Releases: TheMacLab/game-on
Releases · TheMacLab/game-on
Custom "From" Address Email Option
- Added an option to customize the store receipt and file uploader "from" emails
- Changed if-blocks checking for the repeatability limit on items; they now check for the variable to === "true" instead of simply checking for the value being TRUE/FALSE
- Updated the rewards list to properly display the potential bonus currency, since bonus currency can no longer be affected by the super modifier
- Fixed a few store and ranks "headers already sent" errors
Task and Store Fixes and Test Refactoring
- Minutes and other fields don’t clear in the clipboard when adding
- Unusually named points in the stats page (honor section contained a string of "(-1)" without reasons)
- The stats page abandon task feature wasn't sending admin messages to users
- Upon saving the Game-On options, all but one profession field would be deleted and their values would not be saved (now, only empty profession fields--containing nothing or lacking non-whitespace characters--are removed before saving the options)
- Honor reward notifications were not appearing red when the honor was being deducted (courtesy of @Charlesleonius)
- Reordered shortcode list in the WYSIWYG Game-On editor button
- Tests were unable to take a string of "0" or special characters such as: less-than and greater-than signs, and left and right-hand brackets
- Test add question button was not functioning
- Tests awarded unlimited points while refreshing on a task with a status of 0
- Task rows in the "go" table duplicate when encountering and completing tests in the first stage (caused by passing a status of 0(int) to the
function) - Tests returned double rewards (the stages base points/currency/honor + the same base * the date percentage)
- Refactored cloning functions for store and tasks
- Refactored task tests
- Shortcode lists in task and store item edit pages (shortcodes are now listed in proper order in the stage and store WYSIWYG editors
- Task rewards (front-end) now display honor and fifth stage rewards, the rewards now properly indicate the effects of the super modifier (specific to user) and any date modifiers on the current task
- Currency and honor to tests, and honor to the super modifier
- Game-On shortcode WYSIWYG button now focuses the cursor on the first attribute or inner content of the shortcode, if either are available (if the shortcode has both attributes and the ability to enter content, the attribute will be focused)
- Cloning of store items (courtesy of @vuongaustin)
Updating Focus Feature
- focus locks function properly in store items and tasks
- purchasing focuses through store items now functions properly
- focuses now appear on the stats page
- focuses are more concise on clipboard
- removed extraneous shortcode lists from types.php
Safari Store Growl Message Fix
- Store growl messages now appear properly in Safari
- Set the positioning of the limit count in the store item lightbox to
Courtesy of @Charlesleonius
Date Modifier Update
- Refactored date modifier in task creation page
- Tasks now give the proper amount of rewards depending on the date modifier settings
- Date picker calendar in task creation page now work properly across all browsers
- Encountering a task now provides live admin-bar feedback
Incorrect Store Receipt Fix
- Fixed store receipts displaying the base cost of store item purchases, without regard for the quantity purchased
- Added penalties and minutes to store receipts
- Changed store receipt format
- Purchases are split into two groups, "Spent" and "Received"
- Penalties will always be listed in the "Received" group, and are the only element of the receipts that could potentially have a negative value
- Updated plugin description to contain Game-On documentation URI
- Updated README by migrating rules for collaborators to TheMacLab/game-on wiki and editing the AEE links to refer to the most recent threads
Store CSS Revamp
- Values in store edit page (Cost option) will appear red on the front-end when negative and green when positive. Bonus currency is the only exception, it is the opposite
- Swapped color palette
WYSIWYG Shortcodes
- Added shortcode button into the TinyMCE editor
- Adjusted some shortcode names
- Code refactoring in go_shortcodes.php
Stats & Task URLs, Clipboard & Stats Link Behavior, and Growl CSS
- Growl message CSS changes (background colors and font-colors)
- Tasks allow user input URLs, except for any final stages, which includes using the three/five stage option
- Stats page "Task" tab displays user URLs and where they are expected, currently only one URL is stored at a time
- The default naming convention for "Demerits" (penalty currency) has been changed to "Damage"
- Links to user Stat pages are now available in the Leaderboard
- Links to user websites now open in a new browser window/tab
- Adjusted general link behavior for the Stats page (other user Stat pages open in the same tab, etc.)
- Moving a user to the accept stage, via admin controls in the user's Stats page, will force the user to abandon the quest, removing all rewards and logs
- Fixed new task stages exponentially increasing tier points and currency across stages
- Removed the badge designer from Game-On
- Disabled Analysis tab in the Clipboard (temporarily)
Task and Store Multiplier Fix
- Fixed tasks rewards and store items purchases removing and displaying incorrect value in the stats page