Retrieves the details of a specific discipline log for a student
- School's have the ability to disable the student/family viewing of discipline logs. A 403 Forbidden will be returned with a note stating "Your school has disabled viewing of discipline logs." if this is the case.
- Not all Discipline Logs include a "Victim" field. The field will be returned if there are values present.
On Success: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Nothing To Return: HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Failed Authentication: HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
Field | Description |
Date | The date (YYYY-MM-DD) that the log was created |
Violation | The title of the school created discipline violation |
Points | Integer representing the point value of the violation |
Author | The name of the school staff who created the log |
Created | The datetime (YYYY-MM-DD H:i:s) that the log was created |
Description | The textual description of the discipline violation as recorded by staff |
Quarter | The academic quarter that the violation took place in |
Resolution | The text entered by the staff describing how th violation was handeled |
Victim | The name of the student who was in the victim role during this violation |
ManagerNotified | Boolean value indiciating whether a note was sent to the Discipline Manager about this log |
FamilyNotified | Boolean value indiciating whether a note was sent to the student's family about this log |
StudentNotified | Boolean value indiciating whether a note was sent to the student about this log |
"Date": "2015-01-25",
"Violation": "Talking Back",
"Points": "3",
"Author": "Brock Ellis",
"Created": "2015-01-25 15:23:12",
"Quarter": "3",
"Description": "Were coloring on the walls with crayon.",
"Resolution": "Made them wash it off.",
"ManagerNotified": "0",
"FamilyNotified": "0",
"StudentNotified": "0",