- Improved hit test when there are interactive and non-interactive matches
- Improved accuracy of text metrics
- Improved accuracy of GL TextField glyph positioning
- Added wordWrap support to canvas TextField
- Added handling of stage.focus on mouse down
- Fixed the start time and loop count for native sounds
- Fixed the behavior of sprite.contains to loop recursively
- Fixed upside-down BitmapData in some cases when using GL bitmapData.draw
- Fixed layering of GL bitmapData.draw over existing BitmapData contents
- Improved performance of getRGBAPixels (legacy)
- Improved handling of keyCode/charCode in keyboard events
- Improved the frame timing when using hybrid mode
- Improved the font lookup behavior of GL TextField
- Added better auto-size left support to GL TextField
- Added basic text line metrics in TextField
- Added support for compilation with -Ddisable-cffi
- Added dynamic DisplayObject field support for MovieClip
- Fixed UVs when using drawTiles with bitmapData.draw (GL)
- Fixed blendMode setting when using bitmapData.draw (GL)
- Improved -Dhybrid support
- Improved handling of key codes in events
- Fixed alpha and blendMode for bitmapData.draw in GL
- Added -Dhybrid support (Lime 2 + OpenFL legacy)
- Added initial support for gradient fills in canvas
- Added -Ddisable-legacy-audio for use with hybrid builds
- Added -Ddisable-legacy-networking for use with hybrid builds
- Improved the behavior of graphics.drawRoundRect in GL
- Updated OpenFL legacy for use with Lime 2.3.1
- Improved the transparency of bitmapData.draw renders in GL
- Fixed the count for HTML5 sound looping
- Fixed the solid and bitmap fill positioning in GL
- Fixed displayObject.getBounds for objects with graphics
- Fixed the default font paths used for Linux systems
- Fixed displayObject.hitTestPoint to use stage (not local) coordinates
- Added support for stage.softKeyboardRect in iOS (legacy)
- Updated for Lime 2.3
- Improved handling of default framebuffer on iOS
- Fixed mapping of the meta/command key
- Fixed System.exit
- Added support for default fonts in GL TextField
- Fixed an issue when unserializing SharedObjects
- Fixed an issue when embedding images
- Fixed builds when using "-Dlegacy" with the HTML5 target
- Fixed the GL window background color
Legacy OpenFL v2 behavior is available using -Dv2 or -Dlegacy
- Added support for Haxe 3.2
- Added support for using OpenFL as a Lime module
- Added initial support for GL colorTransform
- Added initial support for GL masks
- Added initial support for OpenGL BitmapData.draw
- Added initial OpenGL TextField support
- Added fullscreen toggle support
- Implemented key modifiers for mouse events
- Implemented support for mouse wheel events
- Implemented Sound.fromFile
- Made drawTiles respect the parent (x, y) position
- Made drawTiles respect the parent alpha value
- Made Stage inherit from DisplayObjectContainer, not Sprite
- Fixed the implied (0, 0) start position in Graphics
- Fixed line thickness evaluation in Graphics
- Fixed an issue with SoundChannel peak in Neko
- Improved support for node.js
- Fixed Tilesheet TILE_ROTATION
- Added modifier support to keyboard events
- Added initial MOUSE_OVER/MOUSE_OUT support
- Added initial SimpleButton support
- Added initial input TextField support on HTML5
- Added stage.softKeyboardRect for Android
- Added support for Mac fullscreen keyboard shortcut
- Fixed GLShader isValid/isInvalid
- Fixed dead-code elimination with TextFormat class
- Fixed GL.getParameter
- Added TILE_BLEND_SUBTRACT to drawTiles
- Fixed issue calling "openfl" from a batch file
- Updated the style of the default preloader
- Improved handling of HTML5 loaderInfo.url
- Improved calculation of HTML5 TextField height
- Restored support for displayObject.mask in HTML5
- Fixed difficulty changing stage align/scaleMode
- Fixed regression in HTML5 font asset embedding
- Minor Stage3D improvements
- Added support for Emscripten
- Improved handling of conflicting main class names
- Improved documentation
- Implemented Capabilities.version
- Switched to Lime 2.1 System.getTimer where appropriate
- Improved Stage3D render-to-texture support
- Switched #if lime_legacy to #if !openfl_next, internally
- Fixed conflicts with projects that use an "app" package
- Added initial alpha support for transform.colorTransform
- Fixed support for the BlackBerry 10.3 simulator
- Fixed SAMPLE_DATA sounds on Android
- Fixed bindFramebuffer (null) behavior on iOS
- Improved the behavior of GL.getParameter
- Added bitmapData.encode
- Added transform.matrix3D (using 2D matrix values for now)
- Added openfl.system.TouchscreenType
- Updated Sound.js, added error event dispatching for it
- Improved compatibility for the Stage3D layer
- Combined js-flatten, DCE full and -minify for "html5 -final"
- Added graphics.drawPath
- Added graphics.lineStyle with alpha support to canvas
- Added support for Tilesheet.TILE_BLEND_ADD in canvas
- Improved bitmapData.getVector performance
- Fixed the event.target in Event.ADDED events
- Reverted the Int32 change in bitmapData.getPixel32
- Improved Lib.getTimer on Neko
- Fixed sprite.getBounds (null)
- Merged in the Away3D compatibility layer for Stage3D
- Added support for creating new empty SoundChannel instances
- Added support for bitmapData.merge()
- Improved compatibility with Haxe dead-code elimination
- Improved the correctness of getPixels/setPixels
- Improved text align for HTML5 canvas TextField
- Fixed a minor issue in the Flash/HTML5 preloader
- Added Event.COMPLETE/IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR events to Sound
- Fixed large bitmapData.getPixel32() values on Neko
- Fixed the color order for getRGBAPixels
- Improved the load order for native fonts
- Improved the behavior of getObjectsUnderPoint
- Fixed an error in Graphics.lineStyle on Neko
- Now the document class is added to stage before new ()
- Improved the hitTest logic for both Sprite and Shape
- Fixed inline text styles in HTML5 TextField
- Expanded Capabilities to better match the Flash API
- Fixed Matrix.createBox
- Expanded Capabilities to better match the Flash API
- Fixed Matrix.createBox
- Added MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK event
- Added Mouse hide/show support
- Added support for buttonMode/useHandCursor
- Added Point.copyFrom
- Improved the behavior of getRect and related functions
- Improved the behavior of getObjectsUnderPoint
- Improved Graphics.lineStyle color
- Fixed font.fontName for embedded HTML5 fonts
- Fixed event.target when clicking a Bitmap
- Fixed BitmapData getPixels/paletteMap
- Fixed removeEventListener on Neko
- Updated the behavior of SampleDataEvent
- Updated to match Flash 12 addEventListener behavior
- Improved the behavior of MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK
- Migrated to the "next" EventDispatcher to fix issues
- Fixed support for Windows icons
- Fixed BitmapData paletteMap
- Moved "pixelSnapping" from DisplayObject to Bitmap
- Updated BitmapData.getRGBAPixels
- Fixed removeEventListener on Neko
- Updated to match Flash 12 addEventListener behavior
- Minor fix for development Haxe releases
- Fixed positioning for DOM shape rendering
- Fixed the "dirty" flag on HTML5 TextField
- Implemented improvements for beta Java support
- Improved Graphics.drawRoundRect
- Improved OpenGL Tilesheet.drawTiles
- Restored middle/right mouse button events
- Fixed HTML5 support of openfl.media.Video
- Fixes for DisplayObject.hitTestObject
- Fixed compilation when openfl.media.Video is imported
- Added non-op Graphics.cubicCurveTo for compatibility
- Fixed API documentation script
- Improved the openfl.Assets cache
- Added OpenGL Tilesheet.drawTiles
- Improved OpenGL Graphics.drawTriangles
- Made other improvements OpenGL Graphics class
- Improved Graphics.drawRect on canvas
- Fixed a divide-by-zero issue in Matrix3D.decompose
- Improved openfl.Vector array access in Neko
- Improved openfl.display.SimpleButton
- Improved the openfl.Assets cache
- Added OpenGLView.dispose() (similar to "next")
- Improved cleanup in openfl.display.LoaderInfo
- Fixed typed array use in GL uniformMatrix
- Removed v2 openfl.Vector, preferring the "next" implementation
- Matrix fix in OpenGL display list rendering
- Improved OpenGL Graphics rendering
- Improved font handling to use true font names
- Embedded fonts are now automatically registered
- Improved font handling to use true font names
- Embedded fonts are now automatically registered
- Fixed masking in canvas renderer
- Fixed Assets.getText when asset is type BINARY
- Added support for the "openfl" command again
- Fixed install of Lime using "openfl setup"
- Improvements to OpenGL Graphics.drawTriangles
- Added support for
<library path="" preload="" />
- Added support for Tilesheet TILE_RECT
- Improved code completion in FlashDevelop
- Fixed mapping of openfl.geom.Matrix3D to flash.geom.Matrix3D
- Fixed mapping of openfl.geom.Orientation3D to flash.geom.Orientation3D
- Made Matrix3D use openfl.Vector instead of flash.Vector for consistency
- Fixed openfl.display.OpenGLView
- Fix compilation of openfl.utils.JNI when not targeting Android
- Migrated Flash and native (-Dnext) to Lime 2.0
- Unified each target backend under a single openfl.* class set
- Preserved the older native backend under openfl._v2, used by default
- Added Graphics.drawTiles
- Improved Tilesheet.drawTiles
- Fixed ArrayBufferView
- Added openfl.geom.Orientation3D
- Improved openfl.geom.Matrix3D
- Fixed loading of images with GET parameters
- Improved embedded asset behavior
- Added OpenGL premultiplied alpha
- Added DisplayObject.hitTestPoint
- Added Graphics.drawRoundRect
- Improved OpenGL display list support
- Added initial OpenGL Graphics API support
- Added OpenGL BitmapData support
- Added Graphics.copyFrom
- Using -Djs-flatten on HTML5
- Initial version (using Lime legacy)
- Added joystick input filtering to prevent redundant events
- Improved compatibility of openfl.net.SharedObject
- Added a userAgent property for openfl.net.URLRequest
- Migrated to the new Lime 2.0, removed unnecessary code
- Added openfl.events.UncaughtErrorEvent
- Added BitmapData paletteMap, threshold and histogram
- Added BitmapData getVector/setVector
- Added Sprite startDrag/stopDrag
- Added openfl.net.Socket using web sockets
- Added a "count" parameter to Tilesheet.drawTiles
- Improved BitmapData.copyPixels
- Improved Graphics bitmap fill
- Fixed TextField multiline support in canvas
- Fixed webfont handling (Chrome)
- Fixed CSS transforms (Chrome)
- Fixed fullscreen stageWidth/stageHeight in DOM mode
- Minor fixes for ExternalInterface
- Added an initial WebGL renderer
- Improved openfl.Vector for older Haxe releases
- Added a non-op userAgent property for compatibility
- Implemented support for live asset reloading (desktop)
- Many consistency improvements between target backends
- Combined "openfl-native" and "openfl-html5" into one "openfl" library
- Move from "flash" to "openfl" for all classes
- Improved the behavior of FocusEvent
- Added a new fast Vector implementation
- Added Assets.list
- Fixed issues in the Android JNI class
- Added Event.isDefaultPrevented
- Improved the behavior of Event.CHANGE on native
- Fixed focus event behavior
- Fixed ByteArray embedding in HTML5
- Exposed "openfl.embed" to allow control of HTML5 embeds from JavaScript
- Fixed coordinates reported from HTML5 touch events
- Added support for OpenGLView when targeting HTML5 -Ddom
- Added support for HTML5 "dependencies" to link additional scripts
- Fixed an issue with Stage focus when leaving the Flash preloader
- Improved the behavior of "textWidth" and "textHeight" for flash.text.TextField
- Fix for "over bubbling" of certain events
- Implemented "scrollRect" support for DOM (-Ddom) projects
- Fixed cases where world transforms could be invalid when calculating positions and sizes
- Increased caching to change styles less often when using DOM rendering
- Fixed z-ordering for DOM rendered projects
- Optimized flash.display.Graphics to not render when a fill is fully transparent
- Improved HTML text when using DOM renderering
- No longer keep events queue, allow events to dispatch immediately
- Improvements to DOM render caching behavior
- Fixed "border" and "background" properties for flash.text.TextField
- Fixed cases where flash.display.Graphics was considered invisible and not rendered
- Improved the behavior of "scrollRect" for flash.display.DisplayObject
- Fixes for alpha fades on flash.display.Sprite or flash.display.Shape "graphics"
- Added openfl.display.DOMSprite
- Implemented support for flash.media.Video
- Implemented better measurement for flash.text.TextField
- Added Event.ADDED and Event.REMOVED events
- Added a much smarter system for managing dirty transforms
- Fixes for flash.display.Graphics lines
- Fix when embedding assets of type "music"
- Implemented flash.ui.Mouse "show" and "hide"
- Fixed a small error in flash.display.BitmapData "copyPixels"
- Updated to new OpenFL logo and icon
- Install hxcpp instead of hxlibc during setup
- Now openfl.gl.GL accepts both Array and Float32Array values, where appropriate
- Implemented "cullFace" in openfl.gl.GL, as well as other minor fixes
- Fixed lime_bitmap_data_set_flags to use the right number of parameters
- Fixed a position offset error in openfl.utils.UInt8Array
- Implemented "followRedirects" in flash.net.URLLoader, still true by default
- Implemented "responseHeaders" in flash.net.HTTPStatusEvent
- Set hxcpp critical errors to throw in Haxe instead of stderr in debug builds
- Fix (possible) infinite loop in flash.display.BitmapData.floodFill
- Fix bounds calculation for display objects
- Added Event.ACTIVATE and Event.DEACTIVATE when leaving/entering window
- Added "copyFrom" and "setTo" for flash.geom.Matrix
- Added "copyFrom" to flash.geom.Rectangle and fixed internal "expand" method
- Copied additional classes from "openfl-html5-dom"
- Changed flash.display.DisplayObject to allow override of more core properties
- Skipped creation of a canvas for flash.display.Graphics with a size of zero
- Improved the "transform.matrix" property for flash.display.DisplayObject
- Created a DOM render path (use -Ddom while compiling or )
- Silenced keyLocation warnings on certain browsers
- Toggling canvas smoothing based upon "smoothing" value of flash.display.Bitmap
- Added "unload" to flash.net.Loader and "invalidate" to flash.display.Stage
- Fixed issue when using "drawTiles" with tiles with a width or height <= 0
- Fixed "rect" for flash.display.BitmapData
- Switched from Howler.js to SoundJS for audio backend
- Implemented support for automatically embedding of webfonts
- Disabled "image drag" behavior in Firefox
- Added support for older Haxe releases, tested on Haxe 3.1, possibly compatible with 3.0
- Added Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE event for the document class
- Populating the "content" property of flash.display.Loader
- Added flash.events.FocusEvent support
- Consistency fixes to the event capture/target/bubble implementation
- Fixed bubbling for manually dispatched events
- Made KeyboardEvents dispatch through the currently focused object
- Added initial "scrollRect" support for flash.display.DisplayObject
- Fixed bounds checking for objects that have an alpha of 0 but are visible
- Added initial support for bitmap fill matrix in flash.display.Graphics
- Improved the Assets.embedBitmap macro
- Fixed Assets.getBitmapData when the BitmapData was disposed
- Added Firefox OS support
- Fixed touch event duplication
- Minor fixes for flash.net.SharedObject
- Added initial stereoscopic 3D support
- Added a brand-new HTML5 target, too many improvements to list!
- Improved default Flash preloader
- Add references for JoystickEvent.DEVICE_ADDED and JoystickEvent.DEVICE_REMOVED
- Add "currentFPS" to openfl.display.FPS
- Add "count" parameter for openfl.display.Tilesheet drawTiles
- Do not add --no-inline to Flash debug builds (this can be added on the command-line)
- Remove custom UInt type, since Haxe 3.1 supports UInt
- Restore Flash UInt types, since Haxe now converts between Int and UInt naturally
- Updated for automated builds: http://openfl.org/builds/openfl
- Fix behavior of "removeChildren" in flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer
- flash.filters.GlowFilter no longer extends flash.filters.DropShadowFilter
- Dispatch MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER/MOUSE_OUT/ROLL_OVER/ROLL_OUT events when using touch as well
- Added support for JoystickEvent.DEVICE_ADDED and JoystickEvent.DEVICE_REMOVED
- Added "setTo" to flash.geom.Rectangle
- Improved working directory behavior in Linux
- Updates to flash.net.XMLSocket
- Improvements to threaded audio behavior
- Added support for Android "immersive mode"
- Fixes to Android joystick handling, supporting newer OUYA gamepad hardware
- Updates to improve support for pre-multiplied alpha
- Improvements to "paletteMap" in flash.display.BitmapData
- Improved Android timing scheme to prevent over-eager render or update calls
- Added "count" parameter to openfl.display.Tileshet drawTiles
- Moved template files to Lime
- Fixed support for "perlinNoise" in flash.display.BitmapData
- Added flash.display.FrameLabel
- Fixes to flash.net.URLLoader
- Fixed case where Assets.getMusic could return disposed sound
- Minor fix for haxe.Timer
- Minor fix in Android showKeyboard
- Prevented infinite loop in EventDispatcher
- Improved handling of flash.media.Video
- Minor compile fixes
- Merged the "create project" template into OpenFL
- Cleaned up the run scripts to rely upon Lime
- Fix case where Assets.getSound could return disposed sound
- Improved handling of haxe.Timer
- Updated for Tizen emulator support
- Added Rectangle.setTo
- Added DisplayObjectContainer.removeChildren
- Fixed support for GIF images
- Minor compile fixes
- Added a new Tizen target
- Added Assets.getMusic
- Added support for threaded audio streaming
- Added BitmapData.paletteMap
- Added stage.color
- Fixed case where tiny text rendered improperly
- Fixed issues in openfl.utils.JNI
- Fix to Sound bytesLoaded/bytesTotal
- Fixes for flash.net.Socket
- Minor improvement to Android -debug handling
- Improved support for UncaughtErrorEvent
- Added Stage.color
- Fixed Bitmap reference optimization
- Fixed ByteArray.writeBytes
- Improved ErrorEvent
- Minor compile fixes
- Improved support for OpenAL audio
- Minor fixes
- Fixed Stage.quality setting
- Add a cap to Android framerate to <= 60 FPS for better performance
- Add hook for GL readPixels
- Fix file boundaries when streaming sound on Android
- Made improvements to typed arrays
- Added DisplayObjectContainer.removeChildren
- Fixed _sans for OS X Mavericks and iOS 7
- Improved handling of unsupported filters
- Updated OpenAL for Android
- Fixed OpenAL audio looping
- Added ARMv7 binaries for Android by default
- Added Matrix3D.copyFrom
- Added GL.getExtension
- Fixed openfl.Assets embedded assets
- Minor fixes
- Added a new "asset library" system
- Added Assets isLocal, exists, getPath
- Added Assets loadBitmapData, loadFont, loadSound
- Added Assets loadText, loadBytes
- Added Assets.cache.enabled
- Starting caching fonts and sounds in addition to BitmapData
- Added Tilesheet getTileCenter, getTileRect, getTileUVs
- Improved the "openfl rebuild" command
- Made it easier to override default OpenFL backends
- Added support for middle and right mouse events
- Moved to SDL2 and OpenAL on Windows, Mac and Linux
- Moved to OpenAL on Android
- Created a new Android extension system
- Added 64-bit Neko support
- Added additional iOS icon sizes
- Added JNI.createInterface
- Fixed --no-traces on Android
- Fixed NMEFont, renamed to AbstractFont
- Fixed ByteArray.readUTFBytes on Neko
- Made the Android permissions dynamic
- Added a non-op SharedObject.close for compatibility
- Fixed support of dead-code elimination
- Fixes for SoundChannel
- Improved flash.net.Socket
- Fixed target/relatedObject for MOUSE_OVER events
- Added flash.events.UncaughtErrorEvents
- Added Point.setTo
- Added "target" support in Lib.getURL
- Fixed
<assets path="" embed="true" />
- Fixed getObjectUnderPoint when using scaled bitmaps
- Fixed SoundChannel Event.SOUND_COMPLETE
- Moved to a standard trace(), removed override
- Improved the behavior of Stage.frameRate for consistency
- Implemented many openfl.utils.JNI improvements
- Improved handling of the iOS status bar
- Added flash.net.Socket and flash.net.XMLSocket
- Improved relative path handling on Windows and Linux
- Improved handling of SWF assets
- Improved API documentation
- Forwarding defines when using "openfl rebuild"
- Improved the FPS counter
- Fixed support for Mac64 NDLL type
- Added support for overriding target backends
- Added Point.setTo
- Added Rectangle copyFrom, toString
- Added Matrix copyFrom, copyRowTo, copyRowFrom
- Added Matrix copyColumnTo, copyColumnFrom, setTo, toString
- Fixed a rare issue in the static initialization order
- Fixed displayObjectContainer.contains
- Improved bitmapData.dispose
- Improved Lib.getURL
- Fixed loaderInfo.parameters
- Added flash.external.ExternalInterface
- Improved handling of touch and mouse events
- Fixed handling of UInt type
- Added improvements to gamepad support
- Fixed keyboard for Android 2.3
- Improve mouse and touch event coordinates
- Fix DisplayObjectContainer .visible handling
- Improvements to DisplayObjectContainer behavior
- Improved Graphics.drawRoundRect
- Improved focus and keyboard event handling
- Minor Graphics path fix
- Other minor fixes
- Improved the "openfl setup" command
- Added improvements for OUYA
- Update x/y values when setting transform matrices
- Fixed recovery from a width and height of zero
- Fixed handling of inline macros
- Fixed default ALT+ENTER behavior on Windows and Linux
- Added joystick support for Android
- Added ByteArray.toString
- Minor code completion fixes
- Improved handling of applicationDomain
- Initial release: http://www.openfl.org/blog/2013/07/10/introducing-openfl/