Name | Type | Description | Notes |
flowFileRepositoryStorageUsage | RepositoryUsageDTO | Information about the FlowFile Repository's usage | [optional] |
contentRepositoryStorageUsage | List<RepositoryUsageDTO> | Information about the Content Repository's usage | [optional] |
provenanceRepositoryStorageUsage | List<RepositoryUsageDTO> | Information about the Provenance Repository's usage | [optional] |
maxHeapBytes | Long | The maximum number of bytes that the JVM heap is configured to use for heap | [optional] |
maxHeap | String | The maximum number of bytes that the JVM heap is configured to use, as a human-readable value | [optional] |
garbageCollectionDiagnostics | List<GarbageCollectionDiagnosticsDTO> | Diagnostic information about the JVM's garbage collections | [optional] |
cpuCores | Integer | The number of CPU Cores available on the system | [optional] |
cpuLoadAverage | Double | The 1-minute CPU Load Average | [optional] |
physicalMemoryBytes | Long | The number of bytes of RAM available on the system | [optional] |
physicalMemory | String | The number of bytes of RAM available on the system as a human-readable value | [optional] |
openFileDescriptors | Long | The number of files that are open by the NiFi process | [optional] |
maxOpenFileDescriptors | Long | The maximum number of open file descriptors that are available to each process | [optional] |