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Ceedling Plugin: TeamCity Test Suite Console Report

Prints to the console ($stdout) test suite build events and results in a format understood by the CI product TeamCity.

Plugin Overview

This plugin is intended to be used within TeamCity Continuous Integration (CI) builds. It processes Ceedling test suites and executable output into TeamCity service messages. Service messages are a specially formatted type of log output that a TeamCity build server picks out of build output to collect progress and metrics of various sorts.

Typically, this plugin is used only in CI builds. Its output is unhelpful in development builds locally. See the Configuration section for options on enabling the build in CI but disabling it locally.


Enable the plugin in your Ceedling project file by adding report_tests_teamcity_stdout.

    - report_tests_teamcity_stdout


All the report_tests_*_stdout plugins may be enabled in various combinations. But, some combinations may not make a great deal of sense. The TeamCity plugin “plays nice” with all the others but is generally most appropriate running in a CI build on a TeamCity server. Its output will clutter and obscure console logging at a local development environment command line.

You may enable the TeamCity plugin (above) but disable its operation using the following.

  :build: FALSE

This may seem silly, right? Why enable the plugin and then disable it, cancelling it out? The answer has to do with where you use the second YAML blurb configuration setting.

Ceedling provides Mixins for applying configurations settings on top of your base project configuraiton file. See the Mixins documentation for full details.

As an example, you might enable the plugin in the main project file that is committed to your repository while disabling the plugin in your local user project file that is ignored by your repository. In this way, the plugin would run on a TeamCity build server but not in your local development environment.

Example Output

TeamCity's convention for identifying tests uses the naming convention of the underlying Java language in which TeamCity is written, package_or_namespace.ClassName.TestName.

This plugin maps Ceedling conventions to TeamCity test service messages as context.TestFilepath.TestCaseName.

  • context Your build's context defaults to test. Certain other test build plugins (e.g. GCov) provide a different context (gcov) for test builds, generally named after themselves.
  • TestFilepath This identifier is the relative filepath of the relevant test file without a file extension (e.g. no .c).
  • TestCaseName This identifier is a test case function name within a Ceedling test file.
 > ceedling test:UsartModel
##teamcity[testSuiteStarted name='TestUsartModel' flowId='15']
##teamcity[testStarted name='test.test/TestUsartModel.testGetBaudRateRegisterSettingShouldReturnAppropriateBaudRateRegisterSetting' flowId='15']
##teamcity[testFinished name='test.test/TestUsartModel.testGetBaudRateRegisterSettingShouldReturnAppropriateBaudRateRegisterSetting' duration='81' flowId='15']
##teamcity[testStarted name='test.test/TestUsartModel.testShouldReturnErrorMessageUponInvalidTemperatureValue' flowId='15']
##teamcity[testFinished name='test.test/TestUsartModel.testShouldReturnErrorMessageUponInvalidTemperatureValue' duration='81' flowId='15']
##teamcity[testStarted name='test.test/TestUsartModel.testGetFormattedTemperatureFormatsTemperatureFromCalculatorAppropriately' flowId='15']
##teamcity[testFailed name='test.test/TestUsartModel.testGetFormattedTemperatureFormatsTemperatureFromCalculatorAppropriately' message='Function TemperatureFilter_GetTemperatureInCelcius() called more times than expected.' details='File: test/TestUsartModel.c Line: 25' flowId='15']
##teamcity[testFinished name='test.test/TestUsartModel.testGetFormattedTemperatureFormatsTemperatureFromCalculatorAppropriately' duration='81' flowId='15']
##teamcity[testIgnored name='test.test/TestUsartModel.testShouldReturnWakeupMessage' flowId='15']
##teamcity[testSuiteFinished name='TestUsartModel' flowId='15']