The following dependencies should be installed on your system:
A Python toolchain should be installed on your system. You can use pyenv to manage multiple Python versions. The project template uses Python 3.10, but you can use any Python version that is compatible with the dependencies.
PDM is used for building, testing and managing dependencies. You can install PDM via
curl -sSL | python3 -
or refer to the official documentation for alternative installation methods.
- Singularity and Docker
Singularity and Docker is needed for building the container image. The container is used for building a runtime environment that allows you to run your application on the HPC cluster. If you are not using the HPC cluster, you can skip this step.
You can install the dependencies via
pdm install
You can run the application via
pdm run python <script>
Alternatively, activate the virtual environment via
eval $(pdm venv activate)
This allows you to drop the pdm prefix when running commands.
Run the tests via
pdm run test
Run linter and formatter via
pdm run lint
pdm run format
Install pre-commit hooks
pdm run pre-commit install
Containers are used for running your application on the HPC cluster. Unlike typical singularity tutorial, we recommend building the container image via docker and converting that image to a singularity image. This way, we can leverage docker's caching mechanism to speed up the build process.
Build a docker image with
docker build -t project_name .
You can test your application inside the docker container via
docker run \
--mount=type=bind,source=$PWD,target=/workspace \
--gpus all \
--workdir=/workspace \
--rm \
-it \
project_name bash
Note that pdm is not installed in the container as it is development dependency. Also, if you docker with GPUs, you need to install the NVIDIA Container Toolkit.
You can then convert the docker image to singularity image via
singularity build project_name.sif docker-daemon://project_name:latest
Test that your singularity image works by opening a shell.
singularity shell --nv project_name.sif
We use LXM3 for automating the job submission process. A basic launcher script has been provided. You can modify the launcher script to suit your needs. If it is the first time you are using LXM3, you should create a configuration file. Refer to the examples in ( for details on how to set up a configuration file that you may use for interacting with the UCL HPC cluster.
You can test your LXM3 setup locally with
pdm run lxm3 launch \
--entrypoint project_template.main \
--container $PWD/project_name.sif
Once you are sure that your jobs can be launched locally, you can submit your job to
the HPC cluster by appending the --launch_on_cluster
flag to the command above.
- direnv: direnv is an environment switcher for the shell. It knows how to hook into bash, zsh, tcsh, fish shell and elvish to load or unload environment variables depending on the current directory. This allows project-specific environment variables without cluttering the "~/.profile" file.