- Home: https://www.teeworlds.com/
- Media: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teeworlds
- State: beta
- Download: https://www.teeworlds.com/?page=downloads
- Platform: Windows, Linux, macOS
- Keyword: platform, 2D, content open, online, shooter
- Code repository: https://github.com/teeworlds/teeworlds.git (@created 2010, @stars 2261, @forks 611)
- Code language: C, C++
- Code license: zlib (src/engine/external partly under BSD)
- Code dependency: SDL
- Assets license: CC-BY-SA-3.0
- Developer: Alex Belke, Alexander Akulich, Alexey Kutepov, AssassinTee, BeaR, Cedric Dipp, chi1, Chiller Dragon, Dennis Felsing, Dominik D. Geyer, Emir Marincic, fokkonaut, Freddie Wang, Fudgyking, heinrich5991, Henningstone, Henri D, Jakob Fries, Joel de Vahl, Johan Althoff, Jordy Ruiz, Lars Funke, larsfu, Magnus Auvinen, Markus Siglreithmaier, Matt, Matthew Swain, MyDopefish, oy, Phobos99, Piepow, Robert Müller, Sebastian Wick, Shereef Marzouk, Sonix Nik, Speedy-Consoles, SushiTee, Thomas L, van fstd, vfjpl, Zwelf
Cartoon style 2D multiplayer platform shooter game (or third person shooter). The game provides an arena where players fight in various multiplayer modes (capture the flag, duel, team death match, race). The player is a Tee, a little ball with hands and feet.
- Build system: CMake