[] Digital Casino App to replicate Casino Games. [] Stop wasting money at the casino. [] Great U/X design to play poker. [] Better than Casino Apps and Video Poker Machines.
[] Card API to play the game.
[] user can play blackjack and texas hold em against the computer
[] profile displaying user information
[] Search for Users and follow friends
[] need to have Mysql and Node and Nodemon installed
[] clone repo from https://github.com/AlTreJoe/poker-app.git
[] In the root directory of the repo, create a .env file. it should contain:
-where GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET and CLIENT_ID come from the api console for google passport (https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/dashboard) after creating credentials.
-SESSION_SECRET is a string of your choosing for cookies.
[]create a db in mysql called poker_database
-if you alter the structure of this db, you will need to drop it and recreate it.
[] npm install ----in the root directory of the repo
[] npm run dev ---- in the root directory of the repo
[] then you can run npm start and the server should spin up and the project should be usable on your local machine
[] user should see a signup and login display when site loads [] Set up google authentication(passport) [] make database request to check user status(i.e. if not a user: set up cookies/ session, if user: access cookie and login) [] when user logs in, user profile should display [] user should see username, bankroll(monies), city, baller status(i.e. high roller), friends category [] user profile has a game log with how much they won
[] blackjack game to play computer [] this makes use of the free api https://deckofcardsapi.com/ for shuffling and tracking hands [] Use Card API for shuffling, drawing, and displaying cards [] Update user database with bankroll after game is played
[] can play very basic texas hold em against the computer. limitations are you can only raise once.
[] this also uses the deck of cards api. but most of the hands are tracked on the db instead
[] each game of poker creates an entry in PokerGames db.
[] finding the best hands uses a poker solver library. https://github.com/goldfire/pokersolver
[] Button to click for User Searchbar [] Display Searchbar for Users [] Check database to see if user exists, Add friend to friend database if it does not exist [] Leaderboard displays each users name and amount of money [] Delete broke friends from friend list and database
[] uses google passport oauth2. you will need to create credentials on the google api dashboard [] stores user info in the User table in the db [] Sessions are handled with express-session and google passport provides methods to serialize and deserialize cookies to keep track of users
[] make sure to do an .env file on the server isntance [] do not deploy out of Virginia if using aws or google oauth will not be okay with the redirect uri. The links from the ohio aws servers work as of now though. [] see steps for setup and dependencies for the walkthrough on how to get the app up and running