This template is a workshop and scheduled centered approach for instructors to prepare workshops.
- Reusable and disposable.
- Centered on schedule, time, learner and instructor experience. Is not organized around the content or the topics but around the activities that will take place in the workshop.
- Very easy to reuse and repurpose.
- Generated using jupyter books to take advantage of all the interesting features it has.
- Write your code in jupyter notebooks, test them and then generate the website, no need to rewrite the documents. This way you make sure that your code runs.
- Binder friendly.
- Provide a glossary of terms for you to prepare, but also for the audience. You can do it per day or you can have a general glossary.
- Focus on the experience of the workshop and organize the content according to the schedule.
- Take advantage of exercises and self study.
- Provide open office hours so that those struggling with exercises on their own can ask specific questions.
- Use the plenary and the groups to demonstrate, discuss, reflect and inspire.
- Provide exercises or preparation steps that motivate people.
- Provide exercises for after the workshops for those that are still interested in learning more.
- Emphasize that self learning nature of coding, craft and practice are fundamental. When it combines with collective gathering and peer learning it becomes more rewarding and inspiring.
- Duration. You can teach a lot in an hour, 4 hours, a week, a month or a semester. But time sets constrains on what is feasible and what can you cover. How much time you have to teach what you want, and how much time the audience is willing to put are the main constrains.
- Define audience and learning objectives
- Select the format
- Schedule the event
- Use preworkshop reminders to inspire the audience.
- Use a preworkshop survey to get info about the level of expertise of your audience.
- If your sessions are going to last more than 2 hours, do it with a buddy that can take over in shifts. This will make the experience more enjoyable.
- Dont pack the program, instead approach it in a flexible way where you can decide to go more in depth or less in depth depending on how your audience responds.
We assume you have some basic understanding of cli and programming.
- Install jupyter books
- On a Unix shell run