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File metadata and controls

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JWE-Helper library helps use the JSON Web Encryption - RFC7516 standard. It has chosen the following algorithms for alg and enc.

alg: RSA_OAEP_256
enc: AES_256_GCM


All the functions of JWE are defined as part of the JweRequest interface.

Sender's End

The input parameters are the protected-headers and the payload. These JSON objects are taken as Java hMap<String, Object> objects.

The output format of the encrypted-object is a JSON object similar to the Flattened JWE JSON Serialization Syntax defined in Section 7.2.2 of RFC7516. The difference is that the JWE-Helper library does not support unprotected-header, header, and aad. The output encrypted-object is also a Java Map<String, Object> object.

    "protected": "<integrity-protected header contents>",
    "encrypted_key": "<encrypted key contents>",
    "iv": "<initialization vector contents>",
    "ciphertext": "<ciphertext contents>",
    "tag": "<authentication tag contents>"

Receiver's End

The receiver will get the above-defined encrypted-object. It will have to pass the encrypted-object as a Java Map<String, Object> object to the JweRequest. After decrypting, the receiver will get protected-header and payload as Java Map<String, Object> objects.


Working sample code for the two methods is present in the JweRequestTest

Encrypt the object on Sender's end

JweRequest jweRequest = new JweRequest(headers, payload);
jweRequest.encryptRequest((RSAPublicKey) publicKey);
HashMap<String, Object> encryptedObject = jweRequest.getEncryptedObject();
System.out.println("Encrypted Object: " + encryptedObject.toString());

Decrypting the object on Receiver's end

JweRequest jweRequest = new JweRequest(encryptedObject);
jweRequest.decryptRequest((RSAPrivateKey) privateKey);
Map<String, Object> retrievedHeader = jweRequest.getHeaders();
Map<String, Object> retrievedPayload = jweRequest.getPayload();

Supportive Functions

Private Key Loader and Public Key Loader are provided as supportive util functions to load private and public keys from X509 formatted value.

Private Key Loader

It loads a Private Key from an X509 format and returns an RSAPrivateKey object that can be used to decrypt JweRequest. An example of a private key in X509 format is present in the test resources directory. The util functions are available to load the key from a File, String, or a Reader object.

RSAPrivateKey rsaPrivateKey =
        PrivateKeyLoader.loadRSAPrivateKeyFromPem(new File(baseURL + filePathToPrivateKey));

Public Key Loader

It loads a Public Key from a self-signed certificate in X509 format and returns an RSAPublicKey object that can be used to encrypt JweRequest. An example of a self-signed certificate is available in the test resources directory. The util functions are available to load from a File, URL, or a Reader object.

File file = new File(baseURL + filePathToSelfSignedCertificate);
FileReader fileReader = new FileReader(file);
RSAPublicKey rsaPublicKey = PublicKeyLoader.loadPublicKeyFromX509Certificate(fileReader);