description |
List of tables in Cassandra database used in Notification service |
Column Name | Data Type | Description | Sample Value |
id | text | UUID, notification ID | 1d48ab59-71c1-45a9-add4-44e78a333eb6 |
createdby | text | UUID, notification feed created by | d9b6751b-7d49-42e0-840a-209acff2dcee |
createdon | timestamp | Notification feed created on | 2021-12-10 07:08:14.545000+0000 |
action | text | Notification feed content. | {"template":{"ver":"4.5.0","data":"{"description":"You have earned a certificate! Download it from your profile page.","title":"New Cert Course 4.5 "}","type":"JSON"},"createdBy":{"id":null,"type":"system"},"additionalInfo":{"actionType":"certificateUpdate","identifier":"do_213432103242072064167","type":1},"type":"certificateUpdate","category":"Notification"} |
category | text | Feed category Available values: notification/ group | Notification |
expireon | timestamp | Notification feed expires on | 2021-12-10 07:08:21.841000+0000 |
priority | int | Priortiy of the notification-feed | 1 |
status | text | Status of the feed Available values: read/unread | read |
updatedby | text | UUID, notification feed last updated by | d9b6751b-7d49-42e0-840a-209acff2dcee |
updatedon | timestamp | Notification feed last updated on | 2021-12-10 07:08:14.545000+0000 |
userid | text | UUID, user id | 02b8bade-c8ed-44c7-87fd-ebabeaed98c2 |
version | text | Version of the feed | v1 |
Column Name | Data Type | Description | Sample Value |
templateId | text | Template ID | context-assigned |
config | map<text, text> | Condiguration value map for the data in the template | |
type | text | Type of the template supporting values: xml, json |
ver | text | Version of the template | 4.4.3 |
data | text | Actual data of the template | {"title": "${param1} has been assigned to ${param2} by ${param3}"} |
template_schema | text | Template schema | {"$schema":"#/definition/params","title":"params context","description":"properties Data","type":"object","properties":{"param1":{"description":"property 1 value","type":"string"},"param2":{"description":"property 2 value","type":"string"},"param3":{"description":"property 3 value","type":"string"}},"required":["param1","param2","param3"] } |
createdOn | timestamp | Template created on | 2023-02-22 08:09:40.335000+0000 |
lastUpdatedOn | timestamp | Template last updated on | 2022-07-25 04:58:11.576000+0000 |
createdBy | text | UUID, Template created by | fca2925f-1eee-4654-9177-fece3fd6afc9 |
lastUpdatedBy | text | UUID, Template last update by | fca2925f-1eee-4654-9177-fece3fd6afc9 |
Column Name | Data Type | Description | Sample Value |
action | text | Name of the action template | group-activity-added |
templateid | text | Template ID | context-assigned |
type | text | Type of action template | FEED |
Column Name | Data Type | Description | Sample Value |
id | text | UUID, User ID | 9613f870-f560-4550-bb9b-27e14c168d80 |
feedid | text | UUID, Feed ID | 21ae13fa-9d1c-42c3-8ad9-2fe04e3d7323 |
status | text | status of feed with respect to user | deleted |