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W3C CSS3 Specification Compatibility

SomMeri edited this page Mar 10, 2013 · 13 revisions


Less4j correctly translates all media queries conforming to css3 specification.

Test Case:

  • W3CMediaTests



Less4j correctly translates almost all selectors conforming to css3 specification. Namespaces are the only missing feature. Anything else is expected to work correctly.

Two types of w3c tests are skipped:

  • those with namespaces,
  • those that crashes less.js.

Test Case:

  • W3CSelectorsTests


@keyframes Animations

Less4j translates CSS3 @keyframes Animations.

Test Case:

  • Since w3c did not released test cases for this, the test case is part of basic StrictComplianceTest CSS compatibility test.


@document At-Rules

Less4j translates CSS3 @document at-rules. W3c specification was still work in progress at the time of implementation, future changes are possible.

Test Case:

  • Since w3c did not released test cases for this, the test case is part of basic StrictComplianceTest CSS compatibility test.


Paged Media

Less4j translates CSS3 Paged Media.

Test Case:

  • Since w3c did not released test suite and specification is not finished yet, we created test cases from examples in the CSS Paged Media Module Level 3 Editor's Draft 28 November 2012 version of the specification.


Supports At-Rule

Less4j translates CSS3 Supports At-Rule

Test Case:

  • Since w3c did not released test suite and specification is not finished yet, we created test cases from examples in chapter 6. of the CSS Conditional Rules Module Level 3 Editor's Draft 21 February 2013 version of the specification.
  • An additional tests set created from from Mozilla and Opera specifications is located in StrictComplianceTest test case.
