{% code title="manifest.xml" %}
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/shopware/platform/trunk/src/Core/Framework/App/Manifest/Schema/manifest-2.0.xsd">
<!-- This is the element for the technical name of your app and must equal the name of the folder your app is contained in -->
<!-- In this element, you can set a label for your app. To include translations use the `lang` attribute -->
<label lang="de-DE">Name</label>
<!-- Translatable, a description of your app -->
<description>A description</description>
<description lang="de-DE">Eine Beschreibung</description>
<author>Your Company Ltd.</author>
<copyright>(c) by Your Company Ltd.</copyright>
<!-- Optional, you can set the path to an icon that should be shown for your app, the icon needs to a `png` file -->
<!-- Optional, in this element you can link to your privacy policy -->
<!-- Optional, Translatable, in this element you can describe the changes the shop owner needs to apply to his shops privacy policy, e.g. because you process personal information on an external server -->
This app processes following personal information on servers based in the U.S.:
- Address information
- Order positions
- Order value
<privacyPolicyExtensions lang="de-DE">
Diese App verarbeitet folgende personenbezogene Daten auf Servern in den USA:
- Adress-Informationen
- Bestellpositionen
- Bestellsumme
<!-- Optional, can be omitted if no communication between Shopware and your app is needed -->
<!-- The URL which will be used for the registration -->
<!-- Dev only, the secret that is used to sign the registration request -->
<!-- Optional, can be omitted if your app does not need permissions -->
<!-- request each permission your app needs -->
<!-- Since version your app can request additional non-CRUD privileges-->
<!-- Optional, a list of all external endpoints your app communicates with (since -->
<!-- Optional -->
<!-- register webhooks you want to receive, keep in mind that the name needs to be unique -->
<webhook name="product-changed" url="https://example.com/event/product-changed" event="product.written"/>
<!-- Optional, can be omitted if the Administration should not be extended -->
<!-- Optional, entry point for the Admin Extension API (since -->
<!-- Register a custom module that is used as a parent menu entry for other modules -->
<module name="myAdminModules"
<label>My modules</label>
<label lang="de-DE">Meine Module</label>
<!-- Register a custom module (iframe), that should be loaded from the given source -->
<module name="exampleModule"
<label>Example Module</label>
<label lang="de-DE">Beispiel Modul</label>
<!-- Register a module that is opened from the app store and your list of installed apps -->
<main-module source="https://example.com/main-module"/>
<!-- Register action buttons that should be displayed in the detail and listing pages of the Administration -->
<!-- view is one of: "list", "detail" -->
<action-button action="setPromotion" entity="promotion" view="detail" url="https://example.com/promotion/set-promotion">
<label>set Promotion</label>
<action-button action="deletePromotion" entity="promotion" view="detail" url="https://example.com/promotion/delete-promotion">
<label>delete Promotion</label>
<action-button action="restockProduct" entity="product" view="list" url="https://example.com/restock">
<!-- Optional -->
<!-- register each custom field set you may want to add -->
<!-- the technical name of the custom field set, needs to be unique, therefor use your vendor prefix -->
<!-- Translatable, the label of the field set -->
<label>Example Set</label>
<label lang="de-DE">Beispiel-Set</label>
<!-- define the entities to which your field set should be assigned -->
<!-- define the fields in your set -->
<!-- the element type, defines the type of the field -->
<!-- the name needs to be unique, therefore use your vendor prefix -->
<text name="swag_code">
<!-- Translatable, the label of the field -->
<label>Example field</label>
<!-- Optional, Default = 1, order your fields by specifying the position -->
<!-- Optional, Default = false, mark a field as required -->
<!-- Optional, Translatable, the help text for the field -->
<help-text>Example field</help-text>
<float name="swag_test_float_field">
<label>Test float field</label>
<label lang="de-DE">Test-Kommazahlenfeld</label>
<help-text>This is an float field.</help-text>
<!-- some elements allow more configuration, like placeholder, main and max values etc. -->
<!-- Your IDE should give you pretty good autocompletion support to explore the configuration for a given type -->
<placeholder>Enter an float...</placeholder>
<!-- Add a single cookie to cookie consent manager -->
<!-- The technical name of the cookie -->
<!-- Key of a Storefront snippet that represents the cookie's label in the consent manager -->
<!-- Key of a Storefront snippet that represents the cookie's description in the consent manager -->
<!-- A value that should be set to the cookie when the user accepts it -->
<value>a static value for the cookie</value>
<!-- Expiration in days -->
<!-- Add a cookie group to cookie consent manager -->
<!-- Key of a Storefront snippet that represents the cookie group's label in the consent manager -->
<!-- Key of a Storefront snippet that represents the cookie group's description in the consent manager -->
<!-- Add a collection of single cookies to the group -->
<value>a static value for the cookie</value>
<!-- The identifier of the payment method (and the app name) should not change. Otherwise a separate method is created. -->
<!-- Translatable, a name of your payment method -->
<name>Asynchronous payment</name>
<name lang="de-DE">Asynchrone Zahlung</name>
<!-- Optional, Translatable, a description of your payment method -->
<description>This payment method requires forwarding to payment provider.</description>
<description lang="de-DE">Diese Zahlungsmethode erfordert eine Weiterleitung zu einem Zahlungsanbieter.</description>
<!-- Optional for synchronous payments, required for asynchronous payments. -->
<!-- Optional, without the payment method becomes synchronous. -->
<!-- Optional, you can set the path relative to the manifest.xml to an icon that should be shown for your payment app -->
<!-- The identifier of the rule condition must be unique should not change. Otherwise a separate rule condition is created and uses of the old one are lost. -->
<!-- Translatable, a name of your rule condition -->
<name>Custom condition</name>
<name lang="de-DE">Eigene Bedingung</name>
<!-- A thematic group the condition should be assigned too, available groups are: general, customer, cart, item, promotion, misc -->
<!-- The *.twig file that contains the corresponding script for the condition. It must be placed in the directory Resources/scripts/rule-conditions starting from your app's root directory -->
<!-- Define the fields you want the user to fill out for use as data within your condition -->
<!-- the element type, defines the type of the field -->
<!-- the elements available here are the same as for custom fields -->
<single-select name="operator">
<placeholder>Choose an operator...</placeholder>
<placeholder lang="de-DE">Bitte Operatoren wählen</placeholder>
<option value="=">
<name>Is equal to</name>
<name lang="de-DE">Ist gleich</name>
<option value="!=">
<name>Is not equal to</name>
<name lang="de-DE">Ist nicht gleich</name>
<text name="firstName">
<placeholder>Enter first name</placeholder>
<placeholder lang="de-DE">Bitte Vornamen eingeben</placeholder>
{% endcode %}