These commands can be executed using the Shopware command line interface (CLI), located within your Shopware project.
$ bin/console [command] [parameters]
Command |
Description |
about |
Displays information about the current project |
help |
Displays help for a command |
list |
Lists commands |
Command |
Description |
administration:delete-files-after-build |
Deletes all unnecessary files of the administration after the build process |
Command |
Description |
app:activate |
Activates the app in the folder with the given name |
app:create |
Creates an app skeleton |
app:deactivate |
Deactivates the app in the folder with the given name |
app:install |
Installs the app in the folder with the given name |
app:refresh |
[app:update] Refreshes the installed apps |
app:uninstall |
Uninstalls the app |
app:url-change:resolve |
Resolves changes in the app URL and how the app system should handle it. |
app:validate |
Checks manifests for errors |
Command |
Description |
assets:install |
Command |
Description |
bundle:dump |
[administration:dump:plugins|administration:dump:bundles] Creates a JSON file with the configuration for each active Shopware bundle. |
Command |
Description |
cache:clear |
Clears the cache |
cache:pool:clear |
Clears cache pools |
cache:pool:delete |
Deletes an item from a cache pool |
cache:pool:list |
Lists available cache pools |
cache:pool:prune |
Prunes cache pools |
cache:warmup |
Warms up an empty cache |
Command |
Description |
cart:migrate |
Migrates carts from redis to database |
Command |
Description |
changelog:change |
Returns all changes made in a specific / unreleased version. |
changelog:check |
Checks the validation of a given changelog file or of all files in the "changelog/_unreleased" folder |
changelog:create |
Creates a changelog markdown file in /changelog/_unreleased |
changelog:release |
Creates or updates the final changelog for a new release |
Command |
Description |
config:dump-reference |
Dumps the default configuration for an extension |
Command |
Description |
customer:delete-unused-guests |
Deletes unused guest customers |
Command |
Description |
dal:create:entities |
Creates the entity classes |
dal:create:hydrators |
Creates the hydrator classes |
dal:create:schema |
Creates the database schema |
dal:refresh:index |
Refreshes the index for a given entity |
dal:validate |
Validates the DAL definitions |
Command |
Description |
database:clean-personal-data |
Cleans personal data from the database |
database:create-migration |
Creates a new migration file |
database:migrate |
Executes all migrations |
database:migrate-destructive |
Executes all migrations |
database:refresh-migration |
Refreshes the migration state |
Command |
Description |
debug:autowiring |
Lists classes/interfaces you can use for autowiring |
debug:business-events |
Dumps all business events |
debug:config |
Dumps the current configuration for an extension |
debug:container |
Displays current services for an application |
debug:event-dispatcher |
Displays configured listeners for an application |
debug:messenger |
Lists messages you can dispatch using the message buses |
debug:router |
Displays current routes for an application |
debug:translation |
Displays translation messages information |
debug:twig |
Shows a list of twig functions, filters, globals and tests |
Command |
Description |
es:admin:index |
Indexes the elasticsearch for the admin search |
es:admin:reset |
Reset Admin Elasticsearch indexing |
es:admin:test |
Allows you to test the admin search index |
es:create:alias |
Creates the elasticsearch alias |
es:index |
Reindexes all entities to elasticsearch |
es:index:cleanup |
Cleans outdated indices |
es:reset |
Resets the elasticsearch index |
es:status |
Shows the status of the elasticsearch index |
es:test:analyzer |
Allows to test an elasticsearch analyzer |
Command |
Description |
feature:dump |
[administration:dump:features] Creates a JSON file with feature config for JS testing and hot reloading capabilities |
Command |
Description |
framework:demodata |
Generates demo data |
framework:dump:class:schema |
Dumps the schema of the given entity |
framework:schema |
Dumps the api definition to a json file. |
Command |
Description |
http:cache:warm:up |
Warms up the HTTP cache |
Command |
Description |
import:entity |
Imports entities from a CSV file |
Command |
Description |
import-export:delete-expired |
Deletes all expired import/export files |
Command |
Description |
lint:container |
Ensures that arguments injected into services match type declarations |
lint:twig |
Lints a Twig template and outputs encountered errors |
lint:xliff |
Lints a XLIFF file and outputs encountered errors |
lint:yaml |
Lints a YAML file and outputs encountered errors |
Command |
Description |
mailer:test |
Tests Mailer transports by sending an email |
Command |
Description |
media:delete-unused |
Deletes all media files that are never used. Use the --dry-run flag to see a paginated list of files that will be deleted, without actually deleting them. Use the --grace-period-days=10 to set a grace period for unused media, meaning only media uploaded before the current date and time minus 10 days will be considered for deletion. The default is 20 and therefore any media uploaded in the previous 20 days will not be considered for deletion even if it is unused. Use the --folder-entity flag to target only a specific folder (e.g. --folder-entity=PRODUCT to purge all product images) |
media:generate-media-types |
Generates the media types for all media entities |
media:generate-thumbnails |
Generates the thumbnails for all media entities |
Command |
Description |
messenger:consume |
Consumes messages |
messenger:failed:remove |
Removes given messages from the failure transport |
messenger:failed:retry |
Retries one or more messages from the failure transport |
messenger:failed:show |
Shows one or more messages from the failure transport |
messenger:setup-transports |
Prepares the required infrastructure for the transport |
messenger:stats |
Shows the message count for one or more transports |
messenger:stop-workers |
Stops workers after their current message |
Command |
Description |
number-range:migrate |
Migrates the increment storage of a number range |
Command |
Description |
plugin:activate |
Activates given plugins |
plugin:create |
Creates a plugin skeleton |
plugin:deactivate |
Deactivates given plugins |
plugin:install |
Installs given plugins |
plugin:list |
Lists all plugins |
plugin:refresh |
Refreshes the plugins list in the storage from the file system |
plugin:uninstall |
Uninstalls given plugins |
plugin:update |
Updates given plugins |
plugin:zip-import |
Imports a plugin from a zip file |
Command |
Description |
product-export:generate |
Generates a product export file |
Command |
Description |
router:match |
Helps debug routes by simulating a path info match |
Command |
Description |
s3:set-visibility |
Sets the visibility of all files in the s3 filesystem to public |
Command |
Description |
sales-channel:create |
Creates a new sales channel |
sales-channel:create:storefront |
Creates a new storefront sales channel |
sales-channel:list |
Lists all sales channels |
sales-channel:maintenance:disable |
Disables maintenance mode for a sales channel |
sales-channel:maintenance:enable |
Enables maintenance mode for a sales channel |
sales-channel:update:domain |
Updates a sales channel domain |
Command |
Description |
scheduled-task:register |
Registers all scheduled tasks |
scheduled-task:run |
Runs scheduled tasks |
Command |
Description |
secrets:decrypt-to-local |
Decrypts all secrets and stores them in the local vault |
secrets:encrypt-from-local |
Encrypts all local secrets to the vault |
secrets:generate-keys |
Generates new encryption keys |
secrets:list |
Lists all secrets |
secrets:remove |
Removes a secret from the vault |
secrets:set |
Sets a secret in the vault |
Command |
Description |
sitemap:generate |
Generates sitemaps for a given shop (or all active ones) |
Command |
Description |
snippets:validate |
Validates snippets |
Command |
Description |
state-machine:dump |
Dumps a state machine to a graphviz file |
Command |
Description |
store:download |
Downloads a plugin from the store |
store:login |
Login for the store |
Command |
Description |
system:config:get |
Gets a config value |
system:config:set |
Sets a config value |
system:configure-shop |
Configures the shop |
system:generate-app-secret |
Generates a new app secret |
system:generate-jwt-secret |
Generates a new JWT secret |
system:install |
Installs the Shopware 6 system |
system:setup |
Setup the system |
system:update:finish |
Finishes the update process |
system:update:prepare |
Prepares the update process |
Command |
Description |
theme:change |
Changes the active theme for a sales channel |
theme:compile |
Compiles the theme |
theme:create |
Creates a theme skeleton |
theme:dump |
Dumps the theme configuration |
theme:prepare-icons |
Prepares the theme icons |
theme:refresh |
Refreshes the theme configuration |
Command |
Description |
user:change-password |
Changes the password of a user |
user:create |
Creates a new user |