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1424 lines (1343 loc) · 88.6 KB


This is an overview on the metrics, that are supposed to be monitored and presented based on the and the connected grafana dashboard. The first table explains the grafana-variables that enable the dashboard to be dynamic as they present keys to be filtered by the user in order to specify the results.

The next table presents the metrics of the actual dashboard panels and their InfluxDB-Query, which has to be translated into PromQL for we are using prometheus for pushing and scraping metrics.

Below that we find the Varible-Tables, that explain the keys and tags (in PromQL: labels) created in the to add more information to the metrics like making them seperable and provide more informations. It is explained how and where these keys are generated in the source code. As the gneration of these monitoring keys and tags is highly connected to the functional part of the testing this is an approach to breakdown the source code and deliver a look up table in order to create the new testing modules in the behavoir driven design.

Therefore the parent or root functions for all the creation, deletion and waiting functions in the source code are explained in the last section of this documentation. Finally the main loop is also analized, focussing on the relevant functions that are needed to generate the statistics, like the wait-functions.


Metric/Label Description Variable Exemples
Clouds cloud to be picked $mycloud see Table CLOUDS
Commands command to seperate f.e. ssh from api-call $mycmd see Table COMMANDS
Methods from command: certain command domains (boot, create, delete) $mymethod see Table METHODS
Resources from command: certain commands with the Prefix wait $mywait see Table RESOURCES
Benchmarks from command: certain commands that are part of benchmark functions $mybench see Table BENCHMARKS


Metric Description Variable Unit Influx Query Exemple Endpoints
API calls Takes all connections(with return code) from selected cloud with selected command, method in current time interval return-code, $mycloud, $mycmd, $mymethod count SELECT count("return_code") FROM "default"./^$mycloud$/ WHERE ("cmd" =~ /^$mycmd$/ AND "method" =~ /^$mymethod$/) AND $timeFilter GROUP BY time($__interval) fill(null)
API errors Takes all connections(with error return code) from selected cloud with selected command, method in current time interval return-code, $mycloud, $mycmd, $mymethod count SELECT sum("return_code") FROM "default"./^$mycloud$/ WHERE ("cmd" =~ /^$mycmd$/ AND "method" =~ /^$mymethod$/) AND $timeFilter GROUP BY time($__interval)
API success rate Takes all connections subtracts the sum of counts with an error-return code and devides it through all connections filtered by selected cloud with selected command, method in current time interval return-code, $mycloud, $mycmd, $mymethod percent SELECT ((count("return_code")-sum("return_code"))/count("return_code")) FROM "$mycloud" WHERE ("cmd" =~ /^$mycmd$/ AND "method" =~ /^$mymethod$/) AND $timeFilter
ssh conns Takes all connections(with return code) and the command ssh from selected cloud with selected method in current time interval return-code, $mycloud, $mycmd, $mymethod count SELECT count("return_code") FROM "default"./^$mycloud$/ WHERE ("cmd" = 'ssh') AND $timeFilter GROUP BY time($__interval) fill(null)
ssh errors Takes all connections with an error return code and the command ssh from selected cloud with selected method in current time interval return-code, $mycloud, $mycmd, $mymethod count SELECT sum("return_code") FROM "$mycloud" WHERE ("cmd" = 'ssh') AND $timeFilter GROUP BY time($__interval)
ssh success rate Takes all connections with cmd=ssh subtracts the sum of cmd=ssh-counts with an error-return code and devides it through all connections with cmd=ssh filtered by selected cloud with selected method in current time interval return-code, $mycloud, $mycmd, $mymethod percent SELECT ((count("return_code")-sum("return_code"))/count("return_code")) FROM "$mycloud" WHERE ("cmd" = 'ssh') AND $timeFilter
Resources Takes all connections(with return code) and the commands that match the RESOURCES-list in the $mywait-Variable from selected cloud with selected method in current time interval return-code, $mycloud, $mycmd, $mymethod count SELECT count("return_code") FROM "default"./^$mycloud$/ WHERE ("cmd" =~ /^$mywait$/) AND $timeFilter GROUP BY time($__interval) fill(null)
Resource errors Takes all connections with an error return code and the commands that match the RESOURCES-list in the $mywait-Variable from selected cloud with selected method in current time interval return-code, $mycloud, $mycmd, $mymethod count SELECT sum("return_code") FROM "default"./^$mycloud$/ WHERE ("cmd" =~ /^$mywait$/) AND $timeFilter GROUP BY time($__interval)
iperf success rate Takes all connections with cmd=iperf3 subtracts the sum of cmd= iperf3-counts with an error-return code and devides it through all connections with cmd= iperf3 filtered by selected cloud with selected method in current time interval return-code, $mycloud, $mycmd, $mymethod percent SELECT ((count("return_code")-sum("return_code"))/count("return_code")) FROM "$mycloud" WHERE ("cmd" = 'iperf3') AND $timeFilter
API errors Takes all connections with an error return code from selected cloud with selected method in current time interval and grouped by method return-code,$mycloud, $mycmd, (Group = $mymethod) rc SELECT sum("return_code") FROM "default"./^$mycloud$/ WHERE ("cmd" =~ /^$mycmd$/ AND "method" =~ /^$mymethod$/) AND $timeFilter GROUP BY time($__interval), "cmd", "method"
Resource errors Takes all connections with an error return code the commands that match the RESOURCES-list in the $mywait-Variable from selected cloud with selected method in current time interval and grouped by wait-command # errors SELECT sum("return_code") FROM "default"./^$mycloud$/ WHERE ("cmd" =~ /^$mywait$/) AND $timeFilter GROUP BY time($__interval), "cmd" fill(none) waitDELLBAAS waitJHVM waitJHVOLUME waitLBAAS WaitVM
Bench (ssh) errors Takes all connections with an Benchmark-Error (tagged by benchmark functions in shellscript) from selected cloud with selected method in current time interval and grouped by ERR($tag_cmd) Errs SELECT sum("return_code") FROM "default"./^$mycloud$/ WHERE ("cmd" =~ /^$mybench$/) AND $timeFilter GROUP BY time($__interval), "cmd" fill(null) ERR(LBconn) ERR(totDur) ERR(4000pi) ERR(fioBW) ERR(fioLat10ms) ERR(fiokIOPS) ERR(iperf3) ERR(ping) ERR(ssh)
API response times Takes the mean duration from all connections(with return code) from selected cloud with selected command, method in current time interval and groups them by cmd or method s SELECT mean("duration") FROM "default"./^$mycloud$/ WHERE ("cmd" =~ /^$mycmd$/ AND "method" =~ /^$mymethod$/) AND $timeFilter GROUP BY time($__interval), "cmd", "method" fill(none)
Resource wait Takes the mean duration all connections with the command that match the RESOURCES-list in the $mywait-Variable and the method-tags (A) ACTIVE, (B) available, (C) XDELX (D) the rest from selected cloud with selected method in current time interval and grouped by wait-command s (A) SELECT mean("duration") FROM "default"./^$mycloud$/ WHERE ("cmd"::tag =~ /^$mywait$/ AND "method"::tag = 'ACTIVE') AND $timeFilter GROUP BY time($__interval), "cmd" fill(none) (B) SELECT mean("duration") FROM "default"./^$mycloud$/ WHERE ("cmd"::tag =~ /^$mywait$/ AND "method"::tag = 'available') AND $timeFilter GROUP BY time($__interval), "cmd" the method-tag fill(none) (C) SELECT mean("duration") FROM "default"./^$mycloud$/ WHERE ("cmd"::tag =~ /^$mywait$/ AND "method"::tag = 'XDELX') AND $timeFilter GROUP BY time($__interval), "cmd" fill(none) (D) SELECT mean("duration") FROM "default"./^$mycloud$/ WHERE ("cmd"::tag =~ /^$mywait$/ AND "method"::tag !~ /^(ACTIVE|available|XDELX)$/) AND $timeFilter GROUP BY time($__interval), "cmd"::tag, "method"::tag fill(none)
Bench Takes the mean duration from all connections(with return code) with commands thatr match the Bench-list in the $mybench-Variable from selected cloud with selected command, method in current time interval and groups them by cmd or method s, Gb/s, s, %maxt10, s10, MB/s, IO/s, % SELECT mean("duration") FROM "default"./^$mycloud$/ WHERE ("cmd" =~ /^$mybench$/) AND $timeFilter GROUP BY time($__interval), "cmd" fill(none)



  • Regex: None
Cloud-list Lines in Code Code Description


  • Regex: /^(nova|neutron|glance|cinder|token|catalog|swift|octavia)$/
  • Tag/Label: cmd/command
Command-list method Lines in Code Description


  • Regex:
  • Tag/Label: cmd/command
Method-list method Lines in Code Description
create createNets() createResources() L1742-L1752 orchestrates the creation of networks, handling any errors that may occur during the process and returning an appropriate error code: initializes the ERC variable to zero, used to track any errors that occur during the network creation process. Then it calls the createResourcesfunction to create the single JHNET-network ${RPRE}NET_JH and assigns the output to ERC, if successful. If an error occurs, ERC is updated with the error code. Then it checks if the number of availability zones NONAZS is less than or equal to one. If true, it creates networks for each VM NONETS without specifying any availability zones. If false, it creates networks for each virtual machine and specifies the availability zone hint based on the array NAZS. Then returns the final error code ERC to indicate the success or failure of the network creation process.
createJHVols() createResources() L1989-L1993 responsible for creating Cinder volumes: initializes an array JVOLSTIME=() to store timestamps related to the creation of Cinder volumes and calls the createResources function with several arguments to create Cinder volumes using the cinder create command: $NOAZS (Number of availability zones), VOLSTATS (statistics related to volume status), JHVOLUME (prefix for the vol name), NONE (placeholder), JVOLSTIME (array of timestamps) id (column to retrieve the vol ID), $CINDERTIMEOUT (timeout value for the operation). The actual cinder create command to create the volume specifies the image ID $JHIMGID, availability zone, vol name and vol size $JHVOLSIZE. The vol name is constructed using the prefix ${RPRE}RootVol_JH followed by an index $no
createVols() createResources() L2008-L2013 creates Cinder volumes for virtual machines, except when the virtual machines are booted from an image therefore it checks if the variable $BOOTFROMIMAGE is not empty, which would mean the virtual machines should be booted from an image, so the function immediately returns without creating volumes. VOLSTIME=() initializes an array to store timestamps related to the creation of Cinder volumes and calls the createResources function with several arguments: $NOVMS (number of virtual machines), VOLSTATS (statistics related to vol status), VOLUME (prefix for the vol name),NONE (placeholder), VOLSTIME (array to store timestamps), id (column to retrieve the vol ID), $CINDERTIMEOUT (timeout value for the operation). The actual cinder create command specifies the image ID $IMGID, availability zone, vol name and vol size $VOLSIZE. The vol name is constructed using the prefix ${RPRE}RootVol_VM followed by an index $no
delete deleteNets() deleteResources() L1754-L1761 handles the deletion of networks in the OpenStack environment, including main network for VMs and any secondary networks if specified. It checks if the variable $SECONDNET is not empty, which means there is a secondary network that needs to be deleted, so it proceeds with deleting it by calling the deleteResources function to delete the secondary network. The following parameters are specified: NETSTATS (statistics related to network status), SECONDNET (prefix for the secondary network name), "" (placeholder), $NETTIMEOUT (timeout value for the operation). The actual neutron net-delete command deletes the network.
deleteJHVols() deleteResources() L2003-L2006 deletes Cinder volumes that match the specified prefix for the volume name JHVOLUME by calling the deleteResources function with several arguments and using the cinder delete command: VOLSTATS (statistics related to volume status), JHVOLUME (prefix for the volume name),""(placeholder), $CINDERTIMEOUT (timeout value for the operation), cinder delete to delete the volumes
deleteVols() deleteResources() L2024-L2028 deletes Cinder volumes associated with virtual machines, unless the virtual machines are configured to boot from an image than it returns without performing any deletion checks if the variable $BOOTFROMIMAGE is not empty. If it is not empty, it means the virtual machines are configured to boot from an image, so the function returns early without attempting to delete volumes. It calls the deleteResources function with several arguments: VOLSTATS (statistics related to vol status), VOLUME (prefix for the vol name), "" (placeholder), $CINDERTIMEOUT (timeout value for the operation). The actual cinder delete command deletes the volumes
floatingip-create SNATROUTE="" createFIPs() neutron floatingip-create neutron floatingip-list L2080-L2128 automates the process of creating Floating IPs FIPs and setting routes via a Virtual IP VIP. Initializes $SNATROUTE as local variable to an empty string before hand. Then checks for Port Ownership: if $FIPWAITPORTDEVOWNER is set, it waits for JHPORTS to have a device owner before proceeding, because the ports need to be created and assigned to a VM before associating a FIP. The FIPs are created neutron floatingip-create command. If the creation fails or if $INJECTFIPERR is set, the func returns with an error. Next the VIP is retrieved from the router's external gateway information and it is determened if SNAT is enabled on the router. If disabled, it updates the router's routes to use the VIP as the next hop. If SNAT is enabled, proceeds and prints that no action is needed. $SNATROUTE is then set to indicate whether setting the route via SNAT gateways was successful. By using neutron floatingip-list the FIPs associated with the ports are extracted and stored in the FLOAT variable and added to the FLOATS array. The list of FIPs is printed as an output.
floatingip-delete deleteFIPs() neutron floatingip-disassociate neutron floatingip-delete L2130-L2160 ensures that both the VIP nexthop configuration and associated FIPs are properly cleaned up, retries operations to ensure that resources are properly removed and handles potential errors. $SNATROUTE is set (indicating that the route via VIP nexthop was previously configured) and there is a router ${ROUTERS[0]}, it attempts to update the router configuration to remove all routes --no-routes. If this fails, it retries after a brief delay. If $DISASSOC is set (indicating a need to disassociate FIPs before deletion, possibly due to a bug?) it stores the list of existing FIPs (OLDFIPS) then uses the neutron floatingip-disassociate command for disassociation. Finally the neutron floatingip-delete command is used to delete the FIPs. To ensure that all FIPs are properly deleted this is retried. If any FIPs remain after deletion, a warning is logged and retried to delete again.
keypair-add createKeypairs_old() createKeyPair() createKeypairs() L2030-L2065 createKeypairs_old(): generates two key pairs using the nova keypair-add command. It sets a stricter umask before creating the key pairs to ensure that the permissions on the generated private key files are limited. The generated private keys are saved to files in the specified directory ($DATADIR). The names of the key pairs are ${RPRE}Keypair_JH and ${RPRE}Keypair_VM. The names of the key pairs are stored in the KEYPAIRS array for later use.createKeyPair(): This function creates a single key pair. If the corresponding public key file does not exist in the specified directory ($DATADIR), it generates a new key pair using ssh-keygen. It then uses nova keypair-add to upload the public key to OpenStack. If the key pair creation fails, it attempts to delete any existing key pair with the same name and returns an error. createKeypairs(): This function orchestrates the creation of key pairs. It first prints a message indicating that new key pairs are being created. Then, it calls createKeyPair twice, once for each key pair (${RPRE}Keypair_JH and ${RPRE}Keypair_VM). If the creation of either key pair fails, it prints an error message and returns a non-zero exit status. Otherwise, it prints a newline to indicate the completion of the key pair creation process.
keypair-delete deleteKeypairs() deleteResources() L2067-L2073 deleteKeypairs() is responsible for deleting key pairs from the OpenStack environment. It utilizes the deleteResources function to delete key pairs using the nova keypair-delete command. The function takes care of deleting all key pairs associated with the specified prefix ${RPRE}. Additionally, it may include commands to remove the corresponding private key files (commented out in this snippet).
lbaas-loadbalancer-create createLBs() L2432-L2442 The createLBs() function automates the creation of load balancers in an OpenStack environment using Neutron LBaaS. It checks if load balancer creation is needed based on the LOADBALANCER environment variable. The function calls createResources to handle the actual creation process, specifying parameters like the subnet ID, load balancer name, provider, and flavor. The exit status of the creation command is captured and used to increment an error counter and manage load balancer configurations. This approach ensures dynamic and conditional provisioning of load balancers, with built-in error handling and resource management.
port-create createJHPorts() createResources() L1942-L1955 creates ports for JHs and sets allowed address pairs for each port to control traffic flow. usescreateResources(). The number of ports created is determined by the value of $NOAZS (number of availability zones). It assigns security groups to the ports using ${SGROUPS[0]}. names the ports using a combination of ${RPRE}, "Port_JH\${no}"(${no} index of the availability zone). It iterates over each port to create it and then call ostackcmd_id to update the port with allowed address pairs.allowed address pairs are set to and, traffic from these IP ranges is allowed. assigns the ports to a specific network using ${JHNETS[0]}.
createPorts() createResources() L1957-L1962 creates ports for VMs based on previously specified conditions and configurations. Checks if the variable $MANUALPORTSETUP is set. If so proceeds to create ports; otherwise, it skips port creation. uses the createResources() parent function. $NOVMS determines the number of ports to create. Security groups are assigned to the ports using ${SGROUPS[1]}. The ports are named using a combination of ${RPRE}, "Port_VM${no}" (${no} index of VM).Assigns the ports to networks using "\${NETS[\$((\$no%$NONETS))]}" (${NONETS} number of networks)
create2ndPorts() createResources() neutron port-delete L1964-L1970
port-delete deleteJHPorts() deleteResources() L1972-L1975 deletes the JH associated ports using the OpenStack command neutron port-delete. Uses deleteResources() passing the following arguments: NETSTATS (name of the timing statistics array), JHPORT (name of the array containing the ports), "" (name of the array to store timestamps - might not be needed here), $NETTIMEOUT (timeout value for the deletion operation), neutron port-delete (OpenStack command),any errors encountered during port deletion are handled internally by deleteResources()
deletePorts() deleteResources() L1977-L1980
delete2ndPorts() deleteResources() L1982-L1987


  • Regex: /^wait/

  • Tag/Label: cmd/command

  • Parnet Functions: waitlistResources() and handleWaitErr()


Resource-list method Lines in Code Description
waitDELLBAAS see waitdelLBs()
waitJHVOLUME waitJHVols() L1996-L2001 calls the waitlistResources function with several arguments and this function waits for Cinder volumes to reach a specific state available before proceeding. the funcion uses the cinder list command to check the status of volumes. After waiting for the volumes, the handleWaitErr function is called, where arguments such as the label "JH volumes", statistics related to volume status, a timeout value are passed and the command cinder show. this is how any errors that occur during the waiting process are handled.
waitLBAAS L457-L461 checks if both the variables $OPENSTACKCLIENT and $LOADBALANCER are not empty. If they are not empty, it uses the openstack loadbalancer member create --help command to check if the --wait option is available. If the --wait option is found, it sets the variable $LBWAIT to "--wait". This variable can be used later to control the behavior of a subsequent command related to load balancer member creation.
waitLBs() waitlistResources() neutron lbaas-loadbalancer-list() handleWaitErr() L2483-L2493 related to waiting for LBs, ensuring that they are properly provisioned. It waits for LBs to reach the "ACTIVE" state. takes an optional argument --nostat to skip collecting statistics during the wait, if provided. Else waitlistResources() is called with the following arguments: LBSTATS (timing statistics array), LBAAS (array containing LBs), LBCSTATS (array to collect completion timing stats), LBSTIME (array with start times), "ACTIVE" (value to wait for), "NONONO" (alternative value to wait for), 4 (timeout value), $NETTIMEOUT (timeout value for OpenStack commands), neutron lbaas-loadbalancer-list (OpenStack command to list LBs), handleWaitErr is called if any errors encountered during the wait.
waitdelLBs() waitlistResources() neutron lbaas-loadbalancer-list() L2495-L2501 waits for LBs to be deleted. checks if there are LBs to delete (DELLBAASS array is not empty) and calls waitlistResources() to delete LBs with following arguments: LBSTATS (timing statistics array), DELLBAASS (array containing LBs to delete), LBDSTATS (array to collect completion timing stats), LBDTIME (array with start times), "XDELX"(value to wait for -> indicating deletion), $FORCEDEL (optional to force deletion), 2 (timeout value), $NETTIMEOUT (timeout value for OpenStack commands), neutron lbaas-loadbalancer-list (OpenStack command to list LBs)
waitVols waitVols() L2016-L2022 ensures that Cinder volumes are available before proceeding with further actions, unless the VMs are configured to boot from an image by checking if the variable $BOOTFROMIMAGE is not empty, which would mean the VMs are configured to boot from an image and the func returns early without waiting for volumes, otherwise it calls the waitlistResources function with several arguments and waits for Cinder volumes to reach the available state before proceeding. The actual cinder list command is used to check the status of vols. If any errors occur during the waiting process the handleWaitErr function is called and the label Volumes, statistics related to vol status, a timeout value, and the cinder show command are passed


  • Regex: /^(4000pi|iperf3|ssh|totDur|LBconn|ping|fioBW|fiokIOPS|fioLat10ms)$/
  • Tag/Label: cmd / command
Benchmark-list method duration return_code Lines in Code Description Progress
4000pi (JHVM$JHNO) TODO ($BENCH) TODO 0 L3242-L3262 On each JumpHost VM (var $NOAZS) calculate 4k digits of Pi ({ TIMEFORMAT=%2U; time echo 'scale=4000; 4*a(1)' | bc -l; }) and measure time. Write result to log file. 100 %
LBconn Number of VMs to create (beyond #AZ JumpHosts, def: 12) ($NOVMS) Total duration of sending all requests L2598-L2612, (the same in L2628-L2642 ) For the number of LBs (var $NOVMS) send the request curl -m4 http://$LBIP/hostname 2>/dev/null and measure the total duration. Round Robin -> each server gets one request. Send duration (and possible errors) to Telegraf. 70 %
fioBW 0 %
fioLat10ms 0 %
fiokIOPS 0 %
iperf3 TODO (s$VM) TODO (s$VM) 0 L3426-L3494 performs iperf3 tests between multiple hosts (var $NONETS). It iterates through each pair of source and target hosts, connects to each target host, and runs iperf3 tests to measure the network bandwidth, CPU utilization, and other metrics. The results are then displayed and optionally logged. Additionally handles retries if the initial test fails 100 %
ping stats $FPRETRY $FPERR L4203-L4205, L4219-L4220, L4373-L4384, L4385-L4391 Execute function fullconntest() which performs connectivity tests. Each VM pings each VM. FPRETRY: Number of retried pings, FPERR: Number of failed pings 100 %
ping errors 1 $FPERR L4215 See above 100 %
ping retries 1 $FPRETRY L4216 See above 100 %
ssh (in function wait222) JHVM$JHNO (var $JHNO is idx of jump host in $NOAZS) Duration of pinging one jump host Number of jump hosts unable to ping L3016-L3049 Ping each JumpHost VM (var $NOAZS) and measure duration this took, including errors. Then test if ssh port is reachable via netcat. 100 %
ssh (in function wait222) VM$JHNO:$pno (var $pno is port number) Duration since calling wait222 (including ssh test above) until logging this message (L3092) 1 if netcat connection attempt timed out; 0 otherwise L3016-L3096 For each JumpHost iterate over each VM (port forwarding rule REDIRS: ${REDIRS[$JHNO]}) and try to access port number (pno) by executing netcat (nc $NCPROXY -w 2 ${FLOATS[$JHNO]} $pno). (If netcat took too long ($ctr -ge $MAXWAIT), check status of VM by calling OpenStack Nova. If provisioning_status is not ACTIVE, send alarm.) 100 %
ssh (in function testjhinet) JHVM$JHNO Duration it takes for executing the tasks for one JumpHost Return code of testlsandping(): 1: ping failed; 2: ls or user_data injection failed L3185-L3220 For each JumpHost perform ping test against the host itself and call [testlsandping()]( which tests ssh and internet ping. 60 %
totDur Max cycle time ($MAXCYC), an calculated upper bound (including magic numbers) how long one iteration may take depending on the tasks which are performed Relative performance ($RELPERF) Number of slow iterations, which is incremented by one when $THISRUNTIME is greater than $MAXCYC L4455-L4484 Log measured relative duration of current iteration (var $RELPERF, relative performance/time; calculated echo "scale=2; 10*$THISRUNTIME/$MAXCYC" | bc -l). Send alert if performance of one cycle is slow. See commit 7fa38. FYI: $TOTTIME is the overall runtime summing up all iterations and is present in overall stats. 100 %

Dependencies for Benchmarktests

The resources need to be created in this order taken from

  1. createRouters
  2. createNets
  3. createSubNets
  4. createRIfaces
  5. createSGroups (with conditions -a -z "$INTERRUPTED" and ! -e stop-os-hm)
  6. createLBs
  7. createJHVols
  8. createVIPs
  9. createJHPorts
  10. createVols
  11. createKeypairs
  12. createPorts
    • Followed by waitJHVols
  13. createJHVMs
  14. createFIPs
    • Followed by waitVols
  15. createVMs
    • Update ROUNDVMS
    • Followed by waitJHVMs
    • Check result RC:
      • If RC != 0:
        • If RC > $NOAZS, adjust VMERRORS
      • If RC == 0:
        1. loadbalancer
        2. waitLBs
        3. LBERRORS based on LBAASS
        4. waitVMs
        5. setmetaVMs
  16. create2ndSubNets
  17. create2ndPorts
graph TD
    A[createRouters] -->|true| B[createNets]
    B -->|true| C[createSubNets]
    C -->|true| D[createRIfaces]
    D -->|true| E[createSGroups]
    E -->|true| F[createLBs]
    F --> G[createJHVols]
    G -->|true| H[createVIPs]
    H -->|true| I[createJHPorts]
    I -->|true| J[createVols]
    J -->|true| K[createKeypairs]
    K -->|true| L[createPorts]
    L --> M[waitJHVols]
    L --> N[createJHVMs]
    N -->|true| O[set ROUNDVMS]
    O --> P[createFIPs]
    P -->|true| Q[waitVols]
    Q --> R[createVMs]
    R -->|true| S[update ROUNDVMS]
    S --> T[waitJHVMs]
    T --> U{test RC != 0}
    U -->|true| V{test RC > NOAZS}
    V -->|true| W[update VMERRORS NOAZS]
    V -->|false| X[update VMERRORS RC]
    U -->|false| Y[loadbalancer]
    Y --> Z[waitLBs]
    Z --> AA{test LBAASS}
    AA -->|true| AB[set LBERRORS]
    Y --> AC[waitVMs]
    AC --> AD[setmetaVMs]
    AD --> AE[create2ndSubNets]
    AE --> AF[create2ndPorts]


Parent Functions


  • Lines in Code: L1024-L1080

  • Purpose: provide a comprehensive wrapper for executing OpenStack commands with timeout enforcement, error handling, logging, and status extraction capabilities

  • Description:

    • parameters:
      • $1 The ID to extract from the command output
      • $2 Timeout for the command execution (in seconds)
      • $3oo: The actual OpenStack command to execute
    • records the start time of the command execution
    • executes the specified OpenStack command using the mytimeout function to enforce the provided timeout
    • captures the command response and determines the command's return code
    • logs the command execution details including start time, end time, ID, status, command, return code, and response to a logfile
    • if the command fails and error reporting is enabled, it sends an alarm notification and waits for a specified duration before retrying.
    • if the command fails due to HTTP 409 conflict, it retries the command after a brief delay.
    • extracts the ID and status from the command output based on the provided ID name.
    • checks if the execution time exceeds a threshold and logs a warning if it does.
    • returns a string containing the execution time, ID, and status of the command.
  • Dependencies: relies on the external functions: translate, mytimeout, log_grafana, sendalarm and errwait for translating commands, enforcing timeouts, logging, error handling, and alarm notification

  • Code:

# Command wrapper for openstack commands
# Collecting timing, logging, and extracting id
# $1 = id to extract
# $2 = timeout (in s)
# $3-oo => command
# Return value: Error from command
# Output: "TIME ID STATUS"
  local IDNM=$1; shift
  local TIMEOUT=$1; shift
  if test $TIMEOUTFACT -gt 1; then let TIMEOUT*=$TIMEOUTFACT; fi
  local LSTART=$(date +%s.%3N)
  translate "$@"
  RESP=$(mytimeout $TIMEOUT ${OSTACKCMD[@]} 2>&1)
  local RC=$?
  local LEND=$(date +%s.%3N)
  local TIM=$(math "%.2f" "$LEND-$LSTART")

  test "$1" = "openstack" -o "$1" = "myopenstack" && shift
  if test "$CMD" = "neutron" -a "${2:0:5}" = "lbaas"; then CMD=octavia; fi
  log_grafana "$CMD" "$2" "$TIM" "" "$RC"
  if test $RC != 0 -a -z "$IGNORE_ERRORS"; then
    sendalarm $RC "$*" "$RESP" $TIMEOUT
    errwait $ERRWAIT

  # Retry if we have a HTTP 409
  if test $RC = 1 -a -z "$NORETRY" && echo "$RESP" | grep '(HTTP 409)' >/dev/null 2>&1; then
    sleep 5
    LSTART=$(date +%s.%3N)
    RESP=$(mytimeout $TIMEOUT ${OSTACKCMD[@]} 2>&1)
    local RC=$?
    local LEND=$(date +%s.%3N)
    local TIM=$(math "%.2f" "$LEND-$LSTART")
    log_grafana "$MCD" "$2" "$TIM" "" "$RC"
    if test $RC != 0 -a -z "$IGNORE_ERRORS"; then
      sendalarm $RC "$*" "$RESP" $TIMEOUT
      errwait $ERRWAIT

  STATUS=$(echo "$RESP" | grep "^| *status *|" | sed -e "s/^| *status *| *\([^|]*\).*\$/\1/" -e 's/ *$//')
  if test -z "$STATUS"; then STATUS=$(echo "$RESP" | grep "^| *provisioning_status *|" | sed -e "s/^| *provisioning_status *| *\([^|]*\).*\$/\1/" -e 's/ *$//'); fi
  if test "$IDNM" = "DELETE"; then
    ID=$(echo "$RESP" | grep "^| *$IDNM *|" | sed -e "s/^| *$IDNM *| *\([^|]*\).*\$/\1/" -e 's/ *$//')
    if test "$RC" != "0" -a -z "$IGNORE_ERRORS"; then echo "$TIM $RC"; echo -e "${YELLOW}ERROR: ${OSTACKCMD[@]} => $RC $RESP$NORM" 1>&2; return $RC; fi
  if test "${TIM%.*}" -gt $((3+$TIMEOUT/4)); then echo -e "${YELLOW}Slow ${TIM}s: ${OSTACKCMD[@]} => $RC $RESP$NORM" 1>&2; fi
  echo "$TIM $ID $STATUS"
  return $RC


  • Lines in Code: L1145-L1176 [link:]

  • Purpose: provide helper functions and variables

  • Description

    • break down:
      • ostackcmd_tm_retry_N() retries executing a reentrant OpenStack command a specified number of times $NORETRY with a 2-second sleep interval between retries. It takes the same parameters as ostackcmd_tm(). If the command succeeds $RRC == 0, it returns 0, otherwise, it returns the command's return code $RRC.
      • ostackcmd_tm_retry(): a wrapper around ostackcmd_tm_retry_N(), setting the number of retries to 2 by default
      • ostackcmd_tm_retry3(): similar to ostackcmd_tm_retry(), but it retries the command 3 times
  • Code:

# ostackcmd_tm with a retry after 2s (idempotent commands only)
  local NORETRY=$1
  local RESLEEP=2
  local RECTR=0
  local RRC=0
  while test $RECTR -lt $NORETRY; do
    ostackcmd_tm "$@"
    local RRC=$?
    if test $RRC = 0; then return 0; fi
    sleep $RESLEEP
    let RESLEEP+=1
    let RECTR+=1
  return $RRC

# ostackcmd_tm with a retry after 2s (idempotent commands only)
# Parameters: See ostackcmd_tm
  ostackcmd_tm_retry_N 2 "$@"

# ostackcmd_tm with a retry after 2s (idempotent commands only)
# Parameters: See ostackcmd_tm
  ostackcmd_tm_retry_N 3 "$@"

SCOL, state2col(), STATE, FAIEDNO

  • Lines in Code: L1178-L1191 [link:]
  • Purpose: provide helper functions and variables
  • Description
    • break down:
      • SCOL variable that holds the color code used for displaying states. It's initially set to an empty string.
      • state2col() this function sets the color SCOL based on the state passed as an argument $1. It checks
        • if the state is "ACTIVE" or "UP" and sets SCOL to green,
        • if the state is "BUILD", "PENDING", "creating", "downloading", or "DOWN", it sets SCOL to yellow,
        • and if the state starts with "ERROR" or "error", it sets SCOL to red.
      • STATE variable to store the state of the current operation
      • FAILEDNO variable to track the number of failed operations, initially set to 0
  • Code:
# Set SCOL according to state in $1
    local STA="$1"
    if test "$STA" == "ACTIVE" -o "$STA" == "active" -o "$STA" == "UP"; then SCOL="$GREEN"
    elif test "$STA" == "BUILD" -o "${STA:0:7}" == "PENDING" -o "$STA" == "creating" -o "$STA" == "downloading" -o "$STA" == "DOWN"; then SCOL="$YELLOW"
    elif test "${STA:0:5}" == "ERROR" -o "${STA:0:5}" == "error"; then SCOL="$RED"



  • Lines in Code: L1392-L1412

  • Purpose: provide a useful function for visualizing status information, especially in command-line interfaces, where colors can convey important information quickly

  • Decription:

    • parameters:
      • $1 Status string to be converted
      • $2 The desired first status to be highlighted
      • $3 Optional, a second desired status to be highlighted
    • Output: prints out a one-character string representing the status with colors. returns a code:
      • 2 if the status matches either $2 or $3
      • 1 if the status indicates an error
      • 3 if the status is missing
      • 0 if the status is in progress or doesn't match any conditions
    • Color Codes:
      • Green (*) indicates a match with $2 or $3, or a non-null status
      • Red indicates an error status
      • Default returns the first character of the status string if no match or error is detected
  • Code:

# Convert status to colored one-char string
# $1 => status string
# $2 => wanted1
# $3 => wanted2 (optional)
# Return code: 3 == missing, 2 == found, 1 == ERROR, 0 in progress
  if test "$2" == "NONNULL" -a -n "$1" -a "$1" != "null"; then
    echo -e "${GREEN}*${NORM}"; return 2
  elif test "$2" == "$1" || test -n "$3" -a "$3" == "$1"; then
    echo -e "${GREEN}${1:0:1}${NORM}"; return 2
  elif test "${1:0:5}" == "error" -o "${1:0:5}" == "ERROR"; then
    echo -e "${RED}${1:0:1}${NORM}"; return 1
  elif test -n "$1"; then
    echo "${1:0:1}"
    # Handle empty (error)
    echo "?"; return 3
  return 0


  • Lines in Code: L1207-L1252

  • Purpose: provide a flexible way to create and manage resources in an OpenStack environment while tracking their creation progress and handling errors

  • Description:

    • parameters:
      • $1 Quantity of resources to create.
      • $2 Name of timing statistics array.
      • $3 Name of resource list array (appended with "S").
      • $4 Name of another resource list array (appended with "S"). This is optional and can be used to reference additional resources.
      • $5 Name of yet another resource list array (appended with "S"). This is also optional and can be used to reference more resources.
      • $6 Name of array where timestamps of the operation are stored (optional).
      • $7 Name of the ID field from the resource to be used for storing in $3.
      • $8 Timeout for the operation.
      • $9- OpenStack command to be called referencing $AZ (1 or 2), $no (running number), $VAL, and $MVAL (from $4 and $5)
    • initializes various variables and arrays to store resource lists and timestamps to manage the creation process
    • loops through the specified quantity of resources, executing the provided OpenStack command for each resource creation
    • updates the status of the resource creation process based on the command's response
    • handles any errors encountered during the creation process and returns an appropriate exit code
  • Code

# Create a number of resources and keep track of them
# $1 => quantity of resources
# $2 => name of timing statistics array
# $3 => name of resource list array ("S" appended)
# $4 => name of resource array ("S" appended, use \$VAL to ref) (optional)
# $5 => dito, use \$MVAL (optional, use NONE if unneeded)
# $6 => name of array where we store the timestamp of the operation (opt)
# $7 => id field from resource to be used for storing in $3
# $8 => timeout
# $9- > openstack command to be called
# In the command you can reference \$AZ (1 or 2), \$no (running number)
# and \$VAL and \$MVAL (from $4 and $5).
  local ctr no
  declare -i ctr=0
  local QUANT=$1; local STATNM=$2; local RNM=$3
  local ORNM=$4; local MRNM=$5
  local STIME=$6; local IDNM=$7
  shift; shift; shift; shift; shift; shift; shift
  local TIMEOUT=$1; shift
  #if test $TIMEOUTFACT -gt 1; then let TIMEOUT+=2; fi
  eval local LIST=( \"\${${ORNM}S[@]}\" )
  eval local MLIST=( \"\${${MRNM}S[@]}\" )
  if test "$RNM" != "NONE"; then echo -n "New $RNM: "; fi
  local RC=0
  local TIRESP
  for no in `seq 0 $(($QUANT-1))`; do
    local AZN=$(($no%$NOAZS))
    local VAZN=$(($no%$NOVAZS))
    local AZ=$(($AZ+1))
    local VAZ=$(($VAZ+1))
    local VAL=${LIST[$ctr]}
    local MVAL=${MLIST[$ctr]}
    local CMD=`eval echo $@ 2>&1`
    local STM=$(date +%s)
    if test -n "$STIME"; then eval "${STIME}+=( $STM )"; fi
    let APICALLS+=1
    TIRESP=$(ostackcmd_id $IDNM $TIMEOUT $CMD)
    #echo "DEBUG: ostackcmd_id $CMD => $RC" 1>&2
    updAPIerr $RC
    local TM
    read TM ID STATE <<<"$TIRESP"
    if test $RC == 0; then eval ${STATNM}+="($TM)"; fi
    let ctr+=1
    state2col "$STATE"
    # Workaround for
    if test "$1" = "cinder" && [[ $OS_AUTH_URL == *teutostack* ]]; then echo -en " ${RED}+5s${NORM} " 1>&2; sleep 5; fi
    if test $RC != 0; then echo -e "${YELLOW}ERROR: $RNM creation failed$NORM" 1>&2; FAILEDNO=$no; return 1; fi
    if test -n "$ID" -a "$RNM" != "NONE"; then echo -en "$ID $SCOL$STATE$NORM "; fi
    eval ${RNM}S+="($ID)"
    # Workaround for loadbalancer member create
    if test "$STATE" = "PENDING_CREATE"; then sleep 1; fi
  if test "$RNM" != "NONE"; then echo; fi


  • Lines in Code: L1254-L1318
  • Purpose: similar to the createResources() function, but with an additional condition check before creating each resource
  • Description:
    • parameters:
      • same parameters like createResources()
      • $9 condition variable that must be non-empty and not "0" for the resource creation to proceed
      • $10- OpenStack command to be called
    • initializes various variables and arrays similar to createResources()
    • loops through the specified quantity of resources, executing the provided OpenStack command for each resource
    • before executing the command, it evaluates the condition variable ($CONDVAR) to ensure it's non-empty and not "0". otherwise it skips the creation of that resource and continues to the next one.
    • updates the status of the resource creation process based on the command's response
    • handles any errors encountered during the creation process and returns an appropriate exit code.
  • Code:
# Create a number of resources and keep track of them
# $1 => quantity of resources
# $2 => name of timing statistics array
# $3 => name of resource list array ("S" appended)
# $4 => name of resource array ("S" appended, use \$VAL to ref) (optional)
# $5 => dito, use \$MVAL (optional, use NONE if unneeded)
# $6 => name of array where we store the timestamp of the operation (opt)
# $7 => id field from resource to be used for storing in $3
# $8 => timeout
# $9 => condition variable must be non-empty and not "0"
# $10- > openstack command to be called
# In the command you can reference \$AZ (1 or 2), \$no (running number)
# and \$VAL and \$MVAL (from $4 and $5).
  local ctr no
  declare -i ctr=0
  local QUANT=$1; local STATNM=$2; local RNM=$3
  local ORNM=$4; local MRNM=$5
  local STIME=$6; local IDNM=$7
  shift; shift; shift; shift; shift; shift; shift
  local TIMEOUT=$1; shift
  local CONDVAR=$1; shift
  #if test $TIMEOUTFACT -gt 1; then let TIMEOUT+=2; fi
  eval local LIST=( \"\${${ORNM}S[@]}\" )
  eval local MLIST=( \"\${${MRNM}S[@]}\" )
  if test "$RNM" != "NONE"; then echo -n "New $RNM: "; fi
  local RC=0
  local TIRESP
  for no in `seq 0 $(($QUANT-1))`; do
    local AZN=$(($no%$NOAZS))
    local VAZN=$(($no%$NOVAZS))
    local AZ=$(($AZ+1))
    local VAZ=$(($VAZ+1))
    local VAL=${LIST[$ctr]}
    local MVAL=${MLIST[$ctr]}
    local CMD=`eval echo $@ 2>&1`
    local COND=`eval echo $CONDVAR 2>&1`
    local STM=$(date +%s)
    if test -z "$COND" -o "$COND" == "0"; then echo -n " - "; continue; fi
    if test -n "$STIME"; then eval "${STIME}+=( $STM )"; fi
    let APICALLS+=1
    TIRESP=$(ostackcmd_id $IDNM $TIMEOUT $CMD)
    #echo "DEBUG: ostackcmd_id $CMD => $RC" 1>&2
    updAPIerr $RC
    local TM
    read TM ID STATE <<<"$TIRESP"
    if test $RC == 0; then eval ${STATNM}+="($TM)"; fi
    let ctr+=1
    state2col "$STATE"
    # Workaround for
    if test "$1" = "cinder" && [[ $OS_AUTH_URL == *teutostack* ]]; then echo -en " ${RED}+5s${NORM} " 1>&2; sleep 5; fi
    if test $RC != 0; then echo -e "${YELLOW}ERROR: $RNM creation failed$NORM" 1>&2; FAILEDNO=$no; return 1; fi
    if test -n "$ID" -a "$RNM" != "NONE"; then echo -en "$ID $SCOL$STATE$NORM "; fi
    eval ${RNM}S+="($ID)"
    # Workaround for loadbalancer member create
    if test "$STATE" = "PENDING_CREATE"; then sleep 1; fi
  if test "$RNM" != "NONE"; then echo; fi


  • Lines in Code: L1320-L1390
  • Purpose: provide a function to execute OpenStack commands and handle their responses with helper functions to manage timing statistics, handle errors, and update resource lists.
  • Description:
    • parameters:
      • $1 Name of timing statistics array
      • $2 Name of the array containing resources ("S" appended)
      • $3 Name of the array to store timestamps for deletion (optional, use "" if unneeded)
      • $4 Timeout for the deletion operation
      • $5- OpenStack command to be called for resource deletion. The UUID from the resource list is appended to the command.
    • initializes various local variables and arrays based on the provided parameters
    • iterates through the resource list array ${RNM}S and deletes each resource executing the specified OpenStack command with the resource UUID appended
    • tracks the deletion status and timestamps of each deletion operation
    • If an error occurs during deletion, it retries the deletion operation and continues. It keeps track of the failed deletions and stores them for later re-cleanup.
    • After completing the deletion process, it updates the resource list array ${RNM}S to reflect any remaining resources
    • returns the number of errors encountered during the deletion process
  • Dependencies: responses depend on the ostackcmd_id() function
  • Code:
# Delete a number of resources
# $1 => name of timing statistics array
# $2 => name of array containing resources ("S" appended)
# $3 => name of array to store timestamps (optional, use "" if unneeded)
# $4 => timeout
# $5- > openstack command to be called
# The UUID from the resource list ($2) is appended to the command.
# The resource array ($2) will be modified and the delete items (all) be removed from it
  local STATNM=$1; local RNM=$2; local DTIME=$3
  local ERR=0
  shift; shift; shift
  local TIMEOUT=$1; shift
  #if test $TIMEOUTFACT -gt 1; then let TIMEOUT+=2; fi
  local FAILDEL=()
  eval local LIST=( \"\${${ORNM}S[@]}\" )
  #eval local varAlias=( \"\${myvar${varname}[@]}\" )
  eval local LIST=( \"\${${RNM}S[@]}\" )
  #echo $LIST
  test -n "$LIST" && echo -n "Del $RNM: "
  #for rsrc in $LIST; do
  local LN=${#LIST[@]}
  local TIRESP
  local IGNERRS=0
  eval "REM${RNM}S=()"
  while test ${#LIST[*]} -gt 0; do
    local rsrc=${LIST[-1]}
    echo -n "$rsrc "
    local DTM=$(date +%s)
    if test -n "$DTIME"; then eval "${DTIME}+=( $DTM )"; fi
    local TM
    let APICALLS+=1
    TIRESP=$(ostackcmd_id id $TIMEOUT $@ $rsrc)
    local RC="$?"
    if test -z "$IGNORE_ERRORS"; then
      updAPIerr $RC
      let IGNERRS+=$RC
    read TM ID STATE <<<"$TIRESP"
    if test $RC != 0; then
      echo -e "${YELLOW}ERROR deleting $RNM $rsrc; retry and continue ...$NORM" 1>&2
      let ERR+=1
      sleep 5
      TIRESP=$(ostackcmd_id id $(($TIMEOUT+8)) $@ $rsrc)
      updAPIerr $RC
      if test $RC != 0; then FAILDEL+=($rsrc); fi
      eval ${STATNM}+="($TM)"
    unset LIST[-1]
    if test "$STATE" = "PENDING_DELETE"; then sleep 1; fi
  if test -n "$IGNORE_ERRORS" -a $IGNERRS -gt 0; then echo -n " ($IGNERRS errors ignored) "; fi
  test $LN -gt 0 && echo
  # FIXME: Should we try again immediately?
  if test -n "$FAILDEL"; then
    echo "Store failed dels in REM${RNM}S for later re-cleanup: ${FAILDEL[*]}"
    eval "REM${RNM}S=(${FAILDEL[*]})"
  # FIXME: We could try to look for a delete suffix in the command before doing this ...
  # FIXME: This will always be empty ...
  eval "${RNM}S=(${LIST[*]})"
  return $ERR


  • Lines in Code: L1414-L1482

  • Purpose: ensure that certain resources are in a specific state before proceeding with further actions in automation scripts

  • Description:

    • parameters:
      • $1 Name of the timing statistics array.
      • $2 Name of the array containing resources (with "S" appended).
      • $3 Name of the array to collect completion timing stats.
      • $4 Name of the array with start times.
      • $5 Value to wait for.
      • $6 Alternative value to wait for.
      • $7 Field name to monitor.
      • $8 Timeout.
      • $9- OpenStack command for querying status. The values from $2 get appended to the command.
    • initializes necessary variables and iterates through the resources and queries their status using the provided OpenStack command while collecting timing statistics and logs
    • if the status matches the desired value, it proceeds to the next resource
    • if there's an error or the status doesn't match, it logs an error message and continues waiting
    • repeats this process until the desired state for all resources or the timeout is reached
    • Output:
      • returns the number of resources that did not reach the desired state within the timeout period
  • Code:

# Wait for resources reaching a desired state
# $1 => name of timing statistics array
# $2 => name of array containing resources ("S" appended)
# $3 => name of array to collect completion timing stats
# $4 => name of array with start times
# $5 => value to wait for
# $6 => alternative value to wait for
# $7 => field name to monitor
# $8 => timeout
# $9- > openstack command for querying status
# The values from $2 get appended to the command
  local STATNM=$1; local RNM=$2; local CSTAT=$3; local STIME=$4
  local COMP1=$5; local COMP2=$6; local IDNM=$7
  shift; shift; shift; shift; shift; shift; shift
  local TIMEOUT=$1; shift
  #if test $TIMEOUTFACT -gt 1; then let TIMEOUT+=2; fi
  local STATI=()
  eval local RLIST=( \"\${${RNM}S[@]}\" )
  eval local SLIST=( \"\${${STIME}[@]}\" )
  local LAST=$(( ${#RLIST[@]} - 1 ))
  declare -i ctr=0
  declare -i WERR=0
  local TIRESP
  while test -n "${SLIST[*]}" -a $ctr -le 320; do
    local STATSTR=""
    for i in $(seq 0 $LAST ); do
      local rsrc=${RLIST[$i]}
      if test -z "${SLIST[$i]}"; then STATSTR+=$(colstat "${STATI[$i]}" "$COMP1" "$COMP2"); continue; fi
      local CMD=`eval echo $@ $rsrc 2>&1`
      let APICALLS+=1
      TIRESP=$(ostackcmd_id $IDNM $TIMEOUT $CMD)
      local RC=$?
      updAPIerr $RC
      local TM STAT
      read TM STAT STATE <<<"$TIRESP"
      eval ${STATNM}+="( $TM )"
      if test $RC != 0; then echo -e "\n${YELLOW}ERROR: Querying $RNM $rsrc failed$NORM" 1>&2; return 1; fi
      STATSTR+=$(colstat "$STAT" "$COMP1" "$COMP2")
      echo -en "Wait $RNM: $STATSTR\r"
      if test $STE != 0; then
        if test $STE == 1 -o $STE == 3; then
          echo -e "\n${YELLOW}ERROR: $NM $rsrc status $STAT$NORM" 1>&2 #; return 1
          let WERR+=1
        TM=$(date +%s)
        TM=$(math "%i" "$TM-${SLIST[$i]}")
        eval ${CSTAT}+="($TM)"
        if test $STE -ge 2; then GRC=0; else GRC=$STE; fi
        log_grafana "wait$RNM" "$COMP1" "$TM" "$GRC"
        unset SLIST[$i]
    echo -en "Wait $RNM: $STATSTR\r"
    if test -z "${SLIST[*]}"; then echo; return $WERR; fi
    let ctr+=1
    sleep 2
  if test $ctr -ge 320; then let WERR+=1; fi
  return $WERR


  • Lines in Code: L1484-L1595

  • Purpose: provide a versatile and robust tool for waiting for resources to reach a desired state in an OpenStack environment

  • Description:

    • parameters:
      • $1 Name of timing statistics array
      • $2 Name of array containing resources ("S" appended)
      • $3 Name of array to collect completion timing stats
      • $4 Name of array with start times
      • $5 Value to wait for (special XDELX)
      • $6 Alternative value to wait for (special: 2ndary XDELX results in waiting also for ERRORED resources)
      • $7 Number of column (0 based)
      • $8 Timeout
      • $9- OpenStack command for querying status. The values from $2 get appended to the command.
    • initializes arrays to store resource names, start times, and statuses for managing the waiting process
    • loops through the resources, querying their status using the provided OpenStack command and waiting until their desired state or the timeout is reached
    • handles errors encountered during the waiting process and provides feedback on the progress of the waiting operation, including the number of resources not in the desired state, the time elapsed, and the remaining resources
    • returns the number of resources not in the desired state after the waiting process completes or the timeout is reached
  • Code:

# Wait for resources reaching a desired state
# $1 => name of timing statistics array
# $2 => name of array containing resources ("S" appended)
# $3 => name of array to collect completion timing stats
# $4 => name of array with start times
# $5 => value to wait for (special XDELX)
# $6 => alternative value to wait for 
#       (special: 2ndary XDELX results in waiting also for ERRORED res.)
# $7 => number of column (0 based)
# $8 => timeout
# $9- > openstack command for querying status
# The values from $2 get appended to the command
# Return value: Number of resources not in desired state (e.g. error, wrong state, missing, ...)
  local STATNM=$1; local RNM=$2; local CSTAT=$3; local STIME=$4
  local COMP1=$5; local COMP2=$6; local COL=$7
  local NERR=0
  shift; shift; shift; shift; shift; shift; shift
  local TIMEOUT=$1; shift
  #echo "waitlistResources $STATNM $RNM $COMP1 $COL $@"
  #if test $TIMEOUTFACT -gt 1; then let TIMEOUT+=2; fi
  local STATI=()
  eval local RLIST=( \"\${${RNM}S[@]}\" )
  eval RRLIST=( \"\${${RNM}S[@]}\" )
  eval local SLIST=( \"\${${STIME}[@]}\" )
  local LAST=$(( ${#RLIST[@]} - 1 ))
  if test ${#RLIST[@]} != ${#SLIST[@]}; then echo " WARN: RLIST \"${RLIST[@]}\" SLIST \"${SLIST[@]}\""; fi
  local PARSE="^|"
  local WAITVAL
  #echo "waitlistResources \"${RLIST[*]}\" \"${SLIST[*]}\"" 1>&2
  if test "$COMP1" == "XDELX"; then WAITVAL="del"; else WAITVAL="$COMP1"; fi
  for no in $(seq 1 $COL); do PARSE="$PARSE[^|]*|"; done
  PARSE="$PARSE *\([^|]*\)|.*\$"
  #echo "$PARSE"
  declare -i ctr=0
  declare -i WERR=0
  declare -i misserr=0
  local waitstart=$(date +%s)
  if test -n "$CSTAT" -a "$CLEANUPMODE" != "1"; then MAXWAIT=240; else MAXWAIT=30; fi
  if test -z "${RLIST[*]}"; then return 0; fi
  while test -n "${RRLIST[*]}" -a $ctr -le $MAXWAIT; do
    local STATSTR=""
    local CMD=`eval echo $@ 2>&1`
    ostackcmd_tm $STATNM $TIMEOUT $CMD
    if test $? != 0; then
      echo -e "\n${YELLOW}ERROR: $CMD => $OSTACKRESP$NORM" 1>&2
      # Only bail out after 6th error;
      # so we retry in case there are spurious 500/503 (throttling) errors
      # Do not give up so early on waiting for deletion ...
      let NERR+=1
      if test $NERR -ge 6 -a "$COMP1" != "XDELX" -o $NERR -ge 24; then return 1; fi
      sleep 5
    local TM
    for i in $(seq 0 $LAST ); do
      local rsrc=${RLIST[$i]}
      if test -z "${SLIST[$i]}"; then STATSTR+=$(colstat "${STATI[$i]}" "$COMP1" "$COMP2"); continue; fi
      local STAT=$(echo "$OSTACKRESP" | grep "^| $rsrc" | sed -e "s@$PARSE@\1@" -e 's/ *$//')
      #echo "STATUS: \"$STAT\""
      if test "$COMP1" == "XDELX" -a -z "$STAT"; then STAT="XDELX"; fi
      STATSTR+=$(colstat "$STAT" "$COMP1" "$COMP2")
      #echo -en "Wait $RNM $rsrc: $STATSTR\r"
      # Found or ERROR
      if test $STE != 0; then
        # ERROR
        if test $STE == 1 -o $STE == 3; then
          # Really wait for deletion of errored resources?
          if test "$COMP2" == "XDELX"; then continue; fi
          let WERR+=1
          let misserr+=1
          echo -e "\n${YELLOW}ERROR: $NM $rsrc status $STAT$NORM" 1>&2 #; return 1
        # Found
        TM=$(date +%s)
        TM=$(math "%i" "$TM-${SLIST[$i]}")
        unset RRLIST[$i]
        unset SLIST[$i]
        #echo -e "State $STAT reached for ($i) $rsrc in $TM secs, remain \"${SLIST[*]}\"" 1>&2
        if test -n "$CSTAT"; then
          eval ${CSTAT}+="($TM)"
          if test $STE -ge 2; then GRC=0; else GRC=$STE; fi
          log_grafana "wait$RNM" "$COMP1" "$TM" "$GRC"
    echo -en "\rWait $WAITVAL $RNM[${#SLIST[*]}/${#RLIST[*]}]: $STATSTR "
    # Save 3s
    if test -z "${SLIST[*]}"; then break; fi
    # We can stop waiting if all resources have failed/disappeared (more than once)
    if test $misserr -ge ${#RLIST[@]} -a $WERR -ge $((${#RLIST[@]}*2)); then break; fi
    sleep 3
    let ctr+=1
  if test $ctr -ge $MAXWAIT; then let WERR+=${#SLIST[*]}; let misserr+=${#SLIST[*]}; fi
  if test -n "${SLIST[*]}"; then
    echo " TIMEOUT $(($(date +%s)-$waitstart))"
    echo -e "\n${YELLOW}Wait TIMEOUT/ERROR $misserr ${NORM} ($(($(date +%s)-$waitstart))s, $ctr iterations), LEFT: ${RED}${RRLIST[*]}:${SLIST[*]}${NORM}" 1>&2
    #FIXME: Shouldn't we send an alarm right here?
    echo " ($(($(date +%s)-$waitstart))s, $ctr iterations)"
  return $misserr


  • Lines in Code: L2074-L2078
  • Purpose: extracts the IP address from the output of the neutron port-show command, which provides detailed information about a Neutron port
  • Description:
    • parameters:
      • $1 the output of the neutron port-show command as input
    • uses grep to search for lines containing the string '| fixed_ips ' containing information about the IP addresses associated with the port
    • then sed is used with the pattern stored in the variable $PORTFIXED to extract and format the IP address from the matched line
    • outputs the extracted IP address

Main Functions


  • Lines in Code: L4098-L4504

  • Purpose: main part to orchestrate the deployment, testing, and cleanup of resources in an OpenStack environment, while also monitoring for errors and performance issues

  • Description:

    • Entering the loop: the first section sets up the environment, initializes error counters, and declares arrays to manage resources and track deployment progress. It enters the while loop that continues as long as the loop counter loop is not equal to MAXITER (maximum iteration count), INTERRUPTED is unset and the loop will continue as long as the stop signal file stop-os-hm does not exist (! -e stop-os-hm).
    • First the Error Counters are declared as integer variables, including PINGERRORS, APIERRORS, APITIMEOUTS, VMERRORS, LBERRORS, WAITERRORS and CONNERRORS. These counters track different types of errors that may occur during the deployment process
    • Next arrays are declared to store the start times of resource creation operations. They store timestamps for various resources being created during the deployment process, such as volumes, VMs, LBs, etc.
    • Followed by the declaration of the arrays to manage resources across different OpenStack services, such as Neutron (networking), Cinder (block storage) and Nova (compute), meaning there are arrays to keep track of resources created during the deployment process and to perform cleanup operations later:
      • NETS (network IDs),
      • SUBNETS (subnet IDs),
      • SGROUPS (security group IDs),
      • PORTS (port IDs),
      • VIPS (VIP IDs),
      • FIPS (floating IPs),
      • VOLUMES (volume IDs),
      • VMS (VM IDs),
      • LBAASS (load balancer IDs),
      • etc.
    • After that the Alarm Buffer and Alarm Counters are declared:
      • ALARMBUFFER array to buffer alarm messages before sending them
      • SENTALARMS and BUFFEREDALARMS are integer variables to count the sent and buffered alarms
    • Then starts the Main Functionality by initializing MSTART (start time) with the urrent timestamp
    • Followed by checking for the OPENSTACKTOKEN retrieving the token with getToken() and stting the token timestamp TOKENSTAMP with the current timestamp.
    • the main functionality has several conditional branches based on the first argument $1 passed to the script:
      • if $1 is "CLEANUP", the cleanup process is triggered involving deleting various resources
      • if $1 is "CONNTEST", connectivity testing is initiated
      • Otherwise the deployment process is proceeded
    • the deployment process starts by checking if a new project needs to be created based on the value of REFRESHPRJ.
      • retrieves image IDs, flavor information, and other necessary details for deployment.
      • creates routers, networks, subnets, router interfaces, security groups, load balancers, volumes, key pairs, ports, and JumpHost volumes.
      • waits for the completion of the resource creations using wait functions (see below*)
      • creates VMs and FIPs for both JumpHosts and regular VMs
      • performs connectivity tests between VMs, tests load balancers if enabled, and performs additional tests if specified (e.g., full connection tests)
      • cleans up resources if required, deletes routers, networks, subnets, security groups, load balancers, VMs, FIPs, volumes, key pairs, and ports.
      • raises alarms for slow performance and sends recovery alarms
      • logs and reports cumulative errors, timeouts, retries, and other statistics at the end of each run
      • wait functions: ensuring that the deployment process waits until resources are ready before proceeding further. They help handle asynchronous operations in the OpenStack environment and ensure that subsequent steps in the deployment process are executed only when the required resources are available in the desired state.
      • waitLBs waits for the load balancers specified in the array $LBAASS to reach the provisioning status"ACTIVE". Therefore it calls waitlistResources() with the parameters LBAAS and "ACTIVE". If the --nostat flag is not provided, it also waits for LB statistics LBCSTATS to be available. Any errors are handled by calling handleWaitErr(), which checks for errors in the LB status and prints them if necessary.
      • waitdelLBs waits for LBs from the array ${DELLBAASS[*]} to be deleted. Therefore calls waitlistResources() with the parameters LBSTATS and "XDELX" indicating deletion. The deletion is retried, if it did not succeed.
      • waitlistResources() is a general-purpose function, described above used for waiting for resources to reach a certain state. in this section it takes the array containing resource IDs $LBSTATS or $LBCSTATS as parameters and the type of resource $LBAAS, the expected status "ACTIVE" and the timeout value. It repeatedly queries the OpenStack API to check the status of the specified resources until they reach the expected state or the timeout is reached. With the --nostat flag unset, it also waits for additional resource statistics.
  • Code:

while test $loop != $MAXITER -a -z "$INTERRUPTED" -a ! -e stop-os-hm; do

declare -i PINGERRORS=0
declare -i APIERRORS=0
declare -i APITIMEOUTS=0
declare -i VMERRORS=0
declare -i LBERRORS=0
declare -i WAITERRORS=0
declare -i CONNERRORS=0
declare -i APICALLS=0
declare -i ROUNDVMS=0

# Arrays to store resource creation start times
declare -a VOLSTIME=()
declare -a JVOLSTIME=()
declare -a VMSTIME=()
declare -a JVMSTIME=()
declare -a LBSTIME=()
declare -a LBDTIME=()

# List of resources - neutron
declare -a NETS=()
declare -a SUBNETS=()
declare -a JHNETS=()
declare -a JHSUBNETS=()
declare -a SGROUPS=()
declare -a JHPORTS=()
declare -a PORTS=()
declare -a VIPS=()
declare -a FIPS=()
declare -a FLOATS=()
# cinder
declare -a JHVOLUMES=()
declare -a VOLUMES=()
# nova
declare -a KEYPAIRS=()
declare -a VMS=()
declare -a JHVMS=()
# LB
declare -a LBAASS=()
declare -a DELLBAASS=()
declare -a POOLS=()
declare -a LISTENERS=()
declare -a MEMBERS=()
declare -a HEALTHMONS=()

declare -a ALARMBUFFER=()
declare -i SENTALARMS=0

# Main
MSTART=$(date +%s)
# Get token
if test -n "$OPENSTACKTOKEN"; then
  if test -z "$CINDER_EP" -o -z "$NOVA_EP" -o -z "$GLANCE_EP" -o -z "$NEUTRON_EP" -o -z "$TOKEN"; then
    echo "Trouble getting token/catalog, retry ..."
    sleep 2
  TOKENSTAMP=$(date +%s)
# Debugging: Start with volume step
if test "$1" = "CLEANUP"; then
  if test -n "$2"; then RPRE=$2; if test ${RPRE%_} == ${RPRE}; then RPRE=${RPRE}_; fi; fi
  if test "$TAG" == "1"; then TAGARG="--tag ${RPRE%_}"; fi
  echo -e "$BOLD *** Start cleanup $RPRE $TAGARG *** $NORM"
  echo -e "$BOLD *** Cleanup complete *** $NORM"
  # We always return 0 here, as we dont want to stop the testing on failed cleanups.
  exit 0
elif test "$1" = "CONNTEST"; then
  if test -n "$2"; then RPRE=$2; if test ${RPRE%_} == ${RPRE}; then RPRE=${RPRE}_; fi; fi
  if test "$TAG" == "1"; then TAGARG="--tag ${RPRE%_}"; fi
  while test $loop != $MAXITER -a -z "$INTERRUPTED"; do
   echo -e "$BOLD *** Start connectivity test for $RPRE ($((loop+1))/$MAXITER) *** $NORM"
   # Only collect resource on e. 10th iteration
   if test "$(($loop%10))" == 0; then collectRes; else echo " Reuse known resources ..."; sleep 2; fi
   if test -z "${VMS[*]}"; then echo "No VMs found"; exit 1; fi
   #echo "FLOATs: ${FLOATS[*]} JHVMS: ${JHVMS[*]}"
   if test $RC != 0; then
     sendalarm 2 "JH unreachable" "$ERR" 20
     if test -n "$EXITERR"; then exit 2; fi
     let VMERRORS+=$RC
     errwait $ERRWAIT
   #echo "REDIRS: ${REDIRS[*]}"
   # Defer alarms
   #if test $? != 0; then exit 2; fi
   if test $RC != 0; then
     sendalarm 2 "VMs unreachable/can not ping outside" "$ERR" 16
     if test -n "$EXITERR"; then exit 3; fi
     let VMERRORS+=$RC
     errwait $ERRWAIT
   if test -n "$RESHUFFLE" -a -n "$STARTRESHUFFLE"; then reShuffle; fi
   #if test $? != 0; then exit 4; fi
   log_grafana ping stats $FPRETRY $FPERR
   if test $FPERR -gt 0; then
     sendalarm 2 "Connectivity errors" "$FPERR + $FPRETRY\n$ERR" 5
     if test -n "$EXITERR"; then exit 4; fi
     # Error counting done by fullconntest already
     errwait $ERRWAIT
   elif test $FPRETRY != 0; then
     echo -e "${YELLOW}Warning:${NORM} Needed $FPRETRY ping retries"
   log_grafana ping errors 1 $FPERR
   log_grafana ping retries 1 $FPRETRY
   if test -n "$RESHUFFLE"; then
     log_grafana ping stats $FPRETRY $FPERR
     if test $FPERR -gt 0; then
       sendalarm 2 "Connectivity errors" "$FPERR + $FPRETRY\n$ERR" 5
       if test -n "$EXITERR"; then exit 4; fi
       # Error counting done by fullconntest already
       errwait $ERRWAIT
     let SUCCRUNS+=1
   echo -e "$BOLD *** Connectivity test complete *** $NORM"
   let SUCCRUNS+=1
   if test $SUCCWAIT -ge 0; then sleep $SUCCWAIT; else echo -n "Hit enter to continue ..."; read ANS; fi
   let loop+=1
   # Refresh token after 10hrs
   if test -n "$TOKENSTAMP" && test $(($(date +%s)-$TOKENSTAMP)) -ge 36000; then
     TOKENSTAMP=$(date +%s)
   # TODO: We don't do anything with the collected statistics in CONNTEST yet ... fix!
  exit 0 #$RC
else # test "$1" = "DEPLOY"; then
 if test "$REFRESHPRJ" != 0 && test $(($RUNS%$REFRESHPRJ)) == 0; then createnewprj; fi
 # Complete setup
 echo -e "$BOLD *** Start deployment $((loop+1))/$MAXITER for $NOAZS SNAT JumpHosts + $NOVMS VMs *** $NORM ($TRIPLE) $TAGARG"
 # Image IDs
 JHIMGID=$(ostackcmd_search "$JHIMG" $GLANCETIMEOUT glance image-list $JHIMGFILT | awk '{ print $2; }')
 if test -z "$JHIMGID" -o "$JHIMGID" == "0"; then sendalarm 1 "No JH image $JHIMG found, aborting." "" $GLANCETIMEOUT; exit 1; fi
 IMGID=$(ostackcmd_search "$IMG" $GLANCETIMEOUT glance image-list $IMGFILT | awk '{ print $2; }')
 if test -z "$IMGID" -o "$IMG" == "0"; then sendalarm 1 "No image $IMG found, aborting." "" $GLANCETIMEOUT; exit 1; fi
 let APICALLS+=2
 # Retrieve root volume size
 ostackcmd_tm_retry GLANCESTATS $GLANCETIMEOUT glance image-show -f json $JHIMGID
 if test $? != 0; then
  let APIERRORS+=1; sendalarm 1 "glance image-show failed" "" $GLANCETIMEOUT
  errwait $ERRWAIT
  let loop+=1
  MD=$(echo "$OSTACKRESP" | jq '.min_disk' | tr -d '"')
  SZ=$(echo "$OSTACKRESP" | jq '.size' | tr -d '"')
  USER=$(echo "$OSTACKRESP" | jq '.properties.image_original_user' | tr -d '"')
  if test "$SZ" -gt "$MD"; then MD=$SZ; fi
  if test -n "$USER" -a "$USER" != "null"; then JHDEFLTUSER="$USER"; fi
 ostackcmd_tm_retry GLANCESTATS $GLANCETIMEOUT glance image-show -f json $IMGID
 if test $? != 0; then
  let APIERRORS+=1; sendalarm 1 "glance image-show failed" "" $GLANCETIMEOUT
  MD=$(echo "$OSTACKRESP" | jq '.min_disk' | tr -d '"')
  SZ=$(echo "$OSTACKRESP" | jq '.size' | tr -d '"')
  USER=$(echo "$OSTACKRESP" | jq '.properties.image_original_user' | tr -d '"')
  if test "$SZ" -gt "$MD"; then MD=$SZ; fi
  if test -n "$USER" -a "$USER" != "null"; then DEFLTUSER="$USER"; fi
 #let APICALLS+=2
 # Check VM flavor
 ostackcmd_tm_retry NOVASTATS $NOVATIMEOUT nova flavor-show -f json $FLAVOR
 if test $? != 0; then
  let APIERRORS+=1; sendalarm 1 "nova flavor-show $FLAVOR failed" "" $NOVATIMEOUT; exit 1
  VMFLVDISK=$(echo "$OSTACKRESP" | jq '.disk')
  if test $VMFLVDISK -lt $VOLSIZE -a -n "$BOOTFROMIMAGE"; then
    unset NEED_BLKDEV
    #unset VMVOLSIZE
 echo "Deploying on AZs ${AZS[*]} (Volumes: ${VAZS[*]}, Networks: ${NAZS[*]})"
 if createRouters; then
  if createNets; then
   if createSubNets; then
    if createRIfaces; then
     if createSGroups -a -z "$INTERRUPTED" -a ! -e stop-os-hm; then
      if createJHVols; then
       if createVIPs; then
        if createJHPorts; then
         if createVols; then
          if createKeypairs; then
           waitJHVols # TODO: Error handling
           if createJHVMs; then
            let ROUNDVMS=$NOAZS
            if createFIPs; then
             waitVols  # TODO: Error handling
             if createVMs; then
              let ROUNDVMS+=$NOVMS
              if test $RC != 0; then
               #sendalarm $RC "Timeout waiting for JHVM ${RRLIST[*]}" "$WAITERRSTR" $((4*$MAXWAIT))
               # FIXME: Shouldn't we count errors and abort here? Without JumpHosts, the rest is hopeless ...
               if test $RC -gt $NOAZS; then let VMERRORS+=$NOAZS; else let VMERRORS+=$RC; fi
               # loadbalancer
               if test -n "$LBAASS"; then LBERRORS=$LBWAITERR; fi
               # No error handling here (but alarms are generated)
               # Errors will be counted later again
               # Test JumpHosts
               # NOTE: Alarms and Grafana error logging are not fully aligned here
               # Retry
               if test $RC != 0; then echo "$ERR"; sleep 5; testjhinet; RC=$?; fi
               # Non-working JH breaks us ...
               if test $RC != 0; then
                 let VMERRORS+=$RC
                 sendalarm $RC "$ERR" "" 70
                 errwait $VMERRWAIT
                 # FIXME: Shouldn't we abort here?
                 echo -e "${BOLD}Aborting this deployment due to non-functional JH, clean up now ...${NORM}"
                 sleep 1
                 MSTOP=$(date +%s)
                # Test normal hosts
                WSTART=$(date +%s)
                # No need to send alarm yet, will do after testsnat
                #if test $WAITERRORS != 0; then
                #  sendalarm $RC "$ERR" "" $((4*$MAXWAIT))
                #  errwait $VMERRWAIT
                let VMERRORS+=$((RC/2))
                if test $RC != 0; then
                  sendalarm $RC "$ERR" "" $((4*$MAXWAIT))
                  errwait $VMERRWAIT
                # Attach and config 2ndary NICs
                MSTOP=$(date +%s)
                # Full connection test
                if test -n "$FULLCONN" -a -z "$INTERRUPTED" -a ! -e stop-os-hm; then
                  # Test for FPERR instead?
                  if test $FPERR -gt 0; then
                    sendalarm 2 "Connectivity errors" "$FPERR + $FPRETRY\n$ERR" 5
                    errwait $ERRWAIT
                  elif test $FPRETRY != 0; then
                   echo -e "${YELLOW}Warning:${NORM} Needed $FPRETRY ping retries"
                  log_grafana ping stats $FPRETRY $FPERR
                  if test -n "$SECONDNET" -a -n "$RESHUFFLE"; then
                    if test $FPERR -gt 0; then
                      log_grafana ping stats $FPRETRY $FPERR
                      sendalarm 2 "Connectivity errors" "$FPERR + $FPRETRY\n$ERR" 5
                      errwait $ERRWAIT
		  if test -n "$IPERF"; then iperf3test; fi
                  #MSTOP=$(date +%s)
                # TODO: Create disk ... and attach to JH VMs ... and test access
                # TODO: Attach additional net interfaces to JHs ... and test IP addr
                # Test load balancer
                if test -n "$LOADBALANCER" -a $LBERRORS = 0 -a -z "$INTERRUPTED" -a ! -e stop-os-hm; then
                TESTTIME=$(($(date +%s)-$MSTOP))
                echo -e "$BOLD *** SETUP DONE ($(($MSTOP-$MSTART))s), TESTS DONE (${TESTTIME}s), DELETE AGAIN $NORM"
                let SUCCRUNS+=1
		sleep 1
		if test $SUCCWAIT -ge 0; then echo -n "Sleep ... (safe to hit ^C) ..."; sleep $SUCCWAIT; echo;
		else echo -n "Hit enter to continue ..."; read ANS; fi
                # Refresh token if needed
                if test -n "$TOKENSTAMP" && test $(($(date +%s)-$TOKENSTAMP)) -ge 36000; then
                  TOKENSTAMP=$(date +%s)
                # Subtract waiting time (5s here)
                MSTART=$(($MSTART+$(date +%s)-$MSTOP))
                if test -n "$LOADBALANCER" -a "$LBACTIVE" = "1"; then cleanLBs; fi
               # TODO: Detach and delete disks again
              fi; #JH wait successful
             fi; deleteVMs
            fi; deleteFIPs
           fi; deleteJHVMs
          fi; deleteKeypairs
         fi; waitdelVMs; deleteVols
        fi; waitdelJHVMs
        #echo -e "${BOLD}Ignore port del errors; VM cleanup took care already.${NORM}"
        #if test -n "$SECONDNET" -o -n "$MANUALPORTSETUP"; then deletePorts; fi
        #deletePorts; deleteJHPorts	# not strictly needed, ports are del by VM del
        unset IGNORE_ERRORS
       fi; deleteVIPs
      fi; waitLBs --nostat; deleteLBs
     # There is a chance that some VMs were not created, but ports were allocated, so clean ...
     fi; cleanupPorts; deleteSGroups
    fi # Wait for LBs to vanish, try deleting again, in case they had been in PENDING_XXXX before
    if ! waitdelLBs; then unset CLEANUPMODE LBDSTATS; LBAASS=(${DELLBAASS[*]}); deleteLBs; waitdelLBs; fi
    unset CLEANUPMODE; deleteRIfaces
   fi; deleteSubNets
  fi; deleteNets
 # We may recycle the router
 if test $(($loop+1)) == $MAXITER -o -n "$INTERRUPTED" -o $((($loop+1)%$ROUTERITER)) == 0 -o -e stop-os-hm; then deleteRouters; fi
 #echo "${NETSTATS[*]}"
 echo -e "$BOLD *** Cleanup complete *** $NORM"
 # Only account successful runs for total runtime stats
 if test -n "$THISRUNSUCCESS"; then
 # Raise an alarm if we have not yet sent one and we're very slow despite this
 if test -n "$OPENSTACKTOKEN"; then
   if test -n "$BOOTALLATONCE"; then CON=400; NFACT=12; FACT=24; else CON=384; NFACT=12; FACT=36; fi
   if test -n "$BOOTALLATONCE"; then CON=416; NFACT=16; FACT=24; else CON=400; NFACT=16; FACT=36; fi
 if test "$VOLNEEDSTAG" == "1"; then let FACT+=2; fi
 if test -n "$SECONDNET"; then let MAXCYC+=$(($NFACT*$NONETS+$NFACT*$NOVMS)); fi
 if test -n "$RESHUFFLE"; then let MAXCYC+=$((2*$NFACT*$NOVMS)); fi
 if test -n "$FULLCONN"; then let MAXCYC+=$(($NOVMS*$NOVMS/10)); fi
 if test -n "$IPERF"; then let MAXCYC+=$((6*$NONETS)); fi
 if test -n "$LOADBALANCER"; then let MAXCYC+=$((36+4*$NOVMS+$WAITLB)); fi
 if test -n "$SKIPKILLLB"; then let MAXCYC-=$((20+2*$NOVMS)); fi
 # FIXME: We could check THISRUNSUCCESS instead?
 if test $VMERRORS = 0 -a $WAITERRORS = 0 -a $THISRUNTIME -gt $MAXCYC; then
    sendalarm 1 "SLOW PERFORMANCE" "Cycle time: $THISRUNTIME (max $MAXCYC)" $MAXCYC
    #waiterr $WAITERR
 if test -z "$THISRUNSUCCESS"; then let SLOW+=1; fi
 RELPERF=$(echo "scale=2; 10*$THISRUNTIME/$MAXCYC" | bc -l)
 log_grafana "totDur" "$MAXCYC" "$RELPERF" "$SLOW"
 if test -n "$FULLCONN"; then CONNTXT="$CONNERRORS Conn Errors, "; else CONNTXT=""; fi
 if test -n "$LOADBALANCER"; then LBTXT="$LBERRORS LB Errors, "; else LBTXT=""; fi
 echo -e "This run ($((loop+1))/$MAXITER): Overall $ROUNDVMS / ($NOVMS + $NOAZS) VMs, $APICALLS CLI calls: $(($(date +%s)-$MSTART))s+${TESTTIME}s=${THISRUNTIME}s $((100*$THISRUNTIME/$MAXCYC))%\n $VMERRORS VM login errors, $WAITERRORS VM timeouts, $APIERRORS API errors (of which $APITIMEOUTS API timeouts), $PINGERRORS Ping Errors\n ${CONNTXT}${LBTXT}$(date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z')"
#  usage
let RUNS+=1