Explore and discuss different ways to benchmark execution time of PostgreSQL queries.
- 2022.05.17: How To Benchmark PostgreSQL Queries Well
This project uses Docker to run the PostgreSQL database, to avoid installing a bunch of packages on your machine and potentially running into different platform and environment issues.
If you don't have Docker, please visit https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/.
To run the database with the example schema:
docker run --name=postgres \
--rm \
--volume=$(pwd)/schema.sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/schema.sql \
--volume=$(pwd):/repo \
--env=PSQLRC=/repo/.psqlrc \
postgres:latest \
-c shared_preload_libraries='pg_stat_statements' \
-c pg_stat_statements.track_planning=on
To open a psql prompt in that container, run the following in another terminal:
docker exec --interactive --tty \
--user=postgres \
--workdir=/repo \
postgres psql --username=postgres