For, replace next value by a script to select all remote by manifest file. Actually, need to push manually all different remote.
./.venv/repo forall -pc "git push ERPLibre --tags"
- Add funding for MathBenTech and TechnoLibre
- Support run repo init without human interaction. Do we need to create a temporary user name?
- Test repo sync with argument -d
- Test repo sync with argument -t SMART_TAG, like tag ERPLibre/v1.0.0
- Show all modified file, files list.
- Show if probably has conflict if cherry-pick in wrong order,
- Show modify same line in different commit
- Remove xmlrpc_interface in config file when running dev installation
- Improve config builder with a Python script
- Add technique to add variable when create a new instance from config files
- Documentation for adding mail server, a guide for every one