ConfigLib is an advanced, type-safe Configuration API designed to simplify configuration management for Bukkit and Forge developers.
- Type-Safety Configuration Handling
Ensures configuration values are used in a type-safe manner directly within your code, reducing potential runtime errors and improving maintainability. - Automatic JSON Mapping
Automatically maps configuration data to Java objects using JSON, eliminating the need for manual parsing and data transformation. - Automatic Configuration Reloading
Monitors configuration files and reloads them automatically when changes are detected, ensuring your application always works with the latest settings. - Automatic Configuration Saving
Automatically saves updated configuration values to disk, preventing data loss and ensuring persistence. - Command Generation for Configuration Management
Seamlessly integrates with CommandLib to generate commands for managing configurations via the command line.
To ensure stability, we recommend replacing latest.release
with a specific version such as 0.16.0
You can find the latest version on
the CommandLib Release Page
and ConfigLib Release Page.
plugins {
id "com.github.johnrengelman.shadow" version "6.1.0"
repositories {
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
implementation "com.github.TeamKun.CommandLib:bukkit:latest.release"
implementation 'com.github.TeamKun.ConfigLib:bukkit:latest.release'
shadowJar {
archiveFileName = "${}-${project.version}.jar"
relocate "net.kunmc.lab.commandlib", "${}.${}.commandlib"
relocate "net.kunmc.lab.configlib", "${}.${}.configlib"
} tasks.shadowJar
plugins {
id "com.github.johnrengelman.shadow" version "6.1.0"
repositories {
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
implementation "com.github.TeamKun.CommandLib:forge:latest.release"
implementation "com.github.TeamKun.ConfigLib:forge:latest.release"
shadowJar {
archiveFileName = "${}-${project.version}.jar"
dependencies {
relocate "net.kunmc.lab.commandlib", "${}.${}.commandlib"
relocate "net.kunmc.lab.configlib", "${}.${}.configlib"
reobf {
shadowJar {
Defining Configuration Classes
public final class TestConfig extends BaseConfig {
public final IntegerValue integerValue = new IntegerValue(10);
public final StringValue stringValue = new StringValue("testValue");
public TestConfig(Plugin plugin) {
Generating and Registering Configuration Commands
public final class TestPlugin extends JavaPlugin {
public void onEnable() {
TestConfig testConfig = new TestConfig(this);
Command root = new Command("test") {
// The following commands will be generated:
// /test config get <key> - Gets a specific configuration value.
// /test config list - Gets all configuration values.
// /test config modify <key> <value> - Sets a specific configuration value.
// /test config reload - Reloads the configuration file. You may not need it because there's automatic reloading.
root.addChildren(new ConfigCommandBuilder(testConfig).build());
CommandLib.register(this, root);
Registering Multiple Configurations to Commands
public final class TestPlugin extends JavaPlugin {
public void onEnable() {
TestConfigA testConfigA = new TestConfigA(this);
TestConfigB testConfigB = new TestConfigB(this);
Command root = new Command("test") {
root.addChildren(new ConfigCommandBuilder(testConfigA).addConfig(testConfigB)
CommandLib.register(this, root);
Listening to Configuration Changes
public final class TestConfig extends BaseConfig {
public final IntegerValue integerValue = new IntegerValue(10).onModify(x -> {
System.out.println("Changed integerValue to " + x);
public TestConfig(Plugin plugin) {
Defining Custom Value Classes
In this section, we explain how to implement a custom SingleValue
class and a custom ListValue
class, based on the
following example class.
// Represents a custom data structure with an integer and a string.
// Used as a value in the configuration.
class TestClass {
private final int n;
private final String s;
public TestClass(int n, String s) {
this.n = n;
this.s = s;
public String toString() {
return "TestClass{" + "n=" + n + ", s='" + s + '\'' + '}';
// Custom SingleValue implementation for TestClass.
// Allows storing and manipulating a single instance of TestClass in configurations.
public final class TestClassValue extends SingleValue<TestClass, TestClassValue> {
public TestClassValue(TestClass initialValue) {
// Defines the arguments required to construct a TestClass instance.
protected void appendArgument(ArgumentBuilder builder) {
// Converts command arguments to a TestClass instance.
protected TestClass argumentToValue(List<Object> args, CommandContext ctx) {
Integer n = ((Integer) args.get(0));
String s = ((String) args.get(1));
return new TestClass(n, s);
// Converts a TestClass instance to its string representation.
// This string will be used for command completion suggestions and for get/list command results.
protected String valueToString(TestClass testClass) {
return testClass.toString();
// Custom ListValue implementation for TestClass.
// Allows managing a list of TestClass instances in configurations.
public final class TestClassListValue extends ListValue<TestClass, TestClassListValue> {
public TestClassListValue(List<TestClass> initialValue) {
// Defines the arguments required for the Add command.
// These arguments will be used to construct a new TestClass instance and add it to the list.
protected void appendArgumentForAdd(ArgumentBuilder builder) {
// Converts command arguments to a new TestClass instance and adds it to the list.
protected List<TestClass> argumentToValueForAdd(String entryName, List<Object> args, CommandContext ctx) {
Integer n = ((Integer) args.get(0));
String s = ((String) args.get(1));
return Collections.singletonList(new TestClass(n, s));
// Defines the arguments required for the Remove command.
// These arguments will be used to identify which TestClass instance to remove from the list.
protected void appendArgumentForRemove(ArgumentBuilder builder) {
builder.stringArgumentWith("target", option -> {
option.suggestionAction(sb -> {
for (TestClass v : value) {
}, StringArgument.Type.PHRASE_QUOTED);
// Finds and returns a TestClass instance to remove based on user input.
protected List<TestClass> argumentToValueForRemove(String entryName, List<Object> argument, CommandContext ctx) {
String input = ((String) argument.get(0));
TestClass target =
.filter(x -> {
return x.toString()
return Collections.singletonList(target);
// Converts a TestClass instance to its string representation.
// This string will be used for command completion suggestions and for get/list command results.
protected String elementToString(TestClass testClass) {
return testClass.toString();
These custom Value classes can be used in the same way as built-in Value classes.
public final class TestConfig extends BaseConfig {
public final TestClassValue testClassValue = new TestClassValue(null);
public final TestClassListValue testClassListValue = new TestClassListValue(new ArrayList<>());
public TestConfig(Plugin plugin) {
- Asynchronous Config Loading
Initial configuration loading is performed asynchronously. As a result, JSON values might not be immediately reflected after creating an instance. If immediate reflection is required, call theloadConfig
method within the constructor, as shown in the example below:public final class TestConfig extends BaseConfig { public final IntegerValue integerValue = new IntegerValue(10); public TestConfig(Plugin plugin) { super(plugin); loadConfig(); } }
- Asynchronous Change Detection
Change detection, including when modifying values with theset
method, is handled asynchronously. Keep this in mind to avoid race conditions in your application logic.