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Commands & Permissions

Daniel V edited this page Jul 27, 2023 · 2 revisions



About: All commands that are designated as being for administrative purposes.
Base node: tne.admin (default: ops)
Wildcard node: tne.admin.*

Command Permission Description Default
tne backup tne.admin.backup Creates a backup of all server data. ops
tne create <player> [balance] tne.admin.create Creates a new economy account. Player ~ The account owner. Balance ~ The starting balance of the account. ops
tne debug tne.admin.debug Toggles console debug mode. ops
tne delete <playe\r> tne.admin.delete Deletes a player account. Player ~ The account owner. ops
tne extract tne.admin.extract Extracts all player balances with their username attached for database related debugging. ops
tne purge tne.admin.purge Deletes all player accounts that have the default balance ops
tne reset tne.admin.reset Deletes all economy-related data from the database. ops
tne restore tne.admin.restore Restores all balances that are located in extracted.yml after performing the extract command. ops
tne save Force saves all TNE data. ops
tne status <player> [status] tne.admin.status Displays, or sets, the current account status of an account. Player ~ The account owner. ops
tne version tne.admin.version Displays the version of TNE currently running. ops


About: All commands that are used to interact with the module system
Shortcuts: tnem
Base node: tne.module (default: ops)
Wildcard node: tne.module.*

Command Permission Description Default
tnem info <module> Displays some information about a module. Module ~ The module to look up. ops
tnem list tne.module.list Lists all loaded TNE modules. ops
tnem load <module> tne.module.load Load a module from the modules directory. Module ~ The module to load. ops
tnem reload <module> tne.module.reload Reloads a module from the modules directory. Module ~ The module to reload. ops
tnem unload <module> tne.module.unload Unload a module from the server. Module ~ The module to unload. ops


About: All commands that are used to interact with the server's money system.
Shortcuts: /money balance(/bal, /balance), /money pay(/pay), /money top(/baltop)
Base node: (default: everyone)
Wildcard node:*

Command Permission Description Default
money balance [world] [currency] Displays your current holdings. everyone
money convert <amount> <to currency[:world]> [from currency[:world]] Convert some of your holdings to another currency. everyone
money deposit <amount> [currency] Deposits money from an item form into a virtual bank for mixed currencies. everyone
money give <player> <amount> [world] [currency] Adds money into your economy, and gives it to a player. ops
money note <amount> [currency] Makes your virtual currency physical, for storage/trading purposes. everyone
money other <player> [world] [currency] Retrieves the balance of a player. everyone
money pay <player> <amount> [currency] Use some of your holdings to pay another player. everyone
money request <player> <amount> [currency] Request money from a player.
money set <player> <amount> [world] [currency] Set the holdings of a player. ops
money setall <amount> [world] [currency] Set the holdings of all players. ops
money take <player> <amount> [world] [currency] Removes money from your economy, specifically from a player's balance. ops
money top [page] A list of players with the highest balances. ops
money withdraw <amount> [currency] Withdraws money from your virtual balance into its item form. ops


About: All commands that are used to interact with the transaction system.
Shortcuts: /trans
Base node: tne.transaction (default: everyone)
Wildcard node: tne.transaction.*

Command Permission Description Default
transaction away [page #] tne.transaction.away Displays transactions that you missed since the last time you were on. everyone
transaction history [player:name] [page:#] [world:name/all] tne.transaction.history / tne.transaction.history.other See a detailed break down of your transaction history. Page ~ The page number you wish to view. World ~ The world name you wish to filter, or all for every world. Defaults to current world. everyone
transaction info <uuid> Displays information about a transaction. UUID ~ The id of the transaction. everyone
transaction void <uuid> tne.transaction.void Undoes a previously completed transaction. UUID ~ The id of the transaction. ops
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