Guide to common tasks Making any change to the repository If you want to add/modify/remove some files from the repository run these commands fork the repository from the github website clone the forked repository to create a local copy run git clone *repository link* to create a local folder enter the folder and make the changes run git remote add upstream *official repo link* ( only the first time ) run git fetch upstreamto update your local repository with the official's files in case they change. run git checkout develop then git merge upstream/develop to copy the changes to the develop branch from the upstream's develop branch. run git push origin develop to update your fork with the changes create a new branch from develop by git checkout -b *branchname* make the changes in the local copy after editing a file or adding some run git add *filename or foldername* which will add the file/folder to the current commit If you delete a file/folder run git add ./ in the same directory at any point if you want to check the files on the commit currently run git status once you make all the changes commit them by running git commit -m "*commit description*" make as many commits as you want and when you are finally ready to update the official repository run git push -u origin *edited branch's name* to create a new branch on your fork. If you want to update an existing branch remove the -u argument. now head over to the site and create a pull request from your new branch to the develop branch of the official. your code will be reviewed and then merged Installing Django and breakdown of components to install it just run pip3 install Django to create a new app run django-admin startapp *appname* inside the project folder Breakdown of the project folder : root directory manages the project python3 runserver hosts the site at once run, it describes any errors as well so use it to debug main app folder has which contains the project settings. any new app's name should be added to the apps list sub app folder belongs to that particular django app and has the following parts ( you may have to create some ) maps urls to django views has views which tell django which data to display and which html page to render is the database ./static/*appname*/ contains static files like bootstrap or css files or images for that app ./templates/*appname*/ contains the html templates for that app