Releases: TeamChocoQuest/ChocolateQuestRepoured
Alpha 13.1
Not a public release!
Fixed various errors in exporting process cause of changes earlier.
Also added snow outpost and updated all current structures (which are probably broken)
Began animating tortoise properly
Fixed metadata not working in loot tables
Alpha 13
This version is not recommended for use!
Mostly contains internal changes to how structures spawn which made the old structure files incompatible.
Once Arlo re-exported all those there will be a "public" build that can be used.
Alpha 12.1
Tiny little bugfix build that fixes servers to not start
Alpha 12
- adds model for spider armor
- adds model for inquisition armor
- fixed a bug were equipping helmet or chestpiece of a CQR armor also rendered the boots
- One new castle
- hookshoot: more developed and stable
- structures should now care about nearby villages
- internal stuff
- possibility for dungeons to depend on other dungeons (see wiki for this)
- unique dungeons now work (see wiki for this)
- second, more memory efficient generator for volcanoes, has to be activated in its config
- turtle: internal restructuring
We now depend on llibrary, download it here:
Also delete your cqrepoured.conf and the dungeons folder inside the CQR folder
Alpha 11.2
Smaller build
This contains as always a lot of bug fixing
- added Super Tool
- Volcano generation improvement
- Less lag Volcano generator, but it is slower
you need to delete your volcano.prop and randomizedCastle.prop file for this build to properly work
Alpha 11.1
- Hookshoot fix
- Server crash on startup fix
This should fully work on servers
Alpha 11
- Bull armor
- Began work to display custom armor (from CQR) better on CQR mobs
- various bug fixes
- various bug fixes that caused crashes on servers
- gremlin model
- tweaking and adjusting as always
Alpha 10
Alpha 10:
- Fix for volcano crash (!!delete the volcano.prop file before installing this update!!)
- volcanoes and wall cause way less lag now, however this system is not quite finished, so please: when it is trying to generate a volcano: Do not close the game or server, if you do, it will stop the generation, will be finished in next build
- various server bug fixes (Forge's bad design lead to problems here...)
- various other patches
- if you encounter any bugs, please report them to the github and USE THE ISSUE TEMPLATE, if you dont know how, google is your friend
Alpha 9
This build contains aggain mostly fixes for a few bugs. Also it adds:
- long shoot (also WIP)
- Gremlin model
- AI Updates
- Entity server crash fixes
- endermen now teleport when hit by an arrow
- not all CQR mobs ignite torches from now on (same for extinguishing fire)
- monkeys now try to leap attack their target
- Item duplication bug fixed
- Illagers are now their own faction. They are hostile towards Tritons, villagers, players and dwarves and unded. they are allied with endermen, pirates and gremlins
- Volcano Stronghold generator (not directly visible cause rooms are still missing)
Alpha 8.2
Bugfix build, fixes hookshots crashing servers AGAIN and fixes a bug on servers that caused CQR entities to not be spawnable