From a700d5ffaa58c83d8ec4655505e58dfb315ffdec Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Edyta Pawlak <>
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2023 16:57:35 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] feat: extract nested attributes from oca-file

 oca-ast/src/ast/                |   4 +-
 oca-ast/src/ast/                       |   2 -
 oca-file/src/ocafile/instructions/     |   1 -
 oca-file/src/ocafile/instructions/ | 173 +++++++------------
 oca-file/src/ocafile/                  |  29 +++-
 5 files changed, 86 insertions(+), 123 deletions(-)

diff --git a/oca-ast/src/ast/ b/oca-ast/src/ast/
index 61b2323..c9b6da3 100644
--- a/oca-ast/src/ast/
+++ b/oca-ast/src/ast/
@@ -22,11 +22,11 @@ use super::{AttributeType, RefValue};
 /// Object: can be inline object which can have nested attributes types
 /// Array: is an array of specific type (only one type allowed)
 pub enum NestedAttrType {
-    #[serde(serialize_with = "array_serializer")]
-    Array(Box<NestedAttrType>),
     Object(IndexMap<String, NestedAttrType>),
+    #[serde(serialize_with = "array_serializer")]
+    Array(Box<NestedAttrType>),
     /// Indicator that attribute was removed and does not need any type
diff --git a/oca-ast/src/ast/ b/oca-ast/src/ast/
index 10f0d1b..0f842fd 100644
--- a/oca-ast/src/ast/
+++ b/oca-ast/src/ast/
@@ -939,8 +939,6 @@ impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for ObjectKind {
 mod tests {
-    use log::debug;
     use super::*;
diff --git a/oca-file/src/ocafile/instructions/ b/oca-file/src/ocafile/instructions/
index fa7663d..68d2589 100644
--- a/oca-file/src/ocafile/instructions/
+++ b/oca-file/src/ocafile/instructions/
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ impl AddInstruction {
                                         info!("Parsed attribute: {:?} = {:?}", key, value);
-                                        // TODO find out how to parse nested objects
                                         attributes.insert(key, value);
                                     } else {
                                         debug!("Attribute skipped");
diff --git a/oca-file/src/ocafile/instructions/ b/oca-file/src/ocafile/instructions/
index 1c11311..90da1c6 100644
--- a/oca-file/src/ocafile/instructions/
+++ b/oca-file/src/ocafile/instructions/
@@ -2,10 +2,67 @@ use std::str::FromStr;
 use indexmap::IndexMap;
 use log::debug;
-use oca_ast::ast::{NestedValue, AttributeType, NestedAttrType, Content, RefValue};
+use oca_ast::ast::{NestedValue, AttributeType, NestedAttrType, Content, RefValue, attributes::NestedAttrTypeFrame};
+use recursion::ExpandableExt;
 use said::SelfAddressingIdentifier;
 use crate::ocafile::{Pair, Rule};
+fn extract(input: Pair) -> NestedAttrType {
+    NestedAttrType::expand_frames(input, |seed| {
+        match seed.as_rule() {
+            Rule::_attr_type => {
+                let mut inner = seed.into_inner();
+                let inner_pair =;
+                match inner_pair.as_rule() {
+                    Rule::base_attr_type => {
+                        let attr_type = AttributeType::from_str(inner_pair.as_span().as_str()).unwrap();
+                        NestedAttrTypeFrame::Value(attr_type)
+                    },
+                    Rule::object_attr_type => {
+                        NestedAttrTypeFrame::Object(extract_object(inner_pair))
+                    },
+                    Rule::array_attr_type => {
+                        NestedAttrTypeFrame::Array(inner_pair.into_inner().next().unwrap())
+                    },
+                    _ => todo!()
+                }
+            },
+            Rule::base_attr_type => {
+                let attr_type = AttributeType::from_str(seed.as_span().as_str()).unwrap();
+                NestedAttrTypeFrame::Value(attr_type)
+            },
+            Rule::reference => {
+                NestedAttrTypeFrame::Reference(oca_ast::ast::RefValue::Name(seed.as_str().to_string()))
+            },
+            Rule::said => {
+                let said = SelfAddressingIdentifier::from_str(seed.as_str()).unwrap();
+                NestedAttrTypeFrame::Reference(RefValue::Said(said))
+            },
+            Rule::object_attr_type => {
+                NestedAttrTypeFrame::Object(extract_object(seed))
+            },
+            Rule::array_attr_type => {
+                NestedAttrTypeFrame::Array(seed)
+            },
+            r => {
+                panic!("Matching attr type didn't work. Unhandled Rule type: {:?}", r);
+            }
+        }
+    })
+fn extract_object(input_pair: Pair) -> IndexMap<String, Pair> {
+    let mut object_fields = input_pair.into_inner();
+    let mut idmap = IndexMap::new();
+    while let Some(field) = {
+        let key = field.as_span().as_str().to_owned();
+        let value =;
+        idmap.insert(key, value);
+    };
+    idmap
 pub fn extract_attribute_type(attr_pair: Pair) -> Option<(String, NestedAttrType)> {
     let mut attr_name = String::new();
     let mut attr_type = NestedAttrType::Value(AttributeType::Text);
@@ -14,120 +71,12 @@ pub fn extract_attribute_type(attr_pair: Pair) -> Option<(String, NestedAttrType
     for item in attr_pair.into_inner() {
         match item.as_rule() {
             Rule::attr_key => {
-                attr_name = item.as_str().to_string();
                 debug!("Extracting attribute key {:?}", attr_name);
-            },
-            Rule::object_attr_type => {
-                // TODO hack to make it work for ARRAY needs to be solved properly
-                debug!("Matching object attribute type from rule: {:?}", item);
-                let mut entries = IndexMap::new();
-                // TODO recurently parse nested objects
-                // Currently extract_attribute_type fn does not handle nested objects,
-                // ita always overwrites the attr
-                let (entry_key, entry_value) = extract_attribute_type(item).unwrap();
-                entries.insert(entry_key, entry_value);
-                attr_type = NestedAttrType::Object(entries);
-            },
-            Rule::_attr_type => {
-                debug!("Attribute type to parse: {:?}", item);
-                if let Some(attr_type_rule) = item.clone().into_inner().next() {
-                    match attr_type_rule.as_rule() {
-                        Rule::reference => {
-                            debug!("Matching referance {:?}", attr_type_rule);
-                            attr_type = NestedAttrType::Reference(oca_ast::ast::RefValue::Name(attr_type_rule.as_str().to_string()));
-                        },
-                        Rule::said => {
-                            debug!("Matching said reference: {:?}", attr_type_rule);
-                            let said = SelfAddressingIdentifier::from_str(attr_type_rule.as_str()).unwrap();
-                            attr_type = NestedAttrType::Reference(RefValue::Said(said));
-                        }
-                        Rule::base_attr_type => {
-                            debug!("Matching basic attribute type from rule: {}", attr_type_rule);
-                            match AttributeType::from_str(attr_type_rule.as_span().as_str()) {
-                                Ok(base_attr_type) => {
-                                    debug!("Attribute type: {:?}", base_attr_type);
-                                    attr_type = NestedAttrType::Value(base_attr_type);
-                                }
-                                Err(e) => {
-                                    panic!("Invalid attribute type {:?}", e);
-                                }
-                            }
-                        }
-                        Rule::array_attr_type => {
-                            debug!("Matching array attribute type from rule: {:?}", attr_type_rule);
-                            // TODO hack: First try basic type if doesn not work try to extract next level.
-                            for temp_attr_type in attr_type_rule.clone().into_inner() {
-                                match temp_attr_type.as_rule() {
-                                    Rule::base_attr_type => {
-                                        match AttributeType::from_str(temp_attr_type.as_span().as_str()) {
-                                            Ok(base_attr_type) => {
-                                                debug!("Attribute type: {:?}", base_attr_type);
-                                                attr_type = NestedAttrType::Value(base_attr_type);
-                                            }
-                                            Err(e) => {
-                                                panic!("Invalid attribute type {:?}", e);
-                                            }
-                                        }
-                                    }
-                                    _ => {
-                                        if let Some((_, inner_type)) = extract_attribute_type(temp_attr_type.clone()) {
-                                            // TODO recursion needed
-                                            match inner_type {
-                                                NestedAttrType::Value(base_attr_type) => {
-                                                    attr_type = NestedAttrType::Array(Box::new(NestedAttrType::Value(base_attr_type)));
-                                                }
-                                                NestedAttrType::Reference(ref_value) => {
-                                                    attr_type = NestedAttrType::Array(Box::new(NestedAttrType::Reference(ref_value)));
-                                                }
-                                                NestedAttrType::Object(entries) => {
-                                                    attr_type = NestedAttrType::Array(Box::new(NestedAttrType::Object(entries)));
-                                                }
-                                                NestedAttrType::Array(box_attr_type) => {
-                                                    attr_type = NestedAttrType::Array(Box::new(NestedAttrType::Array(box_attr_type)));
-                                                },
-                                                NestedAttrType::Null => todo!(),
-                                            }
-                                        }
-                                    }
-                                }
-                            }
-                        }
-                        Rule::ref_array => {
-                            debug!("Matching reference array type from rule: {:?}", attr_type_rule);
-                            if let Some(value) = attr_type_rule.clone().into_inner().next() {
-                                match value.as_rule() {
-                                    Rule::reference => {
-                                        attr_type = NestedAttrType::Array(Box::new(NestedAttrType::Reference(oca_ast::ast::RefValue::Name(value.as_str().to_string()))));
-                                    },
-                                    Rule::said => {
-                                        let said = SelfAddressingIdentifier::from_str(value.as_str()).unwrap(); // TODO
-                                        attr_type = NestedAttrType::Array(Box::new(NestedAttrType::Reference(RefValue::Said(said))));
-                                    },
-                                    _ => {
-                                        panic!("Invalid reference array value in {:?}", value.as_rule());
-                                    }
-                                }
-                            }
-                        }
-                        Rule::object_attr_type => {
-                            debug!("Matching object attribute type from rule: {:?}", attr_type_rule);
-                            let mut entries = IndexMap::new();
-                            // TODO recurently parse nested objects
-                            // Currently extract_attribute_type fn does not handle nested objects,
-                            // ita always overwrites the attr
-                            let (entry_key, entry_value) = extract_attribute_type(attr_type_rule).unwrap();
-                            entries.insert(entry_key, entry_value);
-                            attr_type = NestedAttrType::Object(entries);
-                        }
-                        _ => {
-                            panic!("Matching attr type didn't worked");
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
+                attr_name = item.as_str().to_string();
             _ => {
-                panic!("Invalid attribute in {:?}", item.as_rule());
+                debug!("Attribute type to parse: {:?}", item);
+                attr_type = extract(item);
diff --git a/oca-file/src/ocafile/ b/oca-file/src/ocafile/
index a225f42..aee4a06 100644
--- a/oca-file/src/ocafile/
+++ b/oca-file/src/ocafile/
@@ -166,11 +166,11 @@ fn oca_file_format(nested: NestedAttrType) -> String {
             format!("{}", value)
         NestedAttrTypeFrame::Object(obj) => {
-            let start = "Object {".to_string();
-            let end = "}".to_string();
+            let start = "Object({".to_string();
+            let end = "})".to_string();
             let inner_data = obj
-                .map(|(obj_key, obj_value)| format!(" {}={}", obj_key, obj_value));
+                .map(|(obj_key, obj_value)| format!("{}={}", obj_key, obj_value));
             let out = inner_data.collect::<Vec<_>>().join(", ");
             vec![start, out, end].join("")
@@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ ADD ENTRY pl ATTRS radio={"o1": "etykieta1", "o2": "etykieta2", "o3": "etykieta3
-    fn test_deserialization_ast_to_ocafile_attributes() {
+    fn test_attributes_from_ast_to_ocafile() {
         let unparsed_file = r#"ADD ATTRIBUTE name=Text age=Numeric
 ADD ATTRIBUTE list=Array[Text] el=Text
@@ -475,6 +475,24 @@ ADD ATTRIBUTE list=Array[Text] el=Text
+    #[test]
+    fn test_nested_attributes_from_ocafile_to_ast() {
+        let unparsed_file = 
+r#"ADD ATTRIBUTE name=Text age=Numeric car=Object({vin=Text, model=Text, year=Numeric})
+ADD ATTRIBUTE incidentals_spare_parts=Array[Object({part_number=Text, description=Text, unit=Text, quantity=Numeric})]
+        let oca_ast = parse_from_string(unparsed_file.to_string()).unwrap();
+        let ocafile = generate_from_ast(&oca_ast);
+        assert_eq!(
+            ocafile, unparsed_file,
+            "left:\n{} \n right:\n {}",
+            ocafile, unparsed_file
+        );
+    }
     fn test_oca_file_format() {
         let mut object_example = IndexMap::new();
@@ -496,7 +514,6 @@ ADD ATTRIBUTE list=Array[Text] el=Text
         let attr = NestedAttrType::Array(Box::new(NestedAttrType::Object(object_example)));
         let out = oca_file_format(attr);
-        assert_eq!(out, "Array[Object { name=Text,  age=Numeric,  data=refs:EJeWVGxkqxWrdGi0efOzwg1YQK8FrA-ZmtegiVEtAVcu}]");
-        println!("{}", out);
+        assert_eq!(out, "Array[Object({name=Text, age=Numeric, data=refs:EJeWVGxkqxWrdGi0efOzwg1YQK8FrA-ZmtegiVEtAVcu})]");