Date 18/04/2023
Status : Draft
This document is not a specification, but a profile. It outlines existing specifications required for implementations to interoperate among each other. It also clarifies mandatory to implement features for the optionalities mentioned in the referenced specifications.
- Thierry Thevenet (Talao)
- ?
- ?
- ?
- Use cases
* Legal entity
* Web3 - Open Standard Requirements
- Decentralized Identifiers
* Natural Persons
* Legal Entities - Verifiable Credentials
- Protocols
- Wallet
- Verifiable Data Registries
- To be done (company consent ?)
- To be done
A user of an ABF member goes to a service that offers the issuance of a loyalty card in the form of an NFT on the condition that this user is of French nationality and over 18 years old. The user presents the identity certificates he holds in his wallet which meet this requirement. Once identity checks are complete, the user will confirm that they are in control of a crypto account, then the company will issue a non-transferable, non-fungible token (NFT) to the user's crypto account. The NFT does not contain any user identity data; instead, the NFT symbolizes that the user has gone through the company's identity verification process and has a loyalty card. The user can then prove that he holds a loyalty card for all on-chain services of the issuing company and partners.
VCs MUST adhere to the VC Data Model v1.1 and be encoded as JSON and signed as JWT as defined in 6.3.1 of VC Data Model v1.1. VCs encoded as JSON-LD and signed using Linked Data Proofs are NOT supported.
For key management and authentication, Self-Issued OpenID Connect Provider v2, an extension to OpenID Connect, MUST be used as defined in SIOPv2 ID1.
For transportation of VCs, First Implementer’s Draft of OpenID for Verifiable Presentations MUST be used as defined in OpenID4VP.
As the query language, (Presentation Exchange v1.0.0)[] MUST be used and conform to the syntax defined in OpenID4VP ID1.
Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs), as defined in DID Core, MUST be used as identifiers of the entities.
DID Documents MUST use JsonWebKey2020 as the type for Verification Material intended for use in the profile. (DID Core section 5.2.1)
Verification Material intended for use in the profile MUST use publicKeyJwk (DID Core section 5.2.1).
To bind an owner of a DID to a controller of a certain origin, a Well Known DID Configuration MUST be used as defined in Well Known DID.
For Revocation of VCs, Status List 2021 as defined in Status List 2021 MUST be discovered using either DID Relative URLs stored in an Identity Hub as defined in Identity Hub (0.0.1 Predraft) or discovered using an HTTPS URL.
Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs), as defined in DID Core , MUST be used as identifiers of natural person entities. Implementations MUST support 'did:key', and 'did:ebsi' as mandatory DID methods.
The did:key
method is used to express public keys in a way that doesn't
require a DID Registry of any kind. Its general format is:
did:key:<multibase encoded, multicodec identified, public key>
So, for example, the following DID would be derived from a base-58 encoded ed25519 public key:
A complete description of this method is available here
The 'did:key' method used by EBSI is based on a specific multicodec. A complete description of this method is available here.
Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs), as defined in DID Core , MUST be used as identifiers of legal entities. Implementations MUST support 'did:ebsi', 'did:ala' and 'did:web' as mandatory DID methods as defined in did-web, did-ala and did:ebsi.
Expliquer comment resoudre ces DIDs
Supporeted digital signature :
- P-256 ES256 Required
- P-384 ES384 Optional
- P-521 ES512 Optional
- secp256k1 ES256K Optional
- Ed25519d OKP Optional
- PKCS1-v1_5 RS256 Optional.
For interoperability, the implementation of the P-256 curve is required.
x509 certificate use ?
- Format serialization : JWT
- Atomic credentials or data minimization
- Localization UK
- holder binding ?
- SIOPv2
- key management -> import/export
- data(VC) management -> import/export
- No mobile wallet onboarding
- user binding requirement -> authentication mode to be defined
- revocation VC or issuer server ?
- trusted issuer/verifier registry (company details)
- accreditation for registry updates -> gouvernance + paper
- legal entity onboarding -> verification status ()
- user onboarding -> “ABF” VC ??
- conformance -> wallet, issuer, verifier
- for registries
- vc attribute data on local ipfs node
- timestamping -> yes
- ledger implementation on ethereum
- list of available libs
- minimization of schema/data model
- anonymization of VCs -> correlation, etc
Profile examples :
W3C DID core :
Presentation Exchange
Credential Manifest :
DID registries
RFC algo
Protocoles :,,