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Tschipcraft edited this page Feb 25, 2023 · 10 revisions

Welcome to the Dynamic Lights wiki!

Data Pack Features:



To display the menu, use /trigger This command will work for all my other data packs in the future as well. You will find an 'Reset', 'Uninstall', 'Report an issue' and 'Check for updates' button.

Available Settings:

Lights will only update in a radius of 65 blocks around any player not residing in spectator mode, to disable this limitation, use /scoreboard players set $global ts.dl.unlimited 1.

The Minecraft version checker notifications, if you are playing on an to the data pack unknown version, can be turned off with the command /scoreboard players set $global tvc_ignore 1.


Since this data pack uses the light block, the seen light is considered a placed light source by the game. This has some advantages and drawbacks:

  • Some mobs will not spawn around dynamic lights (e.g. Zombies will not spawn around a torch item)
  • Snow and Ice melts around dynamic lights
  • Light updates cause block updates (e.g. Falling Sand/Gravel may be triggered)
  • After uninstallation, some light blocks may remain in - at the time of uninstallation - unloaded chunks

Uninstallation problems

If you encounter stray light blocks after uninstallation (explained in Notice), try running these three commands in order

execute as @e[type=minecraft:marker,tag=ts.dynamiclights.light] at @s if block ~ ~ ~ minecraft:light[waterlogged=true] run fill ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ minecraft:water replace light
execute as @e[type=minecraft:marker,tag=ts.dynamiclights.light] at @s if block ~ ~ ~ minecraft:light[waterlogged=false] run fill ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ minecraft:air replace light
kill @e[type=minecraft:marker,tag=ts.dynamiclights.light]
