Mobile bindings for the Aries Framework Go library.
Note: these bindings are experimental and are subject to frequent changes.
- Golang >= 1.15
- Android SDK (via Android Studio)
- Android NDK
- Xcode (macOS only)
- Make
Export (or set) the following variables
- the location of the installed Android SDKANDROID_NDK_HOME
- the location of the installed Android NDK
$ make all
$ make bindings
$ make bindings-android
Please note that this can only be run on macOS.
$ make bindings-ios
- In the menu of your Android Studio project, go to File>Project Structure.
- A modal will be displayed and on the left click on Modules.
- In the section title Modules click on the +.
- Another modal will be displayed, scroll down and select Import .JAR/.AAR Package and press Next.
- In the File name field, enter the path to the
file and click Finish. - Select Apply if applicable and then OK.
- Reopen the Project Structure modal and on the left click on Dependencies.
- Click on app. In the section titled Declared Dependencies, click on the +.
- Click on Module Dependency and select
. - Click OK and select Apply if applicable and then OK.
This is an example of how the imported module can be used:
import org.hyperledger.aries.api.AriesController;
import org.hyperledger.aries.api.IntroduceController;
import org.hyperledger.aries.ariesagent.Ariesagent;
import org.hyperledger.aries.models.RequestEnvelope;
import org.hyperledger.aries.models.ResponseEnvelope;
import org.hyperledger.aries.config.Options;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
// create options
Options opts = new Options();
ResponseEnvelope res = new ResponseEnvelope();
try {
// create an aries agent instance
AriesController a = Ariesagent.new_(opts);
// create a controller
IntroduceController i = a.getIntroduceController();
// perform an operation
byte[] data = "{}".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
res = i.actions(new RequestEnvelope(data));
} catch (Exception e) {
String actionsResponse = new String(res.getPayload(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
import org.hyperledger.aries.ariesagent.Ariesagent
import org.hyperledger.aries.config.Options
import org.hyperledger.aries.models.RequestEnvelope
import org.hyperledger.aries.models.ResponseEnvelope
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
// create options
val opts = Options()
opts.agentURL = ""
opts.useLocalAgent = false
var res = ResponseEnvelope()
try {
// create an aries agent instance
val a = Ariesagent.new_(opts)
// create a controller
val i = a.introduceController
// perform an operation
val data = "{}".toByteArray(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
res = i.actions(RequestEnvelope(data))
} catch (e: Exception) {
val actionsResponse = String(res.payload, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
To subscribe to events on an Aries agent, implement the Handler
interface and use as follows:
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import org.hyperledger.aries.api.Handler;
class MyHandler implements Handler {
public void handle(String topic, byte[] message) {
System.out.println("received notification topic: ", topic);
System.out.println("received notification message: ", new String(message, StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
class AriesService {
AriesController ariesAgent;
public void newAgentWithHandler(String url, String websocketURL, bool useLocalAgent) {
Options opts = new Options();
try {
ariesAgent = Ariesagent.new_(opts);
// register handler
Handler handler = new MyHandler();
String registrationID = ariesAgent.registerHandler(handler, "didexchange_states");
System.out.println("handler registration id: ", registrationID);
} catch (Exception e) {
import org.hyperledger.aries.api.AriesController
import org.hyperledger.aries.api.Handler
import org.hyperledger.aries.ariesagent.Ariesagent
import org.hyperledger.aries.config.Options
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
class MyHandler : Handler {
override fun handle(topic: String, message: ByteArray) {
println("received notification topic: $topic")
println("received notification message: " + String(message, StandardCharsets.UTF_8))
class AriesService {
var ariesAgent: AriesController? = null
fun newAgentWithHandler(url: String?, websocketURL: String?, useLocalAgent: Boolean) {
val opts = Options()
opts.agentURL = url
opts.websocketURL = websocketURL
opts.useLocalAgent = useLocalAgent
try {
ariesAgent = Ariesagent.new_(opts)
// register handler
val handler: Handler = MyHandler()
val registrationID = ariesAgent.registerHandler(handler, "didexchange_states")
println("handler registration id: $registrationID")
} catch (e: Exception) {
- In the menu of your Xcode project, go to File>Add Files to "your project name"....
- In the displayed modal, navigate to the path of your
file and click Add.
This is an example of how the imported framework can be used:
#import <AriesAgent/Ariesagent.h>
NSError *error = nil;
// create options
ConfigOptions *opts = ConfigNew();
// [opts setAgentURL:@""];
[opts setUseLocalAgent:true];
// create an aries agent instance
ApiAriesController *ac = (ApiAriesController*) AriesagentNew(opts, &error);
if(error) {
NSLog(@"error creating an aries agent: %@", error);
// create a controller
ApiVerifiableController *ic = (ApiVerifiableController*) [ac getVerifiableController:&error];
if(error) {
NSLog(@"error creating an verifiable controller instance: %@", error);
// perform an operation
NSData *data = [@"" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
ModelsRequestEnvelope *req = ModelsNewRequestEnvelope(data);
ModelsResponseEnvelope *resp = [ic getCredentials:req];
if(resp.error) {
NSLog(@"error getting credentials: %@", resp.error.message);
} else {
NSString *credResp = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:resp.payload encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSLog(@"credentials response: %@", credResp);
import AriesAgent
var error: Error? = nil
// create options
let opts = ConfigNew()
// [opts setAgentURL:@""];
opts?.useLocalAgent = true
// create an aries agent instance
let ac = AriesagentNew(opts, &error) as? ApiAriesController
if let error = error {
print("error creating an aries agent: \(error)")
// create a controller
let ic = ac?.getVerifiableController(&error) as? ApiVerifiableController
if let error = error {
print("error creating an verifiable controller instance: \(error)")
// perform an operation
let data = "".data(using: .utf8)
let req = ModelsNewRequestEnvelope(data)
let resp = ic.getCredentials(req)
if resp?.error != nil {
if let message = resp?.error.message {
print("error getting credentials: \(message)")
} else {
var credResp: String? = nil
if let payload = resp?.payload {
credResp = String(data: payload, encoding: .utf8)
print("credentials response: \(credResp ?? "")")
To subscribe to events on an Aries agent, implement the Handler
interface and use as follows:
#import <AriesAgent/Ariesagent.h>
@interface MyHandler: NSObject<ApiHandler>{
@implementation MyHandler
NSString *lastTopic, *lastMessage;
- (BOOL) handle: (NSString *)topic message:(NSData *)message
error:(NSError * _Nullable __autoreleasing *)error {
lastTopic = topic;
lastMessage = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:message encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
return true;
@interface AriesService()
@property NSString *urlToUse;
@property NSString *wsURLToUse;
@property BOOL useLocalAgent;
@property ApiAriesController* ariesAgent;
@implementation AriesService
- (void) newAgentWithHandler {
ConfigOptions *opts = ConfigNew();
[opts setAgentURL:_urlToUse];
[opts setUseLocalAgent:_useLocalAgent];
[opts setWebsocketURL:_wsURLToUse];
NSError *error = nil;
_ariesAgent = (ApiAriesController*) AriesagentNew(opts, &error);
if(error) {
NSLog(@"error creating an aries agent: %@", error);
// register handler
MyHandler *handler = [[MyHandler alloc] init];
NSString *regID = [_ariesAgent registerHandler:handler topics:@"didexchange_states"];
NSLog(@"handler registration id: %@", regID);
import AriesAgent
var lastTopic: String?
var lastMessage: String?
class MyHandler: NSObject, ApiHandler {
func handle(
_ topic: String?,
message: Data?
) throws {
lastTopic = topic
if let message = message {
lastMessage = String(data: message, encoding: .utf8)
return true
class AriesService {
private var urlToUse: String?
private var wsURLToUse: String?
private var useLocalAgent = false
private var ariesAgent: ApiAriesController?
func newAgentWithHandler() {
let opts = ConfigNew()
opts?.agentURL = urlToUse
opts?.useLocalAgent = useLocalAgent
opts?.websocketURL = wsURLToUse
var error: Error? = nil
ariesAgent = AriesagentNew(opts, &error) as? ApiAriesController
if let error = error {
print("error creating an aries agent: \(error)")
// register handler
let handler = MyHandler()
let regID = ariesAgent?.register(handler, topics: "didexchange_states")
print("handler registration id: \(regID ?? "")")
For examples of mobile apps built with the aries-agent-mobile bindings, see
$ make unit-test
See the guidelines from the parent project.