Things where the search should return data from the current day, month or year, indepenedent of the time. 'This month' on august 15 should return all images from august
- today
- this week
- this month
- this year
- ...
Things where the search should return all files within a specific amount of days from the current date.
- (the) past day
- (the) past month
- (the) past year
Searches for specific dates where non-specified parameters are wildcards. For getting things like all files from August independent of year
- on august 27
- on august 27 2016
- on the 27th
- in august 2016
- in 2016
Searches for files from specific intervals. Actually contains two pattern matches
- between august and september
- between 2012 and 2018
- at night
Intervals can be combined with the rest of the search types.
- this year between august and september
- the past year between august and september
- this week at night