored import files
- parse article teaser from admin
- default Scout config to enable Scout search functionality
- display start and end date with roles on authors page
- article category on homepage
- Item::related scope to match catalog search query
- queue config in .env.example
- lazy loading items for reindex
- artwork info to citation note on download
- import iip images command
- display start and end date with roles on authors page
- item detail view to eliminate N+1 queries
- migrate factories to laravel 8 + style factories
- database seeders
- empty state of /objednavka page
- orders.purpose column type (hotfix)
- author to gender inclusive variant
- database seeders: article and collection
- use entity instead of harvester class in records type
- gender sensitive roles + format affected files
- year slider to ignore its values if it was not touched
- authority collection counts
- saving collections
- artwork detail image stretched when in slick
- item_images indexes
- importer role
- import permissions
- clear image functionality for authorities in admin
- filter items by collection in admin
- confirm collection delete
- item sortables
- MySQL database to enabled strict mode
- delete title, order from item images
- order item images by iipimg_url
- tests & harvesters to work with MySQL strict mode
- saving item after deletion during harvest
- item filtering by collection_id (in admin)
- Saving shuffled items
- items search in admin
- Mass tagging feature in admin
- KolekciaController to optimize queries
- Item view count is indexed every 24 hours instead of immediately
- sorting of collection items
- Item admin form to not show 'item.' prefix in choices
- Laravel version to 9
- PHP to 8.1
- lorisleiva/laravel-deployer to deployer/deployer
- laravelium/sitemap to spatie/laravel-sitemap
- Authority link labels to be optional
- front-page latest content (articles & collections) to display in two rows
- various details for shuffled items
- reproductions page using Tailwind CSS
- meta description to fit under 160 characters
- fix getting published collections
- narrow down Item detail collections to published
- indexing for published Collections
- zoom viewer to use custom controls
- front-end components for "shuffle" items
- whole featured piece home section to be clickable
- Removed PNP from downloadable items
- Information page with updated data
- temporarily removed print reproductions
- tracking of featured piece clicks from Livewire to Vue
- FeaturedPiece supports rich formatting
- constructing importers
- item contributor mapping
- back-end for shuffled items
- "high res" items count on home page
- item style period, current location
- authority matching in importers
- newsletter sign-up to include marketing permissions
- galleries list to come from a config file
- default home page to new home page
- global word-break:keep-all
- "counts blurb" to new homepage
- performance tweaks to new homepage
- resolve api route name conflicts
- some styling issues with new Openseadragon
- disabled global Bootstrap
- "featured piece" front-end component
- "featured artwork" front-end component
- "featured author" front-end component
- Ukrainian flag glow
- OpenAPI preparation
- Openseadragon version to 3.0.0
- Featured Artworks back-end section
- new Tailwind component for back-end/admin
- font loading (fix for Source Serif Pro)
- Tailwind scale to start from 1rem = 16px
- age group "all" and media type "activities" to edu article tags
- homepage carousel not showing subtitle/excerpt
- empty authority names
- missing authorities during reindex
- "frameColor" to JIRA request in order process
- use authority matcher in item indexing
- "latest content" section for new homepage
- import multiple images from pnp karasek
- delete formerly attributed authors
- do not harvest formerly attributed authors
- basic Tailwind set-up
- Tabs and Flickity Vue components
- always fill in purpose in JIRA request in order
- diacritic in frame variants in order form
- broken authors page in czech language
- filter catalog by curator and fix harvesting of curator data
- attributes "format", "deliveryPoint" and "note" to JIRA request in order process
- calculation of isFree for artworks with authorities without death_year
- filter by gender to authorities
- authority matching of swapped names
- GMUHK harvest authority matching
- inscription length in item_translations table
- GMUHK work types
- Slide to FeaturedPiece
- no-image for alive/dead authors
- gender-specific no-image for authorities
- indexing multiple medium values
- catalog object type, medium, has text filters
- hreflang urls generated by url_to
- blurry images in article/collection header
- dots not showing under multi-image artowork detail images
- reflect GMUHK provider changes
- multiple item work/object types
- newsletter sign-up form to info page
- gender sensitive translation strings in author profile
- "alternate" hreflangs not including URL (query) params
- custom redirects
- newsletter signup modal and inline form
- "alternate" hreflangs not referencing each other
- shared collection added to user collections only after create
- shared user collections to show publicly
- laravel-vue-lang to use lang files in Vue
- shared user collections to show in favourites
- newsletter sign-up form widget
- default e-mail template, style and config
- e-mail message for created shared user collections
- favourites navbar button to always show
- Vue initialization in admin
- public views for shared user collections
- pagination for articles and edu articles
- paging for front page, articles and edu articles
- user collection sharing
- Laravel Mix & assets
- Scena.AI snippet
- GMUHK harvester
- item object type attribute
- GMUHK harvest work type
- escape HTML characters in share buttons components
- Migrate Slides to spatie/laravel-media-library
- Removed Typeform integration
- Typeform integration
- Enable Edu section for public (in main nav)
- Deployments to test use chmod instead of setfacl
- Editor role can edit articles
- Speed up CI tests by using docker build caching
- "Education" section
- Reading time in articles/collections
- Unify filters for articles and collections
- Harvester error logging
- Harvester missing total in progress
- Do not show formerly attributed authors in item detail
- Remove docker-compose.test.yml
- Update README
- Remove LinkMapper from AuthorityImporter
- Username not fillable in admin
- Do not overwrite authority links from CEDVU
- Counting clicks on carousel slides
- Upgrade to Laravel 7
- Upgrade to Laravel 8
- File uploads management
- KGC into list of galleries in the info page
- Remove authorities
- Sort options in articles filters by count
- Do not overwrite authority biography via OAI-PMH
- Counting clicks on carousel slides
- Clean up Enforcer tables
- Move to PHP 7.4
- upgrade to Laravel 6
- separate authority sources by newlines
- updating authority sources
- Link (source) URL can be null
- unescape description in artwork detail
- form for authorities
- nav links not highlighted in non-SK locales
- styling issue for selects on reproduction order form
- skip to artworks in collection
- escape attributes in artwork detail
- add filtering to articles section
- carousel & hero image refactoring, added img-srcset
- unified main image storing for slides, collections and articles
- new styling for artwork / article / collection, metadata blocks
- browsing between artworks within collection
- form for carousel, harvests, imports and users
- zoom
- Fix linked-combos links for item relationships
- Fix form for articles and collections
- Fix patternlib page
- admin form and view for 'sources' links
- paging issues with user collections
- Enable adding to user collections in collection view
- autocomplete for item-author and item-authority-role fiels
- ckeditor allows to add slick
- karasek importer
- karasek items indicator
- unescaped data displayed in alt attributes
- add es:migrate command
- slick to ckeditor
- Do not specify default (develop) branch for test deploys
- index is_for_reproductions in Elastic
- exclude Cierne diery from reproductions
- Use aliased indexes for es:setup
- Speed up re-index for Items
- Do not load JS for "load-more" on single-page results
- Fix zoom for related work in non-SK locale
- user collections
- Make (reproduction) notices editable in admin
- use debugbar in dev env
- eager load articles
- Bump ini from 1.3.5 to 1.3.7
- save item image ratio
- karasek importer
- authority matcher
- Do not trigger an Elasticsearch error on high page numbers
- connect artwork author to authorities
- Bump up sentry/sentry-laravel to 2.3
- use authority matcher in item detail
- SGP into list of galleries in the info page
- Run tests on GitHub Actions
- Use method asset_timed to avoid caching of og:image
- Add 'copy citation' button to artwork detail
- Bump up Bootstrap to 3.4.1 and bump down jQuery to 3.4.1
- Use laravel-mix for (some) JavaScript files
- Add item (artwork) data to GTM dataLayer
- Use atymic/[email protected] for auto-deploys
- Update resolve-url-loader to 3.1.2
- Restart queue workers on deploy
- revert escape html characters in PNP trienale importer
- automatically deploy "develop" branch to test
- add missing fields to elasticsearch for exlibris 2020
- skip links in flysystem
- change elasticsearch client config
- run tests on MySQL 5.7
- escape html characters in PNP trienale importer
- PNP trienale importer
- wrong method name in harvester
- alert in reproductions section
- Google Tag Manager (GTM) setup
- color picker to patternlib
- item work type tree structure
- organization authority detail
- update harvest model status on harvesting failed
- authority year range filter
- deletion of item images on harvest
- google maps api call
- item related work parsing and displaying
- slow query on detail page
- do not update empty pivot data in harvester
- wrong abort function call
- alert in reproductions section
- text in reproductions section
- link to zoom on preview image in artwork detail
- keep carousel for multiple preview images from IIP
- COVID-19 alert for printed reproductions
- temporarily disable loading preview image from IIP in artwork detail
- mapping of item identifier in harvester
2.7.0 - 2020-05-17
- preview main / header image within article and collection admin editor
- prevent storing of empty alternative locales for articles / collections
- small locale fixes
- absolute urls for og:image
- open importing csv files with read permissions only
- ordering of catalogue by the view count
- search of unlisted place in authority filter
- missing medium, related work item filters
- overwriting authority's attributes in item harvester
- indexing of item's work types
- COVID-19 alert for printed reproductions
- align and layout in order section
2.6.3 - 2020-05-12
- creating order with empty address
2.6.2 - 2020-05-11
- creating order with empty note
2.6.1 - 2020-05-04
- link on preview image in artwork detail without zoom
- update lazysizes from 4.1.4 to 5.2.0
2.6.0 - 2020-05-01
- enable random ordering within catalogue
- Laravel Mix config for compiling assets
- sort collections in admin by creation date and allow to unpublish them
- corrected few czech localization strings
- article social sharing images
- fix ratio-box padding for responsive images
- unmap item description in harvester
2.5.0 - 2020-04-15
- GMU v Roudnici nad Labem to info page
- collection published by date, updated filter and ordering
- disallow importing of relations to non-existing entities
- instantiation of importer in controller
- duplicated authors in item detail
- add panorama image dir to deployer config
- attribute "reproductionType" to JIRA request in order process
- collection filter by user / type
- Item credit attribute
- harvest item's authority role
- facebook sharing handling, pinterest media preview
- year-range filter inputs
- trim item's array attribute values
- enable translations in harvests
- placement of share buttons within article / author / collection
- bump symfony/http-foundation from 4.4.5 to 4.4.7
- facebook sharing handling, pinterest media preview
- GMU v Roudnici nad Labem importer
- Laravel Deployer config
- (Child) sitemaps are now stored in /public/sitemaps
- swaped cs/sk translation strings in order
- COVID-19 alert for printed reproductions
- laravel/tinker
- facebook sharing handling, pinterest media preview
- preview image in artwork detail for firefox
- order form translations
- number of involved galleries on frontpage
- sort order when order by oldest
- combine search with filters
- zero-results placeholders in filter
- small item images are displayed incorrectly
- authority search in admin
- limit for similiar items / similiar by color items
- bump symfony/mime from 4.3.4 to 4.4.4
- bump symfony/http-foundation from 4.3.4 to 4.4.5
- social share buttons on artwork / author / collection / article pages
- allow unknown authors in filter
- model relationship events
- test via docker in travis
- optional docker build with xdebug
- domain fallback translator
- authority/item title generators
- basic frontend view tests
- upgrade to Elasticsearch 7.3
- upgrade laravel translatable models package
- rewrite and remove bouncy package usages
- refactor authority/item filters to use symfony forms
- range color search
- update abandoned composer packages
- moved Elasticsearch Dockerfile to separate repo (WEBUMENIA-1262)
- don't show artworks from the same "related_work" in similiar items by attributes
- relationships listed without values in artist detail
- removing items from collection
- TGP, PGU and PNP into list of galleries in the info page
- error 500 from /dielo/{id}/stiahnut for non-existent IDs (WEBUMENIA-1235)
- 'show more' button in catalog (WEBUMENIA-1219)
- iframe handling in Admin editor
- artwork-detail: prevent upsizing of preview image
- don't display carousel with related works when there are no related works
- missing attributes in artwork detail
- spice harvester process detail view
- lab.sng team in info page
- upgrade to Laravel 5.8
- artwork carousel focus - display no border
- allow negative number input for year-range filter
- remove duplicated properties at artwork page
- use desaturated color at color picker by default (80% saturation used)
- use one years step within year-range component (before it was 5 )
- alert for christmas order
- color picker in the catalog
- override docker php container for tests
- ImageCarousel Component
- harvesting of failed records
- correct authority zero-value years to null
- filter out unexisting OAI-PMH records on refreshing selected
- ArtworkDetailPage shows multiple images (via IIIF from image server) in ImageCarousel
- serve item images via custom image server
- Log exception and continue harvesting
- ArtworkDetailPage layout
1.9.1 - 2019-07-30
- updated GMaps.js v0.4.13 -> v0.4.25
- redirect to link after click in carousel in landing page
- Google Maps API Key
1.9.0 - 2019-07-27
- error message to harvest data
- map all datings in item harvester
- do not delete harvested items on harvest deletion
- improve reproduction images and enabled ReproductionsPage in NavBar
- Extend memory limit on composer run via docker
- suggest filename for resized item images
- Improved reproduction images and enabled ReproductionsPage in NavBar
- refactor Item::isFree method
- missing item description_source translated attribute
- sort collections by name on frontend
- index all even unexisting translations
- windows issues with docker (missing git, use github https, map ES data dir)
- add link to home page into haburger menu
- harvesters fail on zero results
- move description_source_link to translated attributes
- infinite recursion on Item/Authority index
1.8.0 - 2019-03-12
- Item::isFree conditions priority
- Item images form in admin
- missing relations between items and authorities in harvest
- syncing relations in harvest
- failing harvests
- scheduled harvest jobs
- harvest only alternative authority names
- duplicate authors in item detail
- hostname resolution in guzzle
- style compilation documentation to readme
- restrict bots from color searching
- describe item's colors on primary image change
- new sorting option (by date - from oldest) in catalog
- PNP importer
- removed name from authority_item table
- form to add tags in artwork detail for authorized users
- normalizing tags
- save new tags lowercased instead of titlecased
1.7.0 - 2019-02-07
- Harvesting items without rights
- Duplicated years in item dating formated
- Creating new Artwork
- Editing Artwork without iipimg_url
- /reprodukcie route
- ReproOffer component
- Headings documented in PatternLib
- Remove query string from localized urls
- Option to launch harvest only for specific record ids
- Switch database / elasticsearch index when working with docker-compose
- footnotes in wysiwyg editor in admin
- Sentry integration
- option to choose frame color in order form
- CKEditor version
- JSON response in FileuploaderController@upload
- Move img_url from item_images to items table
- Delete null item images
- Printed reproduction options for items without IIP/zoom
- search autocomplete for Collections and Articles
- division by zero exception for corrupted images
- indexing translated work_type into ElasticSearch
- 30 days cache to item image headers
- temporary Christmas alert into order
- thank you text after order (with "check your spam folder")
1.6.0 - 2018-11-28
- Duplicate authors with links
- Authorities Search endpoint of admin fixed
- Multiple item images form in admin
- Use SQLite in tests
- Dockerfiles for WU to run in docker
- Curator of artwork in detail view
- admin-editable cron_status attribute added to SpiceHarvester harvests
- daily and weekly cron jobs scheduled for harvests with appropriate cron_status
- footer component
- newsletter link into footer
- responsive image component
- responsive image support with lazyloading for carousel(s) and artwork detail
- VSG to the list of galleries
- Refactor spice harvester
- Show harvest progress in admin
- Symfony forms
- ZoomController
- allow download of public-domain artworks from VSG
- making map with galleries interactive in info section
- made models Item, Authority, Article and Collection translatable
- separate elastic index for each locale
- footer social icons
- Made ZoomViewer component embedabble in static HTML via editor
- query string from localized urls
1.5.3 - 2018-08-14
- OAI download images command reflects changes to Item model
1.5.2 - 2018-07-27
- Filter color described items in similar by color
1.5.1 - 2018-07-26
- Allow Z-prefixed item ID's in spice harvester
1.5.0 - 2018-07-04
- ItemImage model changed to properly deal with fields with unique constraints
- arguments parsed by SpiceHarvester changed to account for new ItemImage table
- OAI download command now no longer skips half the downloads
- error message added showing if and how many downloads fail
- Display localized section titles in autocomplete
- missing article category in autocomplete suggestions
- exception in autocomplete if article image is missing
- multiple item images handling
- back button in artwork zoom
- Scheduled task to run sitemap creation
- CSV import in admin
- Searchbar component
- Pull Request Template
- Info section to include MG on map + update current lab.SNG team
1.4.3 - 2018-05-25
- removed left-over IIP image URL form field
1.4.2 - 2018-05-25
- make reproduction order GDPR compliant
- fix download functionality after item_images migration
1.4.0 - 2018-05-07
- Color-list component on artwork detail
- Color description
- LESS to CSS compilation
- ColorPicker component
- Zoom-viewer component
- Multiple images per artwork
- Moravian gallery importer
- Favicons & Open Graph tags include components
- Positioned image reference strip on right side of zoom-viewer
- Zoom view showing multiple images
- enable ArtworkCarousel to be added to article text
- OAI-PMH harvester for translated attributes
1.3.0 - 2018-02-20
- Importer module
- Czech language translations
- Pattern Library at /patternlib
- Tests setup
- Option to run all importers
- Route for requesting resized images at /dielo/nahlad/{id}/{width}
- Lazy loading images in catalog and collection
- Responsive image support in catalog and collection
- Enabled reproduction orders with mounting / framing
- Updated isotope-layout
- Link to Public domain statement on CC website
- Prevent upsize when uploading item image
- Featured-article image container width bug
- Two columns bug in iPhone6/SE
- Artwork detail in iOS
- Enabled reproduction orders with mounting / framing
- Componentized Article thumbnail
- Database seeders
- License info to MIT in README
- Typos in README
1.2.6 - 2017-10-11
- Welcome section to README
- LICENSE from Public Domain into MIT
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning. ↩