Project for Various Tests on W55RP20
- You can start this quickly with these compiled files.
Explore the basic functions of the W55RP20 through shell-based commands.
Use the following commands to initialize the W5500 in PIO mode on the RP2040.
/bin/w5500 init spipio 32
/bin/w5500 init spipio 4
/bin/w5500 init spinormal 8 (N/A)
Use the following commands to read and write to the W5500 registers or check basic information. Below is an example of writing a MAC address directly to the MAC Address register of the W5500.
Use the following commands to integrate with lwIP using MAC Raw mode.
Use the following commands to check the values of the W5500's Common and Socket registers. The updates occur approximately every 100ms, and you can observe changes in the Ethernet PHY link status through simple actions like plugging/unplugging the LAN cable.
Use the following commands to check the memory map of the RP2040.
/bin/pico memory
/bin/pico memory 0 00000000 00000100
/bin/pico memory 1 40000000 40010000
/bin/pico memory 2 40000000 40010000
Use the following commands to check the status of the RP2040's GPIO or perform simple tests.
Use the following commands to check throughput of W55RP20 with iPerf-tool.
Use the following commands to send or receive raw packet data in W5500 MacRaw mode.
Below is an example of testing W5500's MacRaw mode.
The packet sent above was successfully received on the PC.
The packet was created using Colasoft Packet Builder.
The following is a screen showing packet data received in W5500's MacRaw mode.
/bin/w5500 init spipio 32
/bin/w5500 init spipio 4
/bin/w5500 init spinormal 8 (X)
/bin/w5500 info
/bin/w5500 readbuff 0009 16
/bin/w5500 writebuff 0009 0008dcaabbee
/bin/w5500 register
/bin/w5500 lwip
/bin/pico memory
/bin/pico memory 0 0 0
/bin/pico memory 0 00000000 00000100
/bin/pico memory 1 40000000 40010000
/bin/pico memory 2 40000000 40010000
/bin/pico pins
/bin/pico gpiotest
/bin/pico spi c1,cd3,010203
/bin/w5500 macraw socket
/bin/w5500 macraw send
ffffffffffff 0008dc112233 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
/bin/w5500 macraw recv
/bin/w5500 macraw close