Docs are based on:
, a dynamic , markdown based generator.mdoc
, typechecked scala/markdown compiler
The source for the docs is in yourProject/docs
, the website in
. The currently deployed website is in the
To preview the site locally, you need to install:
npm i docsify-cli -g
then, start mdoc in an sbt session:
sbt docs/mdoc --watch
and docsify in a shell session:
cd yourProject/target/website
docsify serve .
and you'll get an updating preview.
Note that mdoc
watches the markdown files, so if you change the code
itself it will need a manual recompile.
uses 3 special files: index.html
the sidebar needs to have a specific format:
- newlines in between headers
- and no extra modifiers inside links
(or collapse will not work)
Push a vx.y.z
tag on main
to release. It will fail if semver isn't
respected wrt bincompat.
Docs are released automatically on each code release, if you need a
docs-only deploy, (force) push main
to the docs-deploy
To change/add branches to release:
ThisBuild / spiewakMainBranches := Seq("main", "develop")
To relax semver:
ThisBuild / strictSemVer := false
To publish snapshot on every main build:
ThisBuild / spiewakCiReleaseSnapshots := true
If you are publishing snapshots, you need to make sure that new
commits are fully built before you push a proper release tag: push
, wait for the snapshot release to complete, and then push the